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45 Cards in this Set

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What is the function of the circulatory system?
it provides a means of delivering oxygen, nutrients and hormones to the cells of the body, while concomitantly removing the metabolic wastes (carbon dioxide and ammonia) produced by them
What are homeotherms?
warm blooded animals

birds mammals
In homeotherms, what is an additional vital role of the circulatory system?
regulation of body temperature: thermoregulation through a process referred to as countercurrent heat exchange (CCHE)
In terms of the countercurrent heat exchange, what occurs when an organism is situated in an environment that is colder than its core body temperate?
The countercurrent heat exchange permits transfer of heat from the warm blood flowing through the arteries of the extremities to the colder blood traveling in the veins, which run parallel to them.

warm blood e.g. blood being pumped from the heart
Explain how does the transport of nutrients occurs in unicellular organisms such as protozoans, cnidarians, and planaria
The cells of unicellular organisms are in constant contact with the external environment, allowing them to use their cell surface to obtain and transport nutrients and also expel wastes.
What do pseudocoelomate invertebrates use as a means of circulation?
pseudocoelomates utilize the fluids present inside of their body cavities not only as a hydrostatic skeleton (for movement) but also as a means of circulation
Large multicellular animals transport nutrients, gases, and waste products by developing specialized organs and organ systems such as..
circulatory and respiratory systems to perform the aforementioned functions
In an open circulatory system, a muscular heart pumps ______through a network of channels and cavities in the body which eventually drain back into the ______.
hemolymph (blood and fluid of the body tissues)

central cavity
Which animals have an open circulatory system?
mollusks and arthropods
Which animals have closed circulatory systems?
annelids and vertebrates
In a closed circulatory system the heart pumps blood through a series of _____ that transport _______&_______to the rest of the body while simultaneously removing wastes from the ______.
blood vessels (arteries, veins, and capillaries)

oxygen & nutrients

Organisms respire (breathe) to obtain oxygen necessary for _______ and to eliminate _______.
cellular respiration

carbon dioxide
Do arthropods possess a single respiratory organ?
Instead, air enters the body through spiracles (specialized openings in the exoskeleton) and into small, branched, cuticle-lined trachea (air-ducts), which transmit gases to the entire body.
What the aquatic vertebrates use to extract oxygen from their surrounding environment?
Within the gills, _____ are arranged to create _____, where blood flows in the opposite direction of water movement, thus maximizing blood oxygenation.

countercurrent flow
Amphibians respire via ___ and ____.

Their highly vascularized epidermis allows exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide in a process referred to as ___________.
lungs and the skin

cutaneous respiration
In terrestrial vertebrates, lungs move air through tubules where gas exchange takes place. How does the use of lungs provide more efficiency?
lungs minimize water evaporation
Why are the respiratory systems of terrestrial organisms the most efficient?
because they need to maintain the high metabolic demands of ENDOTHERMY and increased cellular respiration
What is the human circulatory (cardiovascular) system composed of?
heart blood & blood vessels
The heart pumps blood through the blood vessels to various organs, supplying the tissues with oxygen and nutrients while...
concomitantly removing carbon dioxide and other waste produced by them
oxygenated blood flows away from the heart to the rest of the organs (with the exception of the lungs) and tissues through _____.
________ blood, leaves the tissues and organs through _____ and returns to the heart.
Deoxygenated blood

What are the two circuits of the cardiovascular system of most vertebrates?
systemic & pulmonary
The ______circuit is composed of the lungs and all the vessels that connect the lungs with the heart while the _______consists of the entire body (excluding the lungs) and the remaining vessels.

The heart is separated into left and right half, where the right half (right atrium and ventricle) supply blood to the _________ and the left half supplies blood to the _______.
pulmonary circuit

systemic circuit
What are the septa between the atria (interatrial septum) and the ventricles (interventricular septum) used to prevent?
They are used to prevent oxygenated and deoxygenated blood from mixing

multiple valves within the heart ensure that blood flows in one direction
Atrioventricular valves allow blood in the atria to empty into the ventricles precluded backflow. What the the two atrioventricular valves, and in which side of the heart are they found
bicuspid mitral valve : left

tricuspid valve : right
What are the valves located between the ventricles and arteries?
semilunar valves (aortic and pulmonary)
When the left ventricle contracts, what happens immediately after the aortic valve opens
it pushes from the ventricle into the aorta, the main artery supplying oxygen rich blood to the entire body (systemic circulation)
When happens immediately after the pulmonary semilunar valve opens
forces blood from the right ventricle into the pulmonary artery, which transports deoxygenated blood from the heart back to the lungs (pulmonary circulation)
In summary, blood flow alternates between the pulmonary and systemic circuits. The left ventricle pumps blood into the ____ and to the ______. As blood flows through tissues and organs, it becomes ______ and is eventually returned to the _______of the heart the ________.
2.rest of the body
4.right atrium
5.venae cavae
As the right atrium contracts, _______ blood flows into the ______and then into the _______, which carry blood to the _____where it is suppled with oxygen. This oxygenated blood is then returned to the left atrium of the heart by the _______.
2.right ventricle
3.pulmonary arteries
5.pulmonary veins
With every heartbeat, a highly coordinated series of contractions push blood from the ___into the ____ and them either to the ____or the ______.
4.rest of the body
What did mammals evolve to accommodate the increased metabolic demands of endothermy
mammals evolved lungs that are composed of million of ALVEOLI that function in gas exchange
Describe that process of inhalation
the diaphragm contracts,
pushing down against the abdomen
which results in an increase volume of the thorax.

Opening of the thorax allows air that have been inhaled to though the mouth and nose to pass through the pharynx into the larynx (voice box) and then into the trachea.

The trachea then bifurcates to form left and right bronchi in the left and right lung, respectively
Define tidal volume
the amount of air that a person at rest normally takes in during a single breath
What kind of apparatus is used to measure the volume of air inspired and expired by the lungs
The spirometer can measure _____, which is the amount a person takes in during normal, quiet breather (tidal volume)+ the maximum air inhaled beyond the tidal volume (INSPIRATORY RESERVE)
A person's ______is a good measure of his/her overall respiratory efficiency and health.

What kind of diseases can severely decrease a person's vital capacity?
vital capacity

asthma, emphysema, tuberculosis, and cancer
what are the four key characteristics of the perch

class actinopterygii
1.2 chambered heart
3.gills-sits of gas exchange
4.swim bladder-regulation of gas concentrations in blood and buoyancy
2 chambered heart
swim bladder absent-buoyancy achieved by a large lobed liver filled with oil

these are the key characteristic of which organism
What kind of heat does a frog have? Is it endo or eco thermic ? What are its respiratory tissues?
3 chambered heats
lungs and skin
What are the 3 key characteristics of the pig along with other representatives such as the marsupials placentals and monotremes
4 chambered heart
respiratory tissue : lungs
Name the organism that has an efficient respiratory system which includes air sacs and lungs

name 4 more characteristic for this organism

1. 4 chambered heart
2. endothermic
3. high body temperature
3. high metabolism
what are the main respiratory organ for each of the organisms

leopard frog
perch: gills
leopard frog: skin and lungs
pig lungs
rat lungs
pigeon lungs air sacs and trachea