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65 Cards in this Set

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What are the 2 Division Mechanisms for Eukaryotic organisms.
1. Mitosis
2. Meiosis
What is the division mechanism for Prokaryotic organisms
Prokaryotic binary fission
What do Multicellular organisms begin life as?
A single cell
What kind of reproduction is Mitosis?
Asexual reproduction
What does Asexual mean?
Doesn't require sperm or egg, which are components of sexual reproduction.
What are the 2 important processes for Mitosis?
1. Growth (Duplication of contents)
2. Cell division (Parent cell divides into two daughter cells)
List genes, DNA, and chromosomes in order of smallest to largest.
DNA --> Genes --> Chromosomes
What is the Diploid chromosome number (n) for Humans?
What does diploid (2n) number mean?
Means a cell condition in which two of each type of chromosome is present.
How many sets of chromosomes do humans have? Where do the sets come from?
2 sets of 23 pairs of chromosomes each. One set from father, one set from mother
How many chromosomes does Mitosis produce for human cells?
46, two of each type
What are Chromosomes?
Packages of DNA
What are Chromatins?
Thickened complex of DNA and proteins
What is a chromatid?
A single DNA strand of a chromosome
What is a Centromere?
A Constricted region on a chromosome joining 2 sister chromatids
What are the 2 stages of The cell cycle?
1. Interphase
2. M Stage (Meiosis or Mitotic)
How much does interphase take up of a cells' life?
About 85%
WHat are the 3 stages of Interphase?
- G1 (Growth 1)
- S (synthesis)
- G2 (Growth 2)
What is G0 in Interphase?
Arrested. The cell does not go on to divide. Happens after G1
What happens in G1 of Interphase?
Cell doubles Organelles and makes the decision whether to divide or not.
What happens in the S phase of Interphase?
DNA replication. Results in each chromosome composed of 2 sister chromatids
What happens in G2 of Interphase?
Onsets for mitosis and Synthesizes proteins needed for cell division.
How is Cancer involved with Interphase?
Removes the control over the cycle (G0) which means there are no "brakes" in the cell cycle. Loses control
What happens in the M (mitotic) phase?
Cell division occurs. Divides the Nucleus and Cytoplasm
What is Cytokinesis?
Happens at the end of Mitosis. Divides the Cytoplasm
What are the Daughter Nuclei produced by mitosis genetically speaking compared to the parent nucleus?
Identically genetically. They are Clones.
What does the Spindle ("spindle apparatus") do in Mitosis?
Pulls chromatids apart and assists with chromosomal movement during nuclear division.
What are the 4 stages of Mitosis?
1. Prophase
2. Metaphase
3. Anaphase
4. Telophase
What are the 3 things that happen in Prophase?
1. Duplicated chromosomes (from S phase) begin to condense.
2. New microtubules are assembled
3. Nuclear Envelope starts to break up
What happens in Metaphase?
All the chromosomes line up at the spindle equator.
What happens in Anaphase?
Sister chromatids of each chromosome are pulled apart
What happens in Telophase?
Chromosomes de-condense and then 2 nuclear membranes form, one around each set of chromosomes
What are the results of Mitosis?
Two daughter nuclei, each with same chromosome number as the parents, and Chromosomes are in unduplicated form
What are the 2 mechanisms for Cytoplasmic division?
1. Cleavage (for animals)
2. Cell plate formation (for plants)
What is Mitosis involved with throughout a persons' life?
Growth of a child and repair of tissues throughout life
What are Somatic cells?
Body cells
What happens to the chromosome number during Meiosis?
Goes from Diploid (2 of each type of chromosome) to Haploid (1 of each type)
What is Spermatogenesis?
Process that produces sperm in the testes
What is Oogenesis?
Produces eggs in the ovaries
What is a Gamete?
Haploid Sex cell (egg = female, sperm = male)
What is a zygote?
Diploid cell formed by the union of 2 gametes, this is the product of fertilization
What do the egg and sperm do during Fertilization?
Egg and sperm (each Haploid) join together to from a zygote (Diploid)
What kind of Reproduction is Meiosis?
Sexual reproduction
Where for Gametes come from?
Germ cells. Germ cells (Diploid, 2n) undergo meiosis and become gametes (Haploid, n)
What does the process of Meiosis do to the chromosome number of a cell?
Halves it. Alway goes from Diploid to Haploid. Haploid can go to Diploid during the S phase of Interphase
What are the 2 major functions of Meiosis?
1. Reduces chromosome number
2. Shuffles chromosomes in the cell to produce genetically different combinations
What are Alleles?
Alternative form of a gene. Alleles occur at the same locus (place) on Homologous Chromosomes
What is a Homologous Chromosome?
Member of a pair of chromosomes that are alike and come together in synapsis during prophase 1
What are autosomes?
The first 22 pairs of chromosomes in a human being. Refers to any chromosome other than the sex determining pair
What are the 2 consecutive nuclear divisions of Meiosis?
Meiosis I
Meiosis II
How many Nuclei are formed by the end of Meiosis?
4 Haploid nuclei are formed
What are the stages of Meiosis I and Meiosis II
Meiosis I
- Prophase I
- Metaphase I
- Anaphase I
- Telophase I
Meiosis II
- Prophase II
- Metaphase II
- Anaphase II
- Telophase II
What is "crossing over"?
When homologous pairs swap segments during Prophase I
What is synapsis?
When Homologous chromosomes pair up and form a tetrad (4) during Prophase I.
What are tetrads?
Homologous chromosomes, each having sister chromatids that are joined during meiosis
What happens during Anaphase I of meiosis?
Homologous chromosomes separate, leaving the sister chromatids attached
What happens during Anaphase II of meiosis?
Sister chromatids separate leaving independent chromosomes
What happens in Meiosis I
Homologous pairs line up in synapsis resulting in a tetrad. The Homologous chromosomes of each pair then separate. End with 2 cells.
What happens in Meiosis II
Chromosomes are dyads, composed of 2 sister chromatids. Sister chromatids separate. End with 4 daughter cells
What are 3 factors contributing to variation among offspring in meiosis?
1. Crossing over during prophase I
2. Random alignment of chromosomes at metaphase I
3. Random combination of gametes at fertilization.
What are genes?
Units of information about specific traits. Passed from parents to offspring. Each gene has a specific location (locus) on a chromosome
What are the possible Alleles for a Type A blood type?
What are the possible Alleles for a Type B Blood Type
What are the possible Alleles for a Type AB Blood type
What are the possible Alleles for a Type O Blood type?