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4 Cards in this Set

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Breakdown of carbs

1) mouth: salivary amylase. breaksdown starch breakdown. polysacharrides to disacharrides

2) esophagus nothing

3) stomahc = pepsin deactivtes salivary amylase

4) SI= pancreatic alpha amylase breaks down further poly to tri and di

5) maltase fructase lactase.. lactose + glucose etcs. into monosacharrides

6) facillitated diffusion and cotransport into epitheali cells. basolaterall and uptake to liver.

Breakdown protein

Break down starts at stomach. mechanical digestion in mouth doesnt break apart bonds

stomahc= pepsin breaks down protein if AA in right sequence.

h+ high acidic also can break down.

In small intestine..

caroxypeptidase when they die can release carbxoypeptides. this activates the trypsin.

activates chymotrypsin and elastase. caroxypeptidase.

Lipid digestion

Mouth= mechanical and chemical digestion via lingual lipase.

Stomahc= lingul lipase continues to break down.

Small inteistine. bile salts break down these fatty droplets. into small droplets.

Pancreatic lipase can further brek these droplets down to glycero, monoglycerol, fatty acids. into smaller droplets = micele..

these can fuse with the membrane, taken up by mitochondria and reform into good triglycerides.

Described regulation of blood ph and ventilation

When there is a drop in blood ph it is a result in an increase in co2. this also mea