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88 Cards in this Set

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Which virus attacks white blood cells?
Prokaryotes are helpful to humans because they
a. help plants utilize atmospheric nitrogen.
b.can clean up toxic waste
c. are used to make various foods.
d. sythesize vitamins within our intestinal tracts.
....all of the above.
Some prokaryotes can live in harsh environment such as
a. antartic sea ice.
b. extermely acidic or alkaline conditions.
c.boiling water.
d. a mile below Earth's surface.
...all of the above
The concept of evolution is based upon ______.
a. survival and reproductive success of organisms with favorable variations.
Measles is caused by
E. viruses
Tetanus is caused by ______ bacteria that are growing in deep puncture wounds.
D. anaerobic
Of the following, which is the first explanation of a problem in thinking of scientist?
B. hypothesis
The oldest fossil organisms presently know have been dated at approximately how many years old?
D. 3.5 billion
Bacteria cause which of these diseases?
a. gonorrhea
b. strep throat
c. pneumonia
d. syphilis
...all of the above.
Evolution is described as change from pre-existing life forms to modern-day organisms. What actually changed?
E. ability of organisms to cope with external stimuli
A virus basically consists of
D. RNA or DNA and a protein coat
A carefully formulated scientific explanation that is based on a large accumulation of observations and is in accord with scientific principles is termed a
D. theory
Which of the following are of the smallest sized organisms?
D. bacteria
Prokaryotic cell walls function
to prevent the cell from bursting in a hypotonic (watery) environment
Which of the following may cause the disease known as lockjaw?
A. Clostridium tetani
Which of the following is a normal inhabinant of a cow's digestive tract that can cause harm to people when it contaminates ground beef?
B. Escherichia coli
The earliest (oldest) fossils resemble modern
E. Prokaryotes
An autoclave provides the ability to sterilize an object by providing
a. 270-300 *F
b. high pressure
c. high temperatures
d. all of the above
... none of these
The main difference between an autotroph and a heterotroph is
A. how they obtain energy
Binary fission is the method by which bacteria
D. reproduce
Flu Pandemics are caused by the spread of
A. RNA viruses
Which of the following is NOT used in the development of science?
D. personal conviction
Antibiotics can only be effective against a
A. bacterium
Prions are
C. improperly folded proteins
When a virus takes over the machinery of a cell, it forces the cell to manufacture
A. more viral particles
Unlike aerobic prokaryotes, anaerobic prokaryotes can obtain energy when _____ is not available.
D. oxygen
The slime layer around the bacterial cell is called the
D. capsule
A bacterial colony that forms a grape-like cluster of round cells would be described as
A. staphlococcus
Endospores are produced by
D. bacilli ***( ROD )****
Strep throat is caused by Streptococcus, at type of
D. Bacteria
Intestianl gas is evidence of active _____ in one's digestive tract.
E. methanogens
Science is based on
E. evidence
Viruses that attack prokaryotes are called
A. bacteriophages
What do the sticky layers of protective slime produced by some bacteria enable them to do?
D. stick together and form biofilms
According to US law, no irradiated food products can exist in the US grocery stores.
B. False
In which of these environments would you normally find prokaryotes?
a. human skin
b. a spoonfull of soil
c. an animal's intestinal tact
d. a single drop of saltwater
all of the above....
Which represents the highest degree of certainty?
A. theory
Which of the following is NOT a key characteristic of "life"
A. inability to change ****
Nearly all viral multiplication cycles require _____ steps.
B. five
It appears that the pathogen responsible for "mad cow disease" also in human causes
A. vCruetzfeldt-Jakob disease
Botulism can cause
B. paralysis, distruped breathing, and death.
Lyme disease is cause by _____ that are transmitted to humans by ticks.
E. spirillia
When nutrients are scarce or stress occurs some bacteria
E. form endopores
When a disease spreads fast across countries at the same time this is called a _______?
A. pandemic
In a word, evolution means _____.
A. change
Herpes is caused by
E. viruses
For which of the following diseases or conditions should antibiotics be used?
D. lyme disease
Endospores as old as _____ years old have been revived into living bacteria.
Most scientists do not consider viruses to be "alive" because
D. their metabolic machinery is borrowed from the host cell.
When bacteria divide by fission each daughter cell inherits
C. one chromosome
The rhyme or verse "Ring around the rosey..." is related to what epdidemic?
D. bubonic plague
E. are defined as any infectious agent that can invade a host organism and multiply on or in it.
Multicellularity allows organisms to
E. be big
Which is a swamp gas, intestinal gas, and explosive gas in a coal mine (killed miners recently)?
A. methane
In ancient Rome which of the following words meant " poisonous ", "venemous" or "virulant?"
D. virus
When someone develops botulism, the disease-causing organism responsible has been
A. living anaerobic
B. herterotophic
C. prokaryotic
....all of the above
Which of the following is characteristic of HIV?
A. RNA enclosed in a protein coat
Bacteriophages are:
A. Viruses
Mad cow disease, also called variant Creutzfelt-Jakob disease, is caused by
A. prion
Four of the five terms listed below are associated with the scientific method. Select the exception.
A. faith
Diverse viruses infect organisms of
A. only the Eubacteria
B. only the animal kingdom
C. only the plant kingdom
D. only the Archea
E..... all kingdoms
Flagella in bacteria
A. are specialized for movement through rotory spin.
Contagious diseases are spread by
A. indirect contact
B. inhalation
C. vectors
D. direct contact
E. all of these....
The smallest organizational unit having a capacity to survive and reproduce on its own its
B. a cell
Extreme halophiles
E. require high salt concentrations
When not dividing, bacteria have ____ chromosome(s) and may have extra circles of_____ called plasmids.
Viroids differ from viruses in that the former lack
D. protein
Each kind of bacteriophage can, because of complementary proteins in its tail, bind to the cell surface of:
C. Only one kind of bacteria species.
Pairs of rod-shaped bacteria are called
E. diplobacilli
Methanogenic archaeans are found in
A. deep in the earth
b. in intestines
c. the ocean
d. marshes
e. all of the choices...***
The _____ are tightly folded strands or circles of RNA and poses no protein coat. These bits of "naked" RNA cause many diseases in plants.
D. viroids
Which of the following statements about viruses is true?
B. They include some forms that are able to attack bacteria.
The validity of scientific discoveries cannot be based on
A. morality
B. economics
C. philosophy
D. aesthetics
E. any of these...***
Which of the following allow the bacteria to join together to transfer genes?
A. pili
In bacteria, DNA is found
A. as a circular thread.
Bacteriophages are a group of viruses (viri) that infect
D. bacteria
A virus cannot replicate without pirating ______ from a specific host cell.
E. metabolic machinery
Rod shaped bacteria are called
C. bacilli
A. may contain concentrated poisons
B. save the life of the bacterium
C. form inside rod bacteria
D. help some bacteria to survive 1,000's of years
E. all of these****
The reproduction of microorganisms is self-limiting because
E. the accumulation of waste products can be toxic, and the supply of nutrients may run out, and other organisms may prey on them.
Which of these is NOT caused by bacteria
B. smallpox
Which of the following groups can serve as a source of antibiotics
A. fungi
Creutzfeldt-Jacob disease is caused by
D. prions
The oldest living forms of life on Earth are the
A. Archaea
Infective proteins are known as
B. prions
Which of the following diseases is caused by a spirillium
A. lyme disease
Viruses have a _____ and a ____.
D. DNA or RNA core; protein coat
Which of the following options correctly pairs a structure with its function in prokaryote cells?
pili=help prokaryotes stick to each other and to surfaces