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Acting as a "firewall" on EC2 instances

Security Groups

Regulate access to ports

Control inbound network (from other to instance)

Control outbound network

Authorised IP ranges - IPv4 and IPv6

Security Groups

Classic Port 22

SSH (secure shell) - log into a Linux instance //

SFTP (Secure File Transport Protocol) - upload files using SSH

Classic Port 21

FTP (File Transport Protocol) - upload files into a file

Classic Port 80

HTTP - access unsecured websites

Classic Port 442

HTTPS - access secured websites

Classic Port 3389

RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol) - log into a Windows instance

Allows you to control a remote machine, all using the command line


Supports Mac, Linux, Windows 10+


Supports Windows


Supports Mac, Linux, all windows

EC2 Instance Connect

Short workload, predictable pricing

On-demand instances

Long workload (MIN 1 year)

Reserved Instances

Long workloads with flexible instances

Convertible Reserved Instances

Short workloads, cheap, can lose instances (less reliable)

Spot instances

book an entire physical server, control instance placement

Dedicated hosts

Pay for what you use

Highest cost, but no upfront payment

No long term commitment

EC2 On Demand

Recommended for short-term and uninterrupted workloads, where you can't predict how the application will behave

EC2 On Demand

EC2 On Demand Billing for Linux

Billing per SECOND

EC2 On Demand Billing for all other OS (not Linux)

Billing per HOUR

Up to 75% discount compared to on-demand

Reservation period (only 1 OR 3 year term)

Recommended for steady state usage applications (think database)

Can pay no upfront, partial upfront, all upfront

Specific instance type

EC2 Reserved Instances

Up to 54% discount

Can change EC2 instance type

Convertible Reserved Instance

Launch within time frame you reserve

When you require a fraction of a day/week/month

Scheduled Reserved Instances

Discount up to 90% compared to On-Demand

Most cost-efficient instances

Can "lose" instance at any point in time

Not suitable for critical jobs or databases

EC2 Spot Instances

Useful for workloads that are resilient to failure:

Batch jobs

Data analysis

Image processing

Any distributed workloads

Workloads with flexible start and end time

EC2 Spot Instances

physical server with EC2 instance capacity fully dedicated to your use

EC2 Dedicated Host

Help address compliance requirements and reduce costs allowing you to use existing server-bound software licenses

Allocated for a 3 year reservation

Useful for software that have complicated licensing model (BYOL - Bring Your Own License)

Useful for strong regulatory or compliance needs

EC2 Dedicated Host

Instances running on hardware dedicated to you

May share hardware with other instances on same account

No control over instance placement (can move hardware after Stop/Start)

EC2 Dedicated Instance

Enables use of dedicated physical servers

Per instance billing ($2 per region fee)

Automatic instance placement

Dedicated Instances

Enables use of dedicated physical servers

Per host billing

Visibility of sockets, cores, host ID

Affinity between host and instance

Targeted instance placement

Automatic instance placement

Add capacity using allocation request

Dedicated hosts

Infrastructure (Global Network Security)

Isolation on Physical Hosts

Replacing faulty hardware

Compliance Validation

AWS Responsibility for EC2

Security Groups rules

OS patches and updates

Software and utilities installed on EC2 Instance

IAM Roles assigned to EC2 & IAM user access management

Data security on your instance

User Responsibility for EC2

AMI (OS) + Instance Size (CPU + RAM) + Storage + Security Groups + EC2 User Data

EC2 Instance

Link to IAM roles

EC2 Instance Role

Script launched at the first start of an instance

EC2 User Data

Start a terminal into our EC2 instances (port 22)




Reserved (Standard/Convertible/Scheduled)

Dedicated Host

Dedicated Instance

EC2 Purchasing Options

network drive you can attach to your instances while they run

Think of as a "network USB stick"

Uses network to communicate - may be latency

EBS (Elastic Block Store) Volume

Allows instances to persist data, even after termination

Can only be mounted to one instance at a time (at CCP level)

Can be detached from instance and attached to another quickly

Bound to specific availability zone - to move across you first need to snapshot it

Free tier: 30N GB free storage of type gp2 per (provisioned capacity) month

EBS (Elastic Block Store) Volume

Make a backup of your EBS volume

Not necessary to detach volume to do snapshot, but recommended

Can copy across AZ or Region - able to transfer some data to different region

EBS Snapshots

Customization of an EC2 instance (Add own software, config, OS, monitoring) - Faster boot time

Built for specific region (can be copied across region)

Amazon Machine Image (AMI)

Public AMI

AWS provided

Your Own AMI

make and maintain yourself

AWS Marketplace AMI

made by someone else and potentially sells

1. Start EC2 instance & customize it

2. Stop instance (for data integrity)

3. Build AMI - this will also create EBS snapshots

4. Launch instances from other AMIs

AMI Process (from an EC2 Instance)

If you need a high-performance hardware disk

Better I/O performance

Lose storage if stopped

Good for buffer/cache/scratch data/temp content

Risk of data loss if hardware fails

Backups and Replication your responsibility

EC2 Instance Store

Managed NFS that can be mounted on 100s of EC2 instances at a time

Only works with Linux EC2 instances - in multiple AZ

Highly available, scalable, expensive (3x cost of gp2), pay per use, no capacity planning

EFS (Elastic File System)


Replication for data for EBS volumes & EFS drives

Replacing faulty hardware

Ensuring their employees cannot access your data

AWS Responsibility for EC2 Storage

Setting up backup/snapshot procedures

Setting up data encryption

Responsibility of any data on the drives

Understanding risk of using EC2 Instance Store

Customer Responsibility for EC2 Storage

Network drives attached to one EC2 instance at a time

EC2 instances can have multiples attached

Mapped to AZ

Allow data to persist even after termination

EBS Volumes

Create ready-to-use EC2 instances with our customizations


high performance hardware disk attached to EC2 instance

Lost if instance is stopped/terminated

EC2 Instance Store

Fully managed service that makes it easy to set up, scale, and cost-optimize file storage

Network file system, can be attached to 100s of instances in a region


app/system can handle greater loads by adaptability

is linked but different to High Availability


Increasing the SIZE of an instance

Common for non-distributed systems, such as database

Usually limit to how much you can scale (hardware limit)

Ex: appruns on t2.micro to t2.large (change size of instance)

Scale Up/Down

Vertical Scalability

Increasing number of instances/systems

Implies distributed systems

Common for web applications

Easy thanks to cloud operations like EC2

Auto Scaling Group

Load Balancer

Scale Out/In

Horizontal Scalability

Usually goes hand in hand with horizontal scaling

Running app/system in at least 2 AZ

Goal = survive data center loss

Auto Scaling Group Multi AZ

High Availability

once a system is scalable, there will be "auto scaling" based on load

Cloud friendly, pay-per-use, match demand, optimize costs


Not related to scalability

New IT resources are only a click away - reduce time to make resources available


servers that forward traffic to multiple servers (EC2 instances) downtream

Backhand EC2 instances

Expose single point of access (DNS) to app

Seamlessly handle failures of downstream instances

Regular health checks

Provide SSL termination (HTTPS) for websites

High availability across zones

Load Balancer

Managed load balancer

AWS guarantees it will be working

AWS takes care of upgrades, maintenance, high availability

AWS provides only a few config knobs

Cannot help with back-end autoscaling

Elastic Load Balancing (ELB)

3 kinds of load balancers

1. Application Load Balancer

2. Network Load Balancer

3. Classic Load Balancer

HTTP/HTTPS only - Layer 7

Application Load Balancer

Ultra-high performance

Allows for TCP

Layer 4

Network Load Balancer

Layer 4 & 7

Slowly retiring

Classic Load Balancer

Goal = scale out/scale in to match load

Ensure a min and max # of machines running

Automatically register new instances to load balancer

Replace unhealthy instances

Cost savings : only run at optimal capacity (principle of cloud)

Cannot change EC2 instance types on the fly

Easy horizontal scaling

Auto Scaling Group

Distribute traffic across backend EC2 instances, can be multi AZ

Supports Health Checks

3 types

Elastic Load Balancers (ELB)

