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92 Cards in this Set

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What are the different types of food hazards

biological, physical, chemical

what types of micro-organisms can contaminate foods

bacteria (pathogens), viruses, paratozoa, parasites, fungi (yeast & moulds)

what is the safest way to thaw food


what is a food borne illness

EATING food which CONTAINS microbiological chemical or physical hazards

what causes food poisoning? what are some symptoms


-FEVER, nausea, headache, diarrhea, paralysis, death, coma

how to prevent food borne illness

prevent micro-organisms from getting into food, delay growth, kill by cooking

what is the most dangerous type of contamination

biological--pathogens: bacteria, viruses, parasites, moulds, yeast

how to prevent chemical contamination

store chemicals safely & together, keep away from food, label containers, never store food in chemical containers, use cleaning products safely

what type of containers should acidic food be placed in?why?

heavy duty plastic may dissolve metal

how to prevent physical contamination

do not wear jewellery, hair restraint, watch out for hazards, keep food at least 15cm off floor

what is WHIMIS

workplace hazardous materials info system

-protects health of all employees involved in the purchase, storage, use of chemicals

who is affected by whimis

anyone who purchases, stores or uses potentially hazardous chemicals, all workers must comply and be trained by WHIMIS

4 main components of whimmis

supplier labels, workplace labels, MSDS, training

what is PHF

high risk food capable of supporting growth of pathogens, organisms/toxins

ex. tofu. soy, farlic, fish, meat, eggs, rice, dairy..

what temp should hot food be

60C or hotter

perishable & low risk food

perishable: foods that decay/spoil rapidly and can not be eaten after a certain time

low risk: do not support organism growth

what is the danger zone

4-60 degrees: bacteria grows quickly

how do time and temp affect bacterial growth

keep food out of danger zone

keep hot foods hot and cold foods cold

what is the most important tool for food safety


cross contamination

indirect transmission of harmful substances traveling from one food to another

what is the most common type of cross contamination

mixing raw food with ready to eat food

what are the most important things that food handlers can do for food safety

hygiene, wash hands, prevent cross contamination

keep food out of danger zone--hot foods hot, cold foods cold


smallest, do not grow in food but are carried on it, get into food with an infected food handler


single/multi celled org. that can only survive in a living creature (person/animal)

passed through foods

some are visible (roundworm)




can spoil foods/make people ill

yeast spoilage

food smells like alc

pinkish colour


mould spoilage

fuzzy spot

some produce toxins

spoil foods (cheese is exception)


most concern

everywhere and hard to kill

carried by everything

can produce spores

ex. Clostridium botulinum, Salmonella

important to cook, cool and reheat properly

high risk population




low immune system

bacterial infection

caused by pathogens

-symptoms may not appear right away

bacterial intoxication

eating TOXINS

Ex. staph

how fast can bacteria divide

every 20 mins

what do bacteria need to grow

food--grow easily in protein


time: max 2hrs

temp: 4-60

moisture (water/aw)--high

acidity/alkalinity : pH low 4.6-7.5

what is the flow off food





cooling (to store)



hazard analysis critical control point

-analyzes where food contamination risks are

3 steps to food safet

prevent micro-organism

delay micro-organism

kill micro-organism

how should facility be designed

to minimize contamination, follow food flow/traffic


curved, sealed edge to make cleaning easier


does not show noticeable signs

cycle of transmission


food handler


direct transmission: touching, coughing, sneezing into food

sanitizing vs. sterilizing

sanitizing: reduces

sterilizing: destroys all

chemical sanitizer

used to kill harmful micros




how to clean

45C water+

how to sanitize


when should dish washers be cleaned

2hrs after operating

what are each sink in a 3 compartment sink for

1. washing


3. sanitizing

2 sink compartment sink


2. sterilizing

how to CIP

clean in place equipment

remove all removable parts and wash

circulate sanitizing solution

when should equipment that is continuously used be cleaned

every 4 hrs

when to reject: beef, lamb, pork

brown, grey purple blotches

slimy, sticky dirty

when to reject poultry

discolouration, darkened wing tips, bad smell, stickiness, soft flabby texture

when to reject fresh fish

gills-dry, gray green colour

-fishy or ammonium odour

sunken eyes

soft flesh

when to reject shellfish

partly open

shells do not close

when to reject lobster

soft shell, strong odour, tail not curl when handled

when to reject eggs


cracks in shells

no grading

different ways to thaw food


cold water in sink

cooking time


when should you thaw food in the microwave

if you will cook it right away

what do large ice crystals indicate

food has been left to room temp then re-frozen

what should be the temperature of the fridge, freezer

fridge: <4

freezer: <-18

when should food temp be checked

every 2hrs

record in temp log book


electronic thermometer

time temp indicators

liquid crystals which change colour in danger zone

bi-metallic therm.

analogue gauge

stem thermo.

analogue gauge


non contact thermometers measures surface temp

digital thermometer

used in dry storage area, fridge, freezer


when should thermometer be cleaned and sanitized

after it touches food

how should you calibrate a thermometer when measuring hot or cold temps

hot; half boiling water

cold: half ice water

how to ensure temp reading is correct

make sure it is not touching the sides or bottom/bones

wait 2 mins after cooking

how should flexible packaging temp be measured

fold bad around thermometer

how should inflexible packaging temp be measured

thermo in between packages

how can you slow bacteria growth

control time and temp

check temp of food every 2 hrs

throw out food held at room temp after 2hrs

what are some safe cooking practices

do not cook large quantities at a time

make sure food is heated evenly

do not cook stuffing inside meat

watch for ground meats

check temp at several parts

how should food be reheated

only once

74C or higher for at least 15s

never add reheated food to fresh food

to what temp should whole poultry be cooked


temp poultry pieces


temp of stuffing in poultry


temp of food mixes


pork lamb veal beef whole cuts temp


ground meat temp


fish temp


eggs temp


how to cool food

cooled in 4hrs

one stage

2 stage

does food cool faster is shallow pans

you got it dude

how many times can food be reheated


what is an allergen

food substance they are allergic to


difficulty digesting food

symptoms of allergic rxn

runny nose

ear ache

head ache




how to prevent allergic rxns

ensure allergens aren't transferred

separate foods with known allergens

use only approved ingredients

clean and sanitize

make food withs allergen LAST

what does the federal gov control

health and safety

food supply/food service regulation

what does the provincial gov control

have their own laws

"acts"--minimum standards

public health inspectors

help make food safe

do not provide warning