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63 Cards in this Set

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Muscle Tissue
one of four primary tissues, divided into 3 types
What are the three types of muscle tissue?
skeletal muscle, cardiac muscle and smooth muscle
skeletal muscle
moves body by pulling on bones striated, ~ voluntary
cardiac muscle
pumps blood throughout body straiated, involuntary
smooth muscle
pushes fluids & solids along digestive tract & regulates diameters of small arteries non-striated, involuntary
Skeletal Muscle Functions
1. Produce skeletal muscle
2. Maintain body posture & position
3. Support soft tissues
4. Guard body openings (e.g. digestive tract - voluntary control over swallowing)
5. Maintain body temperature (muscle contractions use energy, heat released)
6. Store nutrient reserves (when diet is low in proteins & calories; muscle protein is broken down)
Skeletal Muscle Fibers
skeletal muscle cells = muscle fibers Different from "typical" cells:
• Large cells (large diameter & can span between 2 tendons → up to 12 inches)
• Multinucleate - 1 cell has 100s of nuclei ∙ genes in nuclei control production of enzymes/proteins (more copies = faster protein production)
cell membrane of muscle cell
cytoplasm of muscle fiber
Transverse tubules
narrow tubes continuous with sarcolemma; extend into sarcoplasm
• filled with extracellular fluid
• transmit action potential through cell
• allow entire muscle fiber to contract simultaneously
lengthwise subdivisions within muscle fiber Made up of bundles of protein filaments (myofilaments)
What are the two types of myofilaments?
thin filaments & thick filaments
thin filaments
made up of protein actin
thick filaments
made up of myosin
When myofibrils shorten they will cause ……
muscle fiber contraction
Skeletal Muscle Structures Hierarchy of structure
Muscle → Fascicle → Muscle fiber → Myofibril → Myofilament
bundles of muscle cells
Muscle Fibers
multinucleated, elongated cell
bundle of overlapping myofilaments
protein filaments (thick and thin filaments)
sarcoplasmic reticulum
membranous structure surrounding each myofibril
• helps transmit action potential to myofibril
• similar in structure to smooth endoplasmic reticulum
• forms expanded chambers (terminal cisternae) attached to T tubules
concentrate Ca²+ (via ion pumps)
~40,000 times more calcium in cisternae than sarcoplasm
• stored Ca²+ is released into sarcomeres to begin muscle contraction
contractile unit
• contractile units of muscle
• structural units of myofibrils
• form visible patterns within myofibrils
Muscle striations
striped or striated pattern within myofibrils: alternating dark, thick filaments (A Bands) and light, thin filaments (I Bands)
What kinds of bands do sarcomeres have? Identify which is thick and thin filaments
A Bands - dark, thick filaments I Bands - light, thin filaments
M line
center of A band; at midline os sarcomere - connects thick filaments
Z lines
centers of I bands; at 2 ends of sarcomere
Zones of overlap
where thick and thin filaments overlap
H zone
area around M line; has thick filaments but no thin filaments
strands of elastic protein - extend from tips of thick filaments to Z line Function: stabalize the filaments → recoils after stretching during muscle contraction
What is the function of Titin?
stabilize the filaments →recoils after stretching during muscle contraction
muscle contraction
Transverse tubules encircle the sarcomere near zones of overlap Ca²+ released by sarcoplasmic reticulum causes thin and thick filaments to interact
Thick filaments
Myosin subunits twisted around filament
• tail - binds to other myosin molecules
• head - made of 2 globular protein subunits; projects toward nearest thin filament
During muscle contraction, myosin heads:
• interact with actin filaments, forming cross-bridges
• pivot, producing motion
Thin filaments
contain 3 major thin filament proteins
What are the three major thin filament proteins?
actin, tropomyosin and troponin
2 twisted strands of globular polypeptide subunits (G actin) form long actin filaments (F actin)
• "actin sites" on G actin strands bind to myosin
double stranded; covers active sites on actin to prevent actin-myosin interaction
globular protein; binds tropomyosin to G actin; controlled by Ca²+ via a Ca²+ binding side
• resting conditions = low Ca²+ concentration
Sliding Filament Model
during muscle contraction → thin filaments of sarcomere slide toward M line between thick filaments
• width of A band stays the same
• I band and H zone shorten
• Z lines move closer together
Thick and Thin filaments ____________ in length; ……
Thick and Thin filaments do not change in length; they slide past one another to shorten muscle fiber
What are the 5 Steps of the Crossbridge Cycle?
1. Exposure of active sites
2. Formation of cross-bridges
3. Pivoting of myosin heads
4. Detachment of cross-bridges
5. Reactivation of myosin
What occurs during Step 1 of the Crossbridge Cycle?
a) resting sarcomere - tropomyosin covers active sites on thin filaments (preventing myosin binding)
b) active site exposure = Ca²+ binds to troponin; rotates & swings tropomyosin away from active site
• resting sarcomere - tropomyosin covers active sites on thin filaments (preventing myosin binding)
• Ca²+ released → binds to troponin
• weakens bond between troponin-tropomyosine complex
• troponin rotates & swings tropomyosin away from active site
What occurs during Step 2 of the Crossbridge Cycle?
• active sites are exposed
• "energized" myosin heads bind to active sites forming cross bridges
What occurs during Step 3 of the Crossbridge Cycle?
resting position - myosin points away from M line
• myosin goes back to "ready" position (~like a spring in a mousetrap - ready to spring forward)
• myosin becomes energized by breaking down ATP into ADP & Phosphate
• energy is "stored" in energized head as potential energy
• after cross bridge formation - stored energy is released
• myosin head pivots toward M line = power stroke
• ADP and Pi are released
• myosin head - pulls on actin filament sliding it towards M line
What occurs during Step 4 of the Crossbridge Cycle?
• link between myosin & actin is broken when ATP binds to myosin heads
• active site is now exposed and ready to form another cross bridge
What occurs during Step 5 of the Crossbridge Cycle?
• ATPase in free myosin head hydrolyzes ATP into ADP + P
• energy released in process = moves myosin head back to "energized" position
• energy is stored in myosin head as potential energy
The Entire Contraction Cycle can be repeated as long as:
• duration of neural stimulus
• calcium ion concentration is high
• ATP is available
What do you think would happen if the body suddenly ran out of ATP?
1. ATP energizes the myosin heads and without ATP you can't energize the myosin heads
2. ATP breaks the crossbridge
Regulation of Muscle Contraction: Structures