Implement elasticity for app, across multiple AZ

Scale EC2 instance based on demand, replace unhealthy

Integrated with ELB

Auto Scaling Groups

A main building block of AWS

Advertised as "infinitely scaling" storage

Backbone for websites

Used as an integration

Amazon S3

IAM policies - which API calls should be allowed for specific user from IAM console

User based S3 Security

Bucket policies - bucket wide rules from the S3 console -n allows cross account

Object Access Control List - finer grain

Bucket Access Control List - less common

resource Based S3 Security

An IAM principal can access an S3 object if:

The user IAM permissions allow it

OR the resource policy allows it

AND there is no explicit DENY

JSON based policies

S3 Bucket Policies

Buckets and objects


Set of API to ALLOW or DENY


Allow or Deny


Account or user to apply the policy to


Use S3 Bucket Policy to:

Grant public access to the bucket

Force objects to be encrypted at upload

Grant access to another account (cross account)

Settings created to prevent company data leaks

Can be set at the account level

If you know your bucket should never be public, leave these on

Bucket settings for Block Public Access

Can host static websites and have them accessible on the www

If you get 403 error, make sure bucket policy allows public reads

S3 Websites

Version your files for S2

Enabled at bucket level

S3 Versioning

For audit purposes, may want to log all access to S3 buckets

Any request made to S3 will be logged into another S3 bucket

Data can be analyzed using data analysis tools

Very helpful to identify root cause of an issue or audit usage, view suspicious patterns, etc

S3 Access Logs

Must enable versioning in source and destination

Buckets can be in different accounts

Copying is asynchronous

Must give proper IAM permissions to S3

2 types : CRR & SRR

S3 Replication

Use cases:


Lower latency access
Replication across accounts

Cross Region Replication (CRR)

Use cases:

Log Aggregation

Live replication between prod and test accounts

Same Region Replication (SRR)

7 types of S3 Storage Classes

1. Amazon S3 Standard - General Purpose

2. Amazon S3 Standard - Infrequent Access (IA)
3. Amazon S3 One Zone - Infrequent Access

4. Amazon S3 Intelligent Tiering

5. Amazon Glacier

6. Amazon Glacier Deep Archive

7. Amazon S3 Reduced Redundancy Storage (deprecated)

Amazon S3 Standard

General purpose

Commonly used

Amazon S3 Standard - Infrequent Access (IA)

Uploading file not accessed very often

Amazon S3 One Zone - Infrequent Access

File you know you can recreate over time

Amazon S3 Intelligent Tiering

Don't know where to put file

Amazon Glacier

Know you have copies of file

Amazon Glacier Deep Archive

Know it takes a while to retrieve copies

If you store 10 mil objects with S3, you can on avg expect to incur a loss of single object once every 10,000 years

Same for all storage classes

S3 Durability

Measures how readily available a service is

Standard has 99.99% availability - not available 53 min per year

VAries depending on storage class

S3 Availability

99.99% availability

99.9% availability SLA

low latency, high throughput

Used for frequently accessed data

Sustain 2 concurrent facility failures

Use cases:

big data analytics

mobile and gaming apps

content distribution

no retrieval fee

S3 Standard - General Purpose

99.9% availability

99% availability SLA

For data less frequently accessed but requires rapid access when needed

Lower cost compared to standard, but retrieval fee

Sustain 2 concurrent facility failures

Use cases:

data store for disaster recovery


min storage duration charge : 30 days

min capacity charge per object: 128KB

S3 Standard - Infrequent Access (IA)

99.9% Availability

99% availability SLA

Cost-optimized by automatically moving objects between two access tiers based on changing access patterns

Resilient against events that impact entire AZ

min storage duration charge : 30 days

no retrieval fee

S3 Intelligent Tiering

Same as IA but data is stored in single AZ

99.5% availability

99% availability SLA

Lower cost compared to S3-IA (by 20%)

Use cases:

Storing secondary backup copies of on-premises data, or storing data you can recreate

min storage duration charge : 30 days

min capacity charge per object: 128KB

S3 One Zone - Infrequent Access

low cost object storage (GB/month) meant for archiving/backup

data retained for longer term

various retrieval options of time + fee for retrieval

min storage duration charge : 90 days

min capacity charge per object: 40KB

Amazon Glacier & Glacier Deep Archive

99.99% availability


Expedited (1-5 min)

Standard (3 -5 hours)

Bulk (5 - 12 hours)

Amazon Glacier

99.99% availability

Standard (12 hours)

Bulk (48 hours)


Amazon Glacier Deep Archive

Infrastructure (global security, durability, availability, sustain concurrent loss of data in 2 facilities)

Config and vulnerability analysis

Compliance validation

AWS Responsibility for S3

S3 Versioning

S3 Bucket Policies

S3 Replication Setup

Logging and monitoring

S3 Storage Classes

Data encryption at rest and in transit

Customer Responsibility for S3

physical data transport solution that helps moving TBs or PBs of data in.out of AWS

RULE OF THUMB: use if it takes more than a week to transfer over network

Alternative to moving data over network

Pay per data transfer job

Use cases:

large data cloud migrations

DC decomission

Disaster recovery


1. Request snowball devices from AWS console for delivery

2. Install snowball client on servers

3. Connect snowball to servers and copy files using client

4. Ship back device when done

5. Data loaded into S3 bucket

6. Snowball completely wiped

Snowball process

1000TB capacity

Add computational capability to device

Supports custom EC2 AMI to perform processing on the go

Supports custom Lambda functions

Very useful to pre-process data while moving

Use cases:

data migration

image collation

IoT capture

Machine Learning

Snowball Edge

Transfer exabytes of data (1,000PB = 1mil TB)

Has 100PB of capacity ( can use multiple in parallel)

Better than Snowball if transferring more than 10PB

AWS Snowmobile

Why Hybrid cloud for storage?

long cloud migrations

security requirements

compliance requirements

IT strategy

S3 is a proprietary storage technology (unlike EFS/NFS), so how do you expose the S3 data on-premise?

AWS Storage Gateway

AWS Storage Cloud Native Options


Amazon EBS

EC2 Instance Store


Amazon EFS


Amazon S3


bridge between on-premise data and cloud data in S3

Hybrid storage service to allow on-premise to seamlessly use AWS cloud

Use cases:

disaster recovery


tiered storage

AWS Storage gateway

Types of storage gateways




global unique name, tied to a region


IAM policy

S3 Bucket Policy

S3 Encryption

S3 Security

Host static website on S3

S3 Websites

Multiple versions for files

Prevent accidental deletes

S3 versioning

log requests made within S3 bucket

S3 Access Logs

same-region or cross-region

must enable versioning

S3 replication






Deep Archive

S3 Storage Classes

transition objects between classes (cost-savings)

S3 Lifecycle Rules

import data on S3 through physical device


hybrid solution to extend on-premises storage to S3

Storage Gateway

composed of key, value, metadata


used to sign programmatic requests to AWS CLI or AWS API

access keys

Can structure data

Build indexes to efficiently query/search through data

Define relationships between datasets

Optimized for a purpose and come with different features, shapes, and constraints


Looks like Excel spreadhseets with links between them

Can use SQL language to perform queries/lookups

Relational Databases

non-SQL/non relational databases

JSON is a common form of data that fits

Data can be nested

Fields can change over time

Support for new types

Purpose built for specific data models and have flexible schemas for building modern apps

NoSQL Databases


Flexibility - easy to evolve data model

Scalability - designed to scale out by using distributed clusters

High-performance - optimized for specific data model

Highly functional - types optimized for data model






search databases

NoSQL databases

AWS offers use to manage different databases


Quick provisioning, high availability, vert/horz scaling

Automated backup & restore, operations, upgrades

OS system patching

Monitoring, alerting

DB tech could be run on EC2 but must handle resiliency, bakcup patching, etc, by yourself

AWS Databases Responsibilities

managed DB service for DB use SQL as query language

Allows to create databases in cloud managed by AWS





Microsoft SQL Server

Aurora (AWS Proprietary database)

