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44 Cards in this Set

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a complex of DNA and protein


a change in genotype and phenotype due to assimilation of foreign DNA


viruses that infect bacteria, composed of only DNA and protein

DNA is _________ __________

nucleic acid


the building blocks of DNA are _________



composed of 5 carbon sugar called deoxyribose, a phosphate group (PO4, neg. charge), a nitrogenous base (A, T, C, G)

_____ has directionality


the _________ _________ is attached to the 1' (prime) location of the 5-carbon deoxyribose

nitrogenous base

the _________ __________ is attached to the 5' (prime) carbon of deoxyribose

phosphate group

a free _________ __________ is attached at the 3' (prime) carbon of deoxyribose

hydroxyl group

DNA has a ___ end and a ____ end

3' , 5'

nitrogenous bases

thymine, adenine, cytosine, guanine

phosphodiester bond

connects adjacent nucleotides, formed between the phosphate group of one nucleotide and the 3' ---OH of the next nucleotide

the chain of nucleotides has a ________ orientation


Chargaff's Rules

amount of adenine = amount of thymine

amount of cytosine = amount of guanine

always have an equal proportion of purines (A &G) and pyrimidines (C & T)

double helix

consists of 2 sugar-phosphate backbones, and nitrogenous bases toward the interior of the molecule

the two strands of nucleotides are ___________ to each other



one nucleotide is oriented 5' to 3', the other 3' to 5', two strands wrap around each other creating the helical shape

A forms ____ hydrogen bonds with T


G forms ______ hydrogen bonds with C


semiconservative model DNA replication

each strand of DNA acts as a template for the synthesis of a new strand

DNA replication requires 3 things

-something to copy: parental DNA molecule

-something to do the copying: enzymes

-building blocks to make copy: nucleotide triphosphates


DNA replication begins at an origin of replication


new strands of DNA are synthesized by a DNA polymerase


replication is terminated differently in prokaryotes and eukaryotes

prokaryotic DNA replication

chromosome is circular and replication begins at origin of replication proceeding in both directions around the chromosome

___________ chromosomes have a single origin of replication


in prokaryotic DNA replication, the double helix is unwound by the enzyme __________


in prokaryotic DNA replication, ______-______ __________ __________ bind to and stabilize single-stranded DNA

single-strand binding proteins

DNA polymerase III (Pol III)

is the main polymerase responsible for the majority of DNA sythesis- adds nucleotides to the 3' end of the daughter strand of DNA

DNA polymerases

-match existing DNA bases with complementary nucleotides and link them

-all have several common features: add new bases to 3' end of existing strands, sythesize in 5'-to-3' direction, REQUIRE A PRIMER OF RNA

DNA replication is _______________________



-Pol III can only add nucleotides to the 3' end of the newly synthesized strand

-DNA strands are antiparallel to each other

________ _________ is synthesized continuously (in the same direction as the replication fork), ________ ________ is synthesized discontinuously creating Okazaki fragments

leading strand, lagging strand


RNA polymerase that makes RNA primer- can start an RNA chain from scratch

DNA ligase

closes gap between adjacent fragments

DNA polymerase I

removes RNA primer and fills in gap with nucleotides


sythesizes RNA primer

eukaryotic DNA replication have multiple __________ ____ __________

origins of replication

With each round of DNA replication in eukaryotes, the linear chromosome becomes ___________



region at the end of linear (eukaryotic) chromosmes- protect ends of chromosomes from nucleases and maintain their integrity- gradual shortening of chromosomes with each round of cell division

telomeres __________ with age



repeated DNA sequence on the ends of eukaryotic chromosomes


contains an RNA region that is used as a template so a DNA primer can be produced- typically only found in gamete-producing cells or lymphocytes of older multicellular organisms- ensures longer telomeres in zygotes