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70 Cards in this Set

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emergent property
a system that cannot be predicted of explained from antecedent conditions ex: never seen a car- given all the car parts
-18th century, gentleman naturalist
-first person to propose a classification system
-for every species, there has to be a single specimen in a museum- type specimen
-describe it with two names- binomial system
-Family, genus, species
Charles Lyell
-uniformitarianism: very slow symbol processes can produce great results
-earth has to be older than 5000 years...
-fossils also suggest that the earth is older than previously thought
lineage of organisms change through time, heritable variation leads to differential success in reproduction
natural selection
changes among individuals in a population (NOT species) are responsible for evolution
Charles Darwin- conditions for natural selection
mechanism for evolution- natural selection

1- there’s variations among individuals
2- non-random differences in survival and fertility
3- variation has to be inheritable
4- more offspring produced every generation than can survive
Evidence for evolution
-paleontology - looking up fossils, transitional fossils linking past and present
-vestigial organs: used to have a purpose but are now useless
-homologous structures: structures that are the same because of common descent - it suggests we came from a common ancestor
-embryonic development - during the early stages of development, species all look similar
-biogeography: related species exist on isolated islands
-bad design
Darwin's Principles
1) Evolution- lineage of organisms change through time
2) common descent - all life is related in one tree
3) gradualism - differences among organisms evolve by innumerable small steps through intermediary forms
4)populational speciation - evolution occurs by changes in the proportion of individuals within a population that differ in one or more characteristics
-variation already in population, environment change, fitness allows more to reproduce and that variation becomes more popular
5) Natural selection - changes among individuals in a population (NOT species) are responsible for evolution
correlation of offspring build up to parent’s build up
organisms ability to pass on its genes (ability to produce surviving offspring)
direct fitness
how many surviving offspring you can produce
indirect fitness
helping genes get passed on by close relatives
inclusive fitness
direct and indirect
change in phenotype that cannot be passed on
change in genotype that can be passed on
Directional Selection
selection one extreme over the other; shift in the mean
Stabilizing Selection
moving towards the mean
Disruptive Selection
when there’s a change in the environment that causes selection
"Rules" of natural selection
1. natural selection acts on individuals but its consequences are on populations
2. natural selections acts on phenotypes but evolution consists of changes in gene (allele) frequency
3. natural selection is backward- it doesn’t look forward (evolution is not progressive)
4. natural selection is directed but is not purposeful
5. natural selection acts on individuals, not groups
-individuals acts in their own best interest, not for the good of the species
6. natural selection does not achieve the optimal phenotype for all traits simultaneously
linkage, pleiotrophy
Sexual Selection
how much each sex invests in their offspring; traits that help attract a mate will be passed on
sexual dimorphism
any trait that differs between males and females
size: terictori- males are bigger to win fights
sexual asymmetry
“sperm is cheap, eggs are expensive”
women have an easier time finding mates
parental investment
sexes differ in their investment to their offspring
cruel bind: last parent there has to take care of it
Intrasexual Selection
male-male competition
Intersexual Selection
females have choice of male
-choosy females get direct and indirect benefits
-females can choose for: resources, good parenting, “safe” sex, good genes, arbitrary characters
-direct benefit- good parenting, nuptial gifts
-safe sex hypothesis: females prefer males with lower parasite/pathogen loads, reduced change of infection (direct benefit)
-good genes hypothesis (indirect benefits): females prefer males with “good” genetic qualities
--females prefer traits that are correlated with male genetic quality
--quality is heritable
-advanced form of social organization
-overlapping generations
cooperative care of offspring
-division of reproductive labor with a caste of sterile individuals
How can altruism evolve?
-eusociality represents the pinnacle of altruism
-altruism occurs when an individual acts to help another to the detriment of itself
-help and harm are measured in terms of reproductive success
-social insect workers are sterile and have sacrificed all their reproductive success
Hamilton's Resolutions (altruism)
-genes are the vehicles of evolution, not individuals (Dawkins)
-traits that serve to pass on the most copies of the gene that codes for them will be selected for
-identical copies of genes are present in you and your close relatives
-therefore, altruism will evolve if that altruistic trait helps the gene in the altruist’s relatives more than it hurts the gene in the altruist
Hamilton's Solution
inclusive fitness -- direct fitness, indirect fitness
What favors the evolutions of eusociality?
-cost to helper < relatedness * benefit to receiver
-low cost favors evolution of eusociality
-high relatedness favors eusociality
-high benefit favors eusociality
Reciprocal Altruism
-cooperation may be favored even when there is a short term cost, if reciprocal helping relationships exist
-multiple opportunities for mutual helping
-ability to recognize individuals and remember their behavior
-withholding of cooperation to non-reciprocators
number of children you have
number of potential offspring
-sex is determined by whether the egg is fertilized or not (in hymenoptera)
-this makes sisters highly related - 75% (50% in humans)
-males 1 N
-females 2N
-males come from unfertilized eggs, females from fertilized
-in haplodiploid organisms, sisters raising sisters profit (in genetic terms) more than if they raised their own daughters

