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82 Cards in this Set

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Phylum Anthropoda includes what classes?
Class Merostomata, Arachnida,Chilopoda, Diplopoda, Malascostraca, Maxillopoda, Branchiopoda, Insecta, and Entognatha
What are the paired jointed slits of Arthopods called?
Segments fused into functional groups are called
What are included in metameric body?
head, trunk, thorax, abodomen
Chitinous exoskeleton
cuticle separated by underlying epidermis containing chitin, protein, lipids, and sometimes calcium salts
How do Arthropods grow?
Ecdysis of exoskeleton
is the major cavity body. Contains hemolymph (blood) and consists of dorsal heart, arteries, and sinuses
Sense organs
are well developed!
In Arthopod reproduction, individuals have...
paired reproductive organs and ducts
Fertilization is...
internal and includes a metamorphosis
Exoskeleton is highly protective but also helps in...
mobility; it is covered in waxy substance to help prevent water loss.
Ingrowth of cuticle called apodemes help
with muscle attachment
Derivatives of cuticle help arthopods succeed by including
jaws, biting surfaces, wings, and mating organs
Terrestrial arthopods usually have tracheal system where...
piped air comes thru cells and tissues allowing higher metabolic rates.
Aquatic forms have well developed...
Short generation times allow...
rapid evolutionary adaptation to changing conditions.
Subphylum Trilobita are...
extinct bottom dwellers. They are also the official state fossile for WI
Subphylum Chelicerata aka horny claws have...
six pairs of appendages, the first of which are called chelicerae that catches and tears prey.
A second pair of appendages near mouth called...
Also usually present are...
four pairs walking legs but no antenna or mandibles
Cephalothorax is...
a body divided; they also have unsegmented abdomen
Class Merostomata aka Marine horseshoe crabs are in phylum...
Arthopods; are living fossils who have five pairs of book gills on underside of abdomen.
Class Merostomata have unsegmented carapace and broad abdomen which end in
spine like structure called telson that helps animal unflip itself or use as burrow lever.
Class Merostomata eat...
molluscs and polychaete worms (with their chelicerae which are small pinchers on fingers)
Class Merostomata lack jaws but have...
tooth like projections on proximal ends of first four legs called gnathobases that chew food and transfer it to mouth
Class Arachnida include spiders, ticks, mites, scorpions, etc. with appendages of ...
anterior pair of chelicerae possessing poison fangs kept in groove
Pedipals in Arachnidas help with...
Spiders all feed on insects mostly...this is aka...
When poison is injected, it subdues prey and turns into liquid broths, then sucked up by...
an expanded pharynx and pumping stomach.
Respiration in spiders are possible by...
book lungs (NOT book kidneys) which have parallel air pockets extending into hemocoel and two paris of trachea carrying oxygen from spiracles to blood.
Malpighian tubules
excrete wastes and K into stercoral pocket behind rectum. As fluid excretes, rectal glands reabsorb most of K and H20, leaving uric acid, which is good for conserving water.
Eyes of spiders are...
not well developed; used to detect motion, but jumping spiders for example have primary eyes with great resolution over a narrow angle.
Spiders have these that are fine hair like bristles that sense vibrations, air currents, and changes in web tensions...
sensory setae
Spiders use spinnerets to create silk for webs that consist of what protein?
Usually spiders have six glands that produce different silk with different functions...
some are sticky and others are elastic.
Female spiders encase eggs in silk cocoon while males produce ____ that are deposited in sperm packets.
sperm webs
are used by spiders as safety lines or communication
Silk balloons make ____ possible because they are transported by wind.
cosmopolitan transport.
Reproduction occurs when a drop of semen from sperm web is picked and stored in...
pedipalps; Male inserts pedipalps into pore leading to female's seminal receptacles.
Black widow spiders have red spots or hour glass shaped patches on abdomens are aka...
Italics: Latrodectus spp. ;have powerful neurotoxic venom that affects breathing/nervous system!
Italics: Loxosceles reclusa has a stripe that is...
violin shaped and has hemolytic venom causing necrosis (destroys tissue) and even amputations.
Scorpions have short cephalothorax with appendages and slender abodomen with a ___ at end.
Scorpions capture prey by
pincer like pedipalps and dispatch stinger.
Scorpions are ____ or ____ with embryos feeding from digestive tract of mother.
viviparous, live-bearing; after hatching, juveniles sit on mother's back for a few weeks
Pseudoscorpions lack...
stingers and are harmless.
Ticks and mites have cephalothorax and abdomen but have...
unsegmented oval body
Ticks are vectors of diseases such as:
Rocky Mtn spotted fever, tick fever, lyme disease, and tularemia.
