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46 Cards in this Set

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Trait produced by single gene is



mendelian trait

autosomal chroms are chroms


(not sex chroms)

Principle of segregation (1st law):

-ppl possess genes in _. only one of each pair is _.

-genes remain _ and _ in the next generation. NOT blended

-offspring can transmit _ genes

-pairs, transmitted to offspring

-intact and distinct

-the intact genes

Principle of independent assortment (2nd law)

-genes that live in different _ are transmitted _

-so an allele transmitted at one locus has no influence on _

-loci, independently

-on which allele is transmitted at another locus

dominant allele will _ recessive


Punnett square and diseases:

If mutant allele is dom:




-usually lethal

-affected hetero

-homo for normal allele

recessive disease: normal allele is dom (T)




-homo for normal

-carrier hetero (usually unaffected)

-homo for mutant


AND: use_

OR: use_



gene frequency:

-how often particular _ happens in population

genotype frequency:

-how often a _ happens in pop

-gene sequence (t)

-given genotype (tt)

hardy weinberg eqn is

p^2 + 2pq + q^2 = 1 = (p+q)^2

p + q=1 (because there are only two alleles)

hardy weinburg conditions:





-large populatino

-random mating

-no mutations, migratinos

-no natural selection

when family (individual) history is available, weuse it to calc gene and genotype frqncy.

if not avail, we use _

hardy weinberg, uses population info

pedigrees show members of family that _

are affected, or appear unaffected

(dont show genotypes, just pheno)

autosomal dom diseases are _ in population.

they often involve _ (ex collagen)

ex of disease:


nonenzymatic structure proteins (like collagen)

ex: Ehlers Danlos syndrome (stretchy skin)

Chars of autosomal dom diseases:

1) two sexes rate:

2) affected ppl transmit trait to _ of their offspring. unaffected dont transmit

3) no _

4) father to son transmission _ occur

-equal in both sexes


-no skipping generations


Occurence risk:

-risk of making affected child when _

Recurrence risk:

-risk on making affected child when _

-when no chlidren have been made yet

-whne one or more child has been made with the disease

Auto dom inherited diseases:

1) Huntingtons:



-symptoms: progressive _, choreic movements

-huntingtin (HD)

-trinucleotide repeat expansion

-dementia, late onset

-homozygotes can survive

2) Achondroplasia (auto dom)


-what happens:


-FGFR-3 (fibro growth factor receptor gene 3)

-glycine to arginine missense mutation, gain of fncn mutation


-homozygotes more severely affected

3) Neurofibromatosis type 1 (auto dom)



-weird bc:


-cafe au lait, neurofibromas, lisch noduels, learning disabilities

-lots is from de novo mutations, lots of difference in symptoms so hard to tell

4) Marfan (auto dom)



-how many from de novo mutation?

-FBN1 (fibrillin)

-tall, hrt defects

-25% are de novo

5) Familial hypercholesterolemia (FH) auto dom



-sympts: high_, choles deposits in _, _,_

-homozygous FH: same clinical features but _

-LDL receptor gene

-loss of fncn mutation

-high LDL in plasma, deposits in tendons, skin, and later in arteries

-only earlier and more extreme

Lec 9


parents of child that gets autosomal recessive disease are usually both

hetero carriers

most genetic defects in _are inherited by auto rec.


Chars of auto recessive inheritance:

1) disease usually seen in _, but not in _.

Often no prior _, unless theres _.

