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82 Cards in this Set

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Urinary System Overview
• 2 kidneys
• 2 ureters
• urinary bladder
• urethra
What do the kidney's produce?
What is the function of the ureter?
transport urine from kidneys to bladder
What is the function of the urinary bladder?
temporary storage for urine
What is the function of the urethra?
transports urine from the bladder out of the body
What are the functions of the the kidney?
1. filter blood
2. regulate blood volume and blood pressure
3. regulate plasma ion concentrations
4. help stabilize blood pH
5. endocrine function - erythropoietin (EPO)
6. activation of vitamin D
What are the regions of the kidney?
cortex, medulla and renal pelvis (ureter)
What is the functional unit of the kidney?
Each nephron can be divided into:
a renal tubule of renal corpuscle
What is a renal tubule?
long tubule beginning at the renal corpuscle that's consisted of three regions: proximal convoluted tubule (PCT), Loop of Henle, Distal convoluted tubule (DCT)
What is a renal corpuscle?
spherical structure = Bowman's capsule + glomerulus
The glomerulus is the site of _____
Each nephron empties into the:
collecting system
What is the collecting system?
series of tubes that carry fluid away from the nephron
What is the collecting duct?
receives fluid from many nephrons; begins at cortex, descend into medulla
What is the papillary duct?
receives fluid from collecting duct - drains into minor calyx
The regions of the _____ & _____ vary in their structure and function/role in the production of urine
nephron & collecting system
What is filtration?
blood & all of its contents (except proteins & RBCs) are filtered into a nephron
What is reabsorption?
H₂O & important ions/nutrients are reabsorbed back into blood
What is secretion?
additional "unwanted" solutes, acids, toxins, etc transported further into forming urine
The renal corpuscle is the production of _____
What is the Bowman's capsule?
double layered bag that collects urinary filtrate
What is the parietal epithelium?
outer wall; simple squamous epithelium
What is the visceral epithelium?
covers glomerular capillaries
What is the capsular space?
between parietal & visceral epithelia
Blood supply to the glomerulus has two locations:
afferent arteriole & efferent arteriole
The _____ arteriole brings blood to the glomerulus
The _____ arteriole takes blood away from the glomerulus (after filtration has occurred)
What is the filtration membrane?
filter that lies between the blood & capsular space

Consists of three layers:
• fenestrated endothelium
• fused basement membrane
• visceral layer of glomerular capsule
What are the three layers of the filtration membrane?
• fenestrated endothelium - of glomerular capillaries
• fused basement membrane
• visceral layer of glomerular capsule - podocytes form filtration slits
What are the two 2 capillary beds in every nephron?
glomerulus and peritubular capillaries
Each glomerulus is:
• fed by an afferent arteriole
• drained by an efferent arteriole
What are peritubular capillary beds?
low-pressure, porous capillaries adapted for absorption
• arise from efferent arterioles
• cling to adjacent renal tubules
• empty into renal venous system
What is the vasa recta?
long, straight efferent arterioles connected to peritubular capillaries (15% of nephrons) that follow Loops of Henle into medulla
Cortical nephrons
85% of all nephrons
• located in the cortex of the kidney
• short loop of Henle
• efferent arteriole connects with peritubular capillaries
Juxtaglomerular nephrons
15% of nephrons
• long loops of Henle extend deep into medulla
• peritubular capillaries (surround convoluted tubules) connect to vasa recta (long, straight capillaries parallel with loop of Henle)
What are the three stages of urine formation?
1. filtration - of H₂O & solutes across filtration membrane
2. reabsorption - removal of H₂O & solutes from filtrate into peritubular fluid
3. secretion - transport of solutes from peritubular fluid into tubular fluid
Three processes of urine formation

1. Filtration - solutes travel from _____ to ______
2. Reabsorption - solutes travel from _____ to _____
3. Secretion - solutes travel from ______ to _____
1. Filtration - solutes travel from _____ to ______
2. Reabsorption - solutes travel from _____ to _____
3. Secretion - solutes travel from ______ to _____
H₂O & dissolved solutes move out of glomerulus → across filtration membrane → into capsular space
• requires glomerular hydrostatic pressure (BP generated by heart) to force H₂O and solutes through membrane pores
∙ small solute molecules pass through
∙ larger solutes (e.g. proteins, RBCs) can't pass through

