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117 Cards in this Set
- Front
- Back
- 3rd side (hint)
Abandon |
هجر |
Ahmed abandoned me |
Abstract |
مجرد أو شي تجريدي |
Abstract concept like love or sad |
Academy |
معهد |
Easy la a9edk |
Access |
إذن بالدخول |
I have the access to the company informations |
Accommodate |
يتسع لـ |
Does the hotel accommodate pets? |
Accompany |
رافق |
Accompany me to school , could you? |
Accumulate |
تراكم |
The trash was accumulated next to the house |
Accurate |
دقيق |
The man was accurate in his work |
Achieve |
حقق |
I achieved my dreams |
Acknowledge |
اعترف |
Ahmed acknowledge that he was defeated |
Acquire |
حاز |
Bomb acquired :) |
Adapt |
تأقلم |
He will adapt himself to his new lifestyle |
Adequate |
كافٍ |
The meal is adequate for three people |
Adjacent |
مجاور |
The lake was adjacent to my house |
Adjust |
ضَبطَ |
The man adjusted his watch |
Administrate |
توَّل |
He administrate the given tasks |
Adult |
بالغ |
`-' |
Advocate |
دافعَ |
The lawyer advocated the man |
Affect |
أثّر |
The speak was affecting |
Aggregate |
مجموعة |
He has the aggregate of 1000 book |
Albeit |
وإن يكن |
The day albeit cold , was perfect to going out |
Allocate |
خصص |
I need to allocate money for health serve |
Alter |
غير |
I can't alter my plans ( you can't change it? ;) ) |
Alternative |
بديل |
Fruits could be a good alternative to water |
Ambiguous |
غامض |
The question is rather ambiguous |
Amend |
عدّل |
Ahmed amended the file |
Analogy |
مماثَلة |
The teacher made an analogy to make the problem easy |
Analyse |
حلّل |
He analysed the results |
Annual |
سنوي |
What is your annual income? |
Anticipate |
توقع |
I anticipated that ! |
Apparent |
واضح |
He left for no aoparent reason |
Append |
ألحَق |
The player appended to the team |
Appreciate |
يقدر |
I appreciate your efforrs |
Approach |
اقترب |
I approached to my friend to ask him about the time |
Appropriate |
مناسب |
Saying bad words is not appropriate in school |
Approximate |
يقرب ، تقريبي |
He approximated the nubmer of the crowd |
Arbitrary |
عشوائياً |
The choose of the judges was arbitrary |
Area |
منطقة |
I live in this area |
Aspect |
جانب |
Look at the bright aspect |
Assemble |
يتجمع |
The crowded assemble outside |
Assess |
قدّر |
The price of health can't be assessed |
Assign |
عيّن |
I assigned the tasks for ahmed |
Assist |
مساعدة |
Freakin' Goal , After Freakin' Assist |
Assume |
يفترض |
Think = |
Assure |
أؤكد |
I can assure that I am true |
Attach |
مرفق مع ، مرتبط مع |
Have a contact |
Attain |
يكسب ، يحقق |
I attained my goals |
Attitude |
موقف |
I remember that I have a nice attitude with this teacher |
Attribute |
ينسب |
He attribute his win to his coatch |
Author |
مؤلف |
He Author this book |
Authority |
سُلطة |
The Authority is the power |
Automate |
يُشغل آلياً |
The robot is aotumated |
Available |
متاح |
Could this room available? |
Aware |
مُدرك |
The poeple aware the dangerous of the wars |
Behalf |
بالنيابة عن |
I answered on behalf of my father |
Benefit |
فائدة |
Drink milk benefit me |
Bias |
انحاز |
He was biased to his friend |
Bond |
رابطة |
Double Bond |
Brief |
موجز |
I wrote to him a brief massege |
Bulk |
حجم |
This box's Bulk is too big! |
Capable |
قادر |
I am Capable of taking care on my self |
Capacity |
سعة |
The hard drive Capacity is too large |
Category |
فئة |
I like reading this Category of books |
Cease |
أوقف |
The war had ceased |
Challenge |
تحدّى |
Easy :) |
Channel |
قناة تلفزيونية |
Chapter |
فصل في كتاب ، باب في كتاب |
Chart |
رسم بياني |
Explain the Chart |
Chemical |
كيميائي |
Circumstance |
الظروف |
Cite |
استشهد بقول |
He cited the sayings |
Civil |
مدني |
من أهل المدينة |
Clarify |
وضّح |
Clarify your reasons |
Classic |
كلاسيكي |
Clause |
جملة |
The use of clause in English |
Code |
رمز |
He knows the secret code |
Coherent |
متماسك |
He coherent after his wife's die |
Coincide |
تزامن |
Ramadan Coincides with summer |
Collapse |
انهيار |
The collapse of iceberg |
Colleague |
زميل |
I work with my colleague |
Commence |
بدأ |
His team commenced work |
Comment |
تعليق |
في الكومنتات |
Communicate |
نقَل ، تواصَل |
Community |
مجتمع |
Compatible |
ملائم ، متوافق |
Compensate |
عوّض |
They give him ten dollars to compensate him for his problem |
Compile |
جمع ، ألّف ، صنّف ، كتب |
He compiled a list of his friend's names. |
Complement |
مكمل ، متمم |
The juice is a complement to the meal |
Complex |
معقد ، مركب ، مجموعة |
He has a complex problem |
Component |
مكوّن ، عنصر |
Water is composed of many components |
Compound |
مركب ، مجمع مباني |
Soap is a compound substance |
Comprehensive |
شامل ، واسع الادراك |
Comprise |
تتضمن ، تتألف |
The country is comprised of 48 states |
Compute |
حسَب ، أحصى |
We can compute the number |
Conceive |
تصوّر ، فهم ، تخيل |
The dam project was conceived in 1977 |
Concentrate |
ركز ، حشد ، تجمع ، كثف |
Concept |
مفهوم |
Freedom is an important concept |
Conclude |
اختتم |
Concurrent |
متزامن ، متفق عليه ، منافس |
Conduct |
سلوك |
Confer |
منح |
Confine |
حجز ، اقتصر |
Confirm |
أكّد |
Conflict |
صراع |
Conform |
اتفق |
Consent |
موافقة |
Consequent |
نتيجة ، مترتب على |
Considerable |
كثيرا ، بشكل ضخم |
Consist |
يتكون ، يتألف من |
Constant |
ثابت ، دائم ، مستمر |
Constitute |
شكّل |
Constrain |
تتقيد |
Construct |
بنى ، شيّد |
Consult |
استشار ، شاور |
Consume |
استهلك |
Commission |
عمولة ، تفويض |
Commit |
ارتكب |