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104 Cards in this Set

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personal goal of control

determinded before movement planning

movement plan

plans trajectory by selecting the best move amongst many possible

control theory goal

create a motor commands (neural signals to contract agonist and antagonist muscles) that will bring hang to target (cause the trajectory plan to happen)

feedforward controller

process produces best guess at the motor command that will produce the planned movement, generates a signal to send to muscles

sensory predictor

the process that predicts the sensory outcome of the motor command (produces the corollary discharge)

corollary discharge

the prediction of the sensory feedback that should be generated, if that command is performed (product of sensory predictor)

sensory feedback or reference

the detection and processing of sensory information that arises as a movement is performed

sensory comparator

a hypothetical process that compares the prediction to the actual feedback

error signal

the difference between the prediction and the feedback

basic control theory loop

planned movement trajectory

feedforward controller

effector limb

sensory feedback

sensory comparator

goal of methods of control movement

to link brain anatomy and physiology to functional motor behaviour

brain support structures


meninges (dura, arachoid, pia mater)

blood suppply

ventricles (CSF)

pons superior olive (control)

a relay between the ear and the primary auditory cortex

thalamus (control)

a sensory and motor relay station


maintains body equilibrium by regulating endocrine system, regulates food, water, temperature, vascular system and reproduction


connects to cortex via cerebellar peduncle (pons)


grey matter - neuron and support cell bodies

white matter - axons, myelin, support cells

basal ganglia

five nuclei: caudate nucleus, putamen, globus pallidus, subthalamic nucleus, substantia nigra

limbic system

amygdala - emotion and species typical behaviour

hippocampus - memory and spatial navigation

cingulate cortex - evaluation, decision making

hypothalamus - physiological experience of emotion

six cortical layers

1 - dendrites from deeper cell bodies

2 + 3 - small circular and pyramidal neurons whose axons project to other near and far cortical regions

4 - small pyramidal cells, sensory input from thalamus

5- large pyramidal cells

6- transition from grey to white matter

primary motor cortex

precentral gyrus

sends efferent motor signals to the spinal motor neuron pools

premotor cortex and supplementary motor area (PMC and SMA)

superior frontal gyrus to precentral gyrus

receives sensory information from parietal cortex, motor information from basal ganglia and cerebellus, sends signals to M1

involved in generation of motor command signal

primary sensory cortex (S1)

postcentral gyrus

primary visual cortex (V1)

receives visual information from eyes

primary auditory cortex (A1)

receives sounds information from ears

parietal cortex

integration of sensory information (visual, tactile, proprioceptive, and auditory) for attention, perception and action

damage leads to acquired disorders of attention, visual motor control, body and spatial awareness

cortical spinal tract (CST)

pyramidal tract

M1 sends signal to motor neuron pool via cortical spinal tract

pyramidal cells in layer 5 have axons that synapse onto alpha motor neuron pool at appropriate level of spinal cord

3 methods of studying brain area contribution to motor performance

lesion studies in humans and animals

activation studies in humans (imaging)

stimulation studies in animals

lesion method of movement performance

if brain area X is involved in motor performance, then damage to X will lead to movement impairment, the nature of the movement impairment may reveal that brain area's role in performance

activation method of movement performance

if brain area X is involved in movement performance, then area X will be more active when people perform a movement task than when they perform some other task


stimulation method of movement performance

stimulate a particular region of the cortex by applying a low voltage electrical signal and observe the resulting movement

transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS)

manipulate the function of a brain area in healthy research participants

1 measure or interfere with performance in real time

2 temporary lesion model

premotor cortex (PMC) and supplementary motor area (SMA)

generate motor command

receives sensory information from parietal cortex, motor information from basal ganglia and cerebellum, and send signal to M1

involved in generation of motor command signal in response to external (PMC) and internal (SMA) cues

primary motor cortex (M1)

generation and execution of motor command

sends efferent motor signals to the spinal motor neuron pool via cortical spinal tract

