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475 Cards in this Set

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What is Dioctophyma Renale?

the Giant Kidney Worm.

Define Lymphopenia.

A decrease in lymphocytes.

Define Eosinopenia.

A decrease in eosinophils.

Define Glucosuria.

The presence of glucose in the urine.

Define Left Shift.

When there is a higher number band neutrophils

What are the 3 examples of granulocytes?

and Eosinophils.

What are Granulocytes?

A white blood cell with secretory granules in its cytoplasm.

What are Agranulocytes?

White blood cells with a one-lobed nucleus.

What are the 2 types of Agranulocytes?



Of the granulocytes, which is the most common?


Which is the most common agranulocyte ?


What is the scientific name of Coccidia?


What is this a picture of?

What is this a picture of?


What is Dipetalonema reconditum a parasite which in its immature form can be confused with ?

Dirofilaria immitis (heartworm).

What are the three RBC indices?




What does MCV stand for?

Mean Corpuscular Volume

What does MCV measure?

The size of RBCs

What is the formula for MCV?

PCV x 10 / RBC

What is the unit of measurement for MCV?


What is the normal range for MCV?


What does MCH stand for?

Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin

What does MCH measure?

The weight of the hemoglobin

What is the formula for MCH?

Hgb x 10 / RBC

What is the unit of measurement for MCH?


What is a normal MCH?


What does MCHC stand for?

Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin Concentration.

What does MCHC measure?

The concentration of hemoglobin

What is the formula for MCHC?

Hgb x 10 / PCV

What is the unit of measurement for MCHC?


What is a normal range for MCHC?

30-36 g/dl.

What is Paragonimus kellicotti?

Lung fluke

What genus is Paragonimus kellicotti?


What is Dipylidium caninum?


What is this a picture of?

What is this a picture of?

A tapeworm egg.

What is a T Lymphocyte?

white blood cell which plays a central role in cell-mediated immunity.

What is a B lymphocyte?

A type of white blood cell which secretes antibodies.

What is hemobartonella?

A blood parasite

What is this?  It's found in urine.

What is this? It's found in urine.

Capillaria plica

What is a normal BUN?


What does BUN stand for?

Blood Urea Nitrogen

What are 3 causes of icterus?

1) Liver Problems

2) Hemolysis

3) Cholestasis (blockage of the bile duct)

What is Dirofilaria immitis?


What are the 3 portions of a urinalysis?

1) Gross

2) Physical

3) Chemical

What is the arrow pointing to?

What is the arrow pointing to?


List the 5 types of WBCs.

1) Neutrophil

2) Lymphocyte

3) Monocyte

4) Eosinophil

5) Basophil

List the 2 types of lymphocytes.

1) B Lymphocytes

2) T Lymphocytes

What is the function of B Lymphocytes?

Involved with antibody production.

What is the function of T Lymphocytes?

Involved with cell mediated immunity.

What is the significance of monocytes?

They are associated with chronic inflammation.

What are 4 possible causes of a stress leukogram?

1) Muscular Activity

2) Increased Heart Rate

3) Increased Blood Pressure

4) Steroids

Define neutropenia.

Decrease in Neutrophils.

True or False: Eosinophilic cytoplasmic granules vary in shape, size, and number.


True or False: Canine eosinophils vary in size, are round to oval, and have cytoplasmic vacuoles.


What shape are the eosinophilic granules in felines?


True or False: Monocytes become macrophages in tissues.


What are the 3 causes of anemia?

1) Lack of Production

2) Blood Loss

3) Hemolysis

What are the 4 signs of regenerative anemia?

1) Anisocytosis

2) Polychromasia

3) Howell Jolly Bodies

4) Nucleated Red Blood Cells (NRBCs)

What is the significance of ketones in the urine?

Ketones are caused by fat metabolism and may indicate diabetes mellitis

What is Ketonuira usually associated with?

Metabolic Acidosis

How long is a red blood cell's life span in cats?

90 days

How long is a red blood cell's life span in dogs?

100-110 days

What are 2 types of leptocytes?

Bar Cells and Target Cells

What is the arrow pointing to?

What is the arrow pointing to?

A Bar Cell.

What are the arrows pointing to?

What are the arrows pointing to?

Target Cells.

Define acanthocyte.

Cells with oblique, thorny, projections.

What is the significance of acanthocytes?

They are frequently seen in hemolytic anemias or with liver disease.

What is the arrow pointing to?

What is the arrow pointing to?


What is the significance of spherocytes?

They are seen in IMHA.

What is the arrow pointing to?

What is the arrow pointing to?

A Spherocyte.

