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110 Cards in this Set

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1. They all have a nucleus

2. They are important in inflammation, host defense and fighting infection

3. They are produced in bone marrow in adult humans

4. They are usually a bit larger than erythrocytes

(T/F) There are 5 different portal systems in humans (Homo sapiens)


In humans, normal venous Po2 is ____ mm Hg and venous Pco2 ____ mm Hg

40, 46

Significant ingestion of ethanol inhibits ADH release. Decreased ADH levels would cause the following.

increase urine volume, diluted urine

What P50 value shows the hemoglobin with the highest oxygen affinity?

p50= 10

a majority of___ is carried in the blood bound to hemoglobin and the majority of ___ is carried in the blood as bicarbonate ion.

oxygen, carbon dioxide

a significant drop of increase in blood glucose concentration in a normal human will cause ____ by the pancreas

an increased release of glucagon

at the ___ end of a muscular capillary, there is usually a net filtration primarily due to the higher ___ at that end of the capillary

arteriolar, blood pressure

The bile salts are important for

emulsifying lipids

the atmospheric pressure at an altitude of 10,000 feet is 523 mm Hg. The partial pressure of oxygen at this altitude is ___ mm Hg.


What classes of vertebrates can excrete a concentrated urine?

birds, mammals

Which of the following hormones is released by the anterior pituitary gland in humans?


(T/F) The pulmonary circulation in mammals is a higher resistance circuit than the systemic circulation.


the way that changes in pH affects the affinity of hemoglobin for o2 is called the Bohr effect. When proton concentration [H+] the affinity for hemoglobin for o2 ___.


Coronary blood flow is maximum during ventricular ___.


A significant sustained increase in systematic arteriole blood pressure would cause ___. (assume no change in other factors)

a decrease in ADH release

(T/F) the most efficient type of flow pattern for exchange is cross current flow.


Iodine is required for the synthesis of the hormone(s) ___ released directly by the thyroid gland.

T3, T4

The h2co3/ hco3 buffer system is effective in blood because ___.

Co2 acts as a volatile acid that can be removed or retained by the lungs.

(T/F) The Chondrichthyes use urea to help balance their ECF osmolarity with sea water. Thus, they have a high level of urea in their ECF.


Layers containing a smooth muscle in a typical section of the mammalian GI tract is called the ___.


What does the vasa recta do?

1. acts as a countercurrent exchanger

2. Maintains hypertonic medullary interstitium byremoving water

Excretion in the mammalian kidney equals ___ plus ___ minus.

filtration, secretion, reabsorption

(T/F) when activated, the sympathetic nervous system increases heart rate


(T/F) When activated, the sympathetic nervous system increases intestinal motility.


(T/F) When activated, the sympathetic nervous system increases blood pressure


(T/F) When activated, the sympathetic nervous system decreases urine transformation


(T/F) When activated, the sympathetic nervous system increases cardiac output.


The T wave of an ECG depicts ___.

Ventricular repolarization

When Aldosterone is present ___ and water reabsorption by the kidney ___

sodium, increases

(T/F) The Mitral and aortic valves are innervated by the systemic nervous system and open and close because of these nerves.


Decreasing systemic arteriolar radius will ___ average blood pressure. Assume all other variables remain constant.


Cardiac output is equal to ___ times ___.

heart rate, stroke volume

Edema (fluid accumulation in the interstitial space) can occur when ___.

1. capillary filtration greatly exceeds capillary re-absorption

2.the lymphatic ducts are blocked

Carbon dioxide is ___ soluble than oxygen in water and diffuses ___ than oxygen

more, slower

during inspiration, intrapleural pressure ___ in humans.


Rodents, lagomorphs and other non-ruminant herbivores digest cellulose in a special GI structure called the ___.


(T/F) one of the common treatments for mild hypertension is the use of a diuretitic (a class of drug) which increases urine output and reduces blood volume.


The osmolarity of a 0.90% solution of CaCl2 (MW= 111) is ___.

243.0 Mosm

About 60-70% of renal tubular reabsorption occurs in the ___.

Proximal convoluted tubule

If a patient has a tumor in their thyroid glands that coninuously secrets excess thyroid hormone, What would you expect?

1. Decreased TSH and TRH plasma levels

the loop of henle is important in generating a ___ by acting as a ___

Hypertonic medullary interstitium, countercurrent multiplier

Although the kidneys weight about 0.4% of total body mass, they receive 20% of each cardiac output. This high blood flow, in part is used to supply the oxygen demands of the kidneys. The o2 consumption in renal tissue is used to generate large amounts of ATP. What is the main renal process that requires so much ATP?

Tubular reabsorption

The pancreas in humans secretes ___ into the intestine via the pancreatic duct.

1. enzymes to digest proteins, carbohydrates and lipids

2. bicarbonate to neutralize acid from the stomach

injection of the drug which causes arteriolar vaso constriction directly triggers an initial increase in blood pressure. What will be the reflex response (Driven by the baro receptors) of the cardiovascular system?

