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328 Cards in this Set

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Individual living things are called ______, which range from _____, to _____ individuals
Single-celled to multi-cellular
Individual living things are called ______, which range from _____, to _____ individuals
Single-celled to multi-cellular
Features of an organism that enhance survival in their environment is called?
Adaptations –
What is the smallest unit of an element containing electrons, protons, neutrons?
Genetic and phenotypic changes over many generations is called?
The Union of two or more atoms is called?
The evolution of two species together is called?
What is the Basic unit of structure and function of all living things.
Who proposed the evidence that evolution consists of descent from a common ancestor and adaptation to the environment?
Charles Darwin
A Group of cells with a common structural function is called?
Darwin found unique animals were found in isolated areas such as?
Galápagos Islands.
Structure composed of tissues with similar function is called?
Layers of soil deposited in lake bottoms that becomes rock is called?
What is Composed of several organs working together?
Organ Systems
Layers that contain fossils of organisms that lived at that time is called?
Strata Layers
An individual is called?
What theory states that geologic changes occur at a uniform rate?
All organisms of one species that live in a particular area is called?
Who was the Zoologist who founded paleontology (study of fossils)?
Georges Cuvier
Interacting populations in a particular area is called?
Human selection/control of reproduction to produce specific/desired traits is called?
Artificial Selection –
A community and the physical environment around it is called?
Darwin was influenced by?
Thomas Malthus.
The sum of all of Earth's ecosystems, the most complex level is called?
Environmental selection of organisms with advantages is called?
Natural Selection –
Complexity increases with each level from ____ to ____.
Atom to Biosphere
Changes in a population over time due to the accumulation of inherited differences is called?
Each increase in complexity is associated with the establishment of properties beyond those of the previous level. This is known as?
emergent properties
Share characteristics due to a common ancestry describes what?
organism unity –
List the smallest unit of an element to the largest.
Atom, Molecule, Cell, Tissue, Organ, Organ System, Organism, Population, Community, Ecosystem, Biosphere.
presence of species unique to environments describes what?
organism diversity –
An organism is highly ordered with ____ ____ and ___.
cells, tissues, organs.
Who independently formulated a natural selection hypothesis?
Alfred Wallace – Naturalist
The biosphere is highly ordered in terms of the?
lower levels
What provides the best evidence for evolution?
Individual structures, like compound eyes, show?
distinct organization.
What are trace evidence of past biological organisms.
Interaction with the environment and other living organisms and responses help ensure survival is called?
Response to Stimuli
Scientists who study fossilized remains are called?
Paleontologists –
Activities in response to stimuli are ____ ____
termed behaviors
Organisms must maintain a state of?
biological balance
Deposition of weathered rocks is called ____ and becomes ____?
Sedimentation, Strata
The balance maintained regarding temperature, moisture, acidity, and other physiological factors is called?
History of life via fossils found in strata layers is called?
Fossil Record
Organisms have feedback and control mechanisms that do not require?
conscious activity
Darwin's explanation of evolution was called?
Descent with Modification –
Through behavior, organisms can also maintain?
Ancestor that groups of organisms can be traced to is called?
Common Ancestor –
Living organisms require an outside source of ____ and ____?
nutrients and energy
Has characteristics of two different organism groups. This is called?
Transitional Fossils –
What is the capacity to do work and can be gained from food intake?
What supports common descent?
Anatomic evidence
(All vertebrate forelimbs contain the same set of bones)
What is the sum of all chemical reactions that occur in a cell?
Structures anatomically similar because inherited from a common ancestor is called?
Homologous Structures –
What is required to ensure that metabolism can occur?
What structures have the same function but different construction.
Analogous Structures –
What is the ultimate source of all energy on Earth?
The sun
What Structures Develop in one group but reduced or nonfunctional in another similar group?
Vestigial Structures
What transforms solar energy into chemical energy in the form of organic molecules in plants?
Homology extends to what development?
embryologic development.
All life acquires energy by?
metabolizing the products of photosynthesis.
Pharyngeal Pouch devolps into what in fish?
develops into functional gills
Life comes only from?