True or False: Heinz Body Cells are commonly seen in cats.


What is the significance of Heinz Body Cells?

Can be caused by ingestion of onions, toxic drugs (acetaminophen).

Define echinocytes.

Red blood cells with multiple, small, evenly distributed projections.

What is the significance of echinocytes?

Can be caused by renal disease or snake bites.

True or False: The most common cause of echinocytes is crenation.


Define Schistocytes.

Fragments of red blood cells.

What is the arrow pointing to?

What is the arrow pointing to?

A Schistocyte.

What is a reticulocyte?

An immature red blood cell that contains clumps of RNA.

True or False: You can see reticulocytes when staining with Diff-Quick.

FALSE, they can only be seen by staining with NMB.

True or False: Reticulocytes are a sign of regeneration.


What is the significance of Reticulocytes?

It is used as a clinical index of Erythropoiesis (the production of red blood cells).

What is the formula for Observed Reticulocytes?

Observed = # counted / 1000 x 100 = _________%

What is the formula for Corrected Reticulocytes?

Observed x Patient PCV / Normal PCV = _______%

What is the formula for Absolute Reticulocytes?

# Counted x RBC Count (written out) = ________uL

Which types of Reticulocytes do you count in the cat?


Of the two types of reticulocytes which on is older, punctate or aggregate?


What is a normal RBC count?

6-7 million.

What is a normal WBC count?

6,000 - 16,000.

How do you find the hemoglobin estimated value?


How do you find the RBC estimated count?


What is a normal PCV for a cat?


What is a normal PCV for a dog?


Define dysuria.

Difficult Urination.

Define Isosthenuria.

Urine with a Specific Gravity of 1.010, which is similar to that of glomerular filtrate.

Define Glomerular Filtrate

The fluid produced from blood by the glomerulus

Define Pyelonephritis

Bacterial infection in the kidney

Define Polyuria

Large amounts of urine

Define Hematuria

Blood in the urine

Define Oliguria

Decreased amounts of urine

Define Anuria

Lack of urine production

Define Cystitis

Inflammation of the Urinary Bladder

Define Hemoglobinuria.

The patient has red cloudy urine, but there are very few RBCs in the sediment

Define Pyuria

White/Cloudy urine with WBC's and Bacteria

What is the scientific name of the hookworm?

Ancylostoma caninum

What is this a picture of?

What is this a picture of?

A hookworm egg.

What is the scientific name for roundworms?

Toxocara canis

What is this a picture of?

What is this a picture of?

A roundworm egg.

What genus is Toxocara Canis?


What is the parasite typically associated with Raccoons?

Baylisascaris procyonis.

What is the scientific name for Whipworms?

Trichuris vulpis

Where do Whipworms live in the body?


What is this a picture of?

What is this a picture of?

Whipworm Eggs

What is the scientific name for tapeworms?

Dipylidium caninum

What genus are tapeworms?


What is this a picture of?

What is this a picture of?

A tapeworm egg.

What is the scientific name for Coccidia?


What is this a picture of?

What is this a picture of?

Coccidia eggs.

What is the scientific name of the stomach worm?

Physaloptera Rara

What is the scientific name for the Giant Kidney Worm?

Dioctophyme renale

What is the scientific name for the bladder worm?

Capillaria Plica

What is the current term for Hemobartonella?

Mycoplasma haemofelis

What does Mycoplasma haemofelis cause?

FIA (Feline Infectious Anemia).

What is Ehrlichia?

A tick born disease.

What is the most common type of flea found on both dogs and cats?

The cat flea (Ctenocephalides felis)

List the 4 stages of a flea lifecycle.

1) Egg

2) Larvae

3) Pupae

4) Adult

What organism causes Lyme Disease?

Burrelia Burgdorfori

What are the 3 types of granulocytes?

1) Neutrophils

2) Basophils

3) Eosinophils

What are the 3 causes of Leukocytosis?

1) Infection

2) Stress

3) Inflammation

What are the 2 causes of Leukopenia?

1) Parvo (dogs)

2) Panleukopenia (cats)

What is the normal range for Creatnine?


What is a regenerative left shift?

When there are more young WBCs in the blood with an increased WBC count with segmented neutrophils

What type of drug can be associated with a lymphopenia?


The scientific name of the mite associated with immune problems is what?


What are the 6 stages of a neutrophil?

1) Myloblast

2) Promyloblast

3) Mylocyte

4) Metamylocyte

5) Band Neutrophil

6) Segmented Neutrophil

What are the 6 stages of an erythrocyte?

