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128 Cards in this Set

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Parkinson's DZ
substantial degeneration of the dopaminergic cells in the substantia nigra occurs in parkinsons

1st major dopamine pathway
mesocorticolimbic pathway
2nd pathway of dopamine creation

implicated in action of drugs of addiction
Is NE a vasoconstrictor or vasodilator
origin of NE in brain
locus coeruleus
NE function in brain
memory consolidation
sleep-wakeful cycles and neuroendocrine functions
function of epinephrine
synthesized in adrenal medulla
-key to fights or flight response
-increases glucose and lipid utilization by heart an muscle to deal with emergencies or threats to homeostasis
catecholamine synthetic pathway
lecture notes 417
fate determining step in catecholamine synthesis.....also talk about it
-Tyrosine Hydroxylase
-has short and long term regulation

short term....
-depolarization ^
-cAMP ^
-tetrahydrobiopterin ^

*there are several serine residues of the tyrosine hydroxylase enzyme that when hydroxylated cause increased activity (can be hydroxylated by many different kinases)
-Serine40 is very important

Long Term
-occurs when there is enhanced activity for a long time
-several physiological and pharmacolgical stimuli can now increase transcription of enzyme to make more of it: stress, nicotine, etc.
-cAMP, calcium regulatory element and AP1 are very important
Dopamine Beta hydroxylase locations
-present in neurosecretory vesicles
-dopamine is synthesized in cytosol and transferred to the vesicles
-aso found in membrane, and soluble content of neurosecretory vesicles and chromaffin granules in adrenal medulla
Dopamine Beta Hydroxylase regulation
long term regulation
Phenylethanolamine N methyl transferase regulation
long term by cludocorticoids
which enzyme in catecholamine pathway is not found in cytosol
dopamine B hydroxylase
What do neuronal re-uptake transporters do and talk about clinical importance with drugs
-they allow the catecholamine to be taken away from the synapse so its effect can be subdued

-dopamine uptake 1 transporter is inhibited by cocaine

-tricyclic antidepresents inhibit NE transporter
2 main enzymes used in inactivation of catecholamines
1)Monoamine oxidase: present in mitochondria membranes.....deaminates surplus catecholamines with leak out vesicles

Catechol-O-Methyltransferase: present in non neuronal cells. Methylates a hydroxyl group of the catechol, using SAM as methyl donor.

alterations in enzymes have disorders of NS
Catecholamine degredation pway
ln 420
main metabolic products of catecholamine in effector cells and sympathetic nerve terminals
1)NE and epi: MHPG and VMA

1) NE and epi: DHPG
talk about following disease....characteristics and clinical features

parkinson's DZ
essential hypertension
DBH deficiency
Drug Abuse
L 422
how much heme is made each day in the bone marrow
6-7 grams
name 6 functions of heme
hemoglobin: o2 transport in blood
myoglobin: o2 storage in muscle
cytochrome c: eTC
cytochrome P450: steroid and drug met
catalase: degradation of h202

signal transduction
3 types of porphyrins with side structure
L 426
heme containing iron 3+ with counterion usually chloride
heme containing iron 3+ with counterion usually hydroxide
heme synthetic pathway and mnemonic
FA 348

rate limiting step in heme synthesis
ALA synthase found in mitochondria
which step in heme synthesis requires vitamin B6
ALA synthase
where is ALA synthase made?
made in cytosol and transported into mitochondria
Talk about the ALA synthase isoforms
ALA synthase 1:
-ubiquitous-synthesized in liver and nucleated cells
-repressed by heme

Heme downregulates transcription, destabilizes mRNA and blocks translocation of precursor protein into mitochondria by binding to N-terminal mitochondrial targeting domain preventing uptake of proteins into mitochondria

ALA synthase 2
-found in RBCS
-regulated by erythropoietin and availability of intracellular iron
how is d-aminolevulinic acid transported out of mitochondria
by small amino acid transporters
Significance of ALA dehydratase?
has a zinc ion that can be replaced by lead leading to lead poisoning and acumulation of ALA
what allows coproporphyrinogen 3 to be transported back into the mitochondria?
ATP-binding cassettee
what does protoporphyrinogen oxidase do?
converts methylene bridges to methenyl bridges
what doe ferrochelatase do?
adds iron to protoporphyrin.....this is also inhibited by lead.....from a clinical standpoint, you won't get this far upstream for it to even matter
what can tregger porphyrias
smoking, infections, fasting, chemicals, drugs
inheritance of porphyrias
all autosomal dominant except congenital erythropoietic porphyria which is autosomal recessive
Sx of porphyrias
-purple color caused y pigments in urine, skin, bone, teetch, of some pts
-neurovisceral attacks

Sx will depend on where in pathway mutation has occured

neuro signs: accumulation of ALA and PGB and/or decrease in Heme in cells and body fluids

