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49 Cards in this Set

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5 Mechanisms that regulate enzyme activities

1. Long-term adaptation

-changes levels

-FA biosynthesis and degradation

2. Feedback Inhibition


3. Allosteric modificaiton

-any pathway

-isozymes provide tissue specificity

4. Covalent modification

-glycolysis, glycogen metabolism, zymogen activation

5. Compartmentation

-fatty acid synth vs. degradation

(put enzymes for diff pathways in diff compartments)

futile cycle (substrate cycling)

-opposing pathways active siultaneously

Major energy carrying molecule(s) in a cell

1. ATP

-metabolism (catabolism) = make ATP

-two high-E bonds (unstable negative Os)

-~7 kcal/mol of E/bond when hydrolyzed

2. Creatine-phosphate

-muscles use in addition to ATP

anabolic vs catabolic pathways

anabolic pathways provide storage molecules that can be metabolized to generate E when catabolic pathways are activated

anabolic: use E to synthesize molecules

catabolic: generate E by breaking down molecules



-not altered in most rxns; exceptions: NAD in redox rxns


basal metabolic rate (BMR)

- E required to keep all organs functioning while at rest

BMR (kcal/day) = 24 x weight (kg)

-Mifflin-St. Jeor equation: more exact

M: BMR (kcal/day) = [10 x weight (kg)] + [6.25 x height (cm)] - [5 x age (yrs)] +5

F: BMR (kcal/day) = [10 x weight (kg)] + [6.25 x height (cm)] - [5 x age (yrs)] -161

daily caloric requirement

-BMR + E for work:

--sedentary: 1.3 x BMR

--moderately active: 1.6 x BMR

-- very active: up to 2 x BMR

- weight gain: caloric intake exceeds daily E need

--stored as triacylglycerol in fat cells

-weight loss: caloric intake less than daily E need

--triacylglycerol use, sever cases proteins in mm.

--1 lb = 3500 Cal


BMI = (weight in kg)/((height in meters)^2) = 703 x (weight in lbs)/((height in inches)^2)

<18.5 = unhealthy

18.6-25.0 = normal

25.1-30.0 = pre-obese

30.1-39.9 = obese

> 40 = morbidly obese

*take w/ grain of salt

mechanism that maintains constant blood glucose levels

Liver and muscle stores glucose as glycogen when levels are high

glycogen in liver is degraded to make glucose when BG levels decrease

why its important to maintain constant blood glucose levels

hyperglycemia--> frequent peeing, thirst, blurred vision, fatigue

hypoglycemia --> AMS, coma

Metabolism in fed state

- high insulin/glucagon ratio

-mainly E storage

Metabolism in fasting (basal) state

-bw/n meals= BG drops

-reduced insulin/glucagon

- heart uses FAs and lactate

- KB levels remain low

Metabolism in starved state (~18-24+ hrs w/o eating)

- low BG

- low insulin/glucagon ratio

utility of measuring levels of metabolites (and proteins) in blood

-Metabolic problem: clues to where problem is/what enzyme is defective

1. lactic acidosis

2. ketoacidosis

3. orotic aciduria

4. hyperammonemia

5. hyper/o-glycemia

6. hypercholesterolemia


1. AST/ALT- liver leakage

2. lipase- pancreatic damage

3. CPK/troponin isozymes - heart damage

4. glyosylated proteins (HbA1c)- lack of glycemic control


1. converts nutrients into:


-E storage molecules

-critical metabolites for biochemical

2. waste product production and removal

3. precursor generation for cell growth and function

4. regulation

-cellular level

-whole body level (hormones)

*allows scientists/physicians to understand disease at molecular level

Normal blood glucose level

70-100 mg/dL


1. Carbs (sugars)

2. Lipids (fats)

3. Protein (composed of aas)

4. Alcohol (ethanol)

Carbohydrates (sugars)

-main: glucose

-no essentials

-4 Cal/g

-stored as glycogen in muscle and liver


1 Calorie= 1 kilocalorie of E

1 kilocalorie= E needed to raise the T of 1 L of water 1 oC

Lipids (fats)

-two essential:

1. linolenic acid

2. linoleic acid

-9 Cal/g

-storage: triglyceride in adipocytes

-major E source when fasting


-composed of aas (20)

-9 essential aas

-4 Cal/g

-storage: excess aas converted to glycogen or triglyceride, nitrogen excreted as urea

Alcohol (ethanol)

-7 Cal/g

-storage: triglyceride

Why do lipids produce more E on a per C basis than carbs/proteins?