Pharyngeal Pouch devolps into what in humans?
In humans develop into: middle ear, auditory tube, tonsils, thymus, and parathyroid glands.
An organism can _____ or make more organisms like it
The study of distribution of plants/animals around the world is known as?
Biogeography –
The blueprint for an organism is encoded in the genes of?
Apply the principles of genetics to populations.
Investigates the process of evolution on a small scale. This is know as?
Population genetics developed in the 1930s.
What contains specific information for how the organism is to be ordered?
Changes in the frequency of alleles in a population is known as?
Microevolution –
What is the genetic code in all living things?
DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid)
All of the alleles in all of the individuals of a population is called?
Gene Pool –
What does the Acronym DNA stand for?
deoxyribonucleic acid
Changes in allele Frequency indicate _____ is occurring?
Although more than 25 types of elements can be found in biomolecules, six elements are most common. These are called the CHNOPS elements. Name the elements.
carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, phosphorus, and sulfur.
Modifications that make organisms suited to their life are called?
What refers to anything that takes up space and has a mass?
Adaptations come about through?
Matter only exist in what three distinct states?
Solid, liquid, and gas
The process by which a species changes over time is called?
An _____ is a substance that cannon be broken down by chemicla means into simpler substances with different properties.
What is a group of similar organisms that can interbreed?
What is the smallest unit of an element that still retains the chemical and physcials properties of the element?
Modifications occur over time as organisms ____?
Natural selection was proposed by?
Charles Darwin
The three best-known subatomic particles are positively charged ____, ____ and negatively charged ____.
protons, neutrons, and electrons.
What explains how species change over time when a new variation arises that allows certain members to be more competitive and thus survive and reproduce better?
Natural selection
All atoms of an element have the same number of protons. This is called the ____ ____.
Atomic Number
The theory of evolution can explain the?
diversity of life
The ____ _____, or mass number of an atom depends on the presence of protons and neutrons.
Atomic Mass
What is the disciple of identifying and classifying organisms based on evolutionary history and relationships?
______have the same number of protons, but they have different atomic masses.
List the Basic classification categories (taxa) arranged from least to most inclusive.
Species → Genus → Family → Order → Class → Phylum → Kingdom→ Domain
_____ are atoms of a single element that differ in their number of neutrons.
What can be used to detect molecular changes?
A tracer
As the classification increases in inclusiveness, it contains more?
An atom is most stable when it has eight electrons, this rule is called?
Octet rule
Organisms placed in each grouping share?
When atoms of two or more different elements bond togther, the product is called a?
The Largest classification category is called?
What is the smallest part of a compound that still has the properties of that compound?
List the three domains.
Bacteria, Archaea, Eukarya.
Ionic compound are held together by an attraction between negatively and positively charged ions, called an?
Ionic Bond
What are unicellular organisms that lack a membrane bound nucleus and make up the domains Bacteria and Archaea?
What have a membrane bound nucleus and make up the domain Eukarya?
Eukaryote cells
In a _____ bond, two atoms share electrons in such a way that each atom has an octet of electrons in the outer shell, or two electrons in the case of hydrogen.
Covalent Bond
What still in flux regarding further classification?
Archaea and Bacteria
The polarity of water molecules causes the hydrogen atoms in one molecule to be attracted to the oxygen atoms in other water molecules. This attraction although weaker than an ionic or covalent bond is called a?
Hydrogen bond
Eukarya contains how many kingdoms?
four kingdoms:
Because a hydrogen bond is easily broken it is often represented by a?
Dotted Line
What Kingdom includes multicellular and unicellular forms that vary in metabolic processes as well as complexity.
Kingdom Protista (protests)
When the sharing of electrons between two atoms is fairly equal the covalent bond is said to be a?
Non Covalent Bond
What Kingdom includes molds, mushrooms and decomposers?
Kingdom Fungi (fungi)
The attraction of an atom for teh electrons in a covalent bond is called its?
What Kingdom includes Multicellular photosynthetic members?
Kingdom Plantae (plants) –
The unequal sharing of electrons in a covalent bond creates a?
