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98 Cards in this Set

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Comprehensive Audiologic Evaluations

include pure tone thresholds

speech thresholds

word recognition testing

any necessary examination of auditory and or vestibular function

Physiologic tests are

objective but still require cooperation from patient

don't measure hearing; just give info about dif. functions of auditory system

provide cross-check with other results

help localize clients problems

What is Immitance Testing-Tympanograms

known as a middle ear analyzer

provides info about how sound energy is transferred through the outer and middle ear

Procedure for immitance testing

3 hole probe placed in ear, speaker, pressure pump and microphone

226 Hz tone presented to canal while pressure varies

microphone meaures intensity or volume of sound in ear canal


static admittance/compliance cm or mL

describes how much energy admitted by middle ear system

measures how much the tympanic membrane moves

peak pressure in tympanogram

the pressure (daPa) where the peak occures-when the pressure is equal on both sides of the eardrum

equivalent ear canal volume (cm^3)

the space between the end of the probe and the eardrum

Type A Tympanogram

compliance(cm^3) .30-1.7 adults or .25-1.05 kids

Pressure(daPa) -100-50

Ear Canal Volume(cm^3) 0.6-2.0 children- 0.3-0.9

Look like a teepee


compliance(cm^3) .30-1.7 adults or .25-1.05 kids

Pressure(daPa) -100-50

Ear Canal Volume(cm^3) 0.6-2.0 children- 0.3-0.9

Look like a teepee

Type B Tympanogram

- No/ Low static admittance normal volume-middle ear fluid large volume-patent PE tube

flat line 

fluid or infection behind ear drum
 sometimes perforated ear drum if higher ear canal volume
- No/ Low static admittance normal volume-middle ear fluid large volume-patent PE tube

flat line

fluid or infection behind ear drum

sometimes perforated ear drum if higher ear canal volume

Type C Tympanogram

negative middle ear pressure
eustachian tube dysfunction
-sinus or allergy congestion
look like teepee but pushed more to the left

negative middle ear pressure

eustachian tube dysfunction

-sinus or allergy congestion

look like teepee but pushed more to the left

Type As Tympanogram


Type AD Tympanogram

shallow, limited movement of TM 
-stiff system, middle ear bone problem

type Ad- deep flaccid movement of TM-hypercompliant ossicular discontinuity

shallow, limited movement of TM

-stiff system, middle ear bone problem

type Ad- deep flaccid movement of TM-hypercompliant ossicular discontinuity

Acoustic Reflexes

measures the contraction of the stapedial muscle

performed with the same equipment right after tympanogram

bilateral response

abnormal tympanogram=no acoustic reflexes

Acoustic Reflex Thresholds

ART- the lowest dB level that can elecit a reflex that can elicit a reflec

can be measured

ipsilaterally-response is measured from the same ear as the tone

contralaterally-response is measured from opposite ear

Acoustic Reflex decay

possible 8th cranial nerve pathology-nerve can't sustain neural info

in normal response-deflection maintained 10 sec

not normal response =deflection increases by more than 50% within 5 sec


record sounds coming out of the ear-emissions

they are low intensity (-10-20dB) sounds that originate from cochlea and can be measured in ear canal

Simpler test than ABR only requires headphones with a steady tone instead of clicks

How are emissions created?

outer hair cells amplify the vibrations on basilar membrane within the organ of corti

the emissions then travel outward and can be measured in the ear canal with a tiny microphone

In order to record emissions during an OAE you must...

have a functioning middle ear

Purpose of OAEs

to determine OHC function within the cochlea

Knowing the OHC function with an OAE can help

estimate hearing thresholds in certain ares (1000-6000Hz)

Screen for hearing loss- rules out all but very mild hearing loss

use as a cross check for other tests

differentiate between sensory and neural hearing loss

Identify malingerers

ABR -Auditory Brainstem Response records...

auditory evoked response from the nueral pathways of the auditory system, beyond the cochlea

-patient must be very still or asleep

auditory evoked response from the nueral pathways of the auditory system, beyond the cochlea

-patient must be very still or asleep

Purpose of ABR

testing for those who are difficult to test with behavioral thresholds

yields results about high frequency hearing

evaluate suspicion of 8th cranial nerve disorders

screening for newborns

follow up with infants who may have failed OAE

can still get a response even with middle ear disorders

Auditory Steady-State Response(ASSR)

newer test.

not widely used clinically

-shows promise for estimating thresholds-including more of the lower frequencies

Outer ear disorders

congenital or acquired

visible with the eye or otoscope

may or may not have associated hearing loss

outer ear disorders may affect..



external ear canal


Congenital outer ear disorder

under developed pinna/auricle

-small ear


Congenital outer ear disorder

absence or closure of the external auditory canal


Congenital outer ear disorder

complete absence of both external ear and ear canal

What kind of hearing loss would micortia/atresia/anotia cause?

