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44 Cards in this Set

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what is the recessive phenotype of the trait being studied?

the little r

what is the genotype of any individual who has the recessive phenotype

homozygous recessive

how many organisms in this study have the recessive phenotype?

number of ppl with little r

how many organisms total make up the study population?

total number of people in study ( r plus R)

what is the frequency of individuals who show the recessive phenotype in this population ?

number of recessive divided by total ppl in study

what is the frequency of homozygous recessive individuals in this population?

number of recessive divided by total ppl in study

which of the terms in the Hardy-weinberg equation represents the frequency of homozygous recessive individuals in a population:p2, 2pq, or q2


which of the terms in the Hardy-weinberg equation represents the frequency of the recessive allele in a population : p or q?


what is the frequency of the recessive allele in the gene pool of this population?

divide the recessive and dominant each by 2 then: (2*(r/2)+(R/2)) / (total # *2)

what is the frequency of the dominant allele in the gene pool of this population?

subtract the frequency of the recessive allele from 1

which of the terms in the hardy-weindberg equation represents the frequency of homozygous dominant individuals in a population: p2, 2pq, or q2?


what is the frequency of homozygous dominant individuals in this population?

(2*(R/2)+(r/2)) / (total # *2)

which of the terms in the hardy-weindberg equation represents the frequency of heterozygous individuals in a population: p2, 2pq, or q2?


what is the frequency of heterozygous individuals in this population?

how to find?

for any population at hardy-weinberg equilibrium, what is the sum of p2, 2pq, and q2?


for any population at hardy-weinberg equilibrium, what is he sum of p and q


what are the 3 domains of life?

domains archaea, bacteria, and eukarya

which 2 of those domains consist of only unicellular organisms?

domans arhaea and bacteria

which 2 of those domains consist of prokaryotic organisms?

domains archaea and bacteria

if you discovered a single-celled, prokaryotic organism living in the waters of a hot spring, then in which of the 3 domains of life would this organism probably be classified?

domain archaea

which are generally more complex: eukaryotic cells or prokaryotic cells?


bacteria are said to be upiquitous. what does that eman?

they are found almost everywhere

bacteria can be classified as aerobic, anaerobic, or facultative, based on their ocygen needs. bacteria that can make teir ATP through aerobic resiration pathways would belong to which category or categories?

aerobic and facultative

bacteria can be classified as autotrophs or heterotrophs, based on how they obtain the carbon atoms they need for producing organic molecules. Bacteria that get their carbon atoms by breaking down the nutrients in your blood cells would belong to which category?


what are the three basic bacteria shapes? be able to recognize them

coccus, spiral, and bacillus

why must bacteria be stained before they are viewed under the microscope?

they are practicallly invisible

be able to name organisms in lab 5 and their:


eukaryotic or prokaryotic

autotrophic or heterotrophic

if it's found in nature

is it attracted to light

unique characteristics

function of a contractile vacuole

be able to name organisms in lab 5 and their:locomotioneukaryotic or prokaryoticautotrophic or heterotrophicif it's found in natureis it attracted to lightunique characteristicsfunction of a contractile vacuole

what is the oxygen-carrying protein found on red blood cells called?


hemoglobin A contains how many polypeptide chains?


hemoglobin A and hemoglobin S differ in which of the polypeptide chains

the beta chain

how many amino acids are different between hemoglobin A and hemoglobin S?


what is the anatomical difference between a red blood cell that has hemoglobin S molecules versus one that has hemoglobin A molecules?

hemoglobinS molecules cause the red blood cell to have a sickle, or crescent, shape.

does hemoglobin a or s travel further down the gel?

hemoglobin a

what is the genotype of is shown in a certain lane

the highest is recessive

does the person who hemoglob. samp. in lane 1 ha ve sickled red blood cells? (highest band)


does the person who hemoglob. samp. in lane 2 have sickled red blood cells? (double band)


suppose the adult in lane 2 (double band) has a child with the adult in lane 4 (double band), what is the probability that these ppl will have a child with sickle cell disease?

1 in 4 (25%) chance

can the amino acid sequence of these hemoglobin variants be determined based on this electrophoretic results?


what is the evolutionary history of organisms called?

what is the group of organisms included in a cladistic analysis called?

be able to use a cladogram

be able to look at electrophoresis results

during electrophoresis, what characteristics of the proteins will determine how far down the gel the proteins travel?

size and electrical charge

after loading this gel for electrophoresis , the protein fragements will travel towards which electrical pole: the negative pole or the posistive pole?

the positive pole