Relational Database Service (RDS)

Automated provisioning, OS patching

Continous backups and restore to specific timestamp

Monitoring dashboards

Read replicas for improved read performance

Multi AZ setup for disaster recovery

Maintenance windows for upgrades

Scaling capability (vertical and horizontal)

Storage backed by EBS (gb2 or io1)

CANNOT SSH into your instances

Advantage using RDS vs deploying DB on EC2

proprietary tech from AWS

PostgreSQL and MySQL supported

Claims 5x performance over MySQL on RDS

Over 3x performance of Postgres on RDS

Storage automatically grows in increments of 10GB, up to 64TB

Costs more than RDS (20% more) - but is more efficient

NOT in the free tier

Amazon Aurora

2 ways to run RDS in AWS

1. Aurora - more cloud native

2. RDS - running tech as managed service

managed Redis or Memcached

Helps reduce load off databases for read intensive workloads

AWS takes care of OS maintenance/patching, optimizations, setup, config, monitoring, failure recovery and backups

Amazon ElastiCache

in-memory databases with high performance, low latency


Fully managed, highly available with replication across 3 AZ

NoSQL database - not relational

Flagship product

Scales to massive workloads, distributed "serverless" database

Millions of requests per seconds

Fast and consistent

Single digit millisecond latency - low latency retrieval

Integrated with IAM for security, auth, and administration

Low cost and auto scaling capabilities

Key/Valye database


Based on PostgreSQL, NOT used for OLTP

OLAP used for analytics and data warehousing

Load data once every hour, not every second

10x better performance

Columnar storage (instead of row based)

Massive Parallel Query EXecution (MPP), highly available

Pay as you go based on instances provisioned

SQL interface for queries

BI tools integration - AWS Quicksight or Tableau


Helps create Hadoop clusters (big data) to analyze and process lots of data

Clusters can be 100s of EC2 instances

Supports Apache Spark, HBase, Presto, Flink

Takes care of all the provisioning and configuration

Auto-scaling and integrated with Spot instances

Use case:

Data processing

Machine Learning

Web indexing

Big data

Amazon EMR (Elastic MapReduce)

Fully serverless database with SQL capabilities

USed to query data in S3

Pay per query

Output results back to S3

Secured through IAM

Use case:

one-time SQL queries

serverless queries on S3

log analytics

Serverless database to perform queries on S3


quickly and securely migrate databases to AWS, resilient, self healing

Source database remains available during migration

Supports homogeneous and heterogeneous migrations

Database Migration Service (DMS)

managed extract, transform, and load (ETL) service

Useful to prep and transform data for analytics

Fully serverless service


Catalog of datasets

Can be used by Athena, Redshift, EMR to discover datasets and use proper schema

AWS Glue Data Catalog

OLTP: RDS & Aurora(SQL)

Relational Databases

In-memory database


Key/Value database (serverless)


OLAP/ Warehouse


Hadoop Cluster


Query data on S3 (serverless & SQL)


Managed ETL and Data Catalog Service

Amazon Glue

database migration


software development platform to deploy apps

apps packed in containers that can be run on any OS

apps run the same, regardless of where they're run

virtualization technology

versatile, easy to scale

resources shared with host - many containers on one server


Where are Docker images stored?

Docker repositories

Public: Docker Hub

Private: Amazon ECR

Public Docker Repositories

Docker Hub



NodeJS, Java

Private Docker Repository

Amazon ECR (Elastic Container Registry)

Launch Docker containers on AWS

You must provision and maintain the infrastructure

AWS takes care of starting/stopping containers

Integrations with Application Load Balancer

ECS (Elastic Container Service)

Launch Docker containers on AWS

Do NOT need to provision and maintain infrastructure (no EC2 instances)

Serverless offering

AWS runs containers for you based on CPU/RAM needed


Private Docker registry on AWS

Where you store Docker images to be run by ECS or Fargate

Elastic Container Registry (ECR)

Function as a Service

pioneered by AWS Lambda

Amazon S3





Virtual servers in cloud

limited by RAM and CPU

continuously running

scaling means intervention to add/remove servers

Amazon EC2

Virtual functions - no servers to manage

Limited by time - short executions

Run on-demand

Scaling is automated

AWS Lambda

Easy pricing

Pay per request & compute time

Free tier of 1mil Lambda requests and 400k GBs of compute time

Integrated with whole AWS suite of services

Event-Driven: function invoked by AWS when needed


Integrated with many languages

Easy monitoring through AWS CloudWatch

Easy to get mroe resources per functions (up to 3GB RAM)

Increasing RAM will also improve CPU and network

Benefits of AWS Lambda








Custome Runtime API)

Docker is NOT for Lambda, its for ECS/Fargate

AWS Lambda Language Sypport

Serverless Thumbnail Creation

Fully event-driven, fully serverless

Easily scalable

lambda function

Serverless CROn job

Run on Linux AMI, use CloudWatch Evemts/EventBridge

Lambda function

Pay per calls:

1st 1mil requests are free

$0.20 per 1 mil requests thereafter

Pay per duration (in increments of 100ms):

400k GB seconds per month if FREE

400k seconds if function is 1GB RAM

3.2mil seconds if function is 128MB RAM

After that, $1.00 for 600k GB-seconds

Usually very cheap to run Lambda

AWS Lambda pricing

Fully managed batch processing at any scale

Efficiently run 100,000s of computing batch jobs on AWS

Will dynamically launch EC2 instances or Spot instances

Provisions the right amount of compute/memory

You submit or schedule batch jobs and AWS Batch does the rest

Helpful for cost optimizations focusing less on the infrastructure

AWS Batch

job with a start and end (as opposed to continuous)

Ex: Docker images and run on ECS

batch job

time limit

limited runtimes

limited temp disk space



no time limit

any runtime as long as it's packaged as a Docker image

rely on EBS/instance store for disk space

Relies on EC2 (can be managed by AWS)

Runs thousands of jobs, don't manage compute resources


Virtual servers, storage, databases, and networking

Low and predictable pricing

Simpler alternative to using EC2, RDS, ELB, EBS, Route 53

Great for people with little cloud experience

Can setup notifications and monitoring of your Lightsail resources

High availability, no auto-scaling, limited AWS integrations

Use cases:

Simple web apps (templates for LAMP, Nginx, MEAN, Node.js)

Websites (templates for WordPress, Magento, Joomla)

Dev/Test enviornment

Amazon Lightsail

container technology to run applications


Run Docker Containers on EC2 instances

Elastic container Services (ECS)

Run Docker containers without provisioning the infrastructure

Serverless offering (no EC2 instance)


Private Docker Images Repository

Where you store your Docker image to be run by ECS or Fargate

ECR (Elastic Container Registry)

Run batch jobs on AWS across managed EC2 instances


Predictable & low pricing for simple application and DB stacks



Function as a Service

Seamless scaling



By the run time x RAM provisioned

By # of innovations

Language support: many except Docker

Invocation time : up to 15 minutes

Use cases:

Create thumbnails for images uploaded onto S3

Run serverless chron job


declarative way of outlining your AWS infrastructure, for any resources (most are supported)

creates in right order with exact config you specify


Infrastructure as code (base)

No resources manually created

Changes to infrastructure reviewed through code

Each resource within stack is tagged to see how much each costs you

Estimate costs of resources using CF template

ability to destroy/re-create infrastructure on the fly

Automated generation of diagram for templates

Declarative proframming

Leverage existing templates and documentation

Benefits of CloudFormation

Used when we have infrastructure as code and when we need to repeat an architecture in different environments, regions, or different AWS accounts

Ex: WordPress CloudFormation Stack

- can see all resources

- can see relations between components

CloudFormation Stack Designer

typical architecture

can easily be reproduced manually, reproduced on AWS through CloudFormation

Web App 3-tier

Managing infrastructure

Deploying code

Configuring all databases, load balancers

Scaling concerns

Most web apps have same architecture (ALB + ASG)

