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115 Cards in this Set

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Vagosympathetic Trunk

Location: Alongside common carotid artery

F(x): Conveys vagus nerve and sympathetic trunk

Ansa subclavia

Origin: ganglion cords arising from the middle cervical ganglion

Supposedly innervates sternohyoid, sternothyroid, thyrohyoid and geniohyoid muscles

Middle Cervical Ganglion***

Ganglion in contact with the vagus. Sends gray rami communicantes to C5C6

Inferior cervical ganglion

Lies against neck muscles between 1st and 2nd ribs. Innervates the heart (SA and AV nodes via coronary arteries)

Vagus nerve

Branches from vagosympathetic trunk.

Sympathetic trunk

Origin: vagosympathetic trunk

Innervates: esophagus

Recurrent nerve

Originates from the vagus nerve. Innervates and receives impulses from the larynx

Pulmonary Plexus***

Originates from vagus. Found at the roots of the lungs

Cardiac Plexus

Origginates from vagus. Found at the bases of the aorta and pulmonary arteries. Innervates the heart muscles.

Dorsal branch & Ventral branch of the vagus nerve

divides into branches past the roots of the lungs

Dorsal divsion & ventral division of the vagus nerve

Passes through the diaphragm. Innervates the visceral organs of the thorax and abdomen, larynx, pharynx, taste buds

Intercostal nerve

Found in the posterior side of each rib. Innervates rib interspaces

Phrenic Nerve

From C5C6, found in the thorax ventral to the roots of hte lungs. Innervates diaphragm (motor nerve)

Suprascapular Nerve

From C6, passes between supraspinatus and subscapular. Innervates supraspinatus and infraspinatus muscles

Ventral Thoracic Nerve 1

From C7. Innervates pectoral muscles

Ventral Thoracic Nerve 2

From C8T1. Innervates pectoral muscles

Subscapular Nerve 1

From C6. Innervates subscapular muscle

Subscapular Nerve 2

From C7. Innervates teres major

Subscapular Nerve 3

From C7 & C8. Innervates internal surface of latissimus dorsi

Axillary nerve

From C7. Innervates deltoid muscles

Long thoracic nerve

From C7. Passes internal to scalenes to vertical column

Musculocutaneous nerve

From C6C7. Innervates biceps and a posterior branch innervates the skin of forearm

Radial Nerve

From C7C8T1. Innervates forelimb muscles

Median Nerve

From C7C8T1. Innervates limb distal to elbow. Forms the latest

Ulnar Nerve

From T1. Innervates limb distal to elbow. Flat.

Medial Cutaneous Nerve

From T1. Innervates skin of forearm

Ventral Gastric Plexus

Innervates the lesser curvature of the stomach

Dorsal Gastric Plexus

Innervates the greater curvature of the stomach

Greater splanchnic nerve

Originates from sympathetic trunk and passes obliquely ventrally to diaphragm. Innervates the crura of the diaphragm

Lesser splanchnic nerve

Originates from sympathetic trunk, posterior to greater splanchnic nerve. Innervates the crura of the diaphragm

Coeliac ganglion

Found along coeliac artery. Innervates most of the digestive tract. Forms coeliac plexus with the nerves going towards the stomach. Forms solar plexuswhen coeliac plexus connects with gastric plexus

Superior Mesenteric Ganglion

Found along superior mesenteric artery. Innervates part of the large intestine.

Inferior Mesenteric Ganglion

Found along inferior mesenteric artery. Innervates the transverse colon, descending colon and rectum.

L1, L2, L3

Innervates the muscles and skin of the abdominal wall. With a more anterior median branch and a more posterior lateral branch.

