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44 Cards in this Set

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The study of how organisms interact with their environment
A group of individuals of the same species that lives in the same area at the same time
Consists of species that interact with each other within a particular area
Consists of all the organisms in a particular region along with nonliving components
Not alive
Conservation Biology
The effort to study, preserve, and restore threatened populations
Organismal Ecology
Behavioral, physiological, and morphological ways individuals interact with the environment
Study of animal behavior, particularly in natural environments
Proximate Question
Relate to the stimuli and mechanisms of behaviors.."how"
Ultimate Questions
Relate to evolutionary significance of behaviors..."why"
The response to a stimulus
A change in behavior that results from a specific experience in the life of an individual
Fixed Action Patterns (FAP's)
Stereotyped; they are performed the same way every time
Releaser/Sign Stimuli
Simple stimuli that trigger stereotyped behavior
Innate Behavior
Behavior that is inherited and shows little variation based on learning or the individuals condition
Optimal Foraging
Animals should maximize their feeding efficiency
Classical Conditioning
Individuals are trained by experience to give the same response to more than one stimulus
Critical Period/Sensitive Period
The time when imprinting occurs. It is in the early life of the animal and it is a short interval
A type of rapid, irreversible learning in which a young animal learns to recognize the individual caring for it
The recognition and manipulation of facts about the world, combined with the ability to form concepts and gain insights
The use of echoes from vocalization to obtain information about locations of objects in the environment
Any process in which a signal from on individual modifies the behavior of a recipient individual
Any information containing behavior
A deliberate movement that results in a change in position relative to some external cue
Involves positioning the body toward or away from a stimulus
Orientation towards light
Orientation towards sound
Use of familiar landmarks for navigation
The long-distance movement of a population associated with a change of seasons
Compass Orientation
Moment that is oriented in a specific direction for navigation
True Navigation
Ability to locate a specific point on Earth's surface
Circadian Clock
Maintains a 24-hour rhythm of chemical activity in an organism
A behavior that has fitness cost to the individual exhibiting the behavior and a fitness benefit to the recipient of the behavior
Coefficient of Relatedness
A measure of how closely the actor and beneficiary are related
Hamilton's Rule
Individuals can pass their alleles on to the next generation not only by having their own offspring but also by helping close relatives produce more offspring
Kin Selection
A form of natural selection that favors traits that increase survival or reproduction of an individuals kin at the expense of the individual
Reciprocal Altruism
An exchange of the fitness benefits that are separated in time
Tinbergen's 4 Questions
Mechanistic Basis, Development of the Animal, Evolutionary history, and survival and reproduction
Change in activity in response to a stimulus
Loss of responsiveness to stimuli that convey little or no information
Spatial Learning
Based on experience with spatial structure of the environment
Cognitive Maps
Layout of the land
Classical Conditioning
A type of learning in which an animal learns to associate two stimuli, so that a response originally given to just one stimulus can be evoked by the second stimulus as well