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32 Cards in this Set

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How long ago did the Hominid evolutionary line diverge from that leading to the apes
between 5-7 million years
List two sources of evidence that points to this time divergence
antibody blood reaction, and DNA comparison
When comparing the human and ape, what advancements made humans bipedalism?
Human- wide thighs and knock kneed, pelvis
Chimp- parallel thighs and bent knees to walk, and the pelvis of the chimp is inside out
How long ago did Lucy appear?
3.5 million years ago
How long ago did homo habilis appear
1.9 million years ago
How long ago did homo erectus appear
1.5 million years ago
how long ago did neanderthals appear
125,000 years ago
how long ago did cro magnon appear
35,000 years ago
The charactericts of smaller teeth, and jaws, prence of a chin, thin facial bones, larger brain, and a rounder skull belong to this group
homo sapiens
who were the first tool makers
homo habilis
who were the first tool makers
homo habilis
who changed the geographic distribution of hominids during the Pleistocene migration
homo erectus
who become extinct nearly 30,000 years ago of Europe and Asia
What is a group that included apes and humans
a population of homo sapiens that lived from 100,000 years ago to 35,000 years ago
what is the order that includes animals with freely swiveling limbs, mobile grasping digits, upright bodies, good depth preception, and exquiste nerual control
what is a group that includes new world monkeys only
what is a group that includes new world monkeys, old world monkeys, and humans
what is a organism that include tree shrews, lori, lemurs, and others
what bipedal organism lived 3.8 to 1 million years ago with human bodies, ape shaped heads, and brains no larger than chimps
what is the classification that only includes humans
what was the greatest asset possessed by early hominids
their ability to walk without forelimbs
the conclusion that hominids such as Lucy was bipedal was based on
the angles made by the pelvis bone, the heavy muscular build, and the ability to reason
what is the feature that is most important in the evolution of hominids
Some examples of Cephalochordata include lancelets, what are the characteristics of this group
Simple nervous system with on nerve cord(notochord). Jawless, no brain or eyes. They reproduce externally sexually and asexually. They are filter feeeders, they have gill bars for gas exchange.
Some examples of Agnatha (jawless fish) include hag fish which have a myxini or slime glands. What are the characteristics of this group of animals
Have a jaw made of cartilage but lack jaws and vertebrae. Exothermic, hermaphrodites and die after they mate. All are marine. Parasites , no true stomach. 2 chamber heart with open and closed circulatory system.
Some examples of Chandrichthyan (cartilage fish) include sharks and rays, what are characteristics of this group?
Good vision electrical spots. vertebrae, craninates. internal fertilization(vivparous-some placenta, oviparous- outside, ovoviviparous- inside) jaws appendages. 2 chamber heart, 5 gills on each side
Some examples of Osteichtyes are bony fish which is split into 2 groups, ray finned and lobe finned. What are their characteristics?
Skeletal elements, muscle, bones, 3 part brain with nervous system. Oviparous- external fertilization. 2 chamber heart counter current exchange. ray finned fish is the largest fish group.
Some examples of amphiba include frogs and salamanders. What are their characteristics?
Brain and nervous system, control functions, can live on land, zygote needs to be in water, external reproduction, jelly eggs, 3 chamber double circulation heart. No diaphragm.
Some examples of Reptilia include turtles and snakes. What are their characteristics?
Eggs on land, skin doesn't dry out, exothermic, kidney and uric acid, amneotic eyes, internal fertilization, tetropods, lungs, 4 chamber heart.
Aves, birds, what are some characteristics?
flight, endothermic, 4 chamber hearts.
Mammals are classified into 3 groups, monotremes (lay eggs and no nipples, have glands that secrete milk) marsupials (nipples, give birht to live young, young held in pouch called marsupium), and eutherians ( placental )
hair and skin, nurse young, endothermic, live birth, back bone muscle (neocortex) , 4 chamber heart, lungs,