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147 Cards in this Set

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The group that signifies that carbohydrates are derivatives of polyhydric alcohol.

Hydroxyl groups

Generally considered as substances made up of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen in which the proportion of H and C is the same as that found in a molecule of water (2:1)


These are simple sugars containing on saccharide group.


Trioses (2)

Glyceraldehyde, dihydroxyacetone

Tetroses (2)

Erythrose, erythrulose

Penoses (5)

Xylose, ribose, desoxyribose, arabinose, rhamnose

Hexoses (4)

Glucose, galactose, mannose, fructose

Heptoses (2)

Mannoheptose, mannoheptulose

Composed of more than one (two to ten saccharide groups)


Among the oligosaccharides, only ____ are of biochemical significance.


Made up of several saccharide groups.


Starch group (4)

Starch, glycogen, inulin, dextrin

Cellulose group (2)

Cellulose, hemicellulose

Hemicellulose (3)

Pentosans, hexosans, hexopentans

Pentosans C5H8O4 (1)

Gum arabic

Hexosans (1)

Agar agar

Hexopentans (1)

Carbohydrates that are white crystalline substances.

Mono and Disaccharides

Carbohydrates that are amorphous powder.


Carbohydrates that are fibrous and are the most complex.


The solubility of carbohydrates to ordinary solvents is _____ proportional to the complexity of their structures.


Carbohydrates that are readily dissolved in water.

Mono and Di

Carbohydrates that dissolve slightly in water.


Carbohydrates that are practically insoluble in water.


Generic name applied to all carbohydrates possessing sweet taste.


3 varieties of sugars

cane sugar - sugar cane

grape sugar - fruits

milk sugar - milk

The sweetest of the common sugars


The least sweet sugar.


The standard sweetness sugar.


The reagent most commonly used in reducing sugar.

Copper sulfate CuSO4

Hydrolyzes disaccharides and polysaccharides with varying degrees but has no effect on monosaccharides.

Hot dilute mineral acids

Molisch test

Alpha Naphthol Reaction

The general test for carbohydrates.

Molisch test

Positive result for Molisch test.

Violet junction (all carbohydrates)

The function of H2SO4 in molisch test.

Dehydrating agent

Specific test for fructose.

Seliwanoff's test

Seliwanoff's test.

Resorcin-HCl test

Positive result for Seliwanoff's test.

Red (fructose and sucrose)

Tollen's test

Phloroglucin-HCl test

Tests for pentose.

Tollen's test, Bial's test, Tauber's test

Positive result for Tollen's test

Red (arabinose)

Positive result for Bial's test.

Green (arabinose)

Positive result for Tauber's test

Violet color

A resinous substance formed when a solution of a reducing sugar is heated with an alkali and liberates aldehyde which subsequently polymerizes.


Reduction of monosaccharides produces _____

Polyhydroxyl alcohols

Test useful in identifying sugars which produces specific osazone crystals.

Phenylhydrazine reaction

Two carbohydrates that have specific osazone crystals.

Lactose and maltose

Galactosazone crystals shape

Big petals

Glucosazone and Fructosazone crystals shape

Corn shape

Lactosazone crystals shape.

Cotton ball

Maltosazone crystals shape

Small petals

Reagent in Nylander's test

Bismuth subnitrate

Oxidation of aldehyde groups in carbohydrates yields ___

Aldonic acid

Primary alcohols are oxidized and are called _____

Uronic acid

Both aldehyde and primary alcohol groups are oxidized and are called ____

Aldaric acids

The decomposition of carbohydrates brought about by the action of microorganisms such as yeast, molds, bacteria, etc.


Products when yeast is added to a sugar solution.

Ethyl alcohol and carbon dioxide

The enzyme in the yeast which produces fragmentation of the sugar molecule.


Isomer of saccharic acid

Mucic acid

Another name for mucic acid

Galactaric acid

Animal starch.


Found mostly in liver as storage material and in the muscles as source of energy.


Intermediary products of starch hydrolysis


When examined under the microscope, the particles appear as concentric layers of different shapes and sizes according to the species of the plant from which it is derived.


Dextrose or grape sugar


Only sugar present in the blood




Fruit sugar


Commercially prepared by the hydrolysis of inulin


Found in plants as a constituent of pectin


Glucose + glucose


Glucose + galactose


Glucose + fructose




Organic substances made up of fatty acids and their naturally existing compounds and derivatives.


Lipids are soluble in ____ and insoluble in ____

organic solvents (ether, chloroform, acetone, benzene, etc) ; water and other ordinary solvents (dilute acids, dilute alkalies, salt solutions, etc)

True fats are also called _______

Neutral fats

Contain glycerol and fatty acids in their molecules.

True fats

Components of compound fats.

