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58 Cards in this Set

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Natural Classification

Based on evolutionary relationships between a species and genetic differences

Artificial Classification

Based on appearance only


Produce food through photosynthesis

Do not move

Have a celluose cell wall


Consume food

They move

Have a nervous system


Do not move

Have cell walls and grow by spores


Single Cells

No Nucleus


Single Cells

Some have chloroplasts

No cell wall


Infertile offspring of two different species



Energy Efficiency Equation

Energy Efficiency = Energy Converted to biomass/Total energy taken in x 100

Pyramids of Biomass

Length of each bar represents th eorganic mass

Always be a bigger bottomed pyramid

Pyramids of Number

Shows the number of organisms at each trophic level of the food chain

The Carbon Cycle

-Carbon dioxide is released through respiration.

-It's taken in by plants for photosynthesis.

-Plants are eaten by animals.

-Animal/Plant death causes further release of carbon dioxide.

Carbon Recycled at Sea

-Marine organisms shells made from carbonates fossilise into limestone rock

-Volcanic eruptions and weathering cause the limestone to release carbon dioxide

-Oceans absorb carbon dioxide like Carbon Sinks

The Nitrogen Cycle

-Dead plants and animals are chemically broken down by micro-organisms

-Plants absorb the broken down nitrates to make proteins for growth

-Nitrates are passed onto animals through eating and plants and animals die to restart the cycle

Nitrifying Bacteria

Converts ammonia to nitrates

De-nitrifying bacteria

Converts nitrates to nitrogen

Nitrogen Fixing Bacteria

Converts nitrogen into nitrates

Animals compete for...





Plants compete for....





Interspecific Competition

Different species' compete for the same resources

Intraspecific Competition

The same species compete for the same resources

Ecological Niche

The role an organism has in an ecosystem

Mutualistic Relationship

A relationship where both species benefit

Parasitic Relationship

Where only one organism (the parasite) benefits from the other organism.

Adaptations to Cold Environments

Being well insulated to avoid heat loss

Small surface area to volume ratio to prevent heat loss

Behavioural adaptations like hibernation or migration

Polar Bears Adaptations

Small ears, large bulk to reduce surface area to volume ratio

Insulating blubber below skin

Thick white fur for insulation and camouflage

Large feet to spread weight on snow and ice

Fur on paw soles for insulation and grip

Powerful legs for running and swimming

Counter Current Heat Exchange System

(In Penguins)

1) Warm blood enters the feet

2) Warm blood passes by the cold blood, warming it up

3) Blood returns through the rest of the body



Fat in the hump

Don't sweat

Core temp can rise by 6 degrees

Bushy eyelashes/ Hair-lined nostrils (stops sand)

Large feet to spread weight



Stems store water

Long roots-reach more water

Waterproof cuticle

leaves become spines to reduce water loss and stop animals getting at water stem

Reduced surface area lessens evaporation


Biochemically adapted organisms that can survive in extreme conditions

Anti-Freeze Proteins

Organisms that live in very cold conditions have them

Antartic Fish use them to prevent icicle growth in them

Specialist Animals

Animals suited only to certain habitats


Animals that can live in a range of habitats, and are easily out-competed by other species'



Built for bursts of speed


Sharp teeth and claws

Binocular Vision



Built for speed


Live in groups for protection

Monocular Vision

Use mimicry for protection

Natural Selection Process

1) Natural Variation between organisms

2) Organisms compete for limited resources

3) Survival of the Fittest, those better adapted

4) Genes for successful adaptations are then inherited by offspring

Geographical Isolation

Isolating half of a species, causing them to adapt differently to the original in a different habitat.

For speciation to occur...


1) A population needs to be geographically isolated.

2) The populations must be prevented from breeding with one another.

Lamarck's Theory

1) Organisms change during their lifetime as they struggle to survive

2) These changes are passed onto their offspring

Theory was rejected because there was no evidence.

Exponential growth

When a measurement is growing at an ever increasing rate


A measurement with a definite end

E.g. Fossil Fuels


Never ending

E.g. The Universe

The Ozone Layer

Prevents too many UV rays (cause skin cancer) reaching Earth

Depleting sue to CFC's

Acid Rain

Acidic gases are released from burning fossil fuels. Gases dissolve in rain water to make acid rain.

Causes metal corroding, forest destruction and acidic lakes.

Global Warming

1) Heat energy from the sun is reflected of the earth's surface back to space

2) When it reaches the atmosphere some rays pass through. Others are trapped by greenhouse gases, warming the earth.

Indicator Species

A species that indicates pollution levels

Indicator Species


Cheaper than electrical equipment

Tests for a range of environmental changes

Indicates conditions over time

Indicator Species



Kills unaware organisms

Harms environment

Interferes with natural eco-systems

Not always reliable

Indicator Species


Clean Water

-Water Louse

-Mayfly Larva

-Stonefly Larva

Polluted Water

-Sledge Worm

-Blood Worm

-Rat-tailed Maggot

Sustainable Development

Making sure enough of a certain resource is left for future generations

Promoting Sustainability Methods

Fishing Quota's

Managed Woodlands


Threats to Endangered Species'

Climate change

Destruction of habitats


Increased competition


Protecting Endangered Species'


Breeding programmes


Legal protection

Prohibiting Hunting

Conservation Programmes are used for...

Protection human food supply bu maintaining genetic variety

Stabilising eco-systems by minimilising damage to food chains/habitats

Studying plants useful for medicinal purposes

Protecting indigenious people in threatened habitats

Causes of Whale Death

Entanglement in nets

Pollutants in the sea

Collision with migration ships

Climate Change


Dead Whales are used for...


Captive Breeding






Research Conducted Regarding Whales

How they communicate

How they Migrate

How they dive, and survive at extreme depths