1) Rubriblast

2) Prorubricyte

3) Rubricyte

4) Metarubricyte

5) Reticulocyte

6) Erythrocyte

What does FIP stand for?

Feline Infectious Peritonitis

What is FIP?

A viral disease in cats caused by the corona virus

What does FIV stand for?

Feline Immunodeficiency Virus.

What is FIV?

A lentivirus

What does FeLV stand for?

Feline Leukemia Virus

What is FeLV?

A retrovirus

What does IMHA stand for?

Immune Mediated Hemolytic Anemia.

What does AIHA stand for?

Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia.

What does FIA stand for?

Feline Infectious Anemia

What is another name for FIA?


What is serum?

The liquid portion of clotted blood

What is plasma?

The liquid portion of whole blood

What is a normal Thyroid value range?


What is this a picture of    

What is this a picture of


What is this a picture of 

What is this a picture of

Large granular lymphocyte

 What is this a picture of 

What is this a picture of

Reactive lymphocyte

  What is this a picture of 

What is this a picture of

Vacuolated Lymphocyte

What is this a picture of

What is this a picture of


What is this a picture of  

What is this a picture of


 What is this a picture of  

What is this a picture of


 What is this a picture of  

What is this a picture of


 What is this a picture of  

What is this a picture of

Granulocytic lukemia

 What is this a picture of  

What is this a picture of

Monocytic lukemia

 What is this a picture of  

What is this a picture of


Which of the following wbc's tend to have a kidney bean shaped nucleus:
A leukogram that shows a decrease of wbc's along with an increase of bands is termed a:
degenerative left shift
T or F: When performing a differential, the wbc count should always be reported in relative numbers in order to be diagnostically useful.
T or F: Immunocytes are the same cell as a reactive lymphocyte
T or F: It is easy to differentiate T and B lymphocytes based upon theirmorphology
Which of the following is the most immature recognizable cell in the erythroid series?
Which cell in the WBC line is one stage less mature then the band neutrophil?
Abone marrow aspiration on a cat may be obtained from the
proximal humerus, femur, and the wing of the ileum
Which cell in the RBC line is the most immature, with a large nucleus and nucleoli still present?
In what species is a bone marrow sample the primary means buy which to judge the animals response to an anemia?
Abone marrow aspiration in small animals can sometimes be performed with whichof the following
Tranquilizer or General anesthetic
What does the term hyperplastic mean?
increased number of cells
T or F: When performing an M:E ratio you would count all mature nucleated cells with the bone marrow.
About how many days does it take a RBC to mature?
When following a bone marrow case, besides actually examining the bone marrow what other lab test might the technician be performing?
T or F: Diagnostic cytology offers significant time savings in thedifferentiation between inflammatory disease and cancer
T or F: It is ok to send cytology samples and formalin fixed samples to areference laboratory in the same box as long as they are wrapped and addressedproperly
T or F: When performing a fine needle aspirate, the best technique is to directthe needle into the mass one time and then remove the needle from the animal
T or F: The term for study of diseased tissues is histopathology
When performing a fine needle aspirate, which of the following pieces of equipment is not advised
25 gauge needle
T or F: When examing cellular detail of a cytology sample, it is wise to use the10X objective
T or F: Cytology seldom will provide a definitive diagnosis when used as the sole diagnostic test as other tests may be needed
T or F: Exudates are an abnormal collection of normal fluid.
T or F: Normal body cavities (pleural, peritoneal and visceral) are lined by mesothelial cells in variable numbers.
Transudates are effusions that are relatively unique because of all of the following characteristics EXCEPT:
T or F: Congestive heart failure may result in an animal developing a transudateor a modified transudate
TRUE or FALSE: Increased turbidity is most commonly associated with increased numbers of cellular elements.
TRUE or FALSE: Transudates are a normal collection of abnormal fluid.
TRUE or FALSE: Inflammation can be classified based upon its duration by the terms acute, subacute (same as chronic-active) or chronic inflammation.
TRUE OR FALSE: Acute neutrophilic inflammation is less than 70% Neutrophils, normalneutrophils
TRUE OR FALSE: Complete characterization of an effusion requires evaluation of various features such as the cellular content and specific gravity.
Chronic inflammation is characterized by:
greater than 50% macrophages
TRUE OR FALSE: Collection of exfoliative cytology samples always requires at least local anesthesia of the site.
TRUE OR FALSE:In general, skin biopsies are not performed as often as they should bein veterinary medicine
List 3 unusual complications from a biopsy sample collection might include

minor hemorrhage


and dissemination of neoplastic cells

List 4 agents can cause inflammatory lesions in the skin?