Filtration → effective and passive
• major limitation — in addition to metabolic wastes & excess ions...
∙ glucose, fatty acids, amino acids & vitamins enter capsular space

These potentially useful materials are recaptured before the filtrate leaves the kidneys (reabsorption)
Glomerular filtration is determined by a balance between:
1. hydrostatic pressure (fluid pressure)
2. colloid osmotic pressure (of materials in solution)
Glomerular hydrostatic pressure (GHP)
(BP in glomerular capillaries) = 50 mm Hg

(arrows in purple)
Capsular hydrostatic pressure (CsHP)
15 mm Hg (pushes H₂O & solutes out of filtrate)

(arrows in red)
Blood colloid osmotic pressure (BCOP)
25 mm Hg (osmotic pressure due to suspended proteins)

(arrows in teal)
Why do we not need to consider the colloid osmotic pressure in the filtrate?
lack of proteins in filtrate (due to semipermeable membrane) ... BCOP draws H₂O out of filtrate - into plasma
Net hydrostatic pressure (NHP)

35 mm Hg = 50 mm Hg - 15 mm Hg
Filtration pressure (NFP)
10 mm Hg = 35 mm Hg - 25 mm Hg

10 mm Hg = average pressure forcing H₂O & dissolved solutes out of glomerular capillaries into capsular space
Typical hydrostatic pressure in the peripheral capillaries is
35 mm Hg
Glomerular hydrostatic pressure is
50 mm Hg
How is the filtration pressure established/maintained?
efferent arteriole diameter < afferent arteriole diameter

Therefore high pressures are needed to overcome the resistance
Blood pressure in the glomerulus is high because:
• arterioles are high-resistance vessels (high diameters)
• afferent arterioles have larger diameters than efferent arterioles

Fluids and solutes are forced out of the blood throughout the entire length of the glomerulus
Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR)
amount of filtrate kidneys produce in 1 minute (~ 125 ml/min)
... about 10% of fluid delivered to kidneys - leaves bloodstream & enters capsular space
Glomeruli generate about _____ L of filtrate/day but _____% is reabsorbed in renal tubules
180 L; 99%
Any factor that alters filtration pressure alters _____.
What are the three levels of GFR regulation?
1. Autoregulation (local level)
2. Hormonal regulation (initiated by kidneys)
3. Autonomic regulation (by SNS)
What level(s) of GFR regulation is under intrinsic control?
Autoregulation (local level)
What level(s) of GFR regulation is under extrinsic control?
Hormonal regulation (initiated by kidneys) and Autonomic regulation (by SNS)
What is intrinsic control?
act locally to maintain constant GFR (despite fluctuations in blood pressure or MAP)
What is extrinsic control?
aimed at regulating blood pressure (MAP) ... and ultimately GFR (BP drives filtration in the kidneys)
If we can regulate MAP, Renal BP and/or NFP → can control _____
Autoregulation of Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR)
Maintain GFR by changing diameters of afferent arterioles, efferent arterioles & glomerular capillaries
Autoregulation of Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR)

If we experience a ↓ in BP do we want to have dilation or constriction of ......
_____ of afferent arteriole
_____ of glomerular capillaries
_____ of efferent arterioles
... to raise BP to homeostatic levels
_____ of afferent arteriole
_____ of glomerular capillaries
_____ of efferent arterioles
Autoregulation of Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR)

If we experience a ↑ in BP...
_____ of afferent arteriole
... to lower BP to homeostatic levels
_____ of afferent arteriole
Autoregulation of Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR)

Under normal conditions, auto regulation maintains nearly _____ GFR
Autoregulation of Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR)

If systemic BP is HIGH → afferent arteriole will be stretched → response:
Afferent arteriole & glomerular capillary constrict; efferent arteriole dilates → ↓ glomerular hydrostatic pressure → ↓ NFP → ↓ GFR
Autoregulation of Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR)