All developers want is for their code to run

Possibly, consistently across multiple environments

Developer Problems on AWS

Developer-centric view of deploying an application on AWS

All in one view that's easy to make sense of

Have full control over the config

Platform as a Service

Free but pay for underlying instances

AWS Elastic Beanstalk

Managed service

Instance config/OS handled by Beanstalk

Deployment strategy configureable but performed by Elastic Beanstalk

Just the application code is the responsibility of the developer

AWS Elastic Beanstalk

3 architecture models for Beanstalk

1. Single instance deployment - good for dev

2. LB + ASG - great for production or pre-production web applications

3. ASG only - great for non-web apps in production

Deploy application automatically

Works with EC2 instances

Works with On-Premises servers

Hybrid service

Servers/instances must be provisioned and configure ahead of time with CodeDeploy Agent

AWS CodeDeploy

Way to patch fleet of EC2 instances

Helps manage your EC2 and On-Premises systems at scale

Hybrid Service

Get operational insights about the state of infrastructure

Suite of 10+ products

Patching automation for enhanced compliance

Run commands across an entire fleet of servers

Store parameter config with the SSM Parameter Store

Works for Windows and Linux

AWS Systems Manager (SSM)

Chef & Puppet - help perform server config automatically or repetitive actions

Works great with EC2 & On-Premises VM

Managed Chef & Puppet

Alternative to AWS SSM

Only provision standard AWS resources: EC2 instances, databases, load balancers, EBS volumes

AWS OpsWorks

Infrastructure as Code, works with almost all AWS resources

Repeat across Regions & Accounts

Free for use, pay for resources created

CloudFormation templates are JSON or YAML-formatted text files

Declarations of the AWS resources that make up a stack

CloudFormation (AWS only)

Platform as a Service

Limited to certain programming languages or Docker

Deploy code consistently with a known architecture: ex, ALB + EC2 + RDS

Free for use, pay for resources created

Beanstalk (AWS)

Deploy & upgrade any application onto servers (automatic)

CodeDeploy (Hybrid)

Patch, configure, and run commands at scale

Unified user interface

Systems Manager (hybrid)

Managed Chef & Puppet in AWS

OpsWorks (Hybrid)

application deployed in multiple geographies

could be Regions and/or Edge locations

Global application

time it takes for network packet to reach a server

Deploy app closer to users to decrease latency


Why make a global application?

Decreased latency

Disaster recovery - important to increase availability

attack protection - distributed global infrastructure is harder to attack

Global AWS Infrastructure

Regions: for deploying applications and infrastructure

Availability Zones: made of multiple data centers

Edge Locations: for content delivery as close as possible to users

Network: links between regions, AZs

Great to route users to the closest deployment with least latency

great for disaster recover strategies

Global DNS: Route 53

Replicate part of your application to AWS Edge Locations - decrease latency

Cache common requests - improved user experience and decreased latency

Global Content Delivery Network (CDN): CloudFront

Accelerate global uploads & downloads into Amazon S3

S3 Transfer Acceleration

Improve global application availability and performance using the AWS global network

AWS Global Accelerator

collection of rules and records which helps clients understand how to reach a server through URLs

Domain Name System (DNS)

managed DNS

most common records are:

managed DNS

most common records are:

Amazon Route 53

No health checks

Simple Routing Policy

Distribute across - enable health checks

Weighted Routing Policy

Minimize latency

Latency Routing Policy

Disaster Recovery

Health check on primary

Failover Routing Policy

Route 53 Routing Policies




Content Delivery Network (CDN)

Improves read performance, content is cached at the edge

Improves user experience

216 Edge Locations

DDoS protection, integration with Shield, AWS Web Application Firewall

AWS CloudFront

For distributing files and caching them at the edge

Enhanced security with CloudFront Origin Access Identity (OAI)

CloudFront can be used as an ingress (to upload files to S3)

S3 Bucket - CloudFront Origins

Application Load Balancer

EC2 Instance

S3 Website (must first enable the bucket as a static S3 website)

Any HTTP backend you want

Custom Origin (HTTP) - CloudFront Origins

Global edge network

Files cached for a TTL (maybe a day)


Great for static content that must be available everywhere


Must be setup for each region you want replication to happen

Files are updated in near real-time

Read only

Replicate entire bucket into another region

Great for dynamic content that needs to be available at low-latency in few regions

S3 Cross Region Replication

Increase transfer speed by transferring file into an AWS Edge Location which will forward the data to the S3 bucket in the target region

Only used when you want to upload/download from S3 bucket that is far away from you

S3 Transfer Acceleration

Improve global application availability and performance using the AWS global network

Leverage the AWS internal network to optimize the route to your applications (60% improvement)

2 Anycast IP are created for your application and traffic is sent through Edge Locations

Edge location send traffic to your application

AWS Global Accelerator

Improved performance for your cacheable conent (such as images and videos)

Content is served at the edge

CloudFront - CDN

No caching

Proxying packets at the edge to applications running in one or more AWS regions

Improves performance for a wide range of applications over TCP and UDP

Good for HTTP use cases that require static IP addresses

Good for HTTP use cases that required deterministic, fast regional failover and good performance

Global Accelerator

Great to route users to the closest deployment with least latency

Great for disaster recovery strategies

Domain Registration, DNS, Health Checks, Routing Policy

Global DNS: Route 53

Replicate part of your application to AWS Edge Locations - decrease latency

Cache common requests - improved user experience and decreased latency

Integrates WAF & Shielf to protect against web attacks

Global Content Delivery Network (CDN): CloudFront

Accelerate global uploads & downloads into S3

S3 Transfer Acceleration

Improve global application availability and performance using the AWS global network

Will go through global locations but not cached at

AWS Global Accelerator

Two patterns of application communication

1. Synchronous communications

2. Asynchronous/ Event based

Application to application

Can be problematic if there are sudden spikes of traffic

Synchronous communications

Application to queue to application

Better to decouple apps

Using SQS: queue model

Using SNS: pub/sub model

Using Kineses: real-time data streaming model

Asynchronous / Event based Communications

Oldest AWS offering (over 10 years old)

Fully managed service (serverless), used to decouple applications

Scales from 1 message per second to 10,000s per second

Default retention of messages: 4 days, max 14 days

No limit to how many messages can be in the queue

Messages deleted after they're read by consumers

Low latency (<10 ms on publish and receive)

consumers share the work to read messages & scale horizontally

Amazon SQS (Standard Queue)

event publishers only send messages to one SNS topic

as many Event subscribers as we want to listen to the SNS topic notifications

Each subscriber to the topic will get all the messages

Up to 10mil subscriptions per topic/ 100k topics limit

Amazon SNS

SNS Subscribers can be:

1. HTTP/HTTPS (with delivery retries - how many times)

2. Emails, SMS messages, Mobile Notifications

3. SQS queues (fan-out pattern), Lambda functions (write-your-own integration)

Queue service in AWS

Multiple Producers, messages kept up to 14 days

Multiple COnsumers share the read and delete messages when done

Used to decouple applications

Pull-based system

SQS (standard queue)

Notification service in AWS

Subscribers : email, Lambda, SQS, HTTP, Mobile

Multiple Subscribers: send messages to all of them

No message retention

Push-based system


metrics for every service in AWS

metrics have timestamps

can create CloudWatch dashboards of metrics

Amazon CloudWatch Metrics

variable to monitor (CPU Utilization, NetworkIN)

ex: Billing (us-east-1)


Important metrics

EC2 instances

EBS volumes

S3 Buckets


Service Limits

Custom metrics

CPU Utilization, Status Checks, Network (not RAM)

Default metrics every 5 min

Option for Detailed Monitoring ($$$): metrics evert 1 min

EC2 Instance Metrics

Disk read/writes

EBS Volumes Metrics




S3 Buckets Metrics

Total Estimated Charge (only in us-east-1)

Billing metric

How much you've been using a service API

Service Limits Metrics

Push your own metrics

Custom metrics

used to trigger notifications for any metric

various options (sampling, %, max, min, etc)

