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303 Cards in this Set

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Hydrothermal Vent
Submerged opening where hot, mineral-rich water streams out
Membranous sacs that contain interacting organic molecules
RNA World
Hypothetical early interval when RNA served as the material of inheritance
One species lives inside another
Organism that enclloses its DNA is a nucleus, a protist, platn, fungus, or animal
Ozone Layer
Atmospheric layer with a high concentration of ozone that prevents much UV radiation from reaching earth's surface
Single-celled organism in which the DNA resides in the cytoplasm; a bacterium or archaean
Dome-shaped structures composed of layers of prokaryotic cells and sediments; form in shallow seas
Process by which new species arise from existing species
Reproductive Isolation
Absence of gene flow between populations; part of speciation
Allopatric Speciation
Specitation patterns in which a physical barriers that separates members of population ends gene flow between them
Sypatric Speciation
Pattern in which speciation occurs in the absence of physical barrier
Ozone Layer
Atmospheric layer with a high concentration of ozone that prevents much UV radiation from reaching earth's surface
Single-celled organism in which the DNA resides in the cytoplasm; a bacterium or archaean
Dome-shaped structures composed of layers of prokaryotic cells and sediments; form in shallow seas
Process by which new species arise from existing species
Reproductive Isolation
Absence of gene flow between populations; part of speciation
Allopatric Speciation
Specitation patterns in which a physical barriers that separates members of population ends gene flow between them
Sypatric Speciation
Pattern in which speciation occurs in the absence of physical barrier
The joint evolution of two closely interacting species; is a selective agent for traits of the other
Adaptation of an existing structure for a completely different purpose; a major evolutionary novelty
Refers to a species that has been peramanetly lost
Patterns of evolution that occur above species level
Mass Extinction
Simultaneous extinction of many lineages
Macroevolutionary pattern in which lineage persists with little or no chance over evolutionary time
Adaptive Radiation
A burst of genetic divergence from a lineage gives rise to many new species
Key Innovation
An evolutionary adaptation that gives its bearer the opportunity to exploit a particular environment more effciently or in a new way
Taxon (taxa)
A grouping or organisms
Science of naming and classifying species
Quantifiable, heritable characteristic or trait
A group of species that share a set of characteristics
Method of determining evolutionary relationships by grouping species into clades
Evolutionary tree diagram that shows a network of of evolutionary relationships among a group of species
Monophyletic Group
An ancestor and all of its descendants
Evolutionary history of a species or group of species
Sister Groups
The two lineages that emerge from a node on a cladogram
A eurkaryotic heterotroph that is made up of unwalled cells and develops through a series of stages. Most ingest food, reproduce sexually, and move
Structurally simplest animal known, with only four types of cells and a small genome
Bilateral Symmetry
Having right and left halves with similar parts, and a fron and back that differ
A body cavity with a complete lining of tissue derived from mesoderm
Animal without a backbone
A body cavity not fully lined with a mesoderm
Radial Symmetry
Having parts arrange around a central axis, like spokes around a wheel
Having a body composed of units that repeat along its length
One or more types of cells that are organised in a specific pattern and that carry out a particular task
Animal with a backbone
Radially symmetrical invertebrate with two tissue layers; uses tentacles with stringing cells to caputre food
Readially symmetrical invertebrate with two tissue layers; uses tentacles with stinging cells to capture food
Bilaterally symmetricla invertebrate with organs but no body cavity; for example, a planarian or tapeworm
Animal that makes both eggs and sperm
Bell-shaped, free swimming cnidarian body form
Touch sensitive stinging organelle unique to cnidarians
Tubular cnidarian body form that usually attaches to some surface
Aquatic invertebrate that has no tissue or organs and filters food from the water
Segmented worm with coelom, complete digestive system, and closed circulatory system
Mollusk with a hinged two-part shell
Predatory mollusk woth a closed circulatory system; moves by jet propulsion
Mollusk that moves about on its enlarged foot
