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12 Cards in this Set

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Blood pressure increase or decrease

Blood pressure increase or decrease

Increase; stress, alcohol,smoking or overweight.

Decrease; regular exercise and eating balanced diet.

Fitness and health

Fitness and health

Fitness is the ability to do physical activity.

Health is being free from disease.



Carbon monoxide combines with haemoglobin causing blood to carry less oxygen, heart rate increases so tissue receives more oxygen.

Nicotine directly increases heart rate.

Heart disease

Heart disease

Caused by restricted blood flow to heart muscle.

Narrowing of arteries caused by plaque in coronary arteries reduces blood flow to heart muscle.

Plaque also makes blood clots or thrombosis which also blocks artery .

Carbohydrates and fats

Carbohydrates and fats

Carbohydrates are made of simple sugars like glucose and are stored in liver as glycogen or converted to fats.

Fats are made of fatty acids and glycerol and are stored under the skin and around organs as adipose tissue.

High and low blood pressure

High and low blood pressure

High blood pressure may cause blood vessel to burst, causing damage to brain (stroke) or cause damage to kidney.

Low blood pressure causes dizziness + fainting as blood to brain is reduced, also poor circulation to areas like fingers or toes.

Protein intake

Protein intake

Proteins are made of amino acids, cannot be stored in the body but may be converted to other amino acids . used for growth + repair.

kwashiorkor = condition from lack of protein.

1st class proteins in meat contain essential amino acids that human body can't make.

Fight against illness

Fight against illness

Pathogens damage body cells or produce poisonous waste called toxins.

Body produces antibody that lock onto the surface of pathogens like bacterium, killing it.

White blood cells produce antibodies resulting in active immunity, may be slow process but long lasting effect.



Each pathogen has it's own antigens, specific antibody needed for each pathogen.


1. Harmless pathogen carrying antigen is injected.

2. antigen triggers white blood cells producing antibodies.

3. T- lymphocyte (memory cell) remain in the body providing a long lasting immunity to the disease.

Treatment and trial

Treatment and trial

Antibiotics are against bacteria and fungi, it destroys a pathogen and slows down the pathogens development.

Antiviral drugs are against viruses.

Placebos are harmless pills used to asses effectiveness of new pill.

Blind trial; when patient doesn't know if it's a placebo or drug.

Excess use of antibiotics results in resistant bacteria being more common than non resistant bacteria.

How eyes work

How eyes work

Cornea + lens refract light rays.

Retina contains light receptors that are sensitive to different colours.

Binocular vision judges distance by comparing images from each eye; the more different they are, the nearer the object.



Accommodation is when the shape of the lens is altered to focus light on distant or near objects.

To focus on far objects, ciliary muscle relaxes and suspensory ligament tightens, so lens has less round shape.

To focus on near objects it does the opposite.