would be tested with bone conductor or headphones

maximum conductive hearing loss up to 50dB

Auricular Hematoma

Acquired disorder of auricle/pinna outer ear disorder

aka cauliflower ear

-internal bleeding within auricle causing damage to cartilage

usually bleeding underneath tissue of cartilage

once healed bleeding goes away but not tissue damage


outer ear disorder-acquired disorder of auricle/pinna

bacterial infection

neoplasm,cysts, or benign tumor

Basal Cell Carcinoma

outer ear disorder, quired dis. of the pinna

sun burn usually at the top of the pinna

Hearing loss that would occur from acquired dis. of auricle/pinna

microtia,atresia,anotia,auricular hematoma,impetigo,basal cell carcinoma

usually no hearing loss unless trauma is done to the head

Impacted cerumen/foreign objects

ear canal disorder

ear wax or weird stuff


congenital ear canal disorder

absence of ear canal

Hearing loss associated with cerumen impaction

acquired ear canal disorder

conductive hearing loss from wax impactionmost hearing loss would be around 30-40dB loss so mild conductive hearing loss


acquired ear canal disorder

"surfers ear"

usually bilateral

almost looks like pearls of hard tissue-hard bone

hearing loss associated with Exostosis

conductive hearing loss is uncommon

for bug exostosis = usually wax problems

surgically addressed if it is closing off ear canal


acquired ear canal disorder

usually unilateral

benign tumors

surgically addressed if causing ear canal closure

Otitis Externa

acquired ear canal disorder

"swimmers ear"

ear infection of ear canal

usually bacteria that has been picked up in water

treated w eardrops (alcohol or mineral oil) or antibiotic

Hearing loss?- usually none or mild conductive if your ear is really swollen

Middle Ear disorders

congenital or acquired

usually unilateral

typically conductive hearing loss results in varying degrees

affects either tympanic membrane or ossicles

TM Perforation

middle ear disorder

rarely born with usually acquired

usually happens bc of infection of middle ear-buildup of fluid, or pressure in middle ear or acoustic/physical trauma

perforation=natural release


Treatment for TM perforation?

and what type of Hearing loss?

antibiotics and treatment-usually repair on their own, big perforation may need surgical repair

Tympanoplasti-eardrum created by other patch of skin

normal-mild conductive hearing loss

 what disorder is this from? 

what disorder is this from?

normal to mild conductive hearing loss caused by TM perforation

Otitis Media

middle ear disorder

inflammation of middle ear space

effusion=fluid in middle ear space

can be accompanied by bacteria infection

treatment involves antibiotics or PE(pressure equalization) tubes

generally no tubes unless chronic or affecting speech

Hearing loss caused by otitis media?

all conductive hearing loss usually no much more than mild conductive hearing loss

otitis media


middle ear disorder

usually starts w a retraction pocket, skin flap, and grows into middle ear space while becoming infected

bulge that looks whiter than fluid


can begin to touch meningis and cause meningitis so must be treated

can erode ossicles or rupture TM

only dier when ignored

what type of hearing loss can occur due to a cholesteaoma

varying degree of conductive hearing loss


middle ear disorder-usually genetic

bony growth around stapes footplate

more prevalent in females(during high hormone times)

may begin unilaterally and progress bilaterally

surgical treatment may restore hearing

can rupture TM

usually not diagnosed untill 3rd gen

PRIMARY SYMTOM:hearing loss no infection or pain

hearing loss that may occur due to otosclerosis

conductive hearing loss maximum on low pitch sounds

notch in bone at 2000Htz=classic sign

flat tympanogram at later stages

shallow tympanogram=early stages

no acoustic reflexes

not diagnosed by audiologist primary physician

conductive hearing loss with bone conduction notch at 2k Hz

what type of disorder might this person have?

what type of disorder might this person have?

shallow and absent of acoustic reflexes otosclerosis

Ossicular Disarticulation/Discontinuity

middle ear disorder

almost always happens because of trauma perforated ear drum gone bad

the trauma that perforated the eardrum also broke the bones

happens with car accidents or falls


what type of hearing loss is attributed to ossicular disarticulation

maximum conductive hearing loss

no bone movement

tympanogram -type AD =peak gone wild bc bones are moving but not how theyre supposed to opposite otosclerosis

Hearing loss chart for Ossicular disarticulation



Ossicular Discontinuity/Disarticulation

Ossicular Reconstruction

if bones are disarticulated they can be put back together

is they are destroyed they can be replaced by prosthesis

microscopic surgery

idea is to close air bone gap

Glomus Tumor

Middle ear disorder

benign highly vascular in middle ear space

appears as red purplish mass otoscopically

requires surgical removal


aural fullness pulsating tinnitus

conductive hearing loss

Noise Induced Cochlear damage

cochlear disorder

most common cause of sensorineural hearing loss

Damage to outer hair cells in the cochlea

Audiogram of NICD


Cochlear disfunction

age related hearing loss

most common adult acquired hearing loss

what type of hearing loss is associated with presbycusis

bilateral sloping high frequency sensorinueral hearing loss 
loss of OHC function then IHC function
no treatment other than a hearing aid 