Polar Covalent Bond
What Kingdom includes Multicellular organisms that must ingest and process their food?
Kingdom Animalia (animals) –
Hydrogen bonding is responsible for waters ____? The tendency of water molecules to cling togther.
What is used to assign two-part scientific names?
Binomial nomenclature
Water evaporating from the leaves is immediately replaced with water molecules from the plants vessels. ______ of water to the walls of the vessels also helps prevent the water column from breaking apart.
What is the first word of the Binomial name?
One ______ is the amount of heat energy needed to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water 1 degree C.
What is the second word of the Binomial nomenclature ?
A solution contains dissolved substances, which are then called?
Scientific names are in ____ and are universally used to avoid confusion.
The biosphere is divided into?
Those water molecules that can attract water as said to be?
What consists of all of Earth's ecosystems including the air above and the ground below, is further classified into more specific categories?
The biosphere
Nonionized and nonpolar molecules that cannot attract water are said to be?
What includes the presence of a community and the physical environment (including the soil, atmosphere, and chemicals)?
The ecosystems
Water is more or less dense at 4 degrees C than it is at 0 degrees C?
More dense
What includes all of the populations of organisms in the same area. Ex.: Rabbits, mice, snakes, hawks, grasses, and forbs present.
When water dissociates, it releases an equal number of hydrogen ions (H+) and?
Hydroxide Ions (OH-)
What encompasses all of the individuals of one species in a given area? Ex.: Rabbits that live in the area.
When we acidic foods the blood becomes more acidic. This is due to an excess of _____ Ions?
Hydrogen Ions
All ecosystems undergo ____ and ____ flow due to interactions within the communities of the ecosystem.
chemical cycling and energy
When we take in basic substances, the blood becomes more basic. This is due to an excess of _____ Ions?
Hydroxide Ions
Nearly all life depends on the presence of ____ ____ to harvest solar energy from the sun.
photosynthetic organisms
What scale is used to indicate the acidity or basicity of a solution?
pH scale
Who modifys existing ecosystems for their own purposes?
A pH of ___ represents a neutral state?
Human modifications decrease the area of a?
A pH scale ranges from zero to ____?
Human modifications change the balance of chemical nutrients and energy flow by?
disrupting the communities that previously existed in an area.
The pH of human blood is between?
7.35 and 7.45
A _____ resists changes in pH?
What are especially sensitive to human activity?
Tropical rainforests and coral reefs
If human blood rises above 7.45 what is present?
_____ and _____ have significant diversity and human influence decreases that diversity through the loss of habitat.
Rainforests and reefs
If human blood lowers below 7.35 what is present?
Disruptive human activity includes?
pollution, overfishing, clear-cutting, etc.
What are the two chemicals in human blood to act as an buffer to keep pH within normal limits?
Carbonic Acid (H2CO3) and bicarbonate (HCO3)
Scientists study the environment to determine how to preserve?
Carbonic Acid (H2CO3) is a weak acid that releases bicarbonate (HCO3) and?
hydrogen (H+)
The scientific method consists of four parts list them in order.
Observation, Hypothesis, Testing, and Conclusion.
Biology uses what to investigate what life is and how it works?
scientific method
There are only four classes of molecules in any living thing. They are?
Carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids.
In the scientific methed what are noticeable details of the natural world using our senses.
What is the essential ingredient in all organic molecules?
Carbon (C)
Observations also include the integration of?
previous data
Carbon is so diverse that an entire branch of chemistry, called _____ _____ is devoted to it.
Organic Chemistry
In the scientific methed what is developed following observations and is a possible explanation for a natural event?
To acquire four electrons to complete its outer shell, a carbon atom almost always shares electrons with?
A good hypothesis is?
R-OH stands for
Alcohol. Present in some sugars
Testing a ____ can involve either an experiment or further observation.
What is used to test a hypothesis and uses "if, then" logic?
Deductive reasoning
What are the results of an experiment?
What are the six functional groups?
Amino, Carboxyl, Carbonyl, Phosphate Group, Hydroxyl, Sulfhydryl
What describes if a hypothesis is supported or rejected based on data?