Photosensitivity: accumulation of porphyrins in skin and tissue with spontaneous oxidation of porphyrignogens to porphyrins
ALA will bind to what receptor if it accumulates
4 effects of light activation of porphyrins that build up in the heme synthesis pathway
-mast cell degranulation
direct tissue damage
complement activation
matrix metalloproteinases

ROS are made and they cause these effects
medical use of porphyrin rings
-against tumors
-doctors will inject tumors with porphyrins and then expose to light to kill tumor via ROS
management of porphyria attacks
-avoid sunlight
-ingest B-carotene
-treat with hemin to repress ALA synthase.....also provides heme
purpose of hemin
-blocks creation of intermediates that can't finish cycle and also creates heme
-blocks ALA synthase
Vampire legend?
-thought to be porphyria cutanea tarda
-uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase

sensitive to light so they only come out at night and the light causes disfiguration and hair growth

-must drink blood to replace heme
X-linked sideroblastic anemia
-Disfunction in ALA synthase 2 or defect of vitamin B6

-hypochromic and microcytic anemia
increases ALA synthase activity.....in individuals with porphyrias, it will exascerbate their sx
lead poisoning
-inhibits ALA dehydratase and Ferrochelatase

Treat these patients by injecting hemin
what is the only known source of biological carbon monoxide
heme oxygenase
heme oxygenase
converts heme to billiverdin and NADP and CO using NADPH

will be activated by heme and other compounds and stress
how often do rbcs turn over
every 120 days
heme degredation pathway

1)heme oxygenase
2)Biliverdin reductase

HO1: inducible by soking, cytokines, hypoxia, heme, metalloporphyrins, stress, shock, NO, cAMP

HO2: constitutively expressed
which enzyme in heme degredation pathway requires NADPH?
both Heme oxygenase and biliverdin reductase require it
where does the breakdown of heme to bilirubin occur?
in RBC
how is bilirubin transported in the blood
by albumin because bilirubin is only slightly soluble
what happens once bilirubin reaches liver
-it complexes with ligandin and many other proteins which prevent efflux of filirubin

-it next is conjugated with Bilirubin-UDP glucuronyltransferase and glucaronic acid is added to make the bilirubin more soluble
Bacterial B-glucuronidases
once conjugated bilirubin reaches the terminal ileum and large intestine, the glucuronides are removed by bacterial B-glucuronidases

-this produces urobilinogen which is colorless

-urobilinogen is then oxidized to stercobilin and urobilin and these are then excreted into the feces
hyperbilirubinemias jaundice
elevation of bilirubin in the plasma

-yellow color of skin, nail beds and sclerae

-Hemolytic jaundice......Liver can't handle rbc lysis to this extent

-hepatocellular jaundice: cirhossis, hepatis....decreased conjugation system as well so bile can't exit

-obstructive jaundice: obstruction of bile duct....prevents bile from getting into fecal matter.
Crigler Najjar Syndrome
-deficiency of bilirubin UDP-glucuronyl transferase
-autosomal recessive

type 1:complete absence of gene
-increase in unconjugated bilirubin
kernicterus: accumulation of bilirubin in brain
-fatal in first 15 months of life

type 2
-partial deficiency
Gilbert Syndrome
decreased activity of UDP-glucuronyl transferase

30% enzyme activity

increase in unconjugated bilirubin

autosomal dominant

-symptoms often occur during times of stress, exertion, fasting, and infections, but the condition is otherwise usually asymptomatic
Dubin Johnson Syndrome
-secretion from hepatocytes into bile affected

-autosomal recessive

-usually asymptomatic

increase in conjugated bilirubin
2 methods to determine bilirubin concentration
-use diazonium salt to measure conjugated bilirubin
-add methanol now and both conjugated and non-conjugated will now react with salt


2)can use light over patients skin which will read bilirubin levels since bilirubin is hydrophobic and will be in membrane
neonatal jaundice
-low bilirubin glucuronyl transferase
-large number of RBC destroyed
-unconjugated bilirubin accumulates in brain leading to kernicterus which is bilirubin toxicity

.....to treat these patients, you would put them under a blue light so that pyrole rings can be broken down and excreted
when ligands bind to receptor of G-pro, what are they acting as?
-Guanine nucleotide exchange proteins for Ga subunits which will facilitate GDP release and binding of GTP
toxin for Gas
cholera: keeps it active
toxin for Gai
pertussis: keeps it active
regulators of G protein signaling
family of proteins that interact with and stimulate the GTPase activity on the alpha subunit
Gaq effector enzyme
phospholipase CB activation
Small GTP binding proteins: 5 examples
-are involved in controlling a diverse set of essential cellular functions

