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54 Cards in this Set

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Which planet is third from the Sun?


In Order its Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto.

My way of remembering (M)y, (V)agina, (E)ats, (M)any, (J)ellies, (S)ucks, (U)p, (N)ew, (P)lates.

wierd but memorable.
Throughout Pluto's controversy, it still remains in many of the ASVAB study guides I've read.
What is the classification system in order?
Kingdon, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genuis, Species.

My way of remembering (K)ing, (P)hilly, (C)ries, (O)ver, (F)rogs, (G)as and (S)ex.
Important Note: Genius and Species make up an organisms scientific name

i.e. Homo Sapien
At What degree is Earth tilted on its axis?
23 1/2 degrees.
The Earth completes a 360 degree rotation in 24hrs.
Earth completes a full rotation around the Sun in _____ days?
365 1/4 days.
The 1/4 days is why we have a leap year.
How long does it take the moon to rotate around Earth?
27 1/3 days.
What is the vernal equinox?
The First Day of Spring.

The first day of Autumn is the Autumnal Equinox.
Where does the earth move during a lunar eclipse?
Between the sun and the moon.

The earth's shadow blocks our view partically from the moon.
Where is the moon during a solar eclipse?
Between the sun and earth causing the sun to be partically or fully blocked.
What's the difference between Comets and Meteors?
Comets are mostly made of gaseous bodies.

Meteor's are extraterrestrial matter. (meteor's are what we commonly call 'Shooting Stars')
How does the sun affect temperature?
Through the angle of it's rays reaching the respective area of earth.
Air is made up of what percentage of oxygen? nitrogen? and carbon dioxide?
Oxygen: 21 %

Nitrogen: 78% (the greatest)

.03 Carbon Dioxide (the least)
Using Carbon-dating how old is the earth suspected to be?
4.5 billion years old

the oldest living thing is suspected to be around 3.5 billion years old.
What is the top layer of the earth's surface?
The Crust.

The Mantle is next, followed by the Core.
Important note: The Crust is the largest part of the earth.
Aproximately how hot do scientist think the Earth's core is?
15,000,000 degrees C.
Where is the most significant asteriod belt in our solar system?
Between Mars and Jupiter.

I remember this by thinking, (M)y (J)elly is Astronomical.
How can you characterize Stratus Clouds?
Broad Flat & Low hanging

I remember this by: Her flat sagging butt is outta this stratus-phere
How can you characterize Cumulus Clouds?
Flat Bottom, Round top.

I think of muffin tops.
How can you characterize Cirrus Clouds?
High, Thin, Feathery

Is she seriously wearing those Cirrus Shoes? (think of Stiletto with indian feathers)
If a north and north pole was put together how would it react? And a North a South?
North and North (like positive and positive) would push away from each other.

North and South would attract.
How fast do light waves move?
186,000 mps (remember second not minutes)
Sound waves better through less dense or more dense environments?
More dense.
If we wanted to collect energy from the sun would we use a light or dark surface? Smooth or rough?
A Dark, Rough object would be best for absorbing the sun's rays.

A light smooth surface is the best for reflecting or reflaction of light.
What Are the colors of the rainbow?
Roy G Biv

(R)ed, (O)range, (Y)ellow, (G)reen, (B)lue, (I)ndigo, (V)iolet.

Remember if all the colors are being reflected it will look white.
What are tides affected by?
The gravity of the moon, which causes a buldge in large bodies of water.

Remember the sun is also a factor especially in spring.
How is Igneous, Sedimentary and Metamorphic Rocks formed?
Igneous: Cooling Lava (Granite, pumice)

Sedimentary: Compacted High pressure (Sandstone, Shale, limestone and soft coal)

Metamorphic: high heat and pressure. (Slate, Quartz and marble)
What measures wind speed?
Air pressure? and Humidity?
wind speed = aneometer

air pressure = barometer

humidity = hydrometer
What are rocks most changed by?
What rock creates sand?
Through what process does water enter the atmosphere?
How is the Ph scale read?
7 is neutral.
Anything lower is an acid (ie vinegar)
Anything higher is a base (ie ammonia)
What determines a atomic number?
The amount of protons
What is a compound? Mixture?
Compounds are 2 or more different elements (ie H20 and NaCl)

A mixture is different matter near each other but not chemical bound (ie sugar and water)
Why is the smoke from fire an example of suspension?
The large particles from the smoke (ash) disperses.

This is different from colliods (gelation) where particles are large but do not disperse.
What are