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67 Cards in this Set

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Transcription involves the transfer of information from:


RNA polymerase

begins transcription at a promoter sequence and moves along the template strand of DNA, elongating an RNA molecule in a 5' - 3' direction

snRNPS are involved in:

RNA splicing

Which of the following is not involved in the formation of an eukaryotic transcription initiation complex?


A prokaryotic gene 600 nucleotides long can code for a polypeptide chain of how many amino acids (at the most)?


All of the following would be found in a prokaryotic cells except:


Which of the following is transcribed and then translated to form a protein product?

gene for a transcription factor

All of the following are transcribed from DNA except:


Which one of the following matches is incorrect?


If the 5' to 3' nucleotide sequence on the complementary (noncoding) DNA strand is CAT, what is the corresponding codon of mRNA?


How is the template strand for a particular gene determined?

It depends on the orientation of RNA polymerase, whose position is determined by particular sequences of nucleotides within a promoter

Which of the following is true of RNA processing?

Assemblies of protein and snRNPs, called spliceosomes, may catalize splicing

Which of the following is not involved in the formation of a eukaryotic transcription initiation complex?


A ribozyme is

an RNA molecule that functions as an enzyme

All of the following would be found in a prokaryotic cell except


Transfer RNA (tRNA)

binds to its specific amino acid in the active site of an aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase

Which of the following is not true of an anticodon?

It lines up in the 5' to 3' direction along the 5' to 3' mRNA strand

Several proteins may be produced at the same time form a single mRNA by

the action of several ribosomes in a string, called a polyribosome

All of the following are transcribed from DNA except


Translation involves the transfer of information from

mRNA to an amino acid sequence

The main differences between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells are:

prokaryotic cells have neither nucleus nor cytoplasmic organelles

What organelles are typical of plant cells?

chloroplasts and central vacuoleIndicate the organelles that constitute the endomembrane system

Indicate the organelles that constitute the endomembrane system

endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, transport vesicles, central vacuole

What are the main structural components of cilia and flagella?

microtubules and the motor protein dynein

Plasmodesmata can be found in:

the plant cell wall

Which one of the following organelles has double membrane?

mitochondria and chloroplasts

The function of lysosomes is:

cellular digestion

thylakoids can be found in:


Transport vesicles are movilized (transported) by all of these organelles:

endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, and cytoskeletal proteins

The pores in the nuclear envelope provide for the movement of proteins into the nucleus, mRNA out of the nucleus, and signal molecules into the nucleus


Which of the following is/are not found in a prokaryotic cell?


Which of the following is NOT a similarity among the nucleus, chloroplasts, and mitochondria?

They are derived from the endoplasmic reticulum system

The pores in the nuclear envelope provide for the movement of:

-proteins into the nucleus

-ribosomal subunits out of the nucleus

-mRNA out of the nucleus

-signal molecules into the nucleus

The cytoskeleton is composed of which type of molecule?


Contractile elements of muscle cells are:

actin filaments (microfilaments)

Microtubules are components of all of the following EXCEPT:

the pinching apart of the cytoplasm in animal cells (cleavage furrow)

Of the following, which is probably the most common route for membrane flow in the endomembrane system?

rough ER to transport vesicles to Golgi to vesicles to plasma membrane

In which cell would you expect to find the most lysosomes?

macrophage (white blood cell) that engulfs bacteria

In which cell would you expect to find the most mitochondria?

muscle cell in the thigh muscle of a long-distance runner

In which cell would you expect to find the most rough ER?

pancreatic cell that manufactures digestive enzymes

What would most likely happen to the cell if nuclear pores are blocked and mRNA cannot be shipped to the cytoplasm?

Protein synthesis would stop

Shipping of proteins out of the cell would stop

All of the following would be in animal cells except:

central vacuole

Does the term “organelle” belong exclusively to “animal cell”?

No dude

Which one of the following cell types has a cell wall?

Plant cells and bacterial cells (bacteria)

Would a cell produce proteins if we eliminated all of its ribosomes?

No bra

A single layer of phospholipid molecules coats the water in a beaker. Which part of the molecules will face the air?

the hydrocarbon tails

A plant cell placed in a hypotonic environment will

become turgid

Diffusion is the movement of substances from areas of ___ concentration of solutes to areas of ____ concentration of solutes


Osmosis is the movement of water through a semipermeable membrane from areas of ___ solute concentration to areas of ___ solute concentration


Facilitated diffusion across a cellular membrane requires _____ and moves a solute _____ its concentration gradient

transport proteins/down

Active transport requires ____ and moves a solute _____ its concentration gradient

energy and transport proteins/up

Pinocytosis involves

the pinching in of the plasma membrane around small droplets of external fluid

Vesicles release their content out of the cell by ____ and move substances within the cell after _____


Exocytosis may involve all of the following except:

ligands and coated pits

Does water need a transport protein in order to cross the plasma membrane?

Yea bra

Membrane proteins are fundamental molecules for

facilitated diffusion

active transport

Phagocytosis involves

pseudopod extension and engulfing of an organism

Cotransport may involve

transport of one solute against its concentration gradient in tandem with another that is diffusing down its concentration gradient

The extracellular fluids that surround the cells of a multicellular animal must be ___ to the cells.


LDLs (low density lipoproteins) enter animal cells by:

receptor-mediated endocytosis

The fluid mosaic model describes biological membranes as of consisting of:

a phospholipid bilayer with proteins embedded in and attached to it

The function of membrane receptor proteins is to facilitate the transport of molecules across the plasma membrane

False bra

What would most likely happen to a cell if it were unable to synthesize and process cholesterol?

Cell reception would be impaired

What would most lilkely happen to a cell if it were unable to synthesize its own transport proteins?

Cell transport would decrease considerably

Which one of the following phospholipids will provide more fluidity to the cell membrane?

A phospholipid made of two unsaturated fatty acids

Imagine a cell surrounded by an extracellular space where the concentration of salt is 1.3%. What would be the direction of water?

outside the cell

Imagine a cell surrounded by an extracellular space where the concentration of salt is 1.3%. What would be the direction of an ammonia molecule?

Inside the cell