cortical motor neurons (pyramidal neurons) specify force

premotor cortex (PMC) and primary motor cortex (M1)

use sensory information about the position of the target to specify movement direction

neurons only fired if move intended

each neuron recorded from had its own preferred direction

PMC and MI coding

direction together

M1 coding

specify force/direction, send to muscles via CST

jump trials

people seamlessly adjust to the change in target position

single pulse TMS to parietal cortex at time the target jumps, interfering with updating

intact parietal cortex needed for sensory comparisons

movement execution and basal ganglia

depends on motor cortex and contributions from subcortical structures

skeletomotor circuit of basal ganglia

voluntary movements, balance and gait

oculomotor circuit of basal ganglia

eye movement control

limbic circuit of basal ganglia

emotion control and motivation

prefrontal circuit of basal ganglia

planning, persistence, memory, spatial ability

basal ganglia

critical for initiating movement, regulating movement force

function dependent of dopamine

direct route of cortex function

net cortical excitation, movement initiation and maintence, striatium inhibits the GPi

indirect route of cortex function

net cortical inhibition, striatium and STN excite the Gpi

stopping and stillness


reduction in the readiness to move

reduced resist to passive movement

slowness to initiate movement


abnormal execution of multijoint move, lack coordination


loss of ability to maintain upright stance


inability to perform alternating moves

intention tremor

inability to stop movements without oscillating around end location


vermis and intermediate zone

receive somatosensory, vestibular, visual and auditory

sensory info arising from neck and trunk

send afferent and efferent information to cortex and to brainstem and spinal cord

involved in the control of balance and gait


flocculonodular lobe

receive sensory info from neck muscles, vestibular system and vision

sends info back to centers that control neck and eye muscles in brainstem

involved in balance control, vestibular reflexes, and eye movements


lateral cerebellar hemispheres

receive inputs from sensory and motor cerebral cortex

outputs return to cerebral cortex via dendate nuclei

involved in movement planning and execution

intracortical neural pathway

communitcate between cortical regions

ascending neural pathway

sensory from periphery to brain

descending neural pathway

motor from brain to muscles

functionally mixed neural pathway

each pathway receives information from somewhat diverse cortical areas and deposits information in diverse areas (spinal levels)

general neural pathway

regions recieve information from other areas and are likely not just relays, just processing

topographically organised, layered laterally information of touch to cortex

crossed brain

contralateral organization - each half responds to sensory stimulation from the contralateral side of body or controls musculature

decussations - crossings of sensory or motor fibers along the center of the nervous system

commissures - corpus collosum, largest axon tract carrying information

intracortical connections

interhemispheric connections - across corpus callosum to homotopic points

relatively short within lobe connections are formed by interneurons

direct cortico cortical ipsilateral connection - lobe to lobe

through thalamus radiations form cortico thalamic cortical routes

ascending pathways

carry sensory information (touch, proprioception, pain and temperature) from environment and body to brain

vision and somatosensation

dorsal intracortical stream

from V1 to the parietal cortex and motor areas of frontal cortex

important for processing targets for action, hand and eye

ventral intracortical stream

from V1 to the temporal lobe

important for recgonizing objects, faces, using vision to understand speech

medial lemniscal ascending pathway

large afferent fibers carry proprioception and touch information, ascends ipsilaterally, crosses in medulla

signals travel from the thalamus to the primary somatosensory cortex (S1) in the parietal lobe

spinothalamic ascending pathway

smaller afferent fibers carrying temperature and pain information, crosses at spinal level, ascend contralaterally

spinocerebellar tracts

carry mostly proprioceptive infor from the periphery to the ipsilateral cerebellar cortices

dorsal spinocerebellar tract

lower body, large 1a and 1b afferent synapse on neurons in Clarks column

upper limb information joints the dorsal CST superior to Clark's column cervical level projection ipsilateral lower and upper