Skirtlike extension of tissue in mollusks; covers the mantele cavity and secretes the shell in species that have a shell
Invertebrate with a reduced coelom and mantle
Tongue like organ of many mollusks
Of some arthropods sensory structure on the head that detects touch and oders
Invertebrate with joint legs and a hardened exoskeleton that is periodically molted
External skeleton
Dramatic remodeling of body form during the transition from larva to adult
Periodic shedding of an outer body layer or part
Worm with a pseudocoel and cuticle that is molted as the animal grows
Land-dwelling arthropods with four paris of walking legs and not antennae; for example, a spider, scorpion, or tick
Mostly marine arthropods with two pairs of antennae; for example, a shrimp, crab, lobster or barnacle
Land-dwelling arthropods with a pair of antennae, three pairs of legs, and in the most diverse groups wings
Animal phylum characterized by a notochord, dorsal nerve cord, pharygeal gill slits, and a tail that extends beyond the anus. Includes invertebrate and vertebrate groups
Invertebrates with a water-vascular system and an endoskeleton made of hardened plates and spines
Internal skeleton
Invertebrate chordates that have a fishlike shape and retain their defining chrodate larve or embryo
Invertebrate chordates that lose their defining chordate traites during the transition to adulthood
Water-Vascular System
Of echinoderms, a system of fluid filled tubes and tube feet that function in locomotion
Cartilaginous Fish
Fish with a skeleton of cartilage; such as a shark
Of most vertebrates, a body opening that functions in reproduction and elimination of urinary and digestive waste
Aquatic vertebrate of the oldest and most diverse vertebrate group
hinged skeletal elements used in feeding
Organ of the vertebrates urinary system that filters blood and adjusts its composition
Of some vertebrates, saclike organ inside which blood exchanges gases with the air
Hard, flattened elements that cover the skin of some vertebrates
Swim Bladder
Organ that adjusts buoyancy in bony fishes
Vertebrate with 4 limbs
Vertebral Column
Tetrapod with a three chambered heart and scaleless skin that typically develops in water, then lives on land as a carnivore with lungs
Bony Fish
Jawed fish with skeleton composed maily of bone
Lobe-Finned Fish
Bony fish with bony supports in its fins
Ray-Finned Fish
Bony fish with fins supported by thin rays derived from skin
Vertebrate that produces amniote eggs; a reptile, bird or mammal
Amniote Egg
Egg with four membranes that alows an embryo to develop away from water
Modern amniote with feathers
Animal that gains heat from the environment; commonly called "cold-blooded"
Amniote subgroup that includes lizards, snakes, turtles, crocodilians, and birds
Standing and walking on 2 legs
Humans and extinct humanlike speices
Vertebrate that nourishes its young with milk from mammary glands
mammals which young complete development in a pouch on the mother's body
Placental Mammal
Mammal in which young ar nourished within the mother's body by way of a placenta
Mammalian group that includes tarsiers, monkeys, apes, and humans
The process of maintaining favorable conditons inside the body
Structural unit that is composed of two or more tissues and adapted to carry out a particular task
Organ System
Organs that interact closely in some task
Stem Cell
A cell that can divide and create more more stem cells differentiate to become a specialized cell type
A collection of one r more specific cell types that are organized in a way that suits them to a task
Connective Tissue
Animal tissue with an extensive extracellular matrix; provides structural and functional support
Endocrine Glands
Ductless gland that secretes hormones into a body fluid
Epithelial Tissue
Sheetlike animal tissue that covers outer body surfaces and lines internal tube and cavities
Exocrine Gland
Gland that secretes milk, sweat, saliva, or some other substance through a duct
Main cell type in soft connective tissue;secretes collagen and other compnents and extracellular matrix
Adipose Tissue
Connective tissue with fat-storing cells
Fluid connective tissue with cells that form inside bones
Bone Tissue
Connective tissue with cells srrounded by a mineral-hardened matrix of their own secretions
Cardiac Muscle Tissue
Striated, involuntary muscle of the heart wall
Connective tissue with cells surrounded by a rubbery matrix of thero own secretions
Dense Connective Tissue
Connectibe tissue with many fibroblasts and fibers in a random or regualr arrangement
Loose Connective Tissue
Connective with relatively fe fibroblasts and fibers scatter in its matrix