Can choose period on which to evaluate an alarm

Ex: create a billing alarm on the CloudWatch Billing metric

Amazon CloudWatch Alarms

Alarms actions

Auto Scaling

EC2 Actions

SNS Notifications

Increase or decrease EC2 instances "desired" count

Auto Scaling actions

stop, terminate, reboot, or recover an EC2 instance

EC2 Actions

Send notification into SNS topic

SNS notifications

Alarm states


Insufficient data - not enough data

ALARM - bad

logs can collect log from:

Elastic Beanstalk


AWS Lambda



enables real-time monitoring of logs

Adjustable CloudWatch Logs retention

Amazon CloudWatch Logs

collection of logs from application

Elastic Beanstalk Log

Collection from containers


Collection from function logs

AWS Lambda Logs

log Based on filter

CloudTrail Logs

on EC2 machines or on-premises servers

CloudWatch log agents

Log DNS Queries

Route53 logs

log agent can be setup on-premises too

Make sure IAM permissions are correct

By default, no logs from EC2 instance will go to CloudWatch

Need to run CloudWatch agent on EC2 to push the log files you want

CloudWatch Logs for EC2

Schedule: Cron jobs (scheduled scripts)

Event Pattern: event rules to react to a service doing something

Trigger lambda functions, send SQS/SNS messages

Amazon CloudWatch Events

next evolution of CloudWatch Events

Amazon EventBridge

Default event bus

generated by AWS services (CloudWatch Events)

Partner event bus

receive events from SaaS service or applications (Zendesk, Datadog, Segment, Auth0)

Custom Event buses

for your own applications

Schema Registry

model event schema

Provides governance, compliance and audit for your AWS Account

Enabled by default

Get a history of events/API calls made within your AWS Account by:




AWS Services

Can put logs from CloudTrail into CloudWatch Logs or S3

A trail can be applied to All Regions (default) or a single Region

If resource deleted in AWS, investigate CloudTrail first

AWS CloudTrail

Debugging in Production

Test locally

Add log statements everywhere

Re-deploy in production

Log formats differ across applications

No common views of entire architecture

Debugging: one big (easy), distributed services (hard)


Troubleshooting performance (bottlenecks)

Understand dependencies in a microservice architecture

Pinpoint service issues

Review request behavior

Find errors and exceptions

Identify users that are impacted

Are we meeting time SLA?

Where am I throttled?

AWS X-Ray Advantages

Shows all regions, all services health

Shows historical information for each day

Has an RSS feed you can subscribe to

AWS Status - Service Health Dashboard

Provides alerts and remediation guidance when AWS is experiencing events that may impact you

personalized view into the performance and availability of the AWS services underlying your AWS resources

displays relevant and timely information to help you manage events in progress and provides proactive notification to help you plan for scheduled activities

shows how AWS outages directly impact you & your AWS resources

Alert, remediation, proactive, scheduled activities

AWS Personal Health Dashboard

monitor the performance of AWS services and billing metrics

CloudWatch Metrics

Automate notification, perform EC2 action, notify to SNS based on metric

Trigger notifications when metrics reach specific threshold

CloudWatch Alarms

Collect log files from EC2 instances, servers, Lambda functions

Single, highly scalable service that centralizes logs from all of your systems, apps, and AWS services

CloudWatch Logs

React to events in AWS or trigger a rule on a schedule

CloudWatch Events (EventBridge)

Audit API calls made within your AWS account

Inspect, audit, record events and API calls made within AWS account


Trace requests made through your distributed applications

Help analyze and debug production as well as distributed applications


Status of all AWS services across all regions

Service Health Dashboard

AWS events that impact your infrastructure

Personal Health Dashboard

Private network to deploy your resources (regional resource)

VPC (Virtual Private Cloud)

Allow you to partition your network inside your VPC (AZ resource)


subnet that is accessible from the internet

Public subnet

Subnet that is not accessible from the internet

Private subnet

to define access to the internet and between subnets, we use

Route Tables

help our VPC instances connect with the internet

Public Subnets have a route to

Internet Gateway

Allows instances in your private subnets to access the internet while remaining private

NAT Gateways (AWS managed)

NAT Instances (self-managed)

Firewall which controls traffic from and to subnet

Can have ALLOW and DENY rules

Attached at the Subnet level

Rules only include IP addresses

Process rules in number order

Is stateless: return traffic must be explicitly allowed by rules

Automatically applies to all instances in the subnets it's associated with

NACL (Network ACL)

A firewall that controls traffic to and from an ENI/EC2 instance

Can only have ALLOW rules

Rules include IP addresses and other security groups

Evaluate all rules before allowing traffic

Operates at the Instance level

Applies to an instance only if someone specified the SG when launching the instance

Security Groups

Capture information about IP Traffic going into your interfaces

Helps monitor and troubleshoot connectivity issues

-subnets to internet

-subnets to subnets

-internets to subnets

Captures network infor from AWDS managed interfaces

Data can go to S3/CloudWatch Logs

VPC Flow Logs

Subnet Flow Logs

Elastic Network Interface Flow Logs

Connect 2 VPC privately using AWS network

Behave as if they were in the same network

Must not have overlapping CIDR (IP address range)

Connection is not transitive - must be established for each VPC that need to communicate with one another

VPC Peering

allow you to connect to AWS services using a private network instead if the public www network

enhanced security and lower latency to access AWS services

VPC Endpoints

VPC Endpoint Gateway

S3& DynamoDB

VPC Endpoint Interface:

the rest

Connect on-premises VPN to AWS

Connection is automatically encrypted

Goes over the public internet

Limited bandwidth, security concerns

Site to Site VPN

Establish a physical connection between on-premises and AWS

Connection is private, secure, and fast

Goes over a private network

Takes at least a month to establish

Direct Connect (DX)

must use a customer Gateway (CGW)

Site-to-site VPN On-premises

must use a Virtual Private Gateway (VPG)

Site-to-site VPN AWS

works with direct connect gateway, VPN connections

For having transitive peering between thousands of VPC and on-premises, hub-and-spoke (star) connection

Transit Gateway


logically isolated from other virtual networks, can launch AWS resources in a private network that you define

Virtual Private Cloud

tied to an AZ, network partition of the VPC


at the VPC level, provide internet access

horizontally scaled, redundant, highly available VPC component that allows communication between VPC and internet

Internet Gateway

give internet access to private subnets

NAT Gateway/Instances

stateless, subnet rules for inbound and outbound


stateful, operate at the EC2 instance level or ENI

security groups

connect 2 VPC with non overlapping IP ranges, non-transitive

VPC Peering

Provide private access to AWS services within VPC

VPC ENdpoints

network traffic logs

VPC flow logs

VPN over public internet between on-premises DC and AWS

Site to Site VPN

direct private connection to AWS (physical connection)

Direct Connect

Connect 1000s of VPC and on-premises networks together

Transit Gateway

Protecting infrastructure (hardware, software, facilities, and networking) that runs all AWS services

Managed services like S3, DynamoDB, RDS, etc.

AWS Responsibility Security OF the Cloud

For EC2 instance, customer is responsible for management of the guest OS (including security patches and updates), firewall & network configuration, IAM

Encrypting application data

Customer Responsibility - Security IN the Cloud

Patch management

Config management

Awareness and training

Shared controls for Security

Manage the underlying EC2 instance, disable SSH access

Automated DB patching

Automated OS patching

Audit the underlying instance and disks & gurantee it functions

AWS Responsibility for RDS

Check ports/IP/security group inbound rules in DBs SG

In-database user creation and permissions

Creating a database with or without public access

Ensure parameter groups or DB is configured to only allow SSL connections

Database encryption setting

Customer responsibility for RDS

Guarantee you get unlimited storage

Guarantee you get encryption

Ensure separation of the data between different customers

Ensure AWS employees can't access your data

AWS Responsibility for S3

Bucket Configuration

Bucket policy/public settings

IAM user and roles

Enabling encryption

Customer responsibility for S3

protects against DDOS attack for your website and applications, for all customers at no additional cost

AWS Shield Standard

24/7 premium DDOS protection

AWS SHield Advanced

Filter specific requests based on rules


availability protection using global edge network

Combined with AWS Shield, provides attack mitigation at the edge

CloudFront and Route53

What is a DDOD

Distributed Denial-of-Service attack

Free service activated for every AWS customer

Provides protection from attacks like SYN/UDP floods, Reflection attacks and other layer 3/layer 4 attacks

