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72 Cards in this Set

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individuals of the same species that live and breed in the same geographic area

biological populations

process by which individuals with certain traits have greater survival and reproduction than individuals who lacks these traits, resulting in an increase in a frequency of successful alleles and a decrease in the frequency of unsuccessful ones.

Natural selection

changes that occur in the characteristics in a population


large scale evolutionary change, usually referring to the origin of new species


body of scientifically accepted general principles that explain natural phenomena.

scientific theory

theory that all organisms on Earth today that are descendants of a single ancestor that arose in a distant past.

Theory of ecolution

theory that all living things on Earth descended from a single common ancestor that appeared in a distant past.

common descent

similarity in characteristics as a result of common ancestry.


evolution of the same trait or set of traits in different populations as a result of shared enviromental conditions rather rhan shared ancestry.


modified with no or relatively minor function compared to the function in other desandants of the same ancestor.

vestigial traits

principle that DNA mutations accumulate in the genome of a species at a constant rate, permitting estimates of when the common ancestor of 2 species existed.

molecular clack

the study of the geographic distribution of organisms


remains of plants and animals that once existed, left in soil or rock


referring to humans or human ancestors


technique that relies on radioactive decay to estimate a fossils age

radiometric dating

amount of time required for half the amount of a radioactive element thats originally present to decay into the daughter product


the unity of knowledge. Used to describe a scientific theory that has multiple lines of evidence to support it.


a chemical that kills or disables bacteria


characteristics of certain bacteria; a physiological characteristics that permits them to survive in the presence of particular antibiotics.

antiobotic resistant

an individual in a population that differs genetically from other individuals in the populaiton.


relative survival and reproduction of one variant compared to others in same population


trait that is favored by natural selection and increases an individuals fitness in a particular enviroment


natural selection for individuals at one end of a range of phenotypes

directional selection

natural selection that favors the average phenotype and selects against the extremes in the populations

stabilizing selection

natural selection for individuals at both ends of a range of phenotypes but against the "average" phenotype.

diverdifying selection

the use of more than one drug simultaneously to treat a disease. Often used for disease organisms that mutate quickly or are difficult to control to combat the problem of drug resistance

combination drug theraphy

Describe the theory of common descent...

it describes that the similarities among living species can be explained as a result of their descent from a common ancestor.

What observations did Charles Darwin make on the Galapagos Islands that help convince him that evolution occurs?

the similarities and differences among mockingbirds and tortoises on the different islands

The process of biological evolution...

-results in a change in the features of indiciduals in a population

-takes place over the course of generations

In science, a theory is...

a body of scientifically acceptable general principles

The theory of common descent states that all modern organisms...

desended from a single common ancestor

Marsupial mammals gives birth to young that complete their decelopment in a pouch on the mothers abdomen. All the natice animals of Australia re marsupials, while these types of animals are absent or uncommon on other continents. This is an example of...

biogeographic evidence fro evolution

Even though marsupial mammals give birth to lice young, an eggshell forms briefly early in their development. This is evidence of...

Marsupials share a common ancestors with some egg laying species

A species of crayfish that lives in the caves produce eyestalks like its above ground relatives, but no eyes. Euestalks in cavedwelling crayfish thus...

a vestigial trait

Which of the following taxonomic levels contains organisms that share the most recent common ancestor?


How would the figure be different if no lice in this childs hair were resistant to pesticide? Vould evolution occur?

All lice would have neen eliminated by the pesticide, and the population wouldn't have evolved

Why do some branches on the tree tops short of the right side of the tree?

these branches represent organisms that are extinct

What enviromental factors might have caused the difference in evolution between prickly pears on the mainland and prickly pears on the island?

perhaps the presence of a plant earing tortoises on the islands made those cacti with longer stems (thus out of reach of tortoises) more likely to survive, leading to the ecolution of longer stems. There also may be a lack of other trees on the islands, meaning the taller cacti were able to capture more sunlight and thus reproduce more than smaller plants.

List one or more traits that all members of the order Primates snare...

hair covered bodies, birth to live young, other characteristics of all mammals (also foward facing eyes and opposable thumbs)

Add "squirrel" to this tree. How can you indicate the shared ancestor of squirrels and other members of the group?

squirrel would be the farthest left branch, originating above the mammal ancestor. The shared ancestor is the junction point.

How old is a rock that contains 12.5% of the original parent element?

3 million years

What types of drugs have helped resuce the death rate due to tuberculosis infection, and why have they become less effective more recently?

Antibiotics have helped reduce deaths due to tuberculosis, but they have become less effective as strains of antibiotic resistant M. tuberculosis have appearted in human populations

Compare and contrast artificial selection and natural selection...

- both cause evolution

- artificial: the humans are choosing which organisms to reproduce.