Skeletal Muscle Tissue
Striated, voluntary muscle that interacts with bone to move body parts
Smooth Muscle Tissue
Involuntary muscle that lines blood vesels and hollow organs; no striated
Deep layer of skin that consists of connective tissue with nerves and blood vessles running through it
Outermost, epithelial skin layer
Nervous tissue
Animal tissue composed of neurons and supporting cells; dectects stimuli and controls responses to them
Main type of cell in nervous tissue; transmits electrical signals along its plasma membrane and communicates woth others cells through chemical messages
Negative Feedback
A charge causes a response that reverse the change
Sensory Receptor
Cell or cell component that detects stimuli and signals the brain
Hard internal parts that muscles attach to and move
Hard external parts that muscles attach to and move
Hydrostatic Skeleton
Fluid-filled chamber that muscles act on, redistributing the fluid
Interverebral Disk
Cartilage disk between two verebrae
Bones of the backbone
Veterbral Column
The Back vone
Chronic inflammation of a joint
Cartilaginous Joint
Joint where cartilage holds bones together and provides cushioning, as between vertebrae
Compact Bone
Dense bone with concentric layers of matrix
Bones of a joint are out of place
Region where bones come together
Dense connective tissue that holds bones together at a joint
Disorder in which bones weaken
Red Marrow
Bone amarrow that makes blood cells
Spony Bone
Lightweight bone with many internal spaces
Ligaments of a joint that are injured
Synovial Joint
Joint such as the knee that is lubricated by fluid and allows movement of bones around the joint
Yellow Marrow
Bone marrow that is mostly fat; fill cavity in most long bones
Globular protein; in thin filaments of muscle fibers
Threadlike, cross-banded skeletal muscle components that consist of sarcomeres arranged end to end
Contractile unit of skeletal and cardiac muscle
Strap of dense connective tissue that connects a skeletal muscle to bone
Muscle Fatigue
Decrease in a muscle's ability to contract despite ongoing stimulation
Muscle Tension
Force exerted by contracting muscle
Adaptive Immunity
Set of vertebrate immune defenses tailored to specific pathogens encountered by an organism during its lifetime
A molecule or particle that the immune system recognizes as nonself. Triggers an immune response
A set of proteins that circulate in inactive form in blood part of innate immunity
Innate Immunity
Set of inborn, fixed general defenses against infection
B Lymphocyte (B-Cell)
Type of white blood cell that makes antibodies
circulating white blood cell; role in inflammation
Dendritic Cell
Phagocytic white blood cell that partols tissue fluids
White blood cell that targets internal parasite
Antibacterial enzyme that occurs in body secretions such as mucus
Phagocytic white blood cell that patrols tissue fluids
Mast Cell
White blood cell that is anchored in may tissue; factor in inflammation
Natural Killer Cell (NK cell)
White blood cell that kills infected or cancerous cells
Circulating phagocytic
Normal Flora
Mucroorganisms that typically live onhuman surfaces, including the interior tubes and cavities of the digestive and respiratory tracts
T Lymphocye (T-Cell)
Circulating white blood cells central to adaptive immunity; some kinds target sick body cells
An internally induced rise in core body temperature above the normal set point as a response to infection
A local response to tissue to damage or infection; characterized by redness, warmth, swelling and pain
MHC Markers
Self-recognition protein on the surface of body cells. Triggers adaptive immune respnse when bound to antigen fragments
On teeth, a thick biofilm composed of bacteria,their exracellular products, and saliva proteins
T Cell Receptor (TCR)
Antigen-binding receptor on the surface ot T cells; also recognizes MHC markers
Antibody-Mediated Immune Response
Immune Repsones in which antibodies are produced in response to antigen
Antibody-Mediated Immune Response
Immune response in which antibodies are produced in response to an antigen
Cell-Mediated Iummune Response
Immune response involving cytrotoxic T cells and NK cells that destroy infected of cancerous body cells
Effector Cell
Antigen-Sensitized B Cell or T Cell that forms in an immune response and acts immediately
MHC Markers
Self-recognition protein on the surface of body cells. Triggers adaptive immune respnse when bound to antigen fragments
Memory cell
Antigen-sensitized B or T cell that forms in a primary immune response but does not act immediatly`
On teeth, a thick biofilm composed of bacteria,their exracellular products, and saliva proteins