AWS Shield Standard

Option DDOS mitigation service ($3k per month per org)

Protect against more sophisticated attack on EC2, ELB, CloudFront, global accelerator, Route 53

24/7 access to AWS DDOS response team (DRP)

Protect against higher fees during usage spikes due to DDOS

AWS Shield Advanced

Protects your web apps from common web exploits (layer 7)

Layer 7 is HTTP (vs Layer 4 is TCP)

Deploy on Application Load Balancer, API Gateway, CloudFront

AWS Web Application Firewall (WAF)

Rules can include IP addresses, HTTP headers, HTTP body, or URI strings

Protects from common attack - SQL injection, Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)

Size constraints, geo-match (block countries)

Rate-based rules (to count occurrences of events) - for DDOS protection

Web Access Control List (WACL)

AWS customers can carry out penetration tests against their AWS infrastructure without prior approval for 8 services:

1. EC2 instances, NAT Gateways, ELBs

2. RDS

3. CloudFront

4. Aurora

5. API Gateways

6. Lambda and Lambda Edge functions

7. Lightsail resources

8. Elastic Beanstalk environments

Prohibited activities for penetration tests

1. DNS zone walking via Route 53 Hosted Zones

2. DOS, DDOS, simulated DOS, simulated DDOS

3. Port flooding

4. Protocol flooding

5. Request flooding (login request flooding, API request flooding)

encryption for AWS service

AWS manages software for encryption

AWS Key Management Service (KMS)

Encrypt volumes

EBS Volumes

Server-side encryption of objects

S3 Buckets

encryption of data

Redshift database/EFS drives

Encryption Opt-in

EBS Volumes

S3 buckets

Redshift database

EFS drives

Encryption Automatically Enabled for:

cloudTrail logs

S3 Glacier

Storage Gateway

AWS provisions encryption hardware

you manage your own encryption keys

Dedicated hardware (HSM) - tamper resistant, FIPS 140-2 Level 3 compliance


3 types of KMS Keys

1. Customer Manager CMK

2. AWS managed CMK

3. CloudHSM Keys (custom keystore)

Create, manage and use, can enable/disable

Possibility of rotation policy (new key generated every year, old key preserved)

Possibility to bring-your-own-key

Customer Manager CMK

Used by AWS service (S3, EBS, Redshift)

Managed by AWS

AWS managed CMK

Keys generated from your own CloudHSM hardware device

Cryptographic operations are performed within the CloudHSM cluster

CloudHSM Keys (custom keystore)

Newer service, meant for storing secrets

Capability to force rotation of secrets every X days

Automate generation of secrets on rotation (uses Lambda)

Integration with RDS (MySQL, PostgreSQL, Aurora)

Secrets are encrypted using KMS

Mostly meant for RDS integration

AWS Secrets Manager

portal that provides customers with on-demand access to AWS compliance documentation and AWS agreements

AWS Artifact

allows you to download AWS security and compliance documents, like AWS ISO certifications, Payment Card Industry (PCI), and SYstem and Organization Conteol (SOC) reports

Artifacts Reports

allows you to review, accept, and track the status of AWS agreements such as the Busienss Associate Addendum (BAA)

Can be used to support internal audit or compliance

Artifacts Agreement

Intelligent Threat discovery to protect AWS account

uses ML algorithms, anomaly detection, 3rd party data

One click to enable (30 day trial), no need to install software

Can set up CloudWatch Event rules to be notified in case of findings

CloudWate events rules can target Lambda or SNS

Amazon Guard Duty

Input data for GuardDuty inclides:

1. CloudTrail Logs: unusual API calls, unauthorized deployments

2. VPC Flow Logs: unusual internet traffic, unusual IP address

3. DNS Logs: compromised EC2 instances sending encoded data within DNS queries

automated security assessments for EC2 instances

Analyze the running OS against known vulnerabilities

analyze against unitended network accessibility

must be installed on OS in EC2 instances

After assessment, you get a report with list of vulnerabilities

Amazon Inspector

Helps with auditing and recording compliance of your AWS resources

Helps record configurations and changes over time

Possibility of storing the configuration data into S3 (analyzed by Athena)

Can receive alerts for any changes

Per-region service

can be aggregated across regions and accounts

AWS Config

Is there unrestricted SSH access to my security groups?

Do my buckets have any public access?

How has my ALB configuration changed over time?

Questions that can be solved by AWS Config

View compliance of a resoirce over time

View configuration of a resource over time

View CloudTrail API calls if enabled

AWS Config Resource

Fully managed data security and data privacy service that uses ML and pattern matching to discover and protect your sensitive data in AWS

Helps identify and alert you to sensitive data, such as PII

Amazon Macie

Responsible for firewall and network config

Server-side encryption

Client-side data protection

Customer data protection

Customer responsibility for Security

Get access to compliance reports such as PCI, ISO


Find malicious behavior with VPC, DNS, CloudTrail logs

Threat Detection service


For EC2 only, install agent and find vulnerabilities


Track config changes and compliance against rules


Find sensitive data in S3 buckets


Track API calls made by users within account


Find objects, people, text, scenes in images and videos using ML

Facial analysis and facial search to do user verification, people counting

Create a database of "familiar faces" or compare against celebrities

Use cases:


Content moderation

text detection

face detection and analysis

face search and verification

Celebrity recognition

Pathing (sports game analysis)

Amazon Rekognition

Automatically convert speech to text

Uses deep learning process called automatic speech recognition (ASR) to convert speech to text quickly and accurately

Use cases:

Transcribe customer calls

Automate closed captioning and subtitling

Generate metadata for media assets to create a fully searchable archive

Amazon Transcribe

Turn text into lifelike speech using deep learning

Allow you to create applications that talk

Amazon Polly

Natural and accurate language translation

Allows you to localize content - such as websites and apps - for international users and easily translate large volumes of text efficiently

Amazon Translate

Same technology that powers Alexa

ASR to convert speech to text

Natutal language understanding to recognize the intent of text, callers

Helps build chatbots, call center bots

Can be used as a stand-alone service

Amazon Lex

Receive calls, create contact flows, cloud-based virtual contact center

Can integrate with other CRM systems or AWS

Amazon Connect

for NLP

Fully managed and serverless service

Use ML to find insights and relationships in text

Language of text

Extracrs key phrases, people, places, brands or events

Understands how positive or negative the text is

Analyzes text using tokenization and parts of speech

Automatically organizes a collection of text files by topic

USe cases:

analyze customer interactions to find what leads to pos/neg experience

Create and group articles by topics that comprehend will uncover

Amazon Comprehend

Fully managed service for developers/data scientists to build ML models

Typically difficult to do all processes in one place and provision servers

Amazon Sage Maker

Global service

Allows you to manage multiple AWS accounts

Main account is master account

Cost benefits

API available to automate AWS account creation

Restrict account privileges using Service Control Policies (SCP)

AWS Organizations

Consilidated billing across all accounts - single payment method

PRicing benefits from aggregated usage (volume discount for EC2, S3)

Pooling of Reserved EC2 instances for optimal savings

Cost benefits of AWS Organizations

Create accounts per department, per cost center, per enviornment, based on regulatory restrictions (using SCP) for better resource isolation (ex:VPC) to have separate per-account service limits, isolated account for logging

Multi Account v One Account Multi VPS

Use tagging standards for billing purposes

Enable CloudTrail on all accounts, send logs to central S3 account

Multi Account Strategies

4 pricing models in AWS

1. Pay as you go

2. Save when you reserve

3. Pay less by using more

4. Pay less as AWS grows

pay for what you use, remain agile, responsive, meet scale demands

Pay as you go

Minimize risks, predictably manage budgets, comply with long-term requirements

Save when you reserve

volume-based discounts

pay less by using more

Free services in AWS



Consolidated billing

Elastic beanstalk (pay for resources created)

CloudFormation (pay for resources created)