RAS: growth and differentiation

Rho: integrin activity, Actin, NADPH oxidase

Rab: vesicle transport

ARF: vesicle transport and stimulation of PLD

Ran: nucleocytoplasmic transport
talk about ras pathway
Ras bound to GDP is inactive

-needs GEP to go from GDP>GTP
...it will now serve its function

-two proteins controlling GDP binding are GDS (guanine dinucleotide stimulatory protein and GDI (Guanine dinucleotide inhibitory protein)
g protein coupled receptors are also known as....
7 transmembrane receptors
talk about g protein intracellular loops
-has 3 loops on inside and these have concensus sequence that recognizes the g-protein....phosporylation of these sequences will uncouple the receptor from the g-protein.....this is a mechanism of desensitization
G-protein coupled effector enzyme mechanism
1) ligand binds
2) causes Ga currently bound to gdp to now be bound to gtp
3) this allows Ga to diffuse away from B and G units of G protein
4) Ga w/ atp bound will now activate AC causing it to convert ATP for cAMP
5) cAMP will now activate various kinases to cause effects
how does cholera work?
it converts NAD+ to nicotinate and in doing so it will activate Gas subunit
talk about PKA
-has 2 regulatory subunits with binding sites for cAMP and 2 catalytic subuntis

-is inactive without camp bound because regulatory sites block catalytic sites.
-when camp binds to regulatory site, it changes conformation opening access for catalytic site and causing cellular response by phosporylating many proteins
serine threonine kinases are generally what?
cAMP dependent response
tyrosine kinases are generally what
insulin receptor response
what does phosphorylation do to a protein
changes its conformation and makes it more or less active
phosphoinositide cascade
-hormone binds activating causing g protein to now be bound to gtp
-this diffuses accross the membrane and now will activate Phospholipase C which will cleave PIP2 into IP3 and DAG.
-IP3 will cause calcium release from ER, activation of PKC via calcium and Ca/calmodulin kinase response

-DAG will activate PKC (DAG will remain bound to the membrane
all isoforms of PKC require what?
phosphatidylserine for activation
inhibits stepwise removal of phosphates from IP3 to from inositol (this process generally turns off the signal)
turning off phospoinositide cascade
-DAG is removed by diglyceride lipase
-IP3 is metabolized by stepwise removal of phosphates to form inositol. Lithium inhibits
-Calcium is removed by Calmodulin/kinase activated pump
Tyrosine Kinase receptor
-hormone binding to external domain activate tyrosine kinase activity of intracellular domain leading to various responses.
Protein domains involved in insulin signalling
MAPK cascade
-increases gene transcription
SH2 domain
found on Grb2 and will bind to P-Tyr of IRS-1 in MAPK pathway
insulin stimulation of glycogen synthesis
GF pathway
which hormones bind to JAK-STAT receptors?
talk about JAK-STAT receptors
-lack endogenous tyrosine kinase
-upon ligand binding, receptors dimerize and noncovalently associate with JAK tyrosine kinase which become phosphorylated by the dimerization
-STAT associates with the JAK-P and now is Phosphorylated itself
-STAT now dimerizes, diffuses to nucleus and binds to DNA elements and regulates transcription

Jack also phosphorylates tyrosines on receptors causing other SH2 domain containing proteins to be recruited and other pathways to ensue: ......ie.......MAPK, PLC, etc.

pg 450
Basic structure of purine and pyrimidines w/ numbering

structure of 5 nucleotides
syn and anti conformation
Purine: syn and anti
pyrimidine: only anti
modified purines and pyrimidines are abundent in what?
hypoxanthine structure
-molecular sensor for initiation of protein synthesis
-present at 5' terminus of most mRNA
-control stability of mRNA
adenine preferred form

thymine prefferred form
adenine: amino over imino

Thymine: keto over enol
enol form of T significance
can lead to mispairing
only contain base and sugar
what will happen when purines switch from anti to syn conformation in DNA?
right handed helix as in B-DNA will turn into a Left handed helix as in Z-DNA

Z-DNA will be much more unstable
basic nucleotide structure
where can phosphates be attached in nucleotides?
2' and 3'....not possible for DNA formation
Orotic acid structure and Xanthine structure
source of atoms in the purine ring
first step in de novo purine synthesis
PRPP synthetase using ATP (phosophoribosylpyrophosphate)


inorganic phosphate activates the reaction and IMP, AMP, and GMP will inhibit it
committed step in purine synthesis pway
formation of 5-phosphoribosyl-1-amine by using glutamine/PRPP amidotransferase

inhibited by IMP, AMP and GMP

-reaction can also be controllwed by levels of PRPP and Glutamine

importance of glutamine analogs
since glutamine is needed for committed step in purine synthesis, it will be inhibited by glutamine antagonists such as azaserine and DON
glutamine antagonist that can block purine synthesis pway
glutamine antagonist that can block purine synthesis pway
how is Gln-PRPP amidotransferase regulated by activation and inhibition
-enzyme changes between an active monomer and an inactive dimer

activated by: PrPP
inactivated by: IMP, GMP, and AMP
key points of 5-ribosylamine to IMP
-requires much ATP and because of this salvage pathway is preferred