ventral and rostral spinocerebellar tracts

carry proprioceptive information from 1b GTOs and smaller muscle type 2 afferents

ventral CST carries lower limb

rostral CST carries upper limb

descending pathways

carry motor commands for voluntary control to relevant alpha motor neuron pools in spinal cord

carry motor commands that modify reflex action at spinal level

cortical spinal tract

pyramidal tract

60% from pyramidal cells in the frontal cortex

40% from parietal cortex

most fibers cross midline at medullary decussations, form lateral CST

project to many different neurons in spinal cord

rubrospinal tract

regulate voluntary control

crosses the midline in the midbrain

branches to interposed nucleus in cerebellum

descends in the lateral column to cervical levels

interacts with cerebellum to regulate limb coordination around joints

lesions has no effect on balance/gait

tectospinal tract

originates in the superior and inferior colliculi

crosses the midline in the midbrain

descends medially

innervates neck muscles so that they can respond to alerting visual and auditory stimuli in environment

vestibulospinal tract

originates in the lateral and medial vestibular nuclei

axons descend ipsilaterally in the ventrolateral columns of the spinal cord

control neck and trunk muscles involved in keeping head and body upright


ability to control our body's position in space for the purpose of maintain orientation and stability

postural orientation

ability to maintain the relationship between body segments and between the body and the environment

postural stability

our ability to keep the centre of mass (COM) within the limits of our base of support (BOS)

COM is a point that is at the centre of the total body mass

COG- centre of gravity, the vertical projection of center of mass down to floor

centre of pressure (COP)

center of distribution of forces applied to the support surface (force plate)

base of support

area of the body that is in contact with the support system

stability limits

refer to the boundaries within which the body can maintain stability without changing the base of support, combined COM velocity and position possible without need to change the BOS

feedback postural control

compensatory or reactive postural responses

sensory feedback from unexpected perturbations triggers postural responses

feedforward postural control

anticipatory postural control

postural responses are made prior to voluntary movement that in order to maintain stability during the movement

quite stance postural control

body alignment: ideal alignment requires the least amount of energy

postural tone: activity in antigravity postural muscles increases to counteract the gravity

ankle strategy

distal to proximal muscle activation pattern

body sways at ankles with hips and knees in relatively extended

response to small perturbation and support platform firm

hip strategy

bigger perturbation, more metabolic energy

proximal muscles activated first

produces large, rapid motion at hip joint

used for standing on narrow BOS on soft surface

stepping strategy

natural response

older adults more frequently step than younger adults

anticipatory postural adjustments (APAs)

postural shifts that happen just before you perform voluntary movements

based on your predictions about what consequence of voluntary movement will be

postural muscles activated

sensory contributions to balance

CNS processes information from sensory receptos throughout the body to determine the body's position in space (vision, somatosensory, vestibular system)


a process of falling forward and catching oneself


the manner in which a person walks characterized by rhythm, cadence, step, stride, and speed

unique to individual


interval for foot of reference to be in contact with ground


interval foot is off ground


distance of a full gait cycle


distance from heal strike of one foot to that of other foot


stride length and cadence

visual form agnosia

an inability to use vision to determine shape

can recognize by touch, hearing by not vision, sees free floating patches, can't see edges and form, problem with perception, not with memory

optic ataxia

an inability to use vision to determine location and size for reaching and grasping

can reach to targets defined by hearing or touch

can judge the size and shape of targets

lateral intraparietal sulcus

tracks where target is on retina

ventral intraparietal sulcus

tracks where target is with respect to the head

medial intraparietal sulcus

tracks where a target is located with respect to current hand position

anterior intraparietal sulcus

tracks target size for grasping

time to peak velocity (TPV)

ballistic stage that depends entirely the planned motor command

time after peak velocity (TAPV)

all time people spend decelerating towards target, sensory feedback used to update and improve movement, 55% of movement, almost always longer


using object size/weight information to determine grip size, grip type, grip force