Lateral cutaneous nerve

From L4. Innervates the thigh

Genitofemoral nerve

From L4L5. Innervates the thigh and the abdominal wall of the inguinal region

Femoral Nerve

From L5L6. Innervates adjacent muscles of the thigh

Saphenous Nerve

From L5L6. Continuation of femoral nerve. Innervates the shank and the foot

Obturator Nerve

From L6L7. Innervates gracilis and other muscles. Passes through the obturator foramen of the pelvic girdle

Sciatic Nerve

From L6L7S1S2. Massive nerve that goes dorsal, towards the biceps femoris. Innervates thigh muscles

Gluteal nerves

From L6L7S1S2. Innervates gluteus muscles

Peroneal nerve

From L6L7S1S2. Lateral branch of sciatic nerve. Innervates biceps femoris and gastrocnemius

Tibial nerve

From L6L7S1S2. Medial branch of sciatic nerve. Innervates between the two heads of the gastrocnemius

Pudendal Nerve

From S2S3, sometimes sciatic. Innervates rectum and urogenital organs

Posterior cutaneous nerve

From S2S3. Innervates the biceps femoris

Inferior Hemorrhoidal Nerve

From S1S2S3. Innervates urinary bladder and rectum

Dura Mater

(cat brain)

Outermost protection of brain. Separated from arachnoid via subdural space


(cat brain)

Separates the dura mater from pia mater. Separated from the pia mater via subarachnoid space.

Pia mater

(cat brain)

With blood vessels. This membrane covers the surface of the brain. Where CSF flows from

Olfactory Bulbs

(cat brain)

Found at the anterior end of the brain. Transmits smells from the nose to the brain. Where olfactory nerves synapse

Cerebral Hemispheres

(cat brain)

Part of the Telencephalon. Found posterior to olfactory bulbs but anterior to cerebellum. With gyri/gyrus and sulci/sulcus

Longitudinal Cerebral fissure

(cat brain)

Separates the 2 cerebral hemispheres. Longituddinal groove.

Corpus Callosum

(cat brain)

Connects the 2 hemispheres, with nerve fibers passing between them. Characteristic of mammalian brains

Choroid Plexus

(cat brain)

A reddish mass of folded tissue posterior to the longitudinal cerebral fissure. Secretes CSF


(cat brain)

Part of the Metencephalon. Center of equilibration and motor coordination. Connects the posterior end of the cerebral hemispheres


(cat brain)

Medial lobe of the cerebellum


(cat brain)

Lateral lobes of the cerebellum. Has flocullar lobes.


Corpora Quadrigemina

(cat brain)

Four lobes of the mesencephalon

Superior colliculi

(cat brain)

Optic lobes

Inferior colliculi

(cat brain)

Auditory lobes

Medulla oblongata
(cat brain)

Part of the myelencephalon. Relays nerve signals between brain and spinal cord, dealing with autonomic functions

4th ventricle

(cat brain)

Cavity of the medulla oblongata, roofed by medullary velum. Continues as the central canal of the spinal cord


(cat brain)

White club shaped area lateral to 4th ventricle. Belongs to the somatic sensory column

Tuberculum cuneatum

(cat brain)

Lateral to clava. Belongs to somatic sensory column.

Restiform body

(cat brain)

Found anterior to the clava and tuberculum cuneatum. Conveys impulses from the spinal cord and medulla to the cerebellum. Overlying it is the area acustica

Olfactory Tract

(cat brain)

Extends obliquely caudad from the olfactory bulbs. Impulses regarding olfaction pass through here

Pyriform lobe

(cat brain)

Part of the telencephalon. Posteroventral part of the cerebral hemispheres, part of the olfactory apparatus. Where the olfactory tract comes from (?)

Rhinal fissure

(cat brain)

Separates pyriform lobe from cerebral hemispheres


(cat brain)

Located between the 2 pyriform lobes

Optic chiasma

(cat brain)

Found at anterior end of the diencephalon. A white band from which projects the optic nerves.

Anterior perforated substance

(cat brain)

Found between the optic chiasma and the olfactory tracts. Perforated by numerous blood cells.