Neuromuscular junction
connection between motor neuron & muscle cell
Regulation of Muscle Contraction: Structures

presynaptic cell (motor neuron)
delivers AP to axon terminal
Regulation of Muscle Contraction: Structures

ACh secretes across _________
synaptic cleft
Regulation of Muscle Contraction: Structures

ACh binds to ACh receptors on ______
postsynaptic cell (muscle cell)
Regulation of Muscle Contraction: Structures

Motor end plate
region of sarcolemma (highly folded; many ACh receptors)
Regulation of Muscle Contraction: Structures

T Tubules
conduct APs deep into muscle fiber
Excitation-Contraction Coupling: Structures

DHP receptors
functions as "voltage sensors"
Excitation-Contraction Coupling: Structures

Sarcoplasmic Reticulum
stores & releases Ca²+ to myofilaments

closely associated with T tubules
Excitation-Contraction Coupling: Structures

Ryanodine receptors
acts as Ca²+ channels
Excitation-Contraction Coupling: Structures

Ca²+ pumps
actively transport Ca²+ back into SR into cytosol
Relaxed state
tropomyosin covers actin's myosin binding site
• prevents crossbridge formation
Contraction state
Ca²+ binds to troponin → causes conformational change in troponin
• troponin shifts tropomyosin's position
• myosin binding site is exposed
What are the steps of Excitation in Excitation-Contraction Coupling?
1. Action potentials travels down motor neuron to axon terminal through voltage-gated Ca²+ channels open causing Ca²+ to enter cell
2. Vesicles in axon terminal fuse with membrane → exocytosis of Acetylcholine into synaptic cleft
3. Acetylcholine diffuses across the synaptic cleft → binds to receptors on motor end plate → Na+ rushes in muscle fiber
4. Action potential travels across sarcolemma → and down the T tubules
5. DHP receptors "sense" voltage change → shape change occurs → open ryanodine/Ca²+ channels
6. Ca²+ exits SR → enters sarcoplasm
What are the steps of Contraction in Excitation-Contraction Coupling?
1. Ca²+ binds to troponin → shape change → moves tropomyosin away from active site (on actin)
2. Myosin binds to active site = crossbridge formation
3. Myosin head pivots → pull thin filaments toward M line = power stroke - sarcomere shortens
4. ATP binds to ATPase on myosin head = breaks crossbridge
5. ATP →(ATPase)→ ADP + Pi → causes myosin to return to "energized" position
6. Ca²+ is actively transported back into SR → troponin/tropomyosin cover active site