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69 Cards in this Set

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The discovery of the fossilized remains of archaeopteryx in 1860 led to the beginning of the hypothesis of birds being closely related to

Fossils may be
From impressions left after an organism decays, formed as organic matter is replaced by minerals, turning to stone, formed when plant resin or tar preserves the specimen and casts from footprints that have filled with mud and then turned to stone.

Relative dating uses ________________ to estimate how old a fossil is
Depth with rock layers

Absolute dating uses ________________ to estimate how old a fossil is
Radioactive isotopes

If an isotopes half/life is 100 years
In 100 years only half of the atoms in a sample of that isotope will remain

Earth once consisted of a single large landmass and one ocean. The landmass is named

If similarities between two structures in different organisms reflect common ancestry, these structures are

If a structure has no apparent function in one species, yet is homologous to a functional organ in another species, this structure is termed.

The wing of a bat and a bird are examples of
Analogous structures

The order in which these species are most similar to humans is
Rhesus monkey, pigeon, fruit fly

If many genes from two species differ in about 2% of their bases and substitutions occur at an estimated rate of 2% per one million years then
About 1 million years have passed since the two species diverged

The type of reproductive isolation in which two populations are separated due to the sperm cells of one not being able to recognize the egg cells of the other is
Gametic isolation (separated eggs)

Polyploidy is (plants)
Common in plant species more than 2 sets of chromosomes

A tetraploid (four sets of chromosomes) plant species would normally be ________________ whereas a plant species with three sets of chromosomes would normally be ________________. This is due to whether or not meiosis may be completed correctly.
Fertile, infertile

Centime/thin layers of earth that are rich in iridium give evidence to support the layer found in meteorites
Impact theory

MtDNA represents DNA only from the mother’s lineage because
Sperm cells usually do not donate mitochondria to eggs during fertilization

Which of the following is an example of macroevolution
The origin of horses and donkeys from a common ancestry

What is microevolution?
Change in alleles frequencies from one generation to the next

A sterile mule is produced by mating a horse and a donkey. From this observation you could conclude:
That horses and donkeys are different species but same ancestor

Bacteria cannot be classified using the biological definition of a species for which reason?
Bacteria are asexual. Cannot have sex but they mix genes.

If a sheep and goat are mated. Their offspring dies as an embryo. This is an example of ________________
Post zygotic zygote was already made

Some flowers bloom in the spring while others bloom in the summer. This is an example of ________________
Pre zygotic no baby has been made

Scientists have a very complete fossil record showing the evolution of horses over millions of years, with the legs becoming longer and the teeth larger as ancestors of the modern horse adapted from living in forest to grasslands. This is an example of ________________

Conservation biologists are often concerned that when the population size of an endangered species becomes too small it is at risk of extinction for which reason?
They may be more susceptible to changes in the environment or disease

Clues from geology and paleontology suggest that simple cells or their precursors arose about
Three to four billion years ago

Stanley miller’s first prebiotic simulation experiment showed that under the right conditions, oparins ancient atmosphere could allow for the formation of
Amino acids

It is thought that the first multicellular organisms arose about
1.2 billion years ago

Evidence supporting the idea that mitochondria and chloroplasts in present/day cells originated as independent organisms includes.
Similarities in DNA sequences between mitochondrial and bacterial genomes, similarities in size and shaped between mitochondria and some prokaryotes, similarity between photosynthetic pigments in chloroplasts and cyanobacteria and similarity in the way mitochondria, chloroplasts, and prokaryotes reproduce.

The “Cambrian explosion” refers to
The appearance of fossils for all major phyla of animals

Characteristics shared by primates include
Flat nails instead of claws, grasping hands with opposable thumbs, stereoscopic vision and excellent depth perception and large brain size in comparison to body size.

