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49 Cards in this Set

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What happens in citric acid cycle?
It reduces carbon structures down to CO2 and produces reducing equivalents used in electron transport and then reoxidized by O2. It is central pathway for recovering energy from carbs, fatty acids, and amino acids. It also provides intermediates for other reactions and pathways.
Citric Acid Cycle is a series of how many reactions.
What is the general overall process of the citric acid cycle.
The acetyl CoA is oxidized into two molecules of CO2\
What is yielded in one complete cycle?
2 CO2, 1 FADH2, 3 NADH, 1 GTP or ATP
What is considered central hub of all metabolism?
Citric Acid Cycle
Where does citric acid cycle occur in eukaryotes?
In mitochondria
T/F the carbon atoms of acetyl CoA are the same ones leaaving as CO2.
What does oxidation of acetyl CoA to 2 CO2 require?
transfer of 4 pairs of electrons -> reduction of 3 NAD+ to 3 NADH accounts for 3 pairs and reduction of FAD to FADH2 accounts for 4th pair
What are final products of glycolysis under aerobic conditions?
Pyruvate and NADH
How are pyruvate and H+ moved into mitochondria?
Pyruvate H symport
What is pyruvate dehydrogenase multienzyme complex?
It is group of noncaovalently bound associated enzyme complexes
What are the advantages of multienzyme complexes?
minimized enhancing reaction rates, minimizes side reactions, and can coordinately control reactions
What are the three enzymes that make up pyruvate dehydrogenase complex?
Pyruvate dehdorgenase E1, Dihydolipoyl transacetylase E2, Dihydroplipoyl dehydrogenase E3
What makes up the core of the dehydrogenase complex?
60 units of E2
What surrounds the core of this dehydrogenase complex?
30 E1 and 12 E3
What does the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex do?
It catalyzes 5 sequential reactions with the overall stochiometer of pyruvate + CoA + NAD+ -> acetyl CoA + CO2 + NADH
What are the five different cofactors required with pyruvate dehydrogenase reactions?
TPP, Lipamide, CoA, FAD, NAD+
What is the 1st reaction of Pyruvate Dehydrogenase complex?
E1 is bound to TPP. This decarboxylates pyruvate and forms hydroxyethyl TPP intermediate
What is the second reaction of Pyruvate Dehydrogenase?
Hydroxyethyl group transferred to next enzyme E2 which contains lipamide group. The hydroxyethyl group is oxidized to acetyl group as lipamide disulfide is reduced. Because the lipoamide attacks the hydroxyethyl and removes the TPP.
What is the third reaction of pyruvate dehydrogenase complex?
E2 catalyzes transesterification reaction in which acetyl group transferred to CoA yielding Acetyl CoA and dihydrolipamide-E2
What is fourth reaction of dehydrogenase complex?
Acetyl CoA formed and E2 lipamide must be regenerated. E3 reoxidizes dihydrolipoamide resulting in disulfide interchange reaction. E3 contains disulfide group and FAD.
What is the 5th reaction of pyruvate dehydrogenase complex?
E3 reoxidized and sulfhydryl groups reoxidized by FAD funneling electrons to NAD+ to yield NADH
What does arsenic do to dehydrogenase complex?
It inhibits lipamide containing enzymes. Such as pyruvatedehdrogenase and stops respiration of Citric Acid Cycle
What was arsenic once used for and why?
Syphillis treatment because mor toxic to bacteria
What is the function of Citric Synthase?
It catalyzes condensation of acetyl CoA and oxaloacetate. This is when carbon atoms from carbs, fatty acids and amino acids enter cycle
What is a key characteristic of this citrate synthase reaction?
It is ordered sequential kinetic mechanism in which oxaloacetate binds prior to acetyl CoA
Describe the structure of citrate synthase.
It is dimer in open form with two domains forming cleft containing oxaloacetate binding site. Once oxaloacetate binds it rotates the enzyme opening up acetyl CoA binding site
What is the proposed mechanism of citrate synthase?
Enol of acetyl CoA generated in rate limiting step when proton removed from methyl group. His 274 forms H bond with enolate and Citryl CoA formed which is hdyrolyzed to Citrate and Coa
It catalyzes reversible isomerization of citrate and isocitrate with cis-aconitate as intermediate
How does aconitase reaction begin?
With dehydration
Describe the citrate group and what happens with the removal of one carboxymethyl group attached to central C atom.
It is prochiral and rmeoval or modicication of one group makes C atom chiral.
Where does aconitase remove water from citrate?
Lower arm
What does aconitase contain?
Iron Sulfur cluter and this coordinates OH group of citrate to facilitate elimination
What is second stage of aconitase reaction?
It is rehydration of double bond of cis-aconitate to isocitrate
What does isocitrate dehydrogenase do?
It catalyzes oxidative carboxylation of isocitrate to alpha ketoglutarate
Why is Mn or Mg required as cofactor for isocitrate dehydrogenase?
It helps polarize newly formed carbonyl group
What is the function of alpha ketoglutarate dehydrogenase?
It catalyzes oxidative decarboxylation of alpha ketoglutarate and produces 2nd CO2 and NADH of TCA cycle. It produces succinyl CoA
What does siccinyl CoA synthetase do?
It couples cleavage of high energy succinyl CoA to synthesis of high energy nucleoside triphosphate GTP
What is the three step process of succinyl CoA synthetase?
succinyl CoA reacts with Pi forming succinyl phosphate and CoA

Then phosphoryl group is transferred from succinyl Phosphate to His residue on E releasing succinate

Phosphoryl group on E transferred to GDP to make GTP
What does succinate dehydrogenase do?
It catalyzes sterospecific dehydrogenation of succinate to fumarate.
What does dehdrogenation of succinate make?
FADH2 and fumurate
Why is succinate dehydrogenase unique in TCA cycle?
It is the only membrane bound enzyme of TCA so it can funnel electreons directly into electron transport chain
What does Fumarase do?
It catalyzes hydration of double bond of fumarate to form malate.
What does malate dehydrogenase do?
It catalyzes final TCA reaction of regeneration of oxaloacetate. OH group of malate is oxidized in NAD + dependent reaction
How is TCA cycle closely regulated?
substrate availability, need for TCA cycle intemediates as biosynthetic precursors, demand for ATP
How many ATP is each NADH and each FADH2 responsible for?
What are the regulatory systems of pyruvate dehydrogenase?
1ST is product inhibition by NADH and acetyl CoA since they are competitive inhibitors with NAD and CoA binding sites NADH and acetyl CoA also drive E2 AND E3 backwards

2nd regulatory system is covalent modification of E1. If pyruvate dehydrogenase kidnase is activated by NADH and acetyl CoA then phosphorylization inactivates multienzyme complex
How do pyruvate and ADP function to regulate pyruvate dehydrogenase?
They inhibit pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase
What about Ca?
It inhibits ppyruvate dehydrogenase kinase and activates phyruvate dehydrogenase phosphatase