foreign bodies

and parasites

The most common skin biopsy punches areapproximately
4-6 mm
Taking a section of the liver would be:
incisional biopsy
T or F: The removal of a portion of the lesion is known as excisional biopsy
True or False: The removal of a portion of the lesion is known as excisional biopsy
Which of the following techniques minimizes pharyngeal contamination of the sample obtained?
True or False: In general, skin biopsies are not performed as often as they should be in veterinary medicine.
Which of the following organs can be easily aspirated?
What are two examples of discrete cells:
histiocytoma and transmissible venereal tumors
When sending biopsy samples in to the lab, all of the following arealways necessary
name of patientbreed of patient age of patient location of lesion
True or False: Nuclear criteria of malignancy are more reliable than cytoplasmic criteria for estimating malignant potential.
Tumors can be classified into what 3 categories?


mesenchymal (spindle-cell)

discrete round cell tumors

Variable size and shape in cells of the same type is termed:
True or False: A Mast Cell Tumor is an example of around or discreet cell tumor?
True or False: Biopsy and aspiration are inter-changeable terms.
The study of cells is known as
A vaginal smear during this time would appear"clearer" showing a predominance of cornified cells, with no WBCs and decreasing RBC's
The first heat cycle experienced by the femaledog can occur anywhere from 6-24 months of age depending on the breed
Ovulation usually occurs during the end of:
Female cats are seasonally polyestrus
The mean duration of estrus in a cat is
8 days
True or False: Progesterone is the predominant hormone during proestrus.
Vaginal epithelial cells can be classified into which of the following type:

basal cells

paranasal cells

intermediateintermeidate cells

superficial cells

The stage of the estrus cycle that is markedwith predominantly red blood cells is
Estrogen is the predominant hormone during metestrus
Through cytological examination of the vaginal smear, optimum breeding times can be managed.
Which are included in the components of the immune system?




The ELISA test for FeLV tests for exposure to the disease.
Lymphocyte counts are a very crude estimate in evaluating a cell mediated response of the immune system.
There is not presently a good test for FIP.
Renal failure may depress red blood cell formation.
Hemolytic anemia is the type of anemia that shows the most regenerative response.
TRUE OR FALSE: The Monocyte is the body's first line of defense in infection.
TRUE OR FALSE: Lymphocytes are the primary cellular components of the antibody producing system.
True or False: When using serological test kits, it is important that the directions be followed carefully.
Which of the following is an example of a coronavirus?
True or False: Animals in the recovery phase of an infectious disease is resistant to reinfection.
The maternal immunity in young kittens does interfere with FeLV diagnostic tests.
True or False: There is presntly no good test for FIP in cats
FeLV is considered to be a CORE vaccine for cats.
Neoplastic cells in the blood or bone marrow are significant in diagnosing
A group of bone marrow disorders, usually neoplastic, characterized by proliferation of the bone marrow cell lines
Myeloproliferative disorders
__________ are 0.5 to 2.0 µm angular blue grey particles, usually at the periphery of the cell.They represent aggregations of rough endoplasmic reticulum.
Doehle bodies
Name the RBC Maturation





polychromatophillic rubricyte

mature erythrocyte

Name 3 specific cell type tumors
(squamous cell, fibroblast, lymphoblast)
variation in cellmorphology within thesame population
Variation in size and shape of cells
Name 3 Routes of Metastasis




malignant tumors involving epithelial origin
malignant tumors involving connective tissue origin
Chemo for Transmissable Venereal Tumors
Treatment of Lymphosarcoma -
steroids, cyclophosphamide, vincristine
Treatment for mast cell tumors
3 Main Categories of tumors

Round (Discrete) Cell Tumors

Epithelial Tumors

Mesenchymal (Connective

Name the 4 Epithelial Tumors

Squamous Cell

Basal Cell



Name all 6 Spindle Cell Tumors (mesenchymal/connective)







Name the sites for bone marrow collection

Dorsal iliac crest (wing of the ilium)

Trochanteric fossa of proximal femur

Proximal humerus


RBC Mature in approximately ____ days and then circulate for _______ days depending on the species.