- natural: enviromental conditions cause one variant to have higher fitness than other variants

Describe how Mycobacterium tuberculosis evolves when its exposed to an antibiotic...

within a single patient, the Mycobacterium tuberculosis consists of a large number of fenetic cariants. These cariants differ i numbers of traits, including their susceptability to particular antibiotic. When patiant takes an antibiotic, the individual bacteria that are more resistant to the drug have higher fitness and natural selection leads to the evolution of bacteria population that is resistant to the drug.

Which of the following observations isn't part of the theory of natural selection?

modern organisms are unrelated

the best definition of evolutionary fitness is...

survival and reproduction relatice to other members of the population

and adaptation os a trait of an aorganism that increases

-its fitness

-its ability to survive and replicat

-in frequency in a population over many generations

the heritable differences among orgaisms are a result of...

-differences in their DNA


-differences in alleles

SInce the modern synthesis, the technical defintion of evolution is a change in ---- in a --- over the course of generations

allele frequency, populations

Ivory from elephant tusks is a valuable commodity on world market. As a result, male african elephants with large tusks have been heavily hunted for the past few centuries. Today male elephants have significantly shorter tusks at full adulthood than male elephant in early 1900's. This is an example of...

Directional selection

Antibiotic resistance is becoming common among organisms that cause a variety of human diseases. All of the following strategies help reduce the risk of antibiotic resistance evolving in a susceptible bacterial population except...

preventing natural selection by reducing the of ecolution the organisms can perform

If the first antibiotic treatment procided to a person with active TB is ineffective, the indicidual likely is infected with an antibiotic resistant variety of bacterium. Even if they later recieve effective treatment, why is the delay caused by the initial ineffective treatment a concern?

the TB bacteria can continue to multiply, doing damage to lungs and resulting in a larger populatio. More cells mean more likelihood of resistant variants as well as a more difficult time clearing out the infection.

Some biologists argue that human evolution as a result of natural selection on our physical traits has nealy stopped because of our ability to use technology to compensate for poor enviromental conditions or to overcome physical handicaps. What examples can you give that support this view? In what ways might humans still be subject to natural selection?

Humans have invented technologies and diseases cures that decrease the differences in fitness among individuals with different genetics. We are still subject to natural selection for traits that are less amenable to technological fixes and even in our ability to respond to technology.

The allele responsible for cystic fibrosis appears to protect carriers from M. TB infection. In addition, it appears that the cystic fibrosis allele is more common in humans with ancestors from crowded, urban enciroments in northern Europe. Use the modern understanding of ecolution cia natural selection to develop a hypothesis about why the cystic fibrosis allele is more common in these populations.

The cystic fibrosis allele may procide protection from diseases that are more common in urban enviroments. Individuals carrying the allele in these enviroments were more likely to survive, thus causing allele to become more common in those populations.

Why would some individual bacteria carry a mutation that makes them more resistant to an antiobiotic even though they have never been exposed to this antibiotic?

mutations appear by chance and may not have much affect on fitness unless the enviroment changes. The resistanve allele appeared randomly.

What will happen to elephant as result of limited resource availability when generation 4 is produced?

because the elephants are using most of their resources in generation 3, a percentage of generation 4 will die of starvation

how did the total population size of ground finches change between '76 and '78

it decreased by alarge amount

what would this sequence of changes look like if the selection was dogs with long legs and coats, as in Afghan hounds?

the population would change in the direction of longer legs and coats

how would the ratio of fast to slow meabolizers differ on each "shelf" of this figure if the flies weren't in high-alcohol enviroment?

the individual with fast metabolism of alcohol wouldn't have proportionally more offspring than those without the allele, so the ratio of fast to slow metabolizers would stay the same on each "shelf"

What are the 2 different meanings of evolution according to biologists

1) the process of ecolution

-biological populations

-biological ecolution

2) theory of evolution

-scientific theory

-common descent

changes in allele frequency as in a populations over time


Things that can change allele frequencies in microevolutions...

1- Natural selection

2- genetic drift

3- gene flow

Things microevolution can lead to...

1- adaptive change in population

2- specialism

3- macroevolution


generations of a new species


generations fo new groups or organisms

Ways that macroevolution can happen...



-chromosomal translocation

Chromosomal translocation

joining or seperating of chromosomes

-Used to determine the age of rocks

-Relies on decay of radioactive isotopes into daughter products

-the rate of decay is measured by the element's half-life

- due to this scientists have estimated the age of fossil hominums

Radiometric dating

Steps of Natural selection

1) natural selection

2) differential reproduction

3) adaptive change in population

selection umposed by human choice

artificial selection

4 necessary elements for natural selection...

1) population has variation

2) change in enviroment

3) differential

4) adaptive change in population

3 outcomes of natural selection...

1- stabilizing

2- diversifying

3- directional