2) Males and females are _ affected

3) can skip

4) Consanguinity is present more often in pedigrees with auto rec, especially rare ones

-more than one sibling, but not in earlier generations. no fam history, unless consanguinity



do hardy weinberg practice Q that I took pic of


Autosomal Recessive inheritance diseases

1) Hurlers





-short, coarse, mental, corneal clouding

-targeted enz replacment, bone marrow transplant

2) Hereditary Hemochromatosis (HH) auto rec



-result is:

-extra iron accums

-more _ are affected

-HFE gene

-missense mutation

-iron overload

-more males affected

Complications to pattern of inheritance

1) de novo mutation:

-newborn with _ when there is no fam history

-many of the dom diseases are new mutations (ex _ and _)

-recurrence risk is_

-occurence for their offspring is_

-dom genetic disease

-achondroplasisa, NF1


-50% for their offspring

2) Germline mosaicism

-cells that turn into sperm and egg are made of _

-makes confusing outcomes

-when there are two or more offspring with auto dom disease, with no fam history, should consider _

-EX: ___ (makes recurrence risk _)

-more than one distinct population of cells

-germline mosaicims

-osteo imperfecta (higher)

3) Delayed age of onset

-genetic disease that doesnt show until _

-ppl can be unaware that they have it, pass it on



-huntingtons, hemochromatosis

4) Reduced penetrance (aka incomplete penetrance)

-Penetrance is the proportion of ppl carrying a genotype that also _

-EX _ (penetrance is 90% so that many ppl will have the disease and 10% will not.)

-can still pass onto later gens tho

-show the phenotype


5) Variable expression

-has nothing to do with _

-affects the _

-EX: _


-affets severity of symptoms

-ex: NF1 (can have varying symptoms, but has 100% penetrance)

6) Pleiotropy:

-a pleiotropic gene is one gene with effects on _


-multiple aspects of physiology or anatomy

-ex: Marfan, cycstic fibrosis

7) Heterogeneity

-a heterogenous disease is when _ can produce same phenotype


-mutations at dif gene loci

-osteo imperfecta (can come from mutations on 2 dif genes)

8) Genomic imprinting

-alters expression of genes such that _ and _ chroms contribute dif amnts of a gene product

-imprinting SILENCES the _

-exs are _ and _

-paternal and maternal

-silences the gene

-Angelman and Prader-Willi syndromes

8)Genomic imprinting

-Classic ex of imprinting is _ of genetic material on _ of chromosome _

----> if deletion is inherited from FATHER, offspring gets _

----> if deletion is inherited from MOTHER, offsppring gets _

-these are _, but two dif diseases

-deletion,, long arm, chrom 15



-genetically identical, but two dif diseases

Prader-Willi syndrome:




Only one copy of each of these genes should be expressed in normal person. Other copy of the gene (on _) is _.

PW gene: SNRPM

Angel gene: UBE3A

-opposite chrom 15, imprinted (silenced)

A healthy person expresses the:

-_____gene from the maternal chrom (other is silenced)

-_____gene from paternal chrom (other is silenced)

HEALTHY person:

-UBE3A from MATERNAL chrom


Angelman syndrome:

-absence of fncnal _ gene on maternal chrom 15 (and silenced on paternal chrom)


-absence of fncnal _gene on paternal chrom 15 (silenced on maternal chrom)

-Angel: UBE3A

-PraderW: SNRPN

Angel symptoms:

-mental _


-ataxic _

-weird stance


-ataxic gait

Prader willi symptoms:



-small _


-mild mental retardation


-small hands/feet

9) Anticipation:

-displays _ age of onset, and more _ expression in recent generations

-exs: myotonic _, Fragile _, hunt_

-early, severe

-myotonic dystrophy, fragile X, huntingtons

Ex of anticipation:

Myotonic dystrophy:

--progressive _


-type: expansion of _ repeat

-Reason for anticipation: number of repeats _ in generations. Slippage of _ during DNA rep is the cause.

-muscle deterioration

-gene is DMPK

-expansion of trinucleotide repeat

-increases, DNA polymerase

10) Consanguinity

-more likely to make offspring that have _ disorders

-Genetic burden: each person carries 5 _ in hetero form that would be lethal if they were homo form

-Autosomal RECESSIVE

-recessive genes

Amish, Mennonite, Hutterite recessive diseases:

- Co_



-Many meta_ disorders



-Ellis-van Creveld

-many metabolic