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47 Cards in this Set

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transport blood from heart to capillaries


microscopic porous blood vessels

exchange substances between blood and tissues


drain blood from capillaries

transport blood back to heart

Tunica intima

innermost layer of vessel

Tunica media

middle layer of vessel

Tunica externa

outermost layer of vessel

vasa vasorum

small arteries required to supply very large vessels

Continuous capillaries

most common type

endothelial cells forming continuous lining around lumen

tight junctions DONT form complete seal

muscle, skin, lungs, CNS

Fenestrated capillaries

endotheliel cells forming continuous lining

fenestrations, allow movement of smaller plasma proteins, too small for formed elements

small intestine, endocrine glands


endothelial cells forming incomplete lining

openings allow for transport of large substances (formed elements, large plasma proteins)

bone marrow, liver/spleen removing aged RBC

Capillary beds

begins fed by metarteriole

vessel branch of arteriole

connects to postcapillary venule

Percapillary sphincter

smooth muscle at true capillary origin

sphincter relaxation

permits blood flow into true capillaries

sphincter contraction

causes blood to bypass capillary bed


cycle of contracting and relaxing of precapillary sphincter


increased cholesterol in blood (hypercholesterolemia)

smoking and hypertension

TREATMENT: angioplasty or coronary bypass surgery


progressive disease of elastic and muscular arteries

hardening is loss of elasticity in vessels

due to presence of atheroma (plaque)

thickening of tunica intima and narrowing of arterial lumen

Pulmonary circuit

18% of blood

r. atrium, r.ventricle, pulmonary trunk, pulmonary arteries, pulmonary arterioles, pulmonary capillaries, pulmonary venules, pulmonary veins, left atrium, l. ventricle, aorta

systemic circuit

70% of blood

systolic pressure

pressure in arteries during ventricular systole, highest pressure generated in arteries

diastolic pressure

pressure in arteries during ventricular diastole, lowest pressure generated in arteries

pulse pressure

additional pressure on arteries when heart contracting

highest in arteries closest to the heart

difference b/w systolic and diastolic pressures

bp: 120/80 pulse pressure=40


mean arterial pressure

average blood pressure forces on arteries

MAP= diastolic + 1/3 pulse pressure


MAP= 80 + 40/3


if less than 60 may indicate insufficient blood flow

vasomotor tone

smooth muscle ususally somewhat constricted

regulated by vasomotor center in brainstem

capillary exchange

diffusion, vesicular transport, bulk flow

bulk flow

movement of fluids and dissolved substances

direction of movement depends on net pressure of opposing forces HYDROSTATIC AND COLLOID

2 types: filtration and reabsorption


movement of fluid OUT of blood through openings in capillaries

fluid and small solutes

larger solutes blocked

occurs on arterial end of capillary



chemoreceptor reflex

long term regulation of blood pressure


–Increasein totalblood flow dueto fasterand stronger heartbeat –Alsodue to blood removal from venous reservoirs–Ensuresmetabolically active tissues receiving adequate blood–Increasedflowto coronaryvessels•helpsensure sufficient oxygen reaches cardiac muscle–Skeletalmuscle blood flow increasing•neededto meet high metabolic demands–Increasedpercentage of blood flow to skin•tohelp dissipate heat–Relativelyless blood•toabdominal organs, kidneys, less metabolically active structures

blood pressure reading

given as ratio systolic/diastolic

average adult: 120/80 mm Hg


(bulk flow) movement of fluid back INTO blood

occurs on venous end

hydrostatic pressure

physical force exerted by fluid on a structure

HPb= blood hydrostatic pressure- promotes filtration from capillary

HBif= interstitial fluid hydrostatic pressure-force of interstitial fluid on external blood vessel

close to 0 in most tissues

colloid pressure

pull of water into tissue by tissues protein concentration

COPb= blood colloid osmotic pressure- draws fluid into blood due to blood proteins, promotes reabsorption

COPif= interstitial fluid colloid osmotic pressure- force drawing fluid into interstitial fluid

relatively low (0-5 mm Hg)

Short term Regulation

local regulation

in response in metabolic activity of tissues

oxygen and nutrient levels DECLINING

INCREASE in carbon dioxide, lactic acid, H+, K+

act as local vasodilators


dilate arterioles and relax precapillary sphincters

increase flow into capillary beds


constrict arterioles and contraction on precapillary sphincters

decrease flow into capillary beds

Cardiogenic Shock

due to hearts inability to function properly, results in decreased cardiac output, seen with myocardial infarction

Hemorrhagic Shock

reduced blood volume due to hemorrhaging, blood loss

Anaphylactic Shock

blood volume is normal but release of inflammatory substances cause extreme vasodilation and increase in capillary permeability (allergic reactions) causes severe DROP IN BP


chronically elevated blood pressure

>140 systolic


chronically low blood pressure

<90 systolic

Total blood flow

flow proportional to pressure gradient divided by resistance

F = /\P/R

Discuss the mechanisms and various pressures involved in the movement of fluidsbetween capillaries and tissues.
Bulk FlowThe mass movement of fluids into and out of capillary bedsrequires a transport mechanism far more efficient than mere diffusion. Thismovement, often referred to as bulk flow, involves two pressure-drivenmechanisms: Volumes of fluid move from an area of higher pressure in acapillary bed to an area of lower pressure in the tissues via filtration. Incontrast, the movement of fluid from an area of higher pressure in the tissuesinto an area of lower pressure in the capillaries is reabsorption. Two types ofpressure interact to drive each of these movements: hydrostatic pressure andosmotic pressure.The primary force driving fluid transport between thecapillaries and tissues is hydrostatic pressure, which can be defined as thepressure of any fluid enclosed in a space. Blood hydrostatic pressure is theforce exerted by the blood confined within blood vessels or heart chambers.Even more specifically, the pressure exerted by blood against the wall of acapillary is called capillary hydrostatic pressure (CHP), and is the same ascapillary blood pressure. CHP is the force that drives fluid out of capillariesand into the tissues.The net pressure that drives reabsorption—the movement offluid from the interstitial fluid back into the capillaries—is called osmoticpressure (sometimes referred to as oncotic pressure). Whereas hydrostaticpressure forces fluid out of the capillary, osmotic pressure draws fluid backin. Osmotic pressure is determined by osmotic concentration gradients, that is,the difference in the solute-to-water concentrations in the blood and tissuefluid. A region higher in solute concentration (and lower in waterconcentration) draws water across a semipermeable membrane from a region higherin water concentration (and lower in solute concentration).-src 'n,/
2.How and why does angiotensin II get formed?
Converted from angiotensin I by a converting enzyme (ACE);powerful vasoconstrictor- raises blood pressure, stimulates thirst center,increasing blood volume and pressure, stimulates release of aldosterone andantidiuretic hormone, acts on kidneys to decrease urine formation