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35 Cards in this Set

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What are the 4 main elements that make up our bodies?
oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen
What are the 3 major components in an element?
Protons, neutrons, electrons
Which of the 3 major components in an element weigh the same?
Protons and neutrons
What is the atomic number?
The number of protons in an atom.
What is the atomic mass?
The number of protons and neutrons in an atom.
What gives an atom most of its weight?
The nucleus, which is composed of the protons and neutrons.
Where can the atomic number be found?
lower left corner
Where can the atomic mass be found?
upper left corner
What is an isotope?
an element which has the normal amount of protons and electrons but added neutrons, which add weight to the atom.
What is the place called that the electrons travel on?
orbital or electron shell
How many electrons can fit on the first orbital?
How many electrons can fit on the second and third orbital?
8 on each
What is the key to bonding?
the electron configuration.
If there are 8 protons in oxygen, how many electrons are there and how are they distributed?
8 electons; 2 on the first orbital and 6 on the second.
What is an ionic bond?
bond that gives and takes electrons.
What does ion mean?
When Na bonds with Cl it loses an electron, therefor its charge is what?
When Cl bonds with Na it gaines an electron, therefor its charge is what?
What does Chlorine become when ionic?
What is ALWAYS true for an ionic bond?
It is charged and it sets up the same way. Lattice-always the same angle.
What is a covalent bond?
bond that shares electrons and has no charge.
Which element doesn't share nicely?
What is the exeption to covalent bonds not having a charge?
water. oxygen is slightly negative and hydrogen is slightly positive.
When is something polar?
when it is charged
What does electronegative mean?
doesn't share electrons nicely
What is a polar covalent bond?
A covalent bond that is charged like an ion.
What bonds H and O?
Polar covalent bond.
How are water molecules held together?
hydrogen bond
How is a water molecule held together?
Polar covalent bond.
Why does ice float?
It weighs less than water.
When water freezes what happens to the molecules?
they freeze as far away from each other as possible. Therefore ice expands.
What does pH stand for?
potential hydrogen
What makes something more acidic?
More hydrogen ions
What does hydrophobic mean?
Water fearing; no charge
What does hydrophilic mean?
Water loving; charged