bilateral sloping high frequency sensorinueral hearing loss

loss of OHC function then IHC function

no treatment other than a hearing aid

what type of tympanogram would show for presbycusis

type a normal

Endolymohatic Hydrops

Cochlear Disfunction

excess of endolymph in scala media of the cochlea and vestibular labyrinth

severe episodic vertigo

fluctuating low frequency sensorinueral hearing loss

aural fullness

low pitched roaring tinnitus

usually unilateral

audilogic findings of meniere's dosease


hearing loss from toxic drugs

hearing loss may be temporary,some permanent, some progressive

high frequency SNHL

usually bilateral

ay use high frequency headphones

often accompanied w tinnitus

Types of disorders

outer ear

middle ear



central auditory

Vestibular Scwannoma

Neural disorder

aka an acoustic neuroma

benign tumor of 8th nerve

audiologic findings of vestibular scwannoma

usually unilateral

affects high freq first

poor word rec ability

unilaterral high pitched tinnitus

may have balance problems

audilogic findings of vestibular scwannoma


Central Auditory Processing Disorders CAPD

Neural dis

problem originates in CNS auditory pahways

usually dont affect peripheral hearing

normal pure tone audiogram

nromal speech scores in quiet environments

problems with more complicated tasks

competing messages in two ears

filtered speech

time compressed speech

trouble with localization

easily distracted

reading probs

Corpus Callosum

Neural dis

large connective tract between hemispheres

important for discrimination of patterns in pitch

important for dichotic listening

Balance system consists of

visual system- oculomotor nuclei &eye muscles

vestibular system-Otoliths,SCC,Vest.nerve,Vest nuclei

proprioceptive system-spinal cord,muscles,joints

& Brain-cerebellum &cerebral cortex

3 main functions of balance system

maintain balance

provide accurate perceptions of body in space

accurate direction and speed of movement

control eye movements to maintain clear visual image

Vestibular system includes

3 semicircular canals

sense angular and rotational motion through endolymph flow

2 otolith organs-sense linear acceleration and gravity changes

vestibulo-ocular Reflex

stabalizes the eyes during everyday activities such as walking/running by moving eye in equal and opposite direction to the ongoing head motion

vestibulo-collic reflex

stabalizes head in space through neck muscles

originates in saccule

involves projecting VN to motor neurons that control neck muscles including the sternocleidomastoid muscle

vestibulospinal reflexes

stabalize head and eyes and stance excited by standing and moving

includes lateral vestibulospinal tract



Vestibular system responsive to sound

system is responsive to high level acoustic stimuli

response of otolith is a reflexive movement likely due to movement of endolymph

flow stimulating the vestibular system

assessment of vestibular system

includes administration and interpretation of behavrial and electrophysiological tests of equilibrium

what would a patient present with if they need a vestibular eval.?

complicated med. history

comp. description of symptoms


non-volitional rhythmic oscillation of one or both eyes can be recorded measured and quantifies-rapid eye movement

videonystagmography (VNG)

8 indiv. tests that fall into 2 sub groups

goal is to determine the site of lesion

measured w video goggles

Central testing VNG

oculomotor testing

Peripheral testing VNG



caloric testing (VNG Component)

tests VOR

used to stimulate indiv. horiz. SCCs using warm and cool air or water as a stimulus

stimulates vestibular system to verify function can determine if unilateral weakness is present


cervical vemp

tests integrety of the saccule and or posterior vestibular nerve

Ocular VEMP

tests integrity of utricle and or surperior nerve-uses wires and pods and transmits waves across screen

Video Head Impulse Test(vHIT)

new important development in vestibular testing. A test that expands testing of VOR

measured via high speed vid. camera attached to goggles

principles RALP/LAT/LARP

measuring any compensatory eye movements that may occur when ther is a weakness

you move clinets head in jerky movements

Rotational chair testing

best measure of VOR

measures across frequency range 0.04-1.2 Hz slow to fast head movements

measured by vid. goggles

precise head and body movements

computerized Dynamic Posturagraphy

functional test of diff. systems that contribute to balance




Advantage:can isolate which of the three systems are affected


hearing loss caused by exposure to very loud impulsive type sounds or from long term consistant exposure to high level industrial noise

NIHL affects...

hair cells in cochlea, causes them to become disorganized damaged or missing

Can we fix NIHL

no bih

Damage risk criteria

standards that set the acceptable limits for noise exposure with a 24 hour period in industry


NIOSH-most conservative-maximum allowable exposure of 85dB for 8 hours/ 3 db increases cuts time in half


OSHA-90dB for 8 hours (5dbincrease cuts time in half)

Common audiologic characteristics of Noise exposure

sensorineural hearing loss



bilateral with notch in 4000Hz range

can vary in degree and will progress as increased exposure and presbycusis overlay

can be permanent or temporary



NIHL bc notch at 4000Hz

is there a cure for tinnitus

no but there are treatments

treatments for Tinnitus

sound therapy

tinnitus maskers with or without hearing aids

stress management techs

dietary changes