-requires THF for carbon
inhibitor of THF synthesis which in turn prevents synthesis of IMP leading to purines.....does this by acting as competitive inhibitor to prevent dihydrofolate reducatse activity

----methotrexate does the same thing

-----sulfa and trimethoprim only inhibit bacterial folate synthesis
what allows folate to go to THF?
NADPH donating hydrogens
-needs serine to donate carbon atom

uses dihydrofolate reductase
-competitively inhibit folic acid synthesis in bacteria thus limiting purine synthesis in bacteria
-humans do not synthesize folic acid
inhibits di-hydrofolate reductase thus inhibiting THF creation and in turn it will prevent synthesis of purines

-has much higher affinity for bacterial sx......need much greater amounts for it to affect mamalian sx
-intermediate in IMP creation
-prior to receiving carbon from THF
-acts as potent activator of AMP kinase which acts as metabolic sensor regulating lipid and glucose metabolism to maintain energy homeostasis and protect against metabolic stress
what is purine deficiency primarily due to?
deficiency in folic acid
where is de novo purine synthesis mechanism found?
liver is major site of synthesis

RBCs and WBCs cannot synthesize 5-phosphoribosylamine (they lack PRPP/glutamine aminotransferase) and therefore must rely on salvage pway for their supply......
important point of bacteria purine synthesis
-each step from 5-phoshoribosyl amine to IMP requires a separate enzyme

In Eukaryotes, the activities all reside on 1 enzyme.....this allows for no diffusion of intermediates and thus, better coordinated de novo synthesis of IMP
IMP to conclusion pathway
talk about GTP and ATP and importance in purine synthesis
GTP provides energy for AMP synthesis

ATP provides energy for GMP synthesis
regulation of purine nucleotide synthesis scheme
basic overview of pyrimidine biosynthesis
-synthesized as orotic acid
-orotic aci reacts with PRPP to form OMP
-OMP is decarboxylated to UMP
-UMP>UDP>UTP followed by UTP>CTP
carbon source for pyrimidines
1,,4,5,6 from aspartate

2 carbon from bi carb
3 N from glutamine

bicarb + amonium from glutamine +2 ATP>>>>>>carbamoyl phosphate

see page 465
Carbamoyl phosphate synthase 1 vs CPS2
1: mitochondria urea cycle
2: cytosol orotate synthesis
is CAD in prokaryotes
no only in eukaryotes
pyrimidine nucleotide synthesis pway

and regulation in pro and euk

1) CAD is composed of
these catalyze the first 3 steps in pway

2)Dihydro-orotate dehydrogenase: orotic acid to dihydroorotate with use of NAD+.....located on mitochondrial membrane.....all other enzymes are cytosolic

3) orotic acid reacts with PRPP to form OMP....enzyme is orotate phosphoribosyl transferase

4)OMP>UMP using OMP decarboxylase
*******O-PRT and OMP decarboxylase are part of multifunctional enzyme called UMP synthase

5) UMP>UTP requires 2 ATPs

6)CTP synthetase: converts UTP to CTP
....CTP inhibits enzyme
....GTP activates enzyme

Pro: ATC is regulated step
...inhibited by CTP
...activated by ATP

Euk: CPS2 is regulated step
..activated by ATP and PRPP
....inhibited by UTP and CTP
is CMP ever made by denovo synthesis?
no.....it is convereted from UTP directly to CTP
what inhibits OMP decarboxylase
orotic aciduria
-deficiency in UMP synthase which involves 2 enzymes
1)orotate-phosphoribosyl transferase
2)OMP decarboxylase

-leads to orotic acid build up and excretion

-abnormal growth and megablastic anemia which is not corrected by giving B12 or folic acid

-Uridine rich diet alleviates anemia and decreases orotate accumulation/excretion...its does this by bypassing metabolic pathway and blocking CPS2 thus reducing orotic acid formation
mechanism for conversion of ribonucleotides to deoxyribonucleotides

1)enzyme is ribonucleotide reductase which is a multiprotein complex comprised of ribonucleotide reductase, thioredoxin and the flavoprotein thioredoxin reductase and NADPH

1)Thioredoxin serves as hydrogen donor.....i
2)it's disulfide bond will then get reduced by NADPH via thioredoxin reductase
To get to dTTP what common intermediate will you have to go through?

Can use THF to go from dUMP to dTMP
what is rate limiting step in DNA synthesis?
Ribonucleotide reductase