Granulocytes take approximately _____ days to mature and then only have a half life of @ ___ hours, before they Sequester into the tissues



____ Lymphocytes are associated with the Thymus and are involved with cellular immunity.
____ Lymphocytes are associated with the Bursa of Fabricious and are involved with humoral immunity, specifically the production of immunoglobulins.
Megakaryocyte maturation takes hours and then the platelets circulate ______ days.
Term that means no bone marrow development
Term that means ineffective (common cats) - an alteration in size, shape and organization in adult cells, this indicates ineffective bone marrow development
Term that means Abnormal development of cells, any new, abnormal growth, one where cell multiplication is uncontrolled.
________ cells have > 75% cellularity, abnormal increase of a tissue or organ caused by formation of normal new cells. Indicates greater then 75% cellularity in the bone marrow
_________ cells have < 25% cellularityaplastic- Having no tendency to develop into new tissue, no bone marrow development, incomplete or underdevlopment of a organ or tissue. Indicates less then 25% in the bone marrow
____________ conditions- abnormal proliferation of bone marrow constituates.
________ leukemia is a leukemia associated with hyperplasia and over development of lympoid tissue.
___________ disease- transfer of cells/ disease/ cancer from one organ to another.
Metastatic neoplastic
____________- abnormal increase of erythroid cells.
Erythroid hyperplasia
_______________ : The study of diseased tissue
____________ : The study of diseased cells
Divide malignant tumors into three categories


Connective Tissue

Round Cell

__________________ They entire lesion is removed. Usually sent off for analysis, this is up to the owner.
____________ Cut into the lesion and remove a portion of the lesion.usually done when the lesion is large and removal may compromise.
____________ Cytology includes Skin Scrapings, Impression Smears. KOH Preps, Vaginal Cytology, and Body Fluids
______________ - an abnormal collection of normal fluid. Have low total cell counts(> 500/ul) Watery fluid
___________- an abnormal collection of abnormalfluidnHave high total cell counts(<500/ul) usualy Thick fluid
__________ Greater than 70% nutrophils
______ ________ 50-70% are nutrophils and 30-50% are macrophages, a few eosinophils may be present.
Chronic Active
________ Greater than 50% of the cells are macrophages
___________ term used when giant or epitheliod cells are present
__________ are foreign substances, usually proteins,that can be viral, bacterial, or fungal.
____________ are responsible for the recognition and elimination or antigens. (Ab) In-responsive to antigens.
__________ cells - include macrophages, neutrophils
__________________ is the separation of plasma proteins by molecular weight in an electric field.
What are the three methods of biopsy that are used for bone marrow collection?



incisional biopsy

___________ will frequently have a specific gravity less than 1.017
_______have specific gravity more than 1.017
Transudates are frequently:
___________ are frequently cloudy
____________________ an example of a modified transudate which shares some of the characteristics of both transudates and exudates.
F I P (Feline Infectious Peritonitis) is
The preferred site for obtaining a CSF tap in a dog is the __________________
cerebellomedullary cistern
When performing a transtracheal wash, one should direct the catheter needle through the _______________________
cricothyroid membrane.
How much fluid should normally be collected when performing a spinal tap?
____________- is an increase in the size of an organ caused by an increase in the size of the cells rather than the number of cells.
____________- an increase in the number of cells of a body part.
Purulent or suppurative inflammatory responses are characterized by _____ neutrophils.
> 85%
The most common tumors in the cat are associated with which system?
hemolymphatic system
What is a commonly used drug that can be used in cancer therapy?
____________ and __________ are examples of chemotherapeutic drugs that are used in veterinary medicine to treat cancer.



Myelosuppressive drugs should not be used if the WBC count drops below ______ cells/mm3.
Toxicities to chemotherapy are seen most commonly in rapidly dividing tissues, such as ______, _________, and ________

bone marrow

hair follicles

and intestines.

_________ tumors are commonly referred to as sarcoma tumorsc
Spindle cell
__________ may last 4 to 13 days, with an average of 9 days.
____________ usually lasts 4 to 13 days, with an average of 9 days. No neutrophils will be present.
_______________ may last 2-3 months. Erythrocytes are generally absent.
How often should a bitch be bred during estrus?
Every fourth day throughout the period
Which 3 neoplastic cells may be seen on a vaginal cytology?

Transitional-cell carcinoma

squamous-cell carcinoma

vaginal lymphosarcomas

What are some disorders which may result from the malfunctioning of the immune system?
allergies, immunodeficiency, neoplasia, or autoimmune diseases
What are the two immune systems at work in vertebrate species?
innate immune system and adaptive immune system
What are the 2 components of the adaptive immune system?
humoral immune system and cell-mediated immune system
__________ is abnormalities in serum immunoglobulins characterized by increased levels
In AIHA affected cats, what are the common underlying systemic diseases seen?
FeLV, myeloproliferative disease, Hemobartonella felis
What does the Coombs Test detect the presence of, and what disease does it confirm diagnosis?