-lipids are more reduced (=more e- available)

vitamin deficiency diseases


-Wernicke-Korskoff synrome


-rickets (D)

-bleeding disorder (K)

-megaloblastic anemia (B9/B12)

-pellagra (B3)

water soluble vitamins

B1- thiamine

B2- riboflavin


B5- Pantothenic acid



B9-folic acid (1 C carrier)


fat soluble vitamins

A (vision)

D (calcium, hormone)

E (antiox)

K (blood coagulation)

Metabolism in fed state: CHO


CHO --> glucose exported to blood


glucose --> Liver, Brain, RBC, Muscle, Adipose tissue


glucose --> *glycogen (storage)

glucose --> *acetyl CoA --> *TG --> blood as VLDL --> FA + glycerol --> adipose tissue --> *TG (storage)

glucose --> *acetyl CoA --> TCA --> CO2, ATP


glucose --> acetyl CoA --> TCA --> CO2, ATP


glucose --> pyruvate --> lactate


*glucose --> acetyl CoA --> TCA --> CO2, ATP

*glucose --> *glycogen (for m. use ONLY)


*glucose --> *TG (storage)

Metabolism in fed state: TG


TG --> blood as chylomicrons --> FA + glycerol --> adipose tissue --> TG (storage)

Metabolism in fed state: Protein


exported to blood as aa --> liver, tissues




aa <--> protein

aa--> important cmpds

aa --> TCA --> ATP + CO2

Metabolism in fasting (basal) state: glycogen/glucose


glycogen --> glucose --> blood --> brain, RBC


glucose --> acetyl CoA --> TCA --> CO2, ATP


glucose --> lactate

Metabolism in fasting (basal) state: lactate


lactate --> blood --> liver --> glucose

Metabolism in fasting (basal) state: TG


TG --> blood as FA and glycerol

FA--> muscle --> acetyl CoA --> TCA --> CO2, ATP

FA--> liver --> ATP, Acetyl CoA --> KB --> blood --> muscle --> acetyl CoA --> TCA --> CO2, ATP

glycerol --> liver --> glucose

Metabolism in fasting (basal) state: Protein


protein --> aa --> blood --> liver --> glucose, urea--> blood --> kidney --> urine

Metabolism in starved state: Glucose


glycogen depleted

glucose --> brain (60% normal levels) --> acetyl CoA --> TCA --> CO2, ATP

glucose --> RBC --> lactate

Metabolism in starved state: TG

Adipose tissue:

TG --> FA --> blood --> muscle, liver

TG--> glycerol --> blood --> liver --> glucose


FA --> acetyl CoA --> TCA --> CO2, ATP


FA --> ATP, Acetyl CoA --> KB --> blood --> brain (40% of brains E source) --> acetyl CoA --> TCA --> CO2, ATP

**brain uses KBs to decrease glucose need to decrease protein degradation in muscles

Metabolism in starved state: Protein


(occurring at reduced levels compared to basal) protein --> aa --> blood --> liver --> glucose, urea --> kidney --> urine

Metabolism in starved state: lactate


lactate --> blood --> liver --> glucose

Carbohydrate Metabolism


-entry of sugars into met


-synthesis of glucose from metabolic precursors



-hereditary fructose intolerance

-lactase deficiency

-glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency


pyruvate kinase deficiency

Glycogen Metabolism

-glycogen synthesis and degradation

-storage form of glucose in liver and muscle

--tissue specifc regulation, use it differently


-Glycogen storage disease

Generating Energy

TCA Cycle:

-central point of metabolism

-generates orecursors for biosynth

Oxidative phosphorylation:

-generates E from transfer of e- to O2


-mitochondrial diseases (OXPHOS disorders)

--> symptoms mainly in E requiring tissues = mm. and nervous system

Fatty Acid Metabolism

-synth and degrad

-preferred E storage form--> triacylglycerol in adipocytes

-can't be used to synth carbs

-become KBs in special conds



-carnitine deficiency

-Jamaican vomiting disease

-MCAD deficiency

HMP Shunt Pathway

-alt means of glucose oxidation

-converts 6 and 5 C sugars

-generates NADPH --> anabolic pathwyas

-direction of pathway depends on need of cell


-glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency (most common X-linked disease in world)

HMP generates 5 C sugars which are need for?

Nucleotide synthesis

Urea Cycle and AA Metabolism (what to do w/ N)

-ammonia toxic to NS

-aa N --> urea --> excreted

- aas give rise to glucose/acetyl-CoA--> enter TCA cycle at defined points

-B6, B12, folic acid have roles in aa metabolism

disorders: (aa catabolic disorders)

-urea cycle defects --> hyperammonemia --> irreversible mental deficiencies





-megaloblastic anemia

Base and Nucleotide Metabolism

Purine and Pyrimidine Syntesis and degradation

-all can be synthesized de novo

-salvage pathways reduce demand on biosynthetic pathwya


-excessive purine degradation --? uric acid accumulation --> gout

-ADA deficiency

-Lesch Nyhan syndrome

-hereditary orotic aciduria

Cholesterol Biosynthesis

(can't live w/o it!)

-steroid hormones

-required cofactors for e- transport

-cholesterol metabolism and recirculation of cholesterol throughout body

-LDL, HDL, VLDL, chylomicrons


-heart disease


-catalyze all rxns in metabolism

-aid substrates in approaching TS = decrease E required to reach TS

-do not change overall eguilibrium constant

-regulated to control activity --> pathway regulation to prevent substrate cycling, pathways from occuring when don't need end proudcut, stimulate pathways when needed

In fed state after eating high carb meal, what pathway would be inhibited?


100 g carbs, 100 g protein, 100 g fat, 20 g alcohol = ? Cals

1840 Cals