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18 Cards in this Set

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Thiamin - pork chops, bacon, wheat germ, pumpkin

Carbohydrate metabolism - coenzyme for Pyruvate dehydrogenase - helps convert pyruvate -> Acetyl CoA for energy.

Deficiency - initial loss of appetite, fatigue, neural dysfunction (decreased ATP production, accumulation of lactate in brain). Severe - Beriberi (increased pyruvate and lactate formation -> increased vasodilation, oedema, pain in arms/legs, heart enlargement.


Riboflavin - multigrain oat cereal, fried beef liver, steamed oysters

Energy - Coenzyme for Krebs, beta oxidation and fatty acid synthesis. -FAD/FMN

Converts tryptophan -> niacin

RBC production

Deficiency - sunburn like lesions - throat, mouth, tongue, lips


Niacin - tuna, roasted chicken, peanuts

Energy metabolism - coenzyme NADH/NADP.

DNA repair, calcium mobilisation.

Deficiency - also result of inadequate protein.

- Minor - red tongue, general weakness, loss of appetite, etc (less ATP)

- Major - Pellagra - dermatitis, diarrheoa, dementia -> death. sunburn like lesions on areas exposed to sun. Common in low SES with corn diet.

Toxicity - supplements - skin flush, gastric irritatuon, disturbed liver tests

Micros for Fuel Metabolism

B1, B2, B3, B6

Micros for blood health

Fe, Vitamin K, Folate, B12


Iron - oat bran cereal, spinach, red meats

Haemaglobin and Myoglobin - Transports O2

Deficiency - decreased plasma ferratin, decreased Hb, anemia. Athletes, vegetarians, females.

Toxicity -> liver/pancreas damage. Iron deposits in soft tissues of body - haemachromatosis.

Folate and B12

Folate = B9- asparagus, spinash, lentils, breakfast cereals, breads - supp

- Makes thymine (base). Converts homocysteine -> methionine(regulates gene expression).

B12 - synthesized by bacteria - sound in meat, eggs, dairy. Coenzyme - aids DNA synthesis.

Methyl H4F + Homocysteine ----(B12coenzyme)---> methionine + H4F

Deficiency of either - slowed DNA synthesis -> megoblastic anemia, increased homocysteine levels (CVD, alzheimers).

Folate deficienc- spina bifida in babies of deficient mum.

Vitamin K

Green leafy vegetables - produced by gut bacteria.

Maintains normal blood coagulation, strengthens bones (synthesises osteocalcin).

Deficiency - blood clotting inability. Newborns susceptible - poorly developed intestinal flora - receive injection at birth to prevent haemorrhage.

Micros for bone health

Vit C, Vit D, Calcium

Vit C

Orange, brussel sprouts, strawberries

Essential for collagen formation and therefore bone health. Antioxidant. Intestinal absorption of Fe and Cu. Coenzyme.

Deficiency - collagen synthesis inhibited. -> scurvy - distorted bones, fragile BV, loose teeth, poor wound healing.


Yogurt, cheese, milk, fortified OJ

Bone mass and density. Blood calcium -> muscle contraction, nerve signalling, blood clotting, enzyme activation.

Synthesis dependant on Vitamin D

Deficiency - osteoperosis/rickets

Vitamin D

Sunlight (synthesis with UV), tinned fish.

Regulates blood Ca - increases SI absorb when low, less excreted by kidneys, more released from bones.

Cell differention regulation, cancer protection, immune function.

Deficiency - rickets

Antioxidant Micros

Beta carotene (vit A), Vitamin E

Vitamin E

Sunflower oil/seeds, almonds.

Antioxidant in cell membranes - reacts with free radicals.


Vitamin A

Liver, butter, dairy products

Vision, controls cells growth and differentiation, immune function, reproduction, bone growth.

Toxic in high quantities - foetal abnormalities.

Deficiency - night blindness, impaired immunity, growth problems, reproductive system disorders.

Carotenids - group of plant pigments with red/orange/yellow colour - fruit and veg. Beta-carotene - provitamin (converted to A in SI/liver). antioxidant - protects cell membranes and arterial walls from oxidation, immune system, protects skin from UV, protects eyes).

Micros for growth and development

Vit A, Iodine, Zinc


Steamed oysters, sirloin steak, roast beef.

Cell replication and growth - aids function of enzymes, gene regulation, and regulates protein structure.

Deficiency - alcoholics, renal disease, malabsorption disease. -> loss of taste, night blindness, impaired immunity, impaired development.


Seafood (salt water foods). Iodised salt in bread in Tas.

Metabolic control - affects thyroid hormones - growth and development, metabolism, growth.

Deficiency - fatigue, weight gain, thyroid problems (goitre), poor fetal growth and development.

Toxicity - blocks synthesis of thyroid hormone -> goitre.