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101 Cards in this Set

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What electrode array is recommended for an ossified cochlea?

Split arrary

What ages are covered through IDEA?


Part C of IDEA?

Under 3

What is characteristic of auditory neuropathy?

Mod to greater SNHL, normal tymps, normal OAEs, abnormal ABR

Are acoustical radiations an outer ear component of BC or AC?


What law is PL 92-142 and what does it cover?

IDEA - Least restrictive environment and free and appropriate education for 3-21 year olds

Describe Waardenburg's syndrome.

White forelock, wide set eyes, dominant, SNHL, different colored irises

What are the acoustics necessary for classrooms?

Unoccupied classroom levels must not exceed 35 dBA, +15 SNR, 0.6 reverb or 0.7 for larger rooms

Name a dominant syndrome with delayed SNHL, renal disease, blood platelet defect, and ocular disorders.


What is the half gain rule?

Gain is half the client's threshold.

What are the HA-1 2cc couplers used for?

ITE, CIC, ITC (custom aids)

What is an HA-2 2cc coupler used for? (there are 2)

BTE (or inserts with rigid tubing attachment)

What codes have 5 digits and are used to bill for procedures?


What codes are used for diagnoses and have 3 digits followed by 2 decimal points?


What do you do to get from dB HL to dB SPL?

HL + __ = SPL

SPL - __ = HL (500 =11.5; 1000 = 7; 2-4K = ~9-10; 6000 = 15.5)

With NIHL, what 3 freqs are important because of communication?

500, 1000, 2000

What disease (a type of herpes) is the most common cause of congenital HL and mostly asymptomatic?


What are the most ototoxic drugs from mother to fetus?

Aminoglycosides (mycin)

What are the differences between microtia, atresia, and stenosis?

Microtia = mini ear

Atresia = no EAC

Stenosis = narrowing

What is it called when masking extends to frequencies greater than the masker but not below it?

Upward spread of masking

Which aplasia has no inner ear?


Which aplasia has no bony or membranous labyrinths in the inner ear?


What aplasia affects membranous ducts and saccule?


What is Alexander's aplasia?

Affects cochlear duct and basal turn

When you have data on number of clients, complexity of client services, and contact hours over extended periods what are you measuring?

Proper client to clinician ratio

The occlusion effect affects the measurement of what thresholds at low frequencies?


Define standard threshold shift.

>10 dB change when 2, 3, 4, kHz are averaged (significant change is >15 at any freq)

When do you have the strongest correlation coefficient?

When 2 variables under study are furthest away from 0 because 0 = no correlation

What is the leading cause of unilateral deafness?


The first harmonic is also what?

The fundamental frequency

What causes fluid filled vesicles on the outer ear, facial paralysis and otalgia?

Ramsay hunt (herpes zoster oticus)

Screen by ___, Diagnose by ___, Intervene by ___

1, 3, 6 months

If 1000Hz tone is played and 0.5ms later another 1000Hz tone is played, what is the phase in degrees?


What brings the best test-retest reliability with WR scores?

50 words at 100%

What do cardoids drown out?

Noise from behind

What disease is associated with aural fullness, LFHL, roaring tinnitus, vertigo?


T/F It is unethical to give one group a treatment and give another group nothing.


What can cause asymmetrical slowing of the eye and normally causes problems on the opposite side of the body from the damaged area?

Brainstem infarction

T/F It is unethical to elicit tinnitus with a chemical substance.


What is the next step when you find a perilymph fistula?


But you can also do a fistula test, valsalva test, audiometry, ecog, MRI (just to rule out other things)

What would you bill for with speech and puretone audiometry?

Comp eval

What can cause you to require pediatric vestib testing?

Rubella (syphilis)

What could cause a HA not to be working after a HA check?

Blocked Tubing

What frequencies are measured in industrial?

500, 1k, 2k, 3k, 4k, and 6 kHz

What is attenuated in hearing protection?

High frequencies

What is used to measure sound levels a worker is exposed to when he moves around a lot?


What is the piece called that connects FM to HA?

FM receiver, audio shoe, boot

T/F IF one temp lobe is missing auditory radiations, pure tone threshold can be normal due to redundancy.


When do you refer for tinnitus?

Always, but especially if its pulsatile

If a patient complains of not hearing parts of speech with amp, what is to blame?


