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63 Cards in this Set

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what is the most likely role of a cell that contains an extensive smooth ER?
It synthesizes large amounts of lipids
What is the site of synthesis of proteins or export (secretion from the cell)?
Ribosomes that attach to the Endoplasmic Reticulum
Which of the following is not a characteristic that chloroplasts and mitochondia share?
They are both present in al eukaryotes
Which of the following represents a major difference between prokartotic cells and eukaryotic cells?
Euk. cells tend to have much more extensive inner membrane systems and lager number of intracelluar organelles than do prokaryotes
You have a distant cousin who is always tired. He is most likely to have an enzyme deficit or defect associated with what intracellular organelle?
What is the function of the nuclear pore complex?
a) it regulates movement of material across the nuclear envelope
Ostyeocytes are bone cells. Collagen fibers and calcium salts are founnd in abundance between and among the osteocytes. The collagena and calcium salts are ______
b) part of the extracellular matrix
All of the following can be proteins found in the extracellular matrix of animal cells except______
c) actin
Streptococcus mutans is a common oral bacterium that forms dental plaque. What component of S. mutants is responsible for the formation of the plaque?
c) extracellular matrix materials slime layer of the organism
In the photosynthesis lab, blowing into the indicator dye turned the color of the blue indicator yellow because of the generation of ____
b) acic conditions in the solution
What electron carriers function in the Kreb Cycle
B) both NAD+ a and FAD
Plasmodesmata are cell-cell junctions that can be found between ______
b) plant cells
hormones function as _______
c) signal molecules
A g-protein receptor with GTP bound to it ______
a) is in its active state
The ATP molecule has a great deal of energy in its ______
c) C-H bonds of the ribose sugar
The electron transport chain is a series of redox reactions
The energy of ET serves to move (transolocate) protons to the outer mitochondrial compartment. How does this help the mitochondrion to produce energy?
b) the translocation of protons set up the electrochemical gradient that drive ATP synthesis in the mitochondria
The chemiosmotic hypothesis is an important key to understanidng general metabolism because it explains how ATP is synthesizde by a proton motive force
The right order of the physical locations for the glycolysis/fermentation/Kreb Cyle/ETC are:
d) cyto/cyto/mito/mito
ATP is:
short-term, energy-storage
the cell's principle comund for energy tranasfer
molecule all living cells rely on to do work

The anaerobic breakdown of glucose is known as:
d) Fermentation
The main function of cell respiration is to produce:
c) ATP
Which of the following is common to both fermentation and cellular respiration
d) glycolysis
In human cells (muscle cells) the fermentaion process produces:
b) lactic acid
*The proteins of the ETC active in the light-dependent reactions______
a) are membrane proteins present in the thylakoid
*Besides proteins, theylakoid membranes must contain a large number of _______ molecules in the reaction centers in order to harvest light
c) pigment
*In autumn, the leaves of deciduous treeschange colors. This is because the chlorophyll is degraded and _______
a) The carotenoids and other pigments are still present in the leaves
*The LDR of plants function to make organic molecules using CO2 as a carbon source. What is the eletcron source that helps reduce CO2 to sugars and other organic molecules?
*How are the LDR and LIR of photosynthesis related?
b) The products of LDR are used in LIR
*Stomata, openings in the leaf are important to photosynthesis for_______
a) Entry of CO2 that is used in the Calvin Cycle
Which of the following statemnets concerning chloroplast is false?
a) They are unrelated to plastids
A parent cell divides to form two genetically identical daughter cells in the process of mitosis. For mitosis to take place ______
b) The parent cell must replicate its entire fenome prior to mitosis
Metaphase occurs prior to the splitting of centromeres. It is characterized by______
a) aligning of the chromosomes on the equator
Nerve cells lose their ability to undergo mitosis. Instead. they are permently stuck in _____
a) G0
What happens when MPF is introduced into immature frog oocytes that are arrested in G2?
c) The cells enter mitosis
If a cell has accumulated DNA damage, it is unlikely to _______
a) Pass the G2 Checkpoint
Which of these sequences correctly describes the cell cycle?
d) S/G2/P/M/A/T
Sister chromatids form in G1 of the cell cycle
b) False
DNA synthesis takes place in
a) S-phase
The longest period of a cell's life cycle is
d) Interphase
The function of checkpoints in the cell cycle is
to regulate progression from one phase to another phase of the cell cycle
The kinetochorse is a protein structure where the sister chromatids are attached to the spindle fibers
a) true
How does a theory differ from hypoth
b) hypoth is specific and theory general
*Which statemnet about sponatneous generation is false
c) occurs everytime a new species evolves from prexisting species
*community is defined as a group of individuals of same species living in same area at the same time (T/F)
b) False
*which of the following is mismatched
c) archeabacteria and multicellular
*how many electrons in a triple covalent bond
c) 6
*when are atoms most stable
a) when are the electron orbitals in the valence shells are filled
Difference between a polar covalent bond and an ionic bond is that electrons are shared unequally in a PC bond but completely transfered (not shared) in ionic bond (T/F)
a) True
*Atomic number of 110
d) 110 protons
*Which of the following is not true about water
b) solid water is denser than liquid water
* Which statement is incorrect
b) placebo effect takes actual drug and show signs of improvement
Urinary tract infections causes urine pH to be alkaline (T/F)
a) True
*Four elements that make 95%of all matter found in organisms, which of the following is not one of these?
c) calcium
Which is not a role that proteins play in orgnisms
d) store genetic information
*Which one of the following is not a component of each monomer used to make proteins
c) a phosphorous atom
*A peptide bond is
c) stable planar covalent bond
The sequence of amino acid in a protein chain whn the polymirization of a protein is complete, but the protein is still completely linear is called _____ structure?
a) primary
Which statement is true aout enzymes?
d)They perform enzymatic activities- lowering activation energy
which of the following would be an example of cofactor
non cabon hemi group in hemoglobin molecule
allosteric inhibition occurs when the active site of an enzyme is directly blocked by the competitive inhibitor, which leads to the inhibition of the binding of substrate to the enzyme
nucleic acids are polymers made up of which of the following monomers?
what is the difference between a ribonucleotide and a deoxyribonucleotide?