List the 3 types of enzyme immuno assays.

sandwich assay -for antigens

indirect assay-- for antibodies

competitive assay -for drugs and hormones

__________ is a common skin disease of cats caused by fungal infections with Microsporum canis, M. gypseum or Trichophyton mentagrophytes.
The five primary classes of immunoglobulins are ________________________ These are distinguished by the type of heavy chain found in the molecule.
IgG, IgM, IgA, IgD and IgE.
____________ tests are used to demonstrate the presence of antibodies against a specific antigen in serum.
Indirect fluorescent-antibody
What enzyme is responsible for breaking down starches?
Which of the following is a test of the liver that is not anenzyme?
Bile Acids
What is a normal blood glucose?
100 mg/dl
The term for too much sodium is
What enzyme is responsible for breaking down protein?
What is the old term for ALT?
What enzyme is responsible for breaking down fats?
When the pH of the blood drops below the normal 7.3 range,then the animal is thought to be in
Increases of what electrolyte may be associated withkidney disease?
Carbonic acid breaks down to which of the following?
H, H20, HC03, & CO2
An increase of what electrolyte is associated with renaldisease?
Blood gasses are measured using what type of vacutainer?
Increases of what electrolyte may be associated withmetastatic or neoplastic disease?
What hormone decreases blood sugar?
Calcium concentrations generally are inversely related toinorganic phosphorus.
Serology is the branch of science primarily involved with
antibodies or antigens
Renal threshold of glucose is approximately
175 mg/dl
The adrenal gland causes the production of
Which of the following tests are used in the diagnosis of hyperadrenocorticism
Dexamethasone suppression and ACTH stimulation test
Which of the following tests is for the liver
The opposite of Cushing's Disease is
Hypothyroidism is NOT associated with pu/pd
TSH is produced in the
pituitary gland
In reference to specimen collection the Vagina is NOT considered a closed body area
When obtaining a sample for evaluation, your biggest concern is
Avoiding contamination from other tissues, secretions, or foreign substances
Which stain is most useful when differentiating the bacterial species present on a sample smear
Gram stain
It is ok to leave anaerobic samples out overnight, as long as you package and transport them to a laboratory facility first thing in the morning
To reduce the incidence of nosocomial infections, veterinary hospitals should only use disinfectants that:
Are registered by the E.P.A.
Nosocomial infections are most often seen in
Large, referral practices or teaching institutions
Osha stands for Occupational Safety and Hazard Administration
Gram positive cocci will appear what color on a well gram stained slide
In the gram stain procedure, the safarin counterstain is
The last solution used in the procedure, before rinsing.
On stained smears, bacteria are best identified on:
100x oil Immersion objective.

Which of the following groups most frequently requires routine anti microbial testing?

Gram-negative bacteria

The MIC in susceptibility testing is defined as

The lowest concentration of antimicrobial that macroscopically inhibigts growth of the organism

Antimicrobial susceptibility testing is performed because

Some microorganisms are resistant to a given antibiotic

If Anthrax is suspected you should

Refrain from opening body cavities. Draw blood for diagnosis, preferably from an ear vein

How many mls of blood should be obtained for a blood culture

5-10 ml's

True or False: Pseudomonas is a gram-positive bacterial pathogen

FALSE it is a gram-negative

Cat scratch fever is caused by the following bacterial organism


True or False: Always use a pure culture of bacteria for inoculation for antimicrobial susceptibility testing using agar diffusion test


Within the Bacterial Growth Curve, which phase includes as many bacteria multiplying as there are dying?

stationary phase

There are three ways in which bacteria can modify their genetic make-up through sexual methods. This is known as what?


Name 3 examples of a mechanism for host resistance.

Mucous membranes


Lymph tissue

You should allow inoculated primary-isolation media to incubate for how long before issuing a "no growth" final report

72 hours

A Catalase test differentiates what from what.

staph + and strep –

In this type of hemolysis you will see, partial clearing and greening of the agar around the colonies.

Alpha hemolysis

The four quadrant streaking method of solid-media inoculation of plates is specifically designed to

dilute the specimen (in a way that isolated colonies develop, each representing a single bacterial organism)

Lack of color or a color change surrounding colonies on the normal red blood- agar plates is caused by:


Disease caused by dermatophytes is also known as:


Systemic Mycoses are important to us because:

they can be zoonotic

The following is a systemic mycosis commonly found in cats and presents kennel cough like symptoms in dogs.


Name 3 types of yeast



Cryptococcus neoformans

The following is a pathogen that usually involves the mucous membranes or wet areas of the body.

Candida albicans

Name an example of a coronavirus?