Y-Shaped antigen receptor protein made only by B cells
T Cell Receptor (TCR)
Antigen-binding receptor on the surface ot T cells; also recognizes MHC markers
Antibody-Mediated Immune Response
Immune Repsones in which antibodies are produced in response to antigen
MHC Markers
Self-recognition protein on the surface of body cells. Triggers adaptive immune respnse when bound to antigen fragments
Antibody-Mediated Immune Response
Immune response in which antibodies are produced in response to an antigen
On teeth, a thick biofilm composed of bacteria,their exracellular products, and saliva proteins
Cell-Mediated Iummune Response
Immune response involving cytrotoxic T cells and NK cells that destroy infected of cancerous body cells
T Cell Receptor (TCR)
Antigen-binding receptor on the surface ot T cells; also recognizes MHC markers
Effector Cell
Antigen-Sensitized B Cell or T Cell that forms in an immune response and acts immediately
Antibody-Mediated Immune Response
Immune Repsones in which antibodies are produced in response to antigen
Antibody-Mediated Immune Response
Immune response in which antibodies are produced in response to an antigen
Memory cell
Antigen-sensitized B or T cell that forms in a primary immune response but does not act immediatly`
Y-Shaped antigen receptor protein made only by B cells
Cell-Mediated Iummune Response
Immune response involving cytrotoxic T cells and NK cells that destroy infected of cancerous body cells
Effector Cell
Antigen-Sensitized B Cell or T Cell that forms in an immune response and acts immediately
Memory cell
Antigen-sensitized B or T cell that forms in a primary immune response but does not act immediatly`
Y-Shaped antigen receptor protein made only by B cells
Chronic inflammation of a joint
Cartilaginous Joint
joint where cartilage holds bones together and provides cushioning, as between vertebrate
Compact bone
Dense bonew ith concentric layers of matrix
Bones of a jount are out of place
Fibrous Joint
Joint where dense connective tissue holds bones firmly in place
Region where bones come together
Disorder in which bones weaken
Dense connective tissue that holds bones together at a joint
Red Marrow
Bone marrow that makes blood cells
Spongy Bone
lightweight vone with many internal spaces
ligaments of a joint are injured
Synovial Joint
joint such as the knee that is lubricated by fluids and allows movement of bones around the joint
Yellow marrow
Bone amrrow that is mostly fat; fill cavity in most long bones
globular protein; in thin filaments of muscle fibers
Threadlike, cross banded skeletal muscle components that consist of sarcomeres arranged end to end
Contractile unit of skeletal and cardiac muscles
Strap of dense connective tissue that connects a skeletal muscle to bone
Adaptive immunity
set of vertebrate immune defenses tailored to specific pathogens encountered by an organism during its life time
A moleculee or particle that the immune system recognizes as nonself . Triggers an immune respones
A set of proteins that circulate in inactive form in blood. part of innate immunity
the body ability to resist and fight infections
innate immunity
set of inborn, fixed general defenses against infection
B Lymphocyte (B Cell)
Type of whit eblood cell that makes antibodies
circulating whit blood cell roel in inflammation
Dendritic Cell
phagocytic white blood cell that patrols tissue fluids
white blood cell that targets internal parasites
antibacterial enyzye that occurs in body secres=tions such as mucus
Phagocytic white blood cell that patrols tissue fluids
mast cell
white blood cell that is anchored in by many tissues;factor in inflammation
natural killer cell (NK)
white blood cell that kilss infecte of cancerous cells
ciruclating phagocytic white blood cell
normal flora
microoranism that typically live on human surfaces, including the interior tubes and cavities of the digestive and respritory
T lymphocyte (T Cell)
circulating white blood cell central to adaptive immunity; some kinds target sick body cells
an interanally induced rise in core body temp above the normal set point as a response to infection
a local response to tissue damange or infection; redness, warmth, swelling and pain
MHC markers
self recognition protein on surface of body cells. triggers adaptive immune response when bound to antigen fragments
on teeth a thick bio foam composed of bacteria, therir extracellular products and saliva proteins
T Cell Receptor (TCR)
antigen binding receptor on the surface eto T cells; also recognizes MHC makers
Antibody -mediated immune response
immune respnse in which antibodies are produced in response to an antigen
Cell mediated immune response