How do you verify infants in HA fittings?

REIG or real ear measures

What should you use to monitor ototoxicity?

High frequency audiometry

What is the range for SDT to SRT?

8-12 dB

What should always be tested in age related hearing loss?

PTs, BC, speech testing

If patient complains tones aren't long enough to hear, what is the problem?

Temporal integration/summation

What wave do you look for in threshold ABR?

Wave V

How can you estimate thresholds?

Half-gain rule

What can be used in intraoperative monitoring?


What is BICROS used for?

Prevents head shadow effect caused by profound HL in one ear, when there is significant HL in the other ear

What does ECOG evaluate?

SP/AP ratio

Child who is chronologically 5, but developmentally 3 should use what word list?


What physiological test measures abnomalities in APD?


What percentage indicates unilateral weakness?

>20-25% difference between ears

What do you do to treat BPPV in horizontal canal?

Log roll

What ages and tests are used for peds?

0 to 4-6 mos = BOA

4-6 mos to 2 yrs = VRA

2 to 5 yrs = CPA

What does a HA need to use a neck loop?


What type of speech uses hand signs to accompany speech?

Cued speech

What type of OAEs are ones that are present when no tone is elicited?


What is the OSHA guideline requiring HPDs?

29 CFR 1910.95

What part of the ear is responsible for linear acceleration?

Utricle and Saccule

What frequencies are measured for test box HFA?

1000, 1600, and 2500 Hz

How often should hearing impaired kids be seen?

Every 3 months first 2 years, then every 4-6 months after

Which speech test is used for children 6-9 years of age and not under 6?

PBK 50

What is indicated if nystagmus doesn't decrease w/fixation, vertical, square jerk wave, nonlinear slow phases, and direction changing?


Which speech test is used for children 4-6 years of age with no verbal response necessary?


What type of ABR detects small tumors?

Stacked (derived band) ABR

How do you eliminate the CM from ECOG measurement?

Alternating polarity

What is measured when input is at input mic and output is at HA-2 coupler?

Full On Gain (FOG)

REAR - REUR = ______


What is the 4 stage process for amp in peds?

Assessment, selection, verification, validation

Which canal with BPPV has ageotropic nystagmus?


What dB increase after 90 dB requires halving exposure time?

5 dB

Baseline audios are required within how many months of beginning work?

6 months

How many days do you have to make employees aware of STS?

21 days

When should calibrations be performed?

Biological = daily

Acoustic = annually

Exhaustive = every 2 years

What is ANSI s12.68-2007?

Describes HPD attenuation as a range between 2 values

What is a recessive disorder involving the thyroid, sev-prof HL, and enlarged vesib aqueduct?


What is alpert syndrome?

Dominant, conductive HL, craniofacial anomalies, stapes fixation, fused fingers and toes

What is a recessive syndrome affecting eyes and vestib function?


What is a dominant disorder with cond/mixed HL and facial anomalies (cleft palate, fishlike mouth)


What is another name for oculoariculovertibrl dysplasia (recessive, conductive, facial asymmetry, eye and ear anomalies, heart disease, club foot)?

Goldenhar syndrome

What is a recessive disorder with delayed, progressive SNHL with retinitis pigmentosa, diabetes, and obesity?


What dominant syndrome has any type of HL, OE, ME, and IE abnomalities, ear pits, renal dysfunction, and branchial fistulas?


What is osteogenesis?

Dominant, any HL, fragile bones, large skull, hemorrhage tendencies, stapes fixation

What is a recessive disorder with delayed and progressive SNHL, ataxia, nystagmus, and optic atrophy?

Fredriech's ataxia

What is stickler/marshall syndrome?

Dominant, all HL, eye disorders, small lower jaw

What disease can cause HL and nystagmus in affected children?


What does CHARGE stand for?

Coloboma of eye

Heart anomally

Atresia of chonae

Retarded development and growth

Ear anomaly

Which type of neurofibromatosis is dominant with tumors, skeletal issues, cafe au lait spots, & vision problems?

Type 1

What is hunter syndrome?

X-linked, all HL, dwarfism, skeletal issues, corneal clouding, affects males only, similar to Hurler

What entails dominant genes, bilatera VIII N tumors, and is good for aud brainstem implants?

Neurofibromatosis type 2