Lyme disease caused by deer ticks aka ____ found in deer and wild mice.
Italics: Ixodes; causes rash and flu-like symptoms and later nerve damage, meningitis, partial paralysis, pain in joints and heart irregularity.
Mites (smaller than ticks) can damage...
agricultural crops by sucking plant cells, and are parasitic to bees.
Larvae of redbugs aka chiggers feed on...
dermal tissue of vertebrates including humans; they have strong salivary enzyme causing dermatitus (due to immune reactions) and itching.
Follicle mites live on...
hair follicles and are harmless; others live in cattle, horses, and dogs.
Harvestmen aka "daddy long legs" have _________ and also lack...
a fused cephalothorax and abodomen; lack silk glands and are harmless.
Subphylum Myriapoda aka many feet have two tagmata (head and trunk) with paired appendages on most or all of trunk segments...
such as Class Chiliopoda or Centipedes and Class Diplopoda or Millipedes.
Class Chiliopoda (centipedes) have flattened dorsoventrical bodies with somites that have...
single pair of appendages with the first of body segment bearing poisoned claws.
Class Diplopoda (millipedes) has fused double segments each bearing two pairs of appendages, but are
scavengers and decompose leaves, and have stink glands for defense.
Subphylum Crustacea aka shell groups are aquatic animals with two pairs of antennae, one pair of mandibles, and two pairs of maxillae. What are functions of each respectively?
Mandibles (chewing ie jaw-like)
Maxillae (food handling structures)
Shell groups (Crustacean) have cephalothorax body...
with dorsal carapace and abdomen.
Many shell groups (Crustacean) are ___ (in terms of nutrition)
filter feeders
Some (Crustacean) are predators while others such as crabs and crayfish are _____
Shell group (Crustacean) respiration is possible with internal...
gills or on appendages
Excretion in shell groups (Crustaceans) are possible by paired organs called ____
antennal glands (aka green glands) or maxillary glands (depending on where they open at base of antennae)
Diffusion across gill surfaces of Crustaceans excrete ammonia or...
nitrogenous wastes
(Crustacean) Excretory organs especially in freshwater forms are involved in:
ionic and osmotic balance
Crustaceans reproduce by going through larval stage called...
nauplius that have three pairs of appendages and a single median eye; when growing, ecdysis occurs which makes animal vulnerable because of soft cuticle that is slowly hardening...
Class Malacostraca belong to subphylum ____ and consist of the ____
Crustacean; Decapods (10 legs) that have 5 pairs of walking legs where first pair are pincers or chelipods.
Isopods aka pill bugs or wood lice belong to subphylum ____ and have a dorsoventrally flat body, and use ___ for respiration.
Crustacean; gills (thus restricted to moist places)
Amphipods belong to subphylum ____ and consist of beach fleas, sand hoppers, or side-swimmers. What do these lack?
Italics: Gammarus (Amphipods) are used for...
bait by many fishermen; they are freshwater forms like scud.
Class Maxillopoda include Copepods (oar feet) and Barnacles. Copepods have 1), 2), and are big part of food chain.
1) cylindrical tapering bodies and 2) forked tails.
Barnacles are sessile encased in...
calcareous plates that can use stalks to attach (on ships, for example)
Class Branchiopoda are aka "gill feet." They are found in
freshwater habitats and have leaf like legs that serve as gills for respiratory organs and for filter feeding.
Brine shrimp (Artemia) belong in class ___ and live in what habitats?
Branchiopoda; habitats with high salt content. Their eggs are resistant to drying in temporary pools.
During favorable periods, Water fleas (Daphnia) [type of zooplankton] reproduce by...
parthenogenesis which produces diploid amictic eggs (females)
During unfavorable periods, female water fleas produce ____ eggs of what gender?
diploid (that are male). They also produce haploid mictic eggs by meiosis that needs male fertilization; these eggs are resistant to dessication and freezing and only hatch in better conditions.
Subphylum Hexapoda have ___ legs! They include Class Insecta with characteristcs:
6; with three pairs of legs, two pairs of wings, body consisting of head, thorax, three tagmata, and abdomen.
What is entomology?
Study of insects
Economic entomology is important to...
agriculture, forestry, and food industry
Medical entomology deals with species affecting...
human and animal health
Insects reproduce by:
internal fertilization where embryos develop within nutrient rich eggs that allow oxygen in without drying out.
Head of insects bear:
pair of compound eyes, one pair of antenna, and three simple eyes called ocelli.
Insects have feeding appendages with mandibles (functioning in....) that consist of two pairs of maxillae.
Malpighian tubules help insects excrete wastes from hemolymph and deposit it as _____.
Uric acid in intestines where more water is removed.