immune response invloving cyototoxic T cells and NK cells that destroy infector or cancerous body cells
Effector cell
antigen sensitized B cell or T cell that forms in an immune response and acts immediatly
memory cell
antigent sensitized B or T cell that forms in a primary immune response but does not act immediatly
"Y" shaped antigen receptor protein made only by "B" cells
aquired immune deficientcy syndrome a collection of diseases that develop after a virus (HIV) weaken the immune system
A normally harmless substance that provokes an immune response in some people
a normally harmless subsance that provokes an immune response in some people
sensitivity to an allergen
autoimmune response
immune response that targers one's own tissue
Smooth muslce contractions that propel semen through a penis and out of the body
organ in which eggs form
prostate gland
exocrine gland that encircles a males urethra
pouch that holds testes
seminal vesicles
exocrine glands that secrete fluid into the vasa diferntia; main source of semen volume
in animals, organs produce sperm
vas derens
Main duct that conveys mature sperm toward urethra
narrowed region of uterus connects to vagina
corpus luteum
hormone secreting structure that forms form follicle cell after ovulation
immature egg
ovarian follicle
immature egg and surrounding cells
ciliated tube connectin gan ovary to the uterus
release of secondary oocye from an ovary
muscular chamber where offspring develope; womb
femal organ of intercoure and birth canal
developing human between 9 weeks of age and birth
expulsion of a placental mammal form its mothers uterus by muscle contractions
Demral tissue system
tissue system that covers an protects the plants body
ground tissue system
tissue system that makes up the bulk of the plant body
simple plant tissue made up of living cells; the main component of ground tissue system
vascular tissue system
tissue system that distributes water and nutrients through a plant body
simple plan tissue compose of living cells with inevenly thickened walls; provides flexible support
companion cell
in phloem parenchyma cell that loads sugars into sieve tubes
seed leaf par of a flowerin plant embryo
outer tissue layer
complex vascular tissue that distributes sugars through a plant body
simpel plant tissue; dead at maturity its lignin reinforced cell walls structurally support plant parts
casular bundle
multistranded sheatherd cord of primary sylem and phloem in stem or leaf
complex vasular tissue; distibutes water and solutes through tuves that consist of interconnected walls of dead cells
apical meristem
in shoot and root tips mass or undifferentiated cells the division of which lenghtens plant parts
guard cell
one pair of cells that dfine a stoma across the epidermis of a leaf or stem
primary growth
plant growth from apical meristems in root and shoot tips
zone of undifferntiated plant cellst ath can divide rapidly
in woody plants secondary phloem and periderm
components of bar; waterproof, insulates and protects surface of woody stems and roots
cork cambium
in platns a lateral meristem that give rise to periderm
lateral meristem
sheetlike cyliner or meristem inside older stems and roots; vasucal cambium or cork cambium
platn dermal tissue that replace epidermis on older stems and roots
root hairs
hair like absorptive extensions of a young cell root epidermis
secondary growth
a thickening of older stems and roots at lateral meristems
vascular cambian
ring of meristematic tissue that produces seocndary sylem and phloem
vascular cylinder
shethead, cylindricla array of primary zylem and phloem in a root
accumulated secondary xylem
decayinig organic matter in soil
cohension tension therory
explaination of how transpiration creates tension tht pulls a cohesisve column of water through sylem from roots to shoots
fungus plant root partnership
nitrogen fixation
conversion of nitrogen gas to ammonia
narrowed region of uterus connects to vagina
corpus luteum
hormone secreting structure that forms form follicle cell after ovulation
immature egg
ovarian follicle
immature egg and surrounding cells
ciliated tube connectin gan ovary to the uterus
release of secondary oocye from an ovary
muscular chamber where offspring develope; womb
femal organ of intercoure and birth canal
developing human between 9 weeks of age and birth
expulsion of a placental mammal form its mothers uterus by muscle contractions
root nodules
swelling of some plant roots that contain notrogen fixing bacterias
pressure flow theroy
explaination of how flow of fluids through phloem is driven by difference in preassue and sugar concentration btwn a source and a sink
process that moves organic compounds
evaportation of water