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11 Cards in this Set

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Operational definition of lipids

Seven classes of lipids plus distinguishing features

Small, water insoluble molecule

1. Fatty acids: carboxylic acids with long hydrocarbon chain

2. Triacylglycerol: glycerol molecule with fatty acid chains esterified to hydroxyl group

3. Glycerophospholipid: glycerol molecule with C1 attached to saturated FA, C2 attached to unsaturated FA, C3 attached to a phospholipid

4. Sphingolipid: sphingosine backbone with fatty acid attached to N2, C1 attached to a head group

5. Sterols: lipids containing core of four fused rings (3 with 6C, 1 with 5c), hydrophilic head group

6. Waxes: esters of a long FA and a long alcohol

7. Eicosanoids: 20C, arachidonyl acyl chain derivative, act as paracrine hormones

Key fatty acids (6)

How do fatty acid melting points vary

1. Palmitic acid (16:0)

2. Stearic acid (18:0)

3. Oleic acid (18:1; d9)

4. Linoleic acid (18:2; d9, 12)

5. Linolenic acid (18:3; d9,12,15)

6. Arachidonic acid (20:4; d5, 8, 11, 14)

Increasing chain length increases melting point due to van der Waals forces

More cis double bonds decrease MP due to disruption of packing of acyl chains

Why are TAGs such a good source of energy (2)

Key glycerophopholipids (5,2)

1. Highly reduced - can donate many electrons

2. Extremely hydrophobic and thus can be stored without water - takes up less space

1. Phosphatidate - H

2. Phosphatidylethanolamine - ethanolamine (C-C-NH3)

3. Phosphatidylcholine - choline (C-C-N(CH3)3)

4. Phosphatidylserine - serine (R group is methyl - attaches to P)

5. Phosphatidylglycerol - glycerol (one o is estered onto the P)

1. Phosphatidylinositol - ring structure

2. Cardiolipin - big chain

Key sphingolipids to recognize

1. Ceramide - H

2. Sphingomyelin - phosphocholine

3. Cerebroside - single sugars

4. Ganglioside - complex oligosaccharide with negatively charged head group

Major lipid components of eukaryotic membranes - difference in prokaryotes

Basic properties of membranes (5)

What are the terms for membrane fluidity and what consequences do they have

How do prokaryotes and eukaryotes regulate membrane fluidity

What effect does cholesterol have on membrane fluidity

Glycerophospholipids, sphingolipids, cholesterol

Bacterial dont have cholesterol

1. Amphipathic

2. Form bilayers and are naturally self-sealing

3. Impermeable to large molecules and small polar/charged molecules

4. Often have proteins embedded within membrane

5. Lipids and proteins can diffuse laterally but very rarely transversely

Liquid-ordered state (too cold) - reduced fluidity, poor permeability - enzyme function is halted

Liquid-disordered state (too hot) - increased fluidity, too much permeability - homeostasis disrupted

Pro: change length of fatty acid chains or their saturation

Eu: increase or decrease cholesterol concentration

Acts as a fluidity buffer - slows the transition between Lo and Ld

Classes of membrane proteins (4)

How to remove

Strength of binding

1. Integral: fully or partially imbedded

2. Lipid anchored: covalently bonded to a lipid

3. Peripheral: bound to one side of the membrane via H-bond, electrostatic, or hydrophobic interactions

4. Amphitropic: bind reversibly to membrane

Integral: detergents or organic solvents

Peripheral: pH or salt changes

Lipid-anchored: intermediate

Amphitropic: removes on its own in equilibrium

Integral > Lipid > Peripheral > Amphitropic

How do integral membrane proteins span a membrane (2) with examples (3 each)

Function of bacteriorhodopsin and AQP

How does AQP work

1. One or more alpha helices

a. ATP synthase

b. Aquaporin (AQP)

c. Bacteriorhodopsin

2. Several membrane-spanning b-strands; forms antiparallel b-sheet then b-barrel

a. FepA - iron ions in

b. OmpLA - two beta-barrels, lipid substrate enzyme

c. Maltoporin - 3 barrels - transfers maltose

Bacteriorhodopsin - light-driven proton pump

AQP - hydrophilic transmembrane channel for water

Phospholipid tails bind tightly with hydrophobic aa side chains forming a hydrophilic core

Arg residues in the channel repel any positively charged ions keeping H+ out

What lipids are in lipid-anchored proteins

What makes membranes asymmetric

What drives molecule movement in facilitated diffusion

Why are transporters necessary

Examples of facilitated diffusion transporters

How can they be changed from open to closed state

1. Palmitate - either cysteine (thioester) or serine

2. Myristate to N-terminus of glycine

3. Farnesyl group (isoprenoid) or geranylgeranyl group to C terminal cysteine

4. Glycosylated derivative of phosphatidylinositol (GPI-anchored proteins)

Glycosylated proteins with the carbohydrates on the extracellular side of the membrane

Solute gradient

Free energy barrier very high (needs to break hydration shell) - transporter specificity reduces this barrier and speeds up rate of diffusion

K+, Na+ channels, glucose transporters (GLUTs)

Ligand binding or voltage changes

Primary difference of active transport from facilitated diffusion

Primary active transport vs. secondary

Examples of each

Symporters vs. antiporters

Requires energy from another source other than the solute's own gradient

Primary: uses energy from ATP hydrolysis to push a solute against its gradient

Eg. Na+/K+ ATPase - 2K+ in, 3 Na+ out with hydrolysis of ATP

Secondary: uses another molecule moving down its concentration gradient to move the solute against its gradient

Symporter: two solutes moving in the same direction across a membrane

Eg. Lactose permease: moves H+ and lactose into the cell

Antiporter: two solutes moving in opposite directions across a membrane

Eg. Na+/H+ exchange proteins: Na+ in while H+ is pumped out

What is the main function of CoA

What enzyme synthesizes malonyl CoA, what does it require

Mechanism of action

What special group is on the ACP group of fatty acid synthetase

Carrier of acyl groups

Acetyl CoA carboxylase (ACC) - biotin (Vit B7) and ATP

1. Enz-biotin + ATP + HCO3- --> Enz-biotin-CO2 + ADP + Pi + H+

2. Enz-biotin-CO2 + Acetyl CoA --> Malonyl CoA + Enz-biotin

Phosphopanthetheine (from vit B5) like CoASH

What are the steps of round one of fatty acid synthesis (6)

How does the fatty acid chain get lenghtened?

1. Malonyl/Acetyl CoA transferase (MAT) attaches an acetyl group to b-ketoacetyl synthetase (KS)

2. MAT transfers a malonyl CoA to Acyl Carrier Protein (ACP)

3. Condensation - KS synthesizes b-ketoacyl ACP by transferring an acetyl group to malonyl CoA with the loss of CO2

4. Reduction - ACP arms swings into active site of b-ketoacyl reductase (KR) and substrate is reduced to b-hydroxyacyl ACP through electron donation by NADPH

5. Dehydration - b-hydroxyacyl ACP dehydrotase (DH) removes an OH from the b-carbon and an H from the a-carbon to form trans d2 enoyl ACP

6. Reduction - enoyl ACP reductase removes the C2-C3 double bond with NADPH as the electron donor creating acyl ACP

MAT moves the acyl group to KS and then transfers another malonyl group to ACP. Malonyl group then attacks the carbonyl of the acyl chain to begin the cycle again