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22 Cards in this Set

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What must organisms do in order to survive and reproduce?

Compete against each other for the resources that they need to live

What is a species ecological niche?

How if fits into its ecosystem. It depends on things like where the individuals live and what they feed on

What is interspecific competition?

Where organisms compete for resources against individuals of another species

What is intraspecific competition?

Where organisms compete for resources against individuals of the same species

Why does intraspecific competition have a bigger impact on organisms than interspecific competition?

Because individuals of the same species have exactly the same needs to they will compete for lots of resources

Explain predator and prey cycles

If the population of the prey increases then so will the population of the predators. However as the population of the predators increases the number of prey will decrease

What are parasites?

Thy live off a host, they take what they need to survive without giving anything back. This often harms the host

What is mutualism?

A relationship where both organisms benefit

What are adaptations?

Features that organisms have that make them better suited to their environment

Why are organisms that are adapted to their environment better off?

They are more likely to survive, reproduce and pass on their adaptations to their offspring

What are specialists?

Organisms which are highly adapted to survive in a specific habitat

What are generalists?

Organisms that are adapted to survive in a range of habitats

What are extremophiles?

Organisms that are adapted to live in seriously extreme conditions

What are anatomical adaptations?

Features of an organisms anatomy (body structure) that help it to survive

Name 2 anatomical adaptations to the cold?

Having a thick coat to insulate the body and trap heat in, Having a small surface area to volume ratio this reduces heat loss as less body heat can be lots through the surface of the skin

What is a surface area to volume ratio?

A way of comparing how much surface area something has compared to its size

Name 3 behavioural adaptations to the cold

Migrating to warmer climates during winter months, hibernating during winter months, huddling together to keep warm

What is keeping cool in hot environments all about?

Increasing heat loss and reducing heat gain

Name 3 behavioural adaptations to hot environments

Spending days in the shade or underground, being active at night when it is cooler, bathing in water which transfers heat from skin to the surroundings cooling the animal down

Name 3 anatomical adaptations to increase heat loss

Having a large surface to volume ratio which allows to lose more body heat to surroundings, having large ears, storing fat in just one part of the body this stops rest of body from being well insulated allowing heat to be lost easily

Name 4 adaptations of how plants have adapted to dry environments

Having rounded shape, thick waxy layer, storing water in stems, shallow but very extensive roots

Name 3 adaptations of how animals have adapted to dry environments

having specialised kidneys that produce concentrated urine with low water content, no sweat glands preventing water being lost through sweating, spending lots of time underground where air contains more moisture than on the surface