AutoScaling Groups (pay for resources created)

Free tier in AWS

EC2 t2.micro instance for a year

S3, EBS, ELB, AWS Data transfer

only charged for what you use

Number of instances

Instance configuration

ELB running time and amount of data processed

Detailed monitoring

Compute Pricing - EC2

Physical capacity


OS and software

Instance type

Instance size

Instance configuration

Minimum of 60s

Pay per second (Linux)

Pay per hour (Windows)

EC2 On-Demand Instance pricing

Up to 75% discount compared to on-demand hourly rate

1 or 3 year commitment

all upfront, partial, no upfront

Reserved instance pricing

up to 90% discount compared to On-demand on hourly rate

Bid for unused capacity

Spot instances

Up to 72% discount compared to ON-demand hourly rate

Commit to usage of individual instance families in a region ($ per hour)

Regardless of AZ, size, OS, or tenancy

1 or 3 year commitment

all upfront, partial, no upfront

Savings Plans



Savings plans

Dedicated host

Pay per call

Pay per duration

Lambda Pricing

EC2 Launch Type midel

No additional fees, you pay for resources stored and created in your application


Fargate Launch Type Model

Pay for vCPU and memory resources allocated to your applications in your containers


S3 Standard



S3 Intelligent Tiering

S3 Glacier

S3 Glacier Deep Archive

Storage classes

Storage class

Number and size of objects: price can be tiered (based on volume)

Number and type of reauests

Data transfer OUT of the S3 region

S3 Transfer acceleration

Lifecycle transitions

Similar service: EFS (pay per use, has infrequent access and lifecycle rules)

S3 Storage Pricing

Volume type (based on performance)

Storage volume in GB per month provisioned


Snapsots -0 added data cost per GB per month

Data tranfer - outbount tiered for volume discounts

(inbound is free)

EBS Storage Pricing

General Purpose SSD: included

Provisioned IOPS SSD: provisioned amount in IOPS

Magnetic: Number of requests


Per hour billing

Database characteristice (engine, size, memory class)

Purchase type (on-demand, reserved with required up front)

Backup storage - no additional charge up to 100% of total DB storage for a region

Additional storage - per GB per month

Number of input/outout requests per month

Deployment type (Storage and I/O are variable) - single AZ/ multi AZ

Data transfer - outbount tiered for volume discounts (inbound is free)

RDS Database pricing

pricing is different across geographic regions

Aggregated for each edge location, then applied to bill

Data transfer out (volume discount)

Number of HTTP/HTTPS requests

Content Delivery - CloudFront pricing

Use Private IP instead of Public IP for good savings and better network performance

Use same AZ for max savings (at cost of high availability)

Networking Costs per GB

estimating costs in the cloud

TCO Calculator

Simple Monthly Calculator

Tracking costs in the cloud

Billing dashboard

Cost allocation tags

Cost and usage reports

Cost explorer

Monitoring against cost plans

billing alarms


allow you to estimate the cost savings when using AWS and provide a detailed set of reports that can be used in executive presentations

compare cost of applications in an on-premises or traditional hosting environment to AWS: server, storage, network, IT labor

AWS Total Cost of Ownership Calculator (TCO)

how does AWS help reduce TCO

by reducing the need to invest in large capital expenditures and providing a pay-as-you-go model

points of comparison of On_Premises vs AWS

1. server costs

2. storage costs

3. network costs

4. IT labor costs

replaced by AWS pricing calculator

Estimate cost for your architecture solution

Simple Pricing Calculator

Shows cost for the month

AWS Billing Dashboard

shows usage for each free tier

AWS Free Tier Dashboard

used to track AWS costs on a detailed level

Cost Allocation Tags

automatically applied to the resource you create

starts with Prefix aws:

AWS Generated tages

defined by the user

starts with prefix user:

user-defined tags

used for organizing resources

EC2: instances, images, load balancers, security groups

RDS, VPC resources, route53, IAM users

resources created by CloudFormation are all tagged the same way

can be used to create Resource Groups


create, maintain, and view a collection of resources that share common tags

manage these tags using the tag editor

resource groups

free naming, common tags

Name, Enviornment, Team

contains most comprehensive set of AWS cost and usage data available, including additional metadata about services, pricing, and reservations (ex: EC2 Reserved Instances)

Lists AWS usage for each service category used by an account and its IAM users in hourly or daily line items, as well as any tags that you have activated for cost allocation purposes

Can be integrated with Athena, Redshift, or QuickSight

Cost & Usage Reports

Visualize, understand, and manage your AWS costs and usage over time

Create custom reports to analyze cost and usage data

analyze data at high level: total costs and usage across all accounts

Choose an optimal savings plan (to lower prices on your bill)

Forecast usage up to 3 months based on previous usage

Cost Explorer

for actual cost, not projected costs

intended as a simple alarm (not as powerful as AWS Budgets)

data for overall worldwide AWS costs

metric stored in us-east-1

Billing alarms in CloudWatch

create budget and send alarms when costs exceeds budget

3 types of budgets: usage, cost, reservation

up to 5 SNS notifications per budget

same options as AWS Cost Explorer

2 budgets are free, then $0.02/day/budget

Can filter by: service, linked account, tag, purchase option, instance type, region, AZ, API operation

For reserved instances:

track utilization, supports EC2 / elasticache /rds /redshift

AWS Budgets

no need to install - high level AWS account assessment

analyze AWS accounts and provides recommendation:

cost optimization



fault tolerance

service limits

core checks and recommendations - all customers

can enable weekly email notification from the console

trusted advisor

ability to set CloudWatch alarms when reaching limits

programmatic access using AWS support API

Full Trusted Advisor

low utilization EC2 instances, idle load balancers, under-utilized EBS volumes

Reserved instances and savings plans optimizations

Trusted advisor checks - cost optimizations

High utilization EC2 instances, CloudFront CDN optimizations

EC2 to EBS throughout optimizations, alias records recommendations

trusted advisor checks - performance

MFA enabled on Root Account, IAM key rotation, exposed Access Keys

S3 Bucket Permissions for public access, sedcurity groups with unrestricted ports

trusted advisor checks - Security

EBS snapshots age, AZ balance

ASG multi AZ, RDS multi AZ, ELB configuration

Trusted advisor checks - fault tolerance

trusted advisor checks

cost optimizations



fault tolerance

service limits


Customer Service & communities - 24x7 access to customer service, documentation,whitepapers, and support forums

Trusted Advisor - Access to 7 core trusted advisor checks and guidance to provision resources following best practives to increase performance and improve security

Personal Health Dashboard - personalized view of health of AWS services and alerts when resources impacted

Basic Support Plan

All basic support plan +

Business hours email access to Cloud Support Associates

Unlimited cases / 1 primary contact

Case severity/response times:

general guidance: < 24 hours

system impaired: < 12 hours

Developer support plan

intended to be used if you have production workloads

Trusted advisor - full set of checks + API access

24x7 phone, email, chat access to Cloud Support Engineers

unlimited cases/unlimited contacts

access to infrastrucure event management - for additional fee

case severity/response times:

general guidance: <24 hours

system impaired:: <12 hours

Production system impaired: <4 hours

production system down: < 1 hour

Bussiness Support Plan

Intended for use if you have mission critical workloads

All of business support plan +

access to a technical account manager (TAM)

Concierge support team (for billing and account best practices)

Infrastructure Event Management, Well-architected & Operations reviews

case severity/response times:

business critical system down: < 15 min

Enterprise Support Plan

operate multiple accounts using Organizations

use SCP to restrict account power

use tags & cost allocation tags for easy management & billing

IAM guidelines: MFA, least-privilege, password policy, password rotation

Config to record all resources configs & compliance over time

CloudFormation to deploy stacks across accounts and regions

Trusted Advisor to get insights, Support Plan adapted to your needs

Send service logs and access logs to S3 or CloudWatch logs

CloudTrail to record API calls made within your account

If account compromised: change root password, delete and rotate all pww/keys, contact AWS support

