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58 Cards in this Set

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pulmonary circuit
through the lungs to oxygenate the blood and remove carbon dioxide
systemic circuit
to deliver oxygen and nutrients to tissues and remove carbon dioxide
in order to beat, the heart needs 3 types of cells
1. rhythm generators- produce an electrical signal (SA node)
2. conductors- spread the pacemaker signal
3. contractile cells- mechanically pump blood (myocardium)
inherent rythmicity or automaticity
the property of the cardiac tissue that has the electrical sequence of depolarization and repolarization due to specialized pacemaker cells
sympathetic system
increase heart rate and strength of contraction;
during exercise or if blood pressure drops;
influence increases during inhalation
parasympathetic system
slows heart rate;
during relaxation;
influence increases during exhalation
electrocardiogram (ECG)
the record of the electrical signal
P-R interval
- from the end of P wave to start of QRS complex
- time it takes for the impulse sent from the SA node to travel to the ventricles
S-T segment
- interval between end of S wave and start of T wave
- period during which ventricles are more or less uniformly excited
Q-T interval
- start of QRS complex to end of T wave
- electrical systole (when ventricular beat is generated)
carotid sinus reflex
decreases heart rate in response to a rise in carotid arterial blood pressure
what happens when inspiratory muscles contract?
- inspiration
- pressure within thorax decreases
- thoracic veins expand slightly

- momentary drop in venous pressure, venous return, cardiac output, and systemic atrial blood pressure

- reduces frequency of carotid baroreceptor firing
- momentary increase in heart rate
what happens when inpiratory muscles relax?
- expiration
- pressure within thorax increases
- thoracic veins compressed

- momentary increase venous pressure and venous return

- systemic venous baroreceptors increase heart rate

- increase cardiac output and systemic atrial blood pressure
- increases carotid baroreceptor firing
- decreases heart rate
average resting heart rate for adults
70 beats/min
resting heart rates for athletes
50 beats/min
- slower heart rates
- left ventricular hypertrophy- larger muscle in the left ventricle
Willem Einthoven
developed a string galvanometer that could accurately record the electrical activity of the heart (1901)
why is it possible to measure electrical activity in and around the heart from the surface of the skin?
because the body contains fluids with ions that allow for electrical conduction, and we assume food electrical contact is made with the body fluids using electrodes
a spatial arrangement of two electrodes on the body
differences between positive and negative electrodes
an arrow whose head points in the positive direction.
the length of the arrow is proportional to the magnitude of the lead
einthoven's triangle
a configuration of three leads.
einthoven's law
lead I + lead III = lead II
mean electrical axis of the heart
summation of all the vectors occurring in a cardiac cycle
why is blood flow unidirectional?
because the 4 valves inside the heart prevent retrograde (backward) flow
blood pressure and blood flow in the arteries are pulsatile, increasing during ventricular systole and decreasing during ventricular diastole
eq. pulse pressure
pulse pressure (mmHg) = systolic pressure- distolic pressure
eq. mean arterial pressure
mean arterial pressure (mmHg) = 1/3 pulse pressure + diastolic pressure
MAP = (systolic pressure + 2 diastolic pressure ) / 3
eq. heart rate
heart rate (BMP) - (60 seconds/min) / pulse to pulse interval (seconds)
systolic pressure
highest arterial pressure reached during ventricular systole;
normal range = 100-139 mmHg
distolic pressure
the lowest arterial pressure reached during ventricular diastole;
normal range = 60-89 mmHg
stroke volume
volume of blood ejected per beat
eq. flow
flow (L/min) = pressure (mmHg) / resistance (peripheral resistance units)
auscultatory method
diagnostic monitoring (via stethoscope) of sounds made by internal organs
korotkoff sounds
sounds detected during blood pressure measurement
first sound- systolic pressure
second sound (disappearance of sounds)- diastolic pressure
normal blood pressures:
systolic and diastolic
systolic less than 130 mmHg;
diastolic less than 85 mmHg
ventricular systole
begins at the peak of R wave and ends at the end of T wave
ventricular diastole
begins at the end of T wave and ends at the peak of R wave
pressure wave
a wave generated through the pumping action of the ventricles via the arterial walls
- the stiffer the walls, the faster the transmission of the pressure wave, but more work is required by the heart to move the same blood volume
the study of blood volume changes within an organ by using volume displacement techniques
photoelectric transducer
a type of transducer used in plethysmography that operates by converting light energy to electrical energy.
- shine a beam of light through the skin and measuring the amount of light reflected
- the greater the blood volume, the greater the light absorption
3 primary functions of the respiratory system (in conjunction with the circulatory system)
- provide oxygen for the body's energy needs
- provide an outlet for CO2
- help maintain the pH of the blood plasma
inspiratory center (medulla)
- initiates inspiration via activation of the inspiratory muscles
- average respiratory rate (RR) = 12-14 cycles/minute
- active inspiration
expiratory center (medulla)
- limit and then inhibit inspiratory center
- passive expiration
the basic breath pattern is affected by
- higher centers in the brain
- feedback from peripheral and central chemoreceptors in the arterial system and medulla
- stretch receptors in the lungs
- other sensory receptors in the body
apnea vera
temporary cessation of breathing after voluntary hyperventilation
- lungs gain carbon dioxide in body fluids due to hypoventilation (shallow and/or slow breathing)
- increase carbonic acid, increase protons, decrease pH in body fluids
why is the central medullary chemoreceptors exposed to the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)
because the CSF is unbuffered in contract to the blood, changes brough about by the dissociation of CO2 are more pronounced
pneumograph transducer
converts changes in chest expansion and contraction to changes in voltage, which will appear in waveform
spiro- breath
meter- measure
record of volume change vs. time
tidal volume
the volume of air inspired or expired during a single breath;
normal TV = 500 mL
pulmonary capacity
the sum of two or more primary lung volumes
forced vital capacity (FVC)
the maximal amount of air a person can forcibly exhale after a maximal inhalation
forced expiratory volume (FEV)
the percentage of FVC that a person forcibly expels in intervals of 1,2,and 3 seconds (FEV1,FEV2, FEV3)
eq. maximal voluntary ventilation (MVV)
a pulmonary function test that combines volume and flow rates to assess overall pulmonary ventilation
- while the subject hyperventilates
- MVV= average volume per cycle * number of cycles per minute
single stage vital capacity (SSVC)
the volume of expired air when a person takes in maximal inhalation and then maximal exhalation
crhonic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
- airflow into and out of the lungs is reduced due to inflammation of airway lining and mucus secretions.
- asthma or emphysema
chronic restrictive pulmonary disease
- ability to inflate and deflate lungs is reduced
- pulmonary fibrosis or sislicosis