Our closest living relatives on the evolutionary tree are

Why do scientists hypothesize that RNA was the first form of genetic material
RNA can catalyze reactions and store genetic information

How is the ability of phospholipids to spontaneously form membranes when placed in water important in the origin of life on earth?
Membranes are used by cells to isolate their contents from the environment

Two bacteria (a and b) can metabolize glucose. Bacteria A has an enzyme that will convert fructose into glucose and bacteria B cannot. Why bacteria A have a survival advantage over bacteria B?
The enzyme increases the potential food supply of bacteria A

Mitochondria evolved before chloroplasts based on which observation?
All eukaryotes have mitochondria, but not chloroplasts

Chloroplasts arose by endocytosis of
A photosynthetic bacteria

How could an asteroid hitting the Yucatan peninsula in what is now Central America cause a worldwide mass extinction?
By blocking the sun and inhibiting photosynthesis

The carbon dioxide released from burning coal or oil comes from which of the following
Carbon dioxide fixed by plants during photosynthesis

By comparing the sequences of human and chimpanzee DNA sequences, scientist may be able to answer which of the following questions – Which genes control the ability to speak

The transcription factor FOXP2 has two mutations in humans that are not found in chimps. This transcription factor regulates the expression of genes that allow humans to speak. This is consistent with which hypothesis to account for the differences between humans and chimps?
Human and chimp proteins are essentially the same, but are turned on and off at different times

A preparation that “teaches” the immune system to recognize a disease causing agent without actually causing diseased is termed a

A molecule that stimulates an immune system reaction by B cells and T cells is termed a
Antigen antibody generator
A phagocyte is a
Physical and chemical barriers that form the first line of innate defense include
The acidity of the stomach, tear fluid from the eye, an unpunctured skin and mucu and cilia of the respiratory tract

The innate chemical substance produced by basonphils that causes blood vessels to dilate is

A y/shaped protein that is produced in response to a specific antigen and recognizes these antigens in

The “master cells” of the immune system that initiate and coordinate the adaptive immune response are
Helper t cells

Which of the following are examples of active immunity
Antibodies produced from a vaccine / produce on our own

The region of an antibody molecule that recognizes and binds to an antigen is the
Variable region

Every year the common flu vaccine is designed to protect against three different strains of influenza virus. Why do scientists typically have to make a new vaccine every year?
Because the virus can mutate into new strains

If you transfuse type AB blood into a patient with type A blood. The patient will raise antibodies against the B antigen on the donor’s blood, but will not raise antibodies against the A antigen. Why not?
B and T cells that recognize the A antigen will have been removed by clonal deletion

Each year there are an estimated 250,000 people who could benefit from a bone marrow transplant
If they don’t match, the recipient’s immune system will see the donor’s bone marrow as foreign

What would happen to a patient who no longer had active bone marrow?
They would be immunocompromised / bubble boy

A person has blood type of A. they could receive a whole blood transfusion from which donors?
A or O

An exaggerated attack on a harmless antigen by an overly sensitive immune system is termed

Silica walls are characteristic of

The engulfment of food particles by a cell is
Phagocytosis / to eat

Some protozoa move by false feet called

Euglena have chloroplasts and can perform phagocytosis. Euglena would be considered which of the following?
Autotrophs and heterotrophs

DNA sequence evidence suggests that plants, fungi and animals arose from different lineages of unicellular protists. This suggests which of the following?
Protists evolved before the other three kingdoms pro (before)

Chloroplasts in algae are thought to have arisen from which source?

Mitochondria in algae are thought to have arisen from which source
Aerobic bacteria

Euglena and dinoflagellates have chloroplasts and flagella. This means they are which of the following.
Photosynthetic and mobile

Are eukaryotes with nucleus

Which protists produce most of the earth’s oxygen

African sleeping sickness is caused by Trypanosoma brucei, a unicellular flagellated protist infects red blood cells after being injected into the blood stream. African sleeping sickness is transmitted by
The bite of an insect / tzeze fly

Malaria is caused by plasmodium, a non/motile protist that contains a cluster of microtubuleas at one end of the cell. Once injected into the blood stream, these microtubules are used to attach to red blood cells. In areas of the world where malaria is endemic people have a relatively high incidence of the allele for
Sickle cell

Malaria is transmitted by
The bite of a mosquito

One reason that malaria continues to be the world’s most significant infectious disease is because plasmodium falciparum continues to develop resistance to the drugs that have been used to treat malaria. This is due to which of the following?
Some plasmodium falciparum have pre/existing mutations that make them resistant to antimalarial drugs

Based on the theory of endosymbiosis, which of the following would you expect to find in a chloroplast.