Animals in the recovery phase of an infectious disease is resistent to reinfection


The mean age of puberty is
10-12 months
Name the four stages of the estrous cycle



Metestrus (diestrus)


What stage of the estrus cycle is this photo
What stage of the estrus cycle is this photo


Note the parabasal cells, intermediate cells, and superficial cells. Many erythrocytes but only small amount of neutrophils

What stage of the estrus cycle is this photo
What stage of the estrus cycle is this photo
The average length of estrus is _____ days
9 days
What stage of the estrus cycle is this photo
What stage of the estrus cycle is this photo
ESTRUS notate the cornified superficial cells
What stage of the estrus cycle is this photo
What stage of the estrus cycle is this photo
Metestrus: note the decline in cornified cells, reappearance of intermediate, and parabasal cells
What stage of the estrus cycle is this photo
What stage of the estrus cycle is this photo
Anestrus: Superficial cells are absent or in small numbers neutrophils may be present or absent
Epithelial Tumors include these 4 classifications

Squamous Cell

Basal Cell



What are the 3 main categories of tumors

Round (discrete) cell tumors

Epithelial Tumors

Mesenchymal (Connective)

Spindle cell tumors aka mesenchymal/connective tumors include







Round cell tumors aka Discreet tumors include

Mast Cell


Transmissible venereal tumors

Histiocytoma (can be confused with TVT)

______ biopsy is the removal of the entire lesion
______ biopsy is the removal of a portion of the lesion
_____ is the most abundant of the immunoglobulins it plays a major role in humoral immunity
This immunoglobulin prevents the attachment of pathogens to the mucosal surfaces. This includes the intestinal, respiratory and urogenital tracts.
This immunoglobulin has the largest antibody, the first to respond to an antigen
This immunoglobulin is found in allergic and parasitized patients
Name two autoimmune diseases



______ is considered a Immunoproliferative disease
Anaerobic bacteria needs to be protected from __________ and must be obtained with a sterile syringe with a small needle
_______ are obligate intercellular parasites and they cannot live or function outside a living cell
_________ response includes phagocytic response, fever, increased blood flow, pain, swelling
Protein substances released from intact or lysed bacteria that cause antigenic reactions
Weaker, less antigenic, released from intact or lysed gram negative bacteria
_________ is a extracellular enzyme produced by staphylococcus aureus, clots fibrin and protects bacterium
__________ is an extracellular enzyme produced by many different bacteria, breaks down tissues to aid in spread of infections
__________ is an extracellular enzyme produced by Clostridia, breaks down tissue collagen to spread infection
_________ __________ is the common cause of mastitis in cattle and other superficial infections in cattle, sheep, goats, birds, rabbits, turkeys and humans
Staph. Aureus
Common organisms seen in the horse that occur singly, in pairs or in short chains.
_________ ___________ is the most pathogenic bacteria for both animals and humans.
Bacillus anthracis
Anaerobic gram positive rods include _____ which has many pathogenic species
Coliforms are gram negative rods which live in the intestinal tracts of animals and humans name the 3 most common species

E. Coli



_______ stain as short, fat, gram negative rods and cannot be told apart by gram stain only biochemical testing
A common inhabitant in dogs and cats mouths and is the most commonly isolated bacteria from infected dog and cat bites
______ are gram negative rods and have a predilection for the reticuloendothelial system and the reproductive tract.
______ species of bacteria frequently isolated from the urinary tract
__________ is a species of bacteria found in wounds and ears producing a yellow-green discharge with a distinctive odor.
Rocky mountain spotted fever is caused by this disease transmitted by ticks
Medical term for Cat Scratch fever
Tiny bacteria with no cell walls hard to stain and see microscopically
Smallest and simplest microbes that cannot reproduce or maintain their functions outside of living cells
______ is a route of transmission of an infection by respiratory route or ingestion of contaminated food or liquids.
_______ test is a secondary test that differentiates Staph (+) from Strep (-)
______ test indicates a positive reaction on by causing a purple color to appear on a cotton swab.
Name three types of hemolysis on agar

Alpha hemolysis

Beta hemolysis

Gamma hemolysis

_______ hemolysis cause partial clearing and greening of the agar around the colonies
_______ hemolysis causes no hemolysis, no clearing or alteration in the color of blood agar surrounding the colonies
______ hemolysis causes a complete clearing around the colonies meaning the red blood cells in the blood agar have been completely dissolved.
______ is the lowest concentration of a specific antibiotic that will inhibit the growth of a specific bacteria.
Minimum inhibitory concentration
A selective media that was developed to attract growth for gram negative rods, these include ______ and _____ agars.
MacConkey or EBM agar