A conclusion
What are never proven "true" since information is always increasing?
What is considered false if the data do not support it?
A hypothesis
A ____ group is a specific combination of bonded atoms that always reacts in the same way, regardless of the particular carbon skeleton.
Functional Group
What helps direct the scientist to new hypotheses?
False hypotheses
What are organic molecules that have identical molecular formulas but a different arrangment of atoms?
What is supported by a broad range of observations, experiments, and data from a variety of disciplines?
A scientific theory
Charbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids are called ____ because of their lare size.
What are the Five basic theories present in biology?
The Cell Theory, The Gene Theory, The Evolution Theory, The Homeostasis Theory, and The Ecosystem Theory.
The largest of the macromolecules are called?
All organisms are made of cells, and new cells come from preexisting cells describes what theory?
The Cell Theory:
The largest of the macromolecules are called polymers because they are constructed by linking togther a large number of the same type of subunits, called?
Organisms contain coded information that dictates their form, function, and behavior describes what theory?
The Gene Theory:
A cell uses a _____ reaction to synthesize any type of macromolecule.
All living things have a common ancestor, but each is adapted to a particular way of life describes what theory?
The Evolution Theory:
During a _____ reaction, an -OH (hydroxyl group) from water attaches to one subunit, and an -H (hydrogen atom) from water attaches to the other subunit.
hydrolysis reaction
The internal environment of an organism stays relatively constant within a range protective of life describes what theory?
The Homeostasis Theory:
Organisms are members of populations that interact with each other and with the physical environment within a particular locale describes what theory?
The Ecosystem Theory:
What allows for the comparison of results in a scientific investigation?
Control groups
What represents the environmental aspect being investigated?
Experimental variables
What represents a group within the test that is not exposed to the experimental variable and should be included in the experiment?
A control group
What shows that changes are due to the experimental variable and not some other outside influence?
The control group
What consist of experimental and control groups should be as large as feasibly possible.
Test groups
Measurements are made of the ____ and ____ groups?
experimental and control groups.
Carbon Dioxide
Possible measurements include ____ _____ _____ or ____?
biomass, height, weight, or behavior.
C6 H12 O6
What is MRSA?
Flesh eating bacteria
What is TB?
Tuberculosis: a lung disease
C6 H12 O6
What does the acronym CHOPSN stand for?
C12 H22 OH
Who is Father of genetics?
Gregory Mendal
What are the most universally used as an immediate engery source in living things, but they also play structural roles in a variety of organisms?
Who Discovered that genes are composed of the molecule known as DNA?
James Watson and Francis Crick
What consits of only a single sugar molecule?
What stands for carbon?
C with a circle around it
What is a common sugar with six carbon atoms, has a molecular formula of C6 H12 O6?
____ and ____ are monosaccharides with five carbon atoms.
Ribose and deoxyribose
What contains two monosacchardies that have joined during a dehydration reaction?
A table sugar is called?
What are polymers of monosaccharides?
Animals store glucose as ____ that is highly branched.
What cells contain granules where glycogen is stored until needed?
Plants store glucose as ______ and it exist in two forms, one is nonbranched and the other is branched.
Some types of polysaccharides are structural polysaccharides such as ____ in plants.
Some types of polysaccharides are structural polysaccharides such as ____ in animals and fungi.
Some types of polysaccharides are structural polysaccharides such as ____ in bacteria.
What is the most abundant carbohydrate, and the most abundant organic molecule on earth?
____ and ____ contain two types of subunit molecules: glycerol and fatty acids.
Fats and Oils
What is a compound with three -OH groups.
What kind of acid consists of a long hydrocarbon chain with a -COOH (Acid) group at one end?
Fatty Acid
Because there are three fatty acids attached to each glycerol molecule, fats and acids are sometimes called?
What have no double bonds between the carbon atoms?
Saturated Fatty Acids
What have double between the carbon atoms?
Unsaturated Fatty Acids
Like fats _____ contain glycerol and three groups bonded to glycerol.
I a watery enviorment, phospholipids naturally form a bilayer in which the hydrophilic head point _____ and the hydrophobic tails point ____.