Glycerol, fatty acid, nitrogenous base, phosphoric acid

Examples of compound fats.

Phospholipids and cerebrosides

Found only as constituents of highly specialized brain and nervous tissues.


Contribute to the colloidal structure of living matter.

Phospholipids and sterols, along with proteins and carbohydrates

Esters of fatty acids with various alcohols.

Simple lipids

Glycerol esters


Esters of higher alcohols.



True waxes, cholesterol esters, Vit A esters, Vit D esters

Lipids containing other radicals.

Compounds lipids

Contain phosphoric acid and nitrogenous base


Choline as nitrogenous base


Ethanolamine as nitrogenous base.


Inositol as nitrogenous base.


Serine as nitrogenous base.

Phosphatidyl serine

Resemble lecithins and cephalins in structure.


Sphingosine and choline as nitrogenous base


Compound lipid that contains carbohydrate and nitrogenous base.


Amino lipids and sulfo-lipids, having amino and sulfate groups respectively

Ill-defined lipids

Product of hydrolysis of simple and compound lipids but still exhibiting the general physical characteristics of lipids.

Derived lipids

Derived lipids.

*saturated and unsaturated fatty acids

*mono and di-glycerides



Derived lipids that are products of hydrolysis of waves

Straight chain

Derived lipids like vitamin A and some carotenols

Alcohols containing b-ionone ring

Miscellaneous lipids like iso-octadecane from liver

Aliphatic hydrocarbons

Hydrocarbons in shark liver and human sebum


They are neutral esters of monobasic fatty acids with trihydric alcohol, glycerol known as triacylglycerol or triglycerides.


Makes up about 15-50% of the total fatty acids in fats.

Palmitic acid (Myristic and stearic are also frequent)

Abundant in butter, animal fat, lard, coconut and peanut oil.

Saturated fatty acids

The most abundant fatty acid found in nature. It forms about 50% of the total fatty acid in many fats and is seldom 10%

Oleic acid

Most common unsaturated fatty acids

Linoleic and linolenic acid

The chief constituent of linseed oil.

Linolenic acid

The simplest trihydric alcohol and is commonly known as glycerine.


Glycerol is commonly known as ___


It is a by-product in the manufacture of soap.


Specific gravity of glycerol

1.26 at 20C

Acrolein's characteristic odor.

Acrid odor

Component of fat responsible for the positive acrolein test


Products when glycerol is oxidized with hydrogen peroxide in slightly alkaline solution, in the presence of iron salt.

Glyceric aldehyde and dihydroxy acetone

Product formed when glycerol is treated with HNO3


Neutral fats containing large amount of unsaturated fatty acids that are liquid at room temperature.


Emulsifying agents

Soap, acacia, albumin, bile salts

Hydrolysis of fats liberates _____

Fatty acid and glycerol

Instead of water in hydrolysis, an alkali is used


Contribute to the rapid onset of rancidity.

enzyme, lipoxidase and agents such as heat, light, moisture and bacteria.

Compound lipids containing phosphoric acids called phosphatides or phosphorized fats


Major phospholipids in the membranes.


Present in great quantities in the egg yolk, liver, and nervous tissues.


Appearance of lecithin and after oxidation

Waxlike >>> Brown

Egg yolk and brain yield lecithin with ______ as one of its component fatty acid.

Arachidonic acid

The enzyme present in cobra venom and poisonous spiders.


Lecithinase splits off the unsaturated fatty acids from the lecithin producing _________


Includes the aromatic alcohols which are derivatives of a cycloperhydrophenanthrene nucleus


Widely distributed in all cells of the body, particularly in the nervous tissues.


Positive result of Salkowski's test

Bluish red to purple color

Positive result of Liebermann-Burchard's test

Bluish green changing to emerald green

Reagents in biuret test


Positive result of Biuret test

Purple solution

A general test for the presence of a peptide bond.

Biuret test

Another name for Hopkin's cole/ Adamkiewicz test

Glyoxylic reaction

Reagents used in Hopkin's cole/ Adamkiewicz test.

Glacial acetic acid, conc. H2SO4

Reagents used in Hopkin's cole/ Adamkiewicz test.

Glacial acetic acid, conc. H2SO4

Positive result of Hopkin's cole.

Violet ring

Test for the presence of an indole group (tryptophan)

Hopkin's cole

Reduced sulfur test.

Lead acetate test

Reagents in reduced sulfur test

Pb(OAc)2, NaOH

Positive result for reduced sulfur test.

Black ppt

Test for the presence of sulfhydryl group.

Reduced sulfur test

Reagents used in xanthoproteic test.

Conc. HNO3, NaOH

Positive result of xanthoproteic test.

Yellow -acid

Orange -basic

Test for the presence of a benzene, phenyl, aromatic group in a protein.

Xanthoproteic test