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32 Cards in this Set

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2 roles of glycolysis
1. degrades glucose to generate ATP
2. provides building blocks for synthetic reactions
what enzymes are used in glycolysis?
1. hexokinase
2. phosphofructokinase
3. pyruvate kinase
what controls muscle glycolysis?
ratio ATP to AMP
how does phosphofructokinase change?
most important in control. most sensitive. high levels of atp inhibit the enzyme. this protects muscle from producing too much acid
how does hexokinase change?
inhibited by its product, glucose-6-phosphate. negative feedback. inhibition of phosphofructokinase inhibits hexokinase
pyruvate kinase
activated by fructose 1,6 phosphate. final step of glycolysis
lactate is convert to __ in the liver
in the liver, phophofuctokinase is inhibited by
abudance of fructose 6-phosphate leads to a higher concentration of
F-2, 6-BP
glycolysis is acc when glucose is abundant. example of
feed forward stimulation
what enzyme montiors blood glucose level?
glucokinase, helps assmeble fatty acids
pyruvate kinase
L liver type
M muscle type
basal glucose uptake at constant rate. low Km 1mL
in liver and pancretic cells. insulin signals to remove glucose from the blood. high Km 15-20 mM
transfers glucose to fat and muscle cell Km 5 mM
in intestines, fructose transporter
def of gluconeogensis
synthesis of glucose from noncarbohydrate precursors
gluconeiogenisis pathway
pyrucate to glucose
majoynoncarb precursoes
lactate, amino acids, glycerol
when does lactate and some aa enter the glu pthway?
begininng w pyruvate
ezyme that goes from pyruvate to oxaloacetate
pyruvate carboxylase
where do more aa enter the glu pathway?
what enzyme converts lactate to pyruvate?
lactat dehydrogenase
some gluconeogensis takes place
(liver, kidney) brain, skeletal muscle, heart muscle
bypass 1
1 pyruvate to ooa, using pyruvate carboxylate
2 ooa to phosphoenolpyruvate, using phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase
bypass 2
fructose 1,6 bisphosphate to fructose 6-phosphate, by hydrolysis of the phosphate ester
bypass 3
glucose-6-phosphate to glucose, by hydrolysis
special structure of pyruvate carboxylate
ATP grasp domain
bitoi serves as a carrier of
co2 and adds it to form the co2
in order for biotin to be carboxylated
coA is bound to the the enzyme
ooa must be transported thorugh the memebrane in the form of
reduced to malate and then oxidized converted back later
what happens to form phosphoenolpyruvate?
decarboxylated (remove co2) and phosphorylated (P added from GTP)