Outward and Inward
What are lipids that have an entirely different structure from that of fat?
In _____, long-chain fatty acids bond with long-chain alcohols. They are solid at normal temperatures.
What are of primary importance to the structure and function of cells? As much as 50% of the dry weight of most cells consists of this.
Proteins provide keratin that makes up hair and fingernails and collagen that lends aid to skin, ligaments, and tendons. What function is this?
Some proteins are enzymes. They bring reactants together and thereby speed chemical reactions in cells. What function is this?
Chann and carrier proteins in plasma membrane allow substances to enter and exit cells. What function is this?
What is a complex protein that transports oxygen?
Proteins called antibodies combine with disease causing agents to prevent them from destroying cells and upsetting homeostasis. What function is this?
Hormones are regulatory proteins. They serve as intercellular messengers that influence the metabolism of cells. What function is this
The contractile proteins actin and myosin allow parts of cells to move and cause muscles to contract. What function is this?
What proteins allow parts of cells to move and cause muscles to contract?
Actin and Myosin
Proteins are macromolecules with ____ _____ monomers.
Amino Acid
The resulting covalent bond between two amino acids is called a?
Peptide bond
What is a chain of many amino acids joined by peptide bonds.
The contractile proteins actin and myosin allow parts of cells to move and cause muscles to contract. What function is this?
What proteins allow parts of cells to move and cause muscles to contract?
Actin and Myosin
Proteins are macromolecules with ____ _____ monomers.
Amino Acid
The resulting covalent bond between two amino acids is called a?
Peptide bond
What is a chain of many amino acids joined by peptide bonds.
Who developed a method to determine the amino acid sequence of a polypepeptide?
Frederick Sanger
The central carbon atom in an ____ ____ bonds to a hydrogen atom and also to three other groups of atoms.
Amino Acid
-NH2 is a ___ group
Amino Group
-COOH is a ____ group
Acid Group
What differs from one another according to their particular R group?
Amino Acids
When proteins are exposed to extremes in heat and pH, they undergo an irreversible change in shape called?
What are the four levels of organization in the structure of a protein?
Primary, Secondary, Tertiary, and Quaternary.
The primary structure of an protein is the linear sequence of the ____ ____ joined by ____ ____.
Amino Acids
Peptide Bonds
The secondary of a protein forms two possible shapes due to hydrogen bonding. They are?
Alpha Helix and Pleated Sheet
The tertiary structure forms a ____ shape?
Some proteins have only one polypeptide, and others have more than one polypeptide, each with its own primary, secondary and tertiary structure. These are called?
Quaternary Structure
DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) and RNA (ribonucleic acid) are the ___ ___ in cells.
Nucleic Acid
What is the genetic material and each molecule contains many genes?
DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid)
What is a molecular complex of three types of molecules?
A nucleotide has what three types of molecules?
Phosphate (phosphoric acid), Pentose (5-carbon) sugar, and a nitrogen containing base.
The bases of DNA are held together by _____ bonds.
The bases of DNA can be in any order but between the strands thymine is always paired with ______ and guanine is always paried with?
adenine, cytosine
What is very important when DNA makes a copy of itself, a process called replication?
Complementary base pairing
The backbone of DNA is?
Deoxyribose (Sugar)
The sugar in DNA is Deoxyribose and in RNA it is?
The bases in DNA are adenine, guanine, thymine, cytosine and in RNA they are?
Adenine, Guanine, Uracil, and Cytosine
The strands in DNA are double-stranded with base pairing and in RNA they are?
The DNA structure is a helix and RNA is?
not a helix
Who jointly received the Nobel Prize in physiology or medicine for their 1953 determination of the structure of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA).
Watson and Crick
What microscope allows you to view objects in three dimensions at low magnicfications?
Binocular Dissecting
What microscope is used to study entire small organisms, and any object requiring lower magnification, and opaque objects that can be viewed only by reflected light.
Binocular Dissecting
The Binocular Dissecting is also called what, becasuse it produces a three-dimensional image?
What microscope uses two sets of lenses light to view an object.
Compound Light
The illumation is from below on what microscope?
