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34 Cards in this Set

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Each organism is growing at a particular area of the shore/zonation is seen

-Some organisms are more abundant than others

- Some live over wider ranges

Leaves of plants are adapted to allow carbon dioxide to reach cells. Explain how.

Allow more carbon dioxide to enter

Broad leaves/large surface area of leaves.

Describe and explain how detrivores help provide plants with substances they need to build new cells. (6 marks)

Detrivores are decomposers.

Detrivores decompose dead matter by breaking it down to smaller pieces.

This speeds up rate of decay and with a larger surface area, other decomposers are able to feed on it.

This helps return natural minerals back to soil for plants. Nitrates that provide amino acids and proteins for growth.

Phosphorus to make DNA.

Magnesium to make chlorophyll.

Suggest why using hydroponics doesn't cause fertiliser pollution in rivers.

Water keeps rotating and so it is not flowing to the rivers.

More people are concerned about polllution now than they were in the past. Suggest why

They are more aware of the dangers.

In a hydroponics system the concentration of artificial fertiliser in the water does not have to be very high. Explain why.

Plants take up minerals by active transport.

Describe how stomata open

Guard cells take in water by osmosis. They become turgid.

Describe the structure of xylem vessels.

They are made up of dead cells.

Made up tubes and have thick water proof cell walls.

How are minerals taken into the root hairs of plants.

By active transport moves the nutrients from a lower conventration to a higher concentration.

What does atomic number mean?

The proton and electron number

Explain why carbon dioxide has a low melting point. Use ideas about intermolecular forced

The intermolecular forces are weak holding the molecules together.

What is the description of a halogen chlorine?

Poisonous, pale green gas

What is the description of the halogen bromine?

Dense, poisonous, brown-reddish liquid

Description of a halogen Iodine

Solid, dark grey, shiny crystals

Desription of a flourine halogen

Pale, yellow gas.

Potassium reacts with water much faster than lithium. Expain why using ideas about the loss of electrons from atoms.

The electron is lost more easily when the electron on the outer shell is further away from the nucleus

What does earthing do?

Allows flow of excess charge to the ground.

What do insulators do?

Stop the flow of charge

How does a precipitator work?

•The metal grid is connected to a high positive charge.

•The metal plates have a negative charge

•The dust gains a positive charge from the metal grid

•Then the dust is attracted to the plates

•The plates areknocked so the dust falls down and is collected.

Static electricity can make clothes cling to your skin.

Suggest another way it static electicuty can be a nuisance.

Can cause explosions in petrol pumps.

Ultrasound is a longutudinal wave. Write down one use of ultrasound.

Pre-natal scanning

Ultrasound is used in hospitals. It is used to loom inside people by scanning the body. What is another use of ultrasound in hospitals

Kidney stones

Ultrasound cannot be heard. Why?

Ultrasound us above the hearing range that humans can hear. Above 20,000Hz

How is ultrasound used to produce images in body scans

The ultrasound is reflected at each boundary between different tissues resulting in different times for the sound to return to the detector

There are three main stages to the purification of water. Write about what happens in each stage.

Filtration to remove large substances

Sedimation to let small particles settle.

Cholribation to kill microbes

Some samples of drinking water may contain traces of nitrste fertiliser. Explain why the water purifucation process does not remove nitrate fertiliser

Nitrate is solube in water

Explain one disadvantage of using distillation to make large quantities of drinking water

Large amount of heat needed, large amount of energy needed

What is alpha made up of?

2 protons

2 neutrons

What causes static charge to build up?

Build up of static is caused by friction

How can you use static electricity for paint sprayers?

You can get an even coat. The spray gun is charged, which charges up the small drops of paint. Each paint drop repels as they go out because like charges repel. This causes a fine spray to come out.

What is the difference between nuclear fission and nuclear fusion.

Nuclear fission- the splitting up of uranium atoms

Nuclear fusion- the joining of small atomic nuclei

How is a chain reaction created in a nuclear reactor?

Each split uranium nucleus releases more than one neutron.

These cause further nuclei to split which releases more neutrons

What is bioaccumilation?

Is the increase in concentration of chemicals further up the food chain

What are hydroponics?

Is a technique used to grow plants without soil