Posterior perforated substance

(cat brain)

Found posterior to the mammillary body. Gives rise to the oculomotor nerve

Tuber cineum

(cat brain)

Found behind the optic chiasma. Part of olfactory apparatus. The hypophysis hangs from this by a stalk

Mammillary Body

(cat brain)

Found behind the tuber cineum. Part of the olfactory apparatus

Cerebral peduncles

(cat brain)

Found lateral to posterior perforated substance and posterior to the pyriform lobes. Carries pyramidal tracts and tracts from cortex to pons


(cat brain)

Posterior to posterior perforated substance. The floor of the cerebellum and the bridge of its hemispheres


(cat brain)

Posterior to the pons that originates from area acustica. Carries auditory impulses to the anteiror brain

Median Ventral Fissure

(cat brain)

The groove in the middle of the medulla

(cat brain)

Lateral to the median ventral fissure. Conveys voluntary motor impulses from cerebral hemispheres to muscles. Somatic motor tracts


(cat brain)

Anterior end of the corpus callosum


(cat brain)

Posterior end of the corpus callosum


(cat brain)

From the corpus callosum proceeding ventrally

Septum pellucidum

(cat brain)

Found between fornix and genu, separates the lateral ventricles from each other

Lateral ventricles

(cat brain)

Cavity of telencephalon/cerebral hemispheres


(cat brain)

Roof diencephalon. Includes tela choroidea, pineal body, habenula, posterior commisure

(cat brain)

Relays sensations to the cerebral hemispheres

(cat brain)

Includes the optic chiasma, tuber cineum, mammillary body, hypophysis. Secretes important hormones

Aqueduct of Sylvius
(cat brain)

Connects 3rd and 4th ventricle. Cavity of mesencephalon


(cat brain)

Floor of mesencephalon

Arbor vitae

(cat brain)

The branching white matter within the cerebellum.

Olfactory Bulb

(shark brain)

Olfactory Nerve

(shark brain)

Olfactory Stalk

(shark brain)

Cerebral Hemispheres

(shark brain)

Telencephalon. Largely olfactory

(shark brain)

Relay center of the brain. With tela choroidea from which choroid plexi come from

(shark brain)

Connects rounded lobes (corpora bigemina or optic lobes) for vision

(shark brain)

With auricles instead of flocullar lobes. Found at the side and below the cerebellum

Medulla Oblongata/Myelencephalon

(shark brain)

Maintains vital body functions such as breathing (autonomic function)


(shark brain)

Connects pituitary to the brain

Inferior Lobes

(shark brain)

Important endocrine gland

Nervus Terminalis (CN 0)

Only in shark. Belongs to ANS

Saccus Vasculosus (vascular sac)

(shark brain)

Sensory function concered with aquatic life. Lined by neurosecretory cells

Olfactory (CN I)

Innervates olfactory epithelium. Originates from neurosensory cells of the same epithelium.

Visceral sensory

Optic (CN II)

Originates from retina and synapses with optic hicasma. Somatic sensory

Oculomotor (CN III)

Innervates the inferior oblique, internal superior, inferior rectus muscles of the eye ball. Somatic motor

Trochlear (CN IV)

Innervates the superior oblique muscle of the eyeball. Somatic motor

Trigeminal (CN V)

Innervates mandibular arch in sharks.
Cat: sensory for mucosa of anterior tongue. innervates jaw muscles skin of face and snout

Somatic sensory and visceral motor

Abducens (CN VI)

External rectus of eye innervation. Somatic motor

Facial (CN VII)

Originates from geniculate gangloin. Innervates hyoid arch of shark. Includes chorda tympani in cats and innervates the antioer porttion of the tongue

Auditory (CN VIII)

For equilibration and hearing

Glossopharyngeal (CN IX)

Shark: 3rd pharyngeal arch
Cat: mucosa of posterior tongue, pharynx, salivary gland and taste buds

Vagus (CN X)

Shark: Rest of pharyngeal arches and viscera
Cats: Innervates visceral organs of thorax, abdomen, larynx, pharynx, taste buds

Spinal Accessory (CN XI)

In mammalls only. Sternomastoid, cleidomastoid, levator scapulae ventralis, trapezius

Hypoglossal (CN XII)

Tongue muscles in mammals