There will be an increase in heart rate???

there will be an increase in stroke volume???

(T/F) Increase in the ECF concentration of K would cause depolarization of cardiac muscle cells plasma membranes and could end up stopping cardiac action potentials.


Hemorrhage or blood loss leads to hypovalimia (low blood volume). A sudden hypovalimia would directly cause

1. decreased cardiac output

2. Decreased blood pressure

Peptide hormones, such as arginine- vasopressin and oxytosin bind to

cell surface receptors

In the Heart, the aortic valve closes because

Aortic pressure exceeds left ventricular pressure

a sustained decrease in BP would elicit what reflex responses

1. increased angiotension II concentration in the blood

2. increased aldosterone concentration in the blood

3. increase ADH concentration in the blood

4. arteolar vasoconstriction

The maximum amount of air that a normal individual can voluntarily move in or out by breathing is called the ____.

vital capacity

water moves between carious fluid compartments because of ___.

osmotic gradient

An individual ingests an overdose which, at least initially, causes an increase in ventilation. Assuming the drug is working directly on the peripheral chemoreceptors, the drug is most likely ___.

an acid


secreted into the blood


local secretion


secreted by the same cell type

2 types of hormones

hydrophylic (polar), lipophylic (nonpolar)

anterior pituitary glands

ACTH, FSH, GH, Prolactin, MSH, TSH

Posterior pituitary glands

ADH (Vasopressin), Oxytocin

Diabetes Mellitus

increase urine, increase glucose (increase in urine), lack of insulin

Diabetes Insipidus

Lack of ADH (from post. pituitary, works on kidneys)

circulatory system in unicellular organisms

O2, nutrients, waste exchange by diffusion

Circulatory system in organisms

Need to move stuff to & from each cell by convection, such as hydraulic pressure

Major function of the circulatory system


Vertebrate circulation system functions

transportation (Gas exchange, nutritive, excetory), regulation (hormone transport, temp. reg.), Protective (hemostatis, inflammation, immune resp.)


prevention of blood loss

types of flow

concurrent, countercurrent, cross current


volume of RBC/ total volume


-liquid portion of the blood

- 55% by volume in mammals





-metabolites/ lactate


formation of a clot

platelet active drugs (anti platelet)

aspirin, clopidogrel (plavix), GPIIbIIa (Fibrinogen Receptor Inhibitors)

anti- coagulant drugs (prevents clot)

Heparin, Warfarin, Thrombin Inhibitors

Blood pressure=

Cardiac Output *vascular Resistance

there must be a ___ for flow to occur

pressure difference

mammalian and bird circulations

4 chambered hear

2 circulations in series

P wave

atrial depolarization


ventricular depolarization

What is the regulated and defended variable in the cardiovascular system?


Parasympathetic CNS

cranial- saccaral, efferent pathway

sympathtic CNS

thoracic- lumbar, efferent pathway

Cardiac output=


Vascular resistance=






Fick's law

Diffusion rate (mL/min)- DA(Delta P/D)

D-diffusion constant

A- area for diffusion

Delta P- pressure diff

d- distance for diffusion

Henry's Law

Inc temp means dec. amount of gas dissolved


760 mm Hg


160 mm Hg

Po2 @ mitochondria=

10 mm Hg


Bulk flow- convection

Gas exchange


Henry's Coefficient

0.003mLO2/100 ml Blood/ mm Hg

Renal excretion equation

E= (F+S)-R

E- Renal Excretion

F- Glomular Filtration

S- Tubular Secretion

R- tubular Reabsorption

3 mechanisms of urine formation

1. Glomular Filtration

2. Tubular Reabsorption

3. Tubular Secretion

Vasa Recta

Countercurrent exchanger which carries away excess water

+ADH (Anti Diuretic Hormone)

Opens Aquaporin (Channels) for H2O


Channels closed

Dec. H2O reabsorption

inc. urine Production

kangaroo rat is adorable, it even jumps!


steroid hormone secreted by adrenal cortex- cause distal convoluted tubule to reabsorb sodium

Anti-Diuretic Hormone (ADH)

AKA Vasopressin

secreted from the posterior pituitary causes water to be reabsorbed from the collecting duct into the medullary interstitium

endocrine function

HCO3- secretion

enzyme secretion

#50 is going to be

Extra long loop of Henle

9 essential amino acids

1. isoleucine

2. leucine

3. lysine

4. methionine

5. phenylalanine

6. tryptophan

7. threonine

8. valine

9. histidine

essential fatty acids

1. Alpha linolenic acid (ALA) (An omega 3 fatty acid) 18:3

2. linoleic Acid (an omega- 6 Fatty Acid) 18:2


Fe H

Zn H


3 primary "Germ Layers" form at gastrulation





human chorionic Gonadotrophin (PRegnancy test)

Homeotic genes determine___ in a developing embryo

anterior- posterior

dorsal- ventral


programmed cell death

also important in host defense


the other cell death