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25 Cards in this Set

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Define metabolism

Chemical reactions within an organism

define mitochondria

Where energy - releasing conversions take place

what is the most powerful kind of microscope

Electron microscope

Define evolution

A gradual change in organisms through time, generally with organisms becoming more complex

Define chloroplast

greenish organelles found in plants

Define active transport

Requires energy to go from low concentration to high concentration

What is prophase

The first stage in mitosis

Name the three main subdivisions of biology

Zoology, botany, microbiology

Name an example of non vascular (Bryophyte) plants

Mosses & Relatives

Name the three main types of the protist Kingdom

Slime molds, unicellular algae, protozoans

What are stomas and guard cells and their functions

Stomas take in co2 and other outside chemicals. Guard cells regulate how much of the chemicals are taken in

Difference between eukaryotic cells and prokaryotic

Eukaryotic has a true nucleus and prokaryotic does not

Common traits of Genus and species in identifying them

Genus - comes first and the capitalized

species - in second and always lower case

Ex. Acer saccharum

Define Ozzmosis

Type of movement through water

What are the functions of meiosis

- reduces the number of chromosomes in cells

- produces sperm and eggs

- shuffles original chromosomes into new combinations

what is the function of ribosomes

They manufacture proteins

List three examples of invertebrates

Mollusks, echinoderm, arthropods

Define taxonomy

The study of classification

What is a hypothesis

That which is tested in an experiment

What is the function of nervous tissue

Conducts information: receives sensory info, transmit nerve impulses

What type of symmetry do humans have?

Bilateral symmetry

What is the uterus for?

Fetus development

What are the four main types of tissue in our body?

Connective Tissue

Muscle Tissue

Nervous Tissue

Skeletal Tissue

Define autotrophic

Makes their own food (plants)

Three main parts of the Cell Theory

1. All living things are made up of cells

2. Cells are the fundamental units of life

3. All cells come from pre-existing cells