Account Best practices

plan move from on-premises to aws, cost savings

TCO calculator

cost of services on AWS

pricing calculator

high level overview + free tier dashboard

billing dashboard

tag resources to create details on reports

cost allocation tags

most comprehensive billing dataset

cost & usage reports

view current usage (detailed) and forecast usage

cost explorer

in us-east-1

track overall and per-service billing

billing alarms

more advanced

track usage, costs, RI, and get alerts


identity for your Web and Mobile application users (potentially millions)

instead of creating them an IAM user

Amazon Cognito

found on any Windows server with AD Domain services

database of objects: user accounts, computers, printers, file shares, security groups

centralized security management, create account, assign permissions

Microsoft Active Directory

AWS Managed Microsoft AD

Create your own AD in AwS, manage users locally, supports MFA

establish "trust" connections with your on-premise AD

AWS Directory Services

Directory Gateway(proxy) to redirect to on-premise AD

users are managed on the on-premise AD

AD Connector

AD-compatible managed directory on AWS

cannot be joined with on-premise AD

Simple AD

centrally manage SSO to access multiple accounts and 3rd party business applications

integrated with AWS organizations

supports SAML 2.0 markup

Integration with on-premise AD


Identity and Access Management inside your account

for users that you trust and belong to your company


manage multiple AWS accounts


create a database of users for your mobile and web applications


integrate microsfot AD in aws

Directory services

one login for multiple aws accounts & applications


stop guessing your capacity needs - use ASG based on demand

test systems at production scale

automate to make architectural experimentation easier

allow for evolutionary architectures - design based on changing requirements

drive architectures using data

improve through game days - simulate apps for flash sale days

Well architected framework general guiding principles


disposable resources

automation: serverless, infrastructure as a service, auto scaling

Loose coupling

services, not servers

AWS Cloud Best practices

well-architected framework 5 pillars

1. Operational Excellence

2. Security

3. Reliability

4. Performance Efficiency

5. Cost Optimization

ability to run and monitor systems to deliver business value and to continually improve supporting processes and procedures

operation excellence

perform operations as code - infrastructure as code

annotate documentation - automate creation of annotated documentation after every build

make frequent, small, reversible changes

refine operations procedures frequently

anticipate failure

learn from all operational failures

design principles for operational excellence


- AWS cLoudFormation, AWS Config (evaluate compliance)


- AWS CloudFormation, Config, CloudTrail, CloudWatch, X-Ray


- CloudFormation, CodeBuild, CodeCommit, CodeDeploy, CodePipeline

Operational excellence AWS Services

ability to protect information, systems, and assets while deliverying business value through risk assessments and mitigation strategies


Implement a strong identity foundation - centralize privilege management and reduce reliance on long-term credentials - Principle of least privilege - IAM

Enable traceability - integrate logs and metrics with systems to automatically respond and take action

Apply security at all layers - edge network, VPC, subnet, load balancer, every instance, OS

Automate security best practices

Protect data in transit and at rest - encryption, tokenization, and access control

Keep people away from data - reduce or eliminate the need for direct access or manual processing of data

Prepare for security events - run incident response simulations and use tools with automation to increase your speed for detection, investigatoin and recovery

Security Design Principles

Identity and Access Management

- IAM, AWS-STS, MFA Token, Organizations

Detective Controls

- Config, CloudTrail, CloudWatch

Infrastructure Protection

-CloudFront, VPC, Shield, WAF, Inspector

Data Protection


Incident Response

- IAM, CloudFormation, CloudWatch Events

Security AWS Services

ability of a system to recover from infrastructure or service disruptions dynamically acquire computing resources to meet demand, and mitigate disruptions such as misconfigurations or transient network issues


Test recovery procedures - use automation to simulate different failures

Automatically recover from failure - anticipate and remediate failures before they occur

Scale horizontally to increase aggregate system availability - distribute request across multiple, smaller resources to ensure they don't share a common point of failure

Stop guessing capacity - maintain optimal level to satisfy demand - use auto scaling

Manage change in automation - use automation to make changes to infrastructure

Reliability Design Principles


-IAM, VPC, Service Limits, Trusted Advisor

Change Management

- AWS Auto Scaling, CloudWatch, CloudTrail, Config

Failure Management

-Backups, CloudFormation, S3, S3 Glacier, Route53

Reliability AWS Services

Ability to sue computing resources efficiently to meet system requirements, and to maintain that efficiency as demand changes and technology evolves

Performance Efficiency

Democratize advanced technologies

Go global in minutes - easy deployment in multiple regions

Use serverless architectures - avoid burden of managing servers

Experiment more often - easy to carry out comparative testing

Mechanical sympathy - be aware of all AWS services

Performance Efficiency design principles


-Auto scaling, Lambda, EBS, S3, RDS


-CloudFormation, News Blog


-CloudWatch, Lambda


-RDS, Elasticache, Snowball, CloudFront

Performance efficiency AWS services

ability to run systems to deliver business value at the lowest price point

cost optimization

adopt a consumption mode - pay only for what you use

Measure overall efficiency - use CloudWatch

Stop sending money on data center operations - AWS does infrastructure enabling customers to focus on organization projects

Analyze and attribute expenditure - accurate identification of system usage and costs, helps measure return on investment - use tags

Use managed and application level services to reduce cost of ownership - as managed services operate at cloud scale, they can offer a lower cost per transaction or service

cost optimizations design principles

Expenditure Awareness

-Budgets, Cost & Usage Report, Cost Explorer, RI Reporting

Cost-Effective Resources

-Spot instances, reserved, S3 Glacier

Matching supply and demand

-Auto Scaling, Lambda

Optimizing Over Time

-Trusted Advisor, Cost & Usage Report

Cost Optimization AWS Services

AWS Ecosystem Free resources



Whitepapers & Guides

Quick Starts

-automates gold-standard deployments in the Cloud

-WordPress on AWS

-Leverages CloudFormation


-Vetted Technology solutions for the AWS Cloud

-Ex: Landing Zone: secure, multi-account environment

digital catalog with thousands of software listings from independent software vendors (3rd party)

Ex: Custom AMI (custom OS, firewalls, technical solutions), CloudFormation templates, Software as a Service, Containers

Goes into AWS bill

Can sell your own solutions on the Marketplace

AWS Marketplace

AWS Digital and Classroom Training

Private Training (for your org)

Training and certificatoin for the US Gov

Training and certification for Enterprise

Academy - help universities teach AWS

Online teacher

AWS Training

global team of experts

work alongside your team and chosen member of APN

AWS Professional Services


AWS Partner Network

providing hardware, connectivity, and software

APN Technology Partners

Professional services firm to help build on AWS

APN Consulting Partners

find who can help you learn AWS

APN Training Partners

AWS competencies are granted to an APN Partners who have demonstrated technical proficiency and proven customer success in specialized solution areas

AWS Competency Program

cables, routers, servers connected


forwards data packets between networks


takes packet and sends to correct server/client


pay for rent for data center

pay for power supply, cooling, maintenance

hardware costs

scaling is limited

pay team to monitor infrastructure

Problems with Traditional IT

on-demand delivery of computer power, DB, storage, IT resources, pay as you go pricing

Cloud computing

used by single org, complete control, specific needs

private cloud

AWS, azure, google, owned and operated by 3rd party

public cloud

5 characteristics of cloud computing

on-demand self service

broad network access

multi-tenancy and resource pooling

rapid elasticity and scalability

measured service

6 advantages of cloud computing

trade capital expenditures for operational expenditures

benefit from economies of scale

stop guessing capacity

increased speed and agility

stop spending $ running and maintaining data centers

go global in minutes

problems solved by cloud


cost effectiveness



high availability + fault tolerance


3 types of cloud computing

Infrastrucute as a Service

- building blocks, highest level of flexibility

Platform as a Service

-deployment, management of apps

Software as a Service

- completed product run and managed by service provider

3 Pricing fundamentals`

1. Compute - pay for computer time

2. Storage

3. Data transfer OUT of the cloud

Examples of IaaS





Digital Ocean

Examles of PaaS

Elastic Beanstalk


Google App Engine

Windows Azure

Examples of SaaS

AWS services