If systemic BP is LOW →
Afferent arteriole & glomerular capillary dilate; efferent arteriole constricts → ↑ glomerular hydrostatic pressure → ↑ NFP → ↑ GFR
Hormonal regulation of glomerular filtration rate (GFR) occurs by hormones of the:
1. renin-angiotensin system
2. natriuretic peptide (ANP and BNP)
Renin-Angiotensin System involves the _____.
Juxtaglomerular Apparatus (JGA)
Juxtaglomerular Apparatus (JGA) is an endocrine structure that secretes:
• hormone erythropoietin (EPO)
-RBC production
• enzyme Renin
-converts angiotensinogen to angiotensis I
Autonomic regulation of Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR) under normal conditions
(MAP ~ 80-180 mm Hg)
• SNS - at rest
• Autoregulatory mechanisms in control
• GFR remains relatively constant
Autonomic regulation of Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR) under extreme stress/emergency
(acute drop in MAP ~ < 80 mm Hg)
• SNS - activated
• Neural mechanisms override autoregulatory control
• Blood is shunted to vital organs — decrease in GFR

After a crisis passes...
Sympathetic control decreases

GFR returns to normal
Effect of MAP of GFR

Group Questions
1. Why is the line "flat" between 80-180 mm Hg?
2. If MAP increased to 220 mm Hg what would happen?
3. If MAP decreased to 40 mm Hg what would happen?
1. Why is the line "flat" between 80-180 mm Hg?
2. If MAP increased to 220 mm Hg what would happen?
3. If MAP decreased to 40 mm Hg what would happen?
Reabsorption in the Proximal Convoluted Tubule (PCT)
• "Mass reabsorption" ~ 70% of filtrate is reabsorbed at PCT
• H₂O, nutrients, ions vitamins, etc returned to blood via peritubular capillaries
Epithelial cells of the PCT are specialized for transport:
• transport proteins (pumps, carriers, channels) in apical & basolateral membranes
• microvilli on apical surface face into lumen of tubule (↑↑ surface area)
Primary molecule that drives reabsorption at PCT is
[Na+] = PCT lumen > Tubule cell →

Na+/K+ ATP pump →

[Na+] = Peritubular fluid > Peritubular capillaries →
[Na+] = PCT lumen > Tubule cell → passive diffusion into cell

Na+/K+ ATP pump → active transport into peritubular fluid

[Na+] = Peritubular fluid > Peritubular capillaries → passive diffusion into blood
Movement of Na+ has 3 important effects:
(1) creates osmotic gradient → results in water reabsorption called: obligatory water reabsorption ("water follows salt")

(2) Creates an electrical gradient that causes negatively charged ions to "follow along" with Na+ and be reabsorped

(3) Diffusion of Na+ into PCT tubule cells releases energy that is "captured" and "used" to pump other nutrients (e.g. glucose, amino acids) into cells or wastes out of cells (e.g. H+) = secondary active transport

• nutrients will then diffuse out the other side of PCT tubule cells into the ECF → and then into blood
What is the osmotic gradient?
water "follows" the diffusion and active transport of Na+ via osmosis
What is the electrical gradient?
negatively charged ions "follow along" with Na+ to be reabsorped
What is the secondary active transport?
movement of Na+ into tubule cells releases energy
• energy is "captured" and "used" to pump other nutrients (e.g. glucose, amino acids) into cells or wastes out of cells (e.g. H+) = secretion
Secondary active transport also drives _____ transport
Concept of Transport Maximum
• Carrier proteins (active and passive) can become saturated (full)
∙ reflects number of carriers in the renal tubules available
∙ when carriers are saturated, excess of that substance is excreted in urine (e.g. diabetes mellitus - high [glucose] in filtrate)
Substances are not reabsorbed if they:
• Lack carriers
• are not lipid soluble
• are too large to pass through membrane pores

• Urea, creatinine and uric acid are the most important non reabsorbed substances