______ agar only allows Gram positive organisms to grow.

Columbia agar
This agar is used for microbiological growth for antibiotic susceptibility testing.
Mueller-Hinton agar
_____ the irreversible condensation of chromatin in the nucleus of a cell undergoing necrosis or apoptosis.
M:E ratio is considered normal at ___
M:E ratio is considered decreased when the wbcs are less than
M:E ratio is considered when the wbc is increased when greater than
_____ take 5-7 days to mature. Live an average of 12 hours. Sequester in the tissues and attracted to sites of inflammation.
____ take 4-5 days to mature and are in duration for 100-120 days.
________ live up to 6-10 days and give rise to platelets
This type of aspiration includes sites from the dorsal iliac crest, trochanteric fossa, proximal humerus and the rib.
Bone biopsy aspiration
Name the WBC maturation series





Band cell

Segmented neutrophil

___________ is what we use to measure the white cell (myeloid) precursors as compared to the red cell (erythroid) precursors
M : E Ratio
_______ - means no bone marrow development

_______ means ineffective (common cats) - an alteration in size, shape and organization in adult cells, this indicates ineffective bone marrow development

_______ means Abnormal development of cells, any new, abnormal growth, one where cell multiplication is uncontrolled.
_________ means > 75% cellularity, abnormal increase of a tissue or organ caused by formation of normal new cells. Indicates greater then 75% cellularity in the bone marrow
_________ means < 25% cellularityaplastic- Having no tendency to develop into new tissue, no bone marrow development, incomplete or underdevlopment of a organ or tissue. Indicates less then 25% in the bone marrow
What are the two sites of choice for collection in both the dog and cat?
iliac crest and trochanteric fossa
Generally we think of _______ _________ as being characterized with 70% or greater neutrophils.
acute inflammation
Causes of __________ include ruptured pyometra, peritonitis and penetrating bite wound into the abdomen or thoracic cavities.
Causes of _________ include congestive heart failure, protein losing nephropathy and hepatic insufficiency.
The preferred site for obtaining a CSF tap in a dog is the
Cerebellomedullary cistern
How long should animals be observed following a spinal tap for signs of infection?
5-7 days
he most common tumors in the cat are associated with which system?
hemolymphatic system
Malignant tumors involving epithelial cells are called __________
malignant tumors that involve connective tumors are known as
What are the three primary pancreatic enzymes?
Trypsin, Amylase, and Lipase
What are the most commonly assayed plasma proteins?
Total protein, albumin, globulins, and fibrinogen.
What is hyperadrenocorticism treated with?
TSH comes from where?
Pituitary gland
The normal blood sugar of a dog is
80-120 mg/dl
__________ are catalase- positive cocci that occur in grapelike clusters.
Staphylococcus spp
__________ are catalase-negative cocci that occur singly, in pairs, or in short chains.
Streptococcus spp.
How long should you let your culture media incubate before a final “no growth” report is issued? ( for most bacterial species)
72 hours
Which systemic mycoses is most frequently associated with pigeon droppings?
Cryptococcus neoformans

The study of diseased cells is called


______________________ is an example of a modified transudate which shares some of the characteristics of both transudates and exudates.

F I P (Feline Infectious Peritonitis)

What two internal organs can be aspirated for evaluation

Liver and Kidneys

_____________ increase in the size of the organ caused by an increase size in cells


___________ increase of the number of cells in a body part


Chronic inflammatory are characterized by greater than _____ macrophages


Purulent or suppurative inflammatory response are characterized by greater than _____ neutrophils


_______ and ______ are examples of chemotherapeutic drugs that are used in veterinary medicine to treat cancer.



Myelosuppressive drugs should not be used if the WBC count drops below _______ cells/mm3.


Toxicities to chemotherapy are seen most commonly in rapidly dividing tissues, such as ______, ________, and _________ .

bone marrow

hair follicles

and intestines

Malignant tumors involving epithelial cells are called ________________


Whereas malignant tumors that involve connective tumors are known as


Examples of connective tissue include __________, ___________, and ___________.




T or F: During Anestrus a cytology will show predominately noncornified squamous epithelial cells, and some neutrophils. No erythrocytes will be seen.


T or F: During Proestrus a cytology will show cornified squamous epithelial cells. Not many neutrophils will be seen, as they are replaced with erythrocytes.


T or F: During Estrus a cytology will reveal cornified epithelial cells and erythrocytes. No neutrophils will be present.


Give two examples of dermatophytes.

Microsporum and Trichophyton

Which agar is the most commonly used medium for fungal cultures?

Sabourand dextrose agar

DTM cultures should be observed for growth and color for how long before reporting a “negative” result.

aprox. 15 days.