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28 Cards in this Set

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Equation for photosynthesis
6CO2 + 6H2O+ light ==> C6H12O6 + 6O2
What happens in photosynthesis
Energy from sunlight is stored in carbohydrates
Equation for aerobic respiration
C6H12O6 + 6O2 + 36ADP + 36P ==> 6CO2 + 6H2O + 36 ATP
What happens in aerobic respiration?
Energy from carbohydrates is temporarily stored in ATP
How is energy transformed during photosynthesis?
Light energy (kinetic) to glucose (potential chemical)
What is the atmospheric byproduct Produced during photosynthesis?
What is the atmospheric byproduct produced during aerobic respiration
Carbon dioxide
How is energy transformed during aerobic respiration
Glucose (potential chemical) to ATP (potential chemical)
If a chloroplast can make ATP directly from solar energy, why introduce glucose?
For when there's no sun
What are the four short-term energy storage molecules used During photosynthesis and respiration?
ATP synthase most directly uses___ as a source of energy to make ATP
diffusion of hydrogen ions
The oxygen released into the air as a product of photosynthesis, comes from...
The structure that absorbs sunlight in order to energize electrons:
The photosystems
The structure whose function is to bond hydrogen ions to NADP+ using two high-energy electrons
NADP reductase
What structure pumps hydrogen ions into Thylakoid?
Electron transport chain
Where does the oxygen gas produced during photosynthesis, come from
A packet of light energy is called a...
The electrons lost from the reaction center of photosystem 2 are replaced by electrons from...
The purpose of photosynthesis is to:
Make glucose
Where is chlorophyll found in a plant cell?
Thylakoid membranes
The light reactions occur in the______ while the Calvin cycle occurs in the________
thylakoid... stroma
When a chlorophyll molecule absorbs a photon of light...
Some of its electrons are excited
At the very beginning of the light dependent actions electrons are needed. Where do they come from?
H2O splitting
Ribulose 1,5 bisphosphate
five carbon
Phosphoglyceric acid
three carbon molecule that is formed through carbon fixation
ribulose 1,5 bisphosphate carboxylase
enzyme that sticks CO2 to RuBP
Glyceraldehyde 3 phosphate
is simple sugar that can be used to make a wide variety of other organic compounds
Carbon fixation
Rubisco bonds CO2 to RuBP