-female relations: .5
-male relations: 1
-female back to male: .5
diplodiploid (and relatedness)
-all relations are .5
calculating r:
-pedigree can used to calculate r that include both the actor and recipient and that shows all possible direct routes of connection between the two
-parents contribute half their genes to their offspring
-connect actor (performs behavior) to recipient by pathways of descent
-each arrow represents a “step” or a single generation of gene transmission
-probability of gene transmission at each step = 1/2
-multiple independent transmission events
-sum all possible pathways

-half-siblings (1/2 * 1/2) = 1/4
-cousins (1/2 * 1/2 * 1/2) = 18
Point Mutations
-change the amino acid
-substitutions at position 3 do not change amino acid (silent)
-positions at 1 & 2 normally do
-copying errors
-mutations by whatever origin may or may not have an effect on phenotype
-mutations are subject to natural selection only when they are expressed in the phenotype
-mutations are usually deleterious when in coding regions
Quantitative Traits
continuous variation, many genes
Qualitative Traits
discrete with simple genotype-phenotype relationship
Population Genetics
frequencies produced in entire population, including consideration of mating system, natural selection, mutation, and random chance
variants of the gene
Allele Frequency
frequency of allele in the population
individuals have a genotype, individual genes
-depends on its genotype, the developmental history, the use and disuse of the trait
-always have a genetic component and an environmental component
Gene Pool
the alleles in a population
Chromosome Evolution
genetic variation due to structural changes in genomes
-deletion, insertion, inversion, copy-number variant, segmental duplication
temporarily and geographically synchronized
(1) Characterized by having one or more genes without allelic counterparts.
(2) Pertaining to a diploid cell with only one copy of a gene instead of the usual two copies.

male - XY
really important meiosis stage for crossing over and variation
Transposable Elements
structural changes in the genome
-little pieces of DNA that selfishly replicate themselves and insert themselves into the chain
when species diverge apart
changes within a species that occur over evolutionary history
Biological Species Concept
a set of actually or potentially interbreeding populations
-only applies to species that are sexual, extant (contemporary- not extinct), sympatric (same regions)
Allopatric Speciation
spatially separated, evolve in different environmental conditions
-founder effect: its founded by one or few individuals
Peripatric Speciation
evolve side by side, in contact with each other
-usually happens on places like mountains with quick, extreme environmental conditions
-white sand habit is an example
Sympatric Speciation
evolve in the same spot
different parental species
same parental species
Homoploid (Hybrid) Speciation
species that are maintained by two different species mating
Reproductive Isolating Mechanisms
prezygotic barriers (before the egg is even formed)
-spatial isolations
-temporal isolation
-mechanical isolation
-gametic isolation
-behavioral isolation
-biogeography - closest relative on mainland - spatially isolated

postzygotic barriers
-hybrid zygote abnormality
-hybrid infertility
-low hybrid viability
copies of the same gene in different species descended from their common ancestor
copies of the same gene in the same genome due to a gene duplication event
horizontal transfer of genetic material between two distantly-related speci
different genes in separate species that have converged to have the same function via separate evolutionary paths
Molecular Clock
-rate of evolution depending solely on mutation
-if most variation is neutral (silent), differences among DNA sequences of species could be used to measure time
--nucleotide changes are constant
--error rate of DNA replication can be calibrated
patterns at and above the level of species
-population level: anagenesis
-species level: cladogenesis

-score characters of animals to see if and how they are similar
-the assumption is that all characteristics, you should favor the hypothesis that explains common descent with least number of changes
-minimize number of changes
shared between species in a group; shared and derived characteristics
something everything of that species has; characteristic that characterizes that group
Monophyletic Groups
a group which contains a common ancestor and all descendants of that ancestor(reptiles + birds)
Paraphyletic Groups
cut off a group from monophyletic