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49 Cards in this Set

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What is the primary function of the respiratory system?

All oxygen from the air to enter the blood and carbon dioxide from the blood to exit into the air ano

Another word for breathing


Fancy words for inhale & exhale

Inspiration; expiration

The respiratory and cardiovascular systems work together to do 3 things. What are they?

1. External respiration: exchange of gases between air and the blood

2. Transport: transport gases to and from the lungs and the tissues

3. Internal respiration: exchange of gases between blood and tissue fluid

When does lung volume increase/decrease?

Increases with inspiration, decreases with expiration

What happens to air as it moves along the airways?

Cleansed, moistened, warmed

Nasal cavity: description and function

Description: hollow spaces in nose

Function: filter, warm, and moisten air

Pharynx: description, function

Description: chamber posterior to oral cavity; lies between nasal cavity and larynx

Function: connection to surrounding regions

Glottis: description, function

Description: opening into larynx

Function: passage of air into larynx

Larynx: description, function

Description: cartilaginous organ that housed the vocal cords; voice box

Function: sound production

Trachea: description, function

Description: flexible tube that connects larynx with bronchi

Function: passage of air to bronchi

Bronchi: description, function

Description: paired tubes inferior to the trachea that enters the lungs

Function: passage of air to lungs

Bronchioles: description, function

Description: branches tubes that lead from bronchi to alveoli

Function: passage of air to each alveolus

Lungs: description, function

Description: soft, cone-shaped organs that occupy lateral portions of thoracic cavity

Function: contain alveoli and blood vessels

Lungs: description, function

Description: soft, cone-shaped organs that occupy lateral portions of thoracic cavity

Function: contain alveoli and blood vessels

Alveoli: description, function

Description: thin-walled microscopic air sacs in lungs

Function: gas exchange between air and blood

Pharynx and it's 3 parts

Pharynx: connects nasal and oral cavities to larynx

Nasopharynx: where the nasal cavities open posterior to soft palate

Oropharynx: where the mouth opens

Laryngopharynx: opens into the larynx

What are vocal cords?

Folds of mucosa that vibrate to make sounds

Opening in the middle (glottis)

What 3 things are in the trachea?

1. C shaped cartilage rings

2. Cilia to sweep miscues toward pharynx

3. Goblet cells to make mucus

What 3 things are in the trachea?

1. C shaped cartilage rings

2. Cilia to sweep miscues toward pharynx

3. Goblet cells to make mucus

What destroys the cilia in the trachea?


What lines the trachea?

Pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium

What is the carina?

Where primary bronchi split off

What is the bronchial tree order?

Primary bronchi > secondary bronchi > tertiary bronchi > bronchioles > alveoli

How many loves do the lungs have?

Right has 3

Left has 2

What kind of cartilage is in bronchi? What kind in bronchioles?

Hyaline; none in bronchioles

What is the thin serous membrane that covers the lungs?


What does pleura do?

Produced lubricating serous fluid that helps pleura slide freely during breathing

What are the 3 pleura? (Inner to outer)

1. Visceral pleura

2. Pleural space

3. Parietal pleura

What are alveoli made of?

Simple squamous epithelium surrounded by blood capillaries

What happens in gas exchange?

Occurs between the air in the alveolus and blood in the capillaries

-oxygen diffuses across the walls into blood

-carbon dioxide diffuses into alveoli

What helps prevent alveoli from closing?

Pulmonary surfactant

What is it called when premature infants lack surfactant?

Infant respiratory distress syndrome

What 3 things are we susceptible to bc of constantly being exposed to the air in the environment?

1. Various infectious agents

2. Pollution

3. Tobacco smoke

Where can upper respiratory infections spread?

Middle ear or sinuses

What is the most common virus that causes a cold?


Pharyngitis: second name, symptoms, treatment

Streptococcus pyogenes

Symptoms: sore throat, fever, white patches

Treated by antibiotics


Lymphoid tissues becomes inflamed and enlarged. Can lead to removal (tonsillectomy)


Inflammation of larynx

Causes hoarseness and difficulty speaking (polyps can develop on vocal cords)


10% of up respiratory infections accompanied by this

Symptoms: postnasal discharge, headache, facial pain

Development: when congestion blocks sinus openings

Otitis media

Inflammation of the middle ear

Nasal infections spread to the ear by Eustachian tubes

Otitis media

Inflammation of the middle ear

Nasal infections spread to the ear by Eustachian tubes

What is helpful for children with chronic otitis media?

Tympanostomy tubes

What 3 things cause disorders of the lower respiratory tract?

1. Foreign objects lodged in trachea

2. Excessive mucus in bronchi or bronchioles

3. Conditions that restrict normal elasticity


Chronic and incurable, damages walls of alveoli, reduces surface area for gas exchange, COPD with smoking

Cystic fibrosis

Caused by defective protein needed for Cl- transport

Recessive genetic disorder

What is the leading cause of cancer death in men and women?

Lung cancer

How many cases of lung cancer are associated with smoking?


What are the 5 progressive steps of lung cancer?

1. Thickening of cells lining bronchi

2. Loss of cilia

3. Appearance of cells with atypical nuclei

4. Tumor formation

5. Metastasis - cancer cells spread