Compound Light
What microscope is used to examine smaller objects or more thinly sliced sections of objects under higher magnification?
Compound Light
On a Compound Light microscope, once the object is in focus with the lowest power, it should also be almost in focus with the higher power. This is called?
What is the name of a quick dye used on a compound microscope?
Methylene Blue
The central round body of a human epithelial cell is called?
The area surrounding the Nucleous in a human epithelial cell is called?
The outer most boundry of a human epithelial cell is called?
Plasma Membrane
What microscope should be used to view a virus that is 50 nm in size?
Electron Microscope
Asexual reproduction by a separation of the body into two new bodies is called?
Binary Fission
What cells devolop first?
What is called the energy currency of cells
Genes encode proteins and proteins dictate a cells what?
cell function
What is the process of programmed cell death that may occur in multicellular organisms?
What is the name of the cloning expert at UGA
Stephen Stice PHD
What was the name of the sheep that Stephen Stice cloned?
What was the name of the ship that Darwin sailed on?
HMS Beagle
What cells lack a membrane bound nucleous?
What cell has a nucleous
The plasma membrane is bound by a what?
Cell Wall
The two types of cells are?
Prokaryotic (bacteria) and Eukaryotic (Archaea)
Some bateria have Fimbriae which is used for what?
Prokaryotes have a single chromosome (loop of DNA) located within a region called the what?
The two groups of prokaryotes, domain Archaea and domain Bacteria, are largely distinguishable by different what?
Nucleic acid base sequences
Bacteria cells reproduce by binary fission, but they exchange DNA by way of the what?
Sex pili
List the structure of a Prokaryotic Cell (Bacteria) from outside to inside.
Capsule, Cell wall, Plasma Membrane, Ribosome, Nucleoid.
The nucleus is seperated from the cytoplasm by a double membrane known as the what?
Nuclear Envelope
What are non-membrane-bounded particles where protein synthesis occurs?
What apparatus sorts and packages proteins and lipids in vesicles that depart from the outer surface?
What are important in recycling cellular material and digesting worn out orgelles. The get rid of waste products.
What breaks down long chain fatty acids?
What are three of the special properties of water that make it such an important molecule in living things?
cohesion, ability to dissolve other molecules, temperature stability
Why does water have such a high heat of vaporization?
because of the hydrogen bonds between water molecules
The ability of water to dissolve many other molecules is due to:
its polarity
Generally, water will dissolve other ___________ substances.
The two types of covalent bonds are ________ and ________.
polar and nonpolar
Potassium (K) is an important ion in the human body due to:
its roles in nerve impulse transmission and muscle contraction
Chemistry can be defined as:
Chemistry is the study of the composition, properties, and reactions of matter.
Plants transport carbohydrates mainly in the form of:
Starch, glycogen, and cellulose are all polymers of:
Carbohydrates fulfill two main functions in living organisms, as a source of energy and as ______________.
structural components
Phospholipids are important in living things due to their role in/as:
membrane structure
The bond between two amino acids in a protein is specifically called a:
peptide bond
The energy-carrying ability of the ATP molecules is due to:
the instability of the bonds between the final two phosphates
Prokaryotic cells sometimes possess short appendages called _________ that allow them to attach to surfaces.
Prokaryotic cells lack:
a nucleus
Only plant cells contain ______ while only animal cells contain __________.
chloroplasts; lysosomes
______ structures are anatomical features that are fully developed and functional in one group of organisms but are reduced and functionless in similar groups.
______ provides new alleles and therefore underlies all other mechanisms that produce variation.
The nucleus can be defined as:
containing the genetic information of the cell
Lysosomes are produced by which organelle?
Golgi apparatus
Darwins Hypothesis of natural selection consists of what four components?
The members of a population have inheritable varations.
A population is able to produce more offspring than the environment can support.
Only certian members of the population survive and reproduce.
Natural selection results in a population adapted to the local environment.
How does Natural selection work to bring about evolution?
Changes in population over time due to the accumulation of inherited differences
What idea did Alfred Wallace come up with at the same time Dawrin came up with natural selection?
Surival of the fittest