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61 Cards in this Set

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_____ is indicated across the top of the audiogram and is measured in _____

Frequency and HZ

____ is indicated along the left side of the audiogram and is measured in _____

Loudness and dBHL

Immitance audiometry is an objective measure of the middle ear properties of ___ and _____, relationg to how well energy flows through the middle ear system

compliance and impedance

_______ is a measurement of middle ear pressure, measured in daPA or mmH2O


Tympanogram classification or "type" is based on the ____ of the tympanogram


In response to loud sound, contraction of the ____ muscle will decrease admittance at the tympanic membrane


In acoustic reflex decay testing, a __ second signal is presented at 10 dB above the acoustic reflex threshold to check fro decay in reflex response as a way to evaluate retrocochlear function


Otoacoustic Emissions (OAE) or auditory brainstem (ABR) testing are typically used in hearing screenings of ____


Otoacoustic emissions testing serves to analyze distortion product(s) or echo produced in the _____


In interpreting auditory evoked potentials or ABR results, you must look at peak _____ and ____

amplitude and latency

Audiology is the study of the ____ and ____systems and their related disorders

hearing and balance

The 3 parts of the ossicular chain are the ___________

malleus, incus, and stapes

Tuning fork tests evaluate limited aspects of hearing via _____ conduction


Sound occurs when a disturbance creates a change in ____ in a gas, liquid, or solid medium


In a _____ wave, each cycle takes the same amount of time to occur and sounds _____

periodic; musical

A pure-tone wave one has one ____ whereas waves with two or more are called______ waves

one; aperiodic

The human frequency range of hearing is _____

20-20,000 HZ

Air conduction testing evaluates the ___ auditory systems, whereas bone conduction evaluates the ____ ear

entire; inner

SOund energy changes from ____ to _____ at the TM

Acoustic; mechanical

The primary purpose of the eustachian tube is _____ equalization


CHL is rarely "severe" and does not exceed a __ dB air-bone gap


The most common cause of hearing loss in the outer ear involves _____


The most common cause of hearing loss in children is ____ with ____ and is often temporary with no permanent effects on hearing

otitis media; effusion

The most common cause of hearing loss in adults is related to ___ and is preventable


The middle ear provides impedance matching between acoustical energy at the TM/_____ connection and hydraulic energy at the _____/oval window

malleus; stapes

The inner ear houses two functional centers/systems: ____________

Cochlea and vestibular system

The _____ system tells your brain where your body is in 3-D space


The 3 fluid-filled chambers of the cochlea are the ______,________, and _______ with the _____ and ______membranes separating them.

scala vestibuli, scala media, and scala tympani; reissner's and basilar

According to traveling wave theory, a wave in the cochlea proceeds from the base to the apex through membrane, at which point ____ are stumulated


In psychoacoustics, intensity of a sound wave is perceived as _______ whereas frequency is perceived as _____

loudness; pitch

Whereas air conduction testing tells us only the ___ of hearing loss, bone conduction testing provides additional information on the ____ and ____ of the loss

degree; etiology and type

_____ indicates whether a test is repeatable in obtaining the same results upon retesting


_______ indicates whether a test measures what it is supposed to measure


An audiometer is used to determine audiometric _______, or the lowest intensity (dBHL) at which a signal can be heard at least ____ of the time

Threshold; 50%

The difference between air conduction and bone conduction thresholds of the same ear is called the _______ and indicates the amount of _____ loss present for that ear.

air-bone gap; conductive

_____ is noise presented to the _____ ear to make sure it is not "helping" the other ear to hear the test signal

Masking; nontested

The primary purpose of sound-treated booths, suites or rooms is to keep outside ____ levels from interfering with test stimuli


If a right/ left difference in hearing is suspected or reported, you should test the ____ ear first


Pure-tone testing usually begins at 1000 HZ, followed by testing in higher tones in _____ order, retesting at ______ Hz, and then testing lower frequencies in ______ order

Ascending; 1000; descending

___________ is the lowest hearing level at which speech can be correctly identified, and is obtained using two-syllable ____ words

Speech Reception Threshold; Spondee

A patient's dynamic range can be determined by the difference between their ____ and _____


PB word lists are used to evaluate speech (or word) _____ performance, and they contain all of the ______ elements of connected (English) speech in their normal proportions to one another

recognition; phonetic

The _______ is used to estimate a person's speech recognition ability based on the amount of speech signal that is audible with their given hearing loss, by counting the number of dots below their hearing thresholds

Audibility index

________ is the loss of intensity of a sound delivered to one ear and heard by the other ear; and is equal to ___ dbHL when testing by (circumaural) headphones or ____ dBHL when using (properly inserted) earphones or ___ dbHL when using bone oscillator

Interaural Attenuation; 40; 70; 0

______ is used when we need to determine which ear is responding and/or _____ is suspected

Masking; cross-over

In using the plateau method for masking, effective masking or the "plateau" occurs between levels of ____-masking and ____-masking

under and over

During bone conduction testing, ____ effect or "improved" low-frequency thresholds occurs when the external auditory meatus is covered


______ Audiometry is an objective measure of the impedance/admittance properties of the middle ear, relating to how well _____ flows through the outer and middle ear system and into the cochlea


_______ is a plot of middle ear admittance or impedance measured at the plane of the tympanic membrane while pressure in the external ear canal is systematically changed


Impedance and compliance are ______ related


Normal middle ear pressure in adults range is _______ whereas the normal range for children is _______

+50daPa- -50daPa; 50daPa- -100daPa

Because tympanometry using low frequency probe tones has low sensitivity to ____ Hz, it is better to use and 800-1000 Hz tympanogram


_______ threshold is the lowest intensity at which a middle ear immitance change can be detected in response to sound

Acoustic Reflex

The immittance testing of acoustic reflexes can evaluate either _____ or ______ pathways, based on which ear receives the tone

unilateral or contrilateral

Current statewide programs for newborn hearing screening generally employ _______ and/or _________

Auditory Brain Response (ABR) and/or Otoacoustic Emission (OAE)

If OAE is present, hearing is considered normal or no greater than ____ dB loss exists


Most small children do not respond at threshold, but rather above at a level referred to as _____ level

Minimal response

______ is a system for evaluating newborns by assigning values at 1, 5, and 10 minutes after birth, with low scores raising suspicions of the infant having _______ hearing loss

APGAR; sensori-neural

The ling Six Sound Test uses six phonemes which represent speech energy contained between ____ through _____ Hz, which is helpful in checking child's hearing with personal listening systme


The audiometric data leading the audiologists to the first sign of erroneous hearing loss is incongruity between the ________ and ________

Pure tone average and the speech recognition threshold

The stenger test is used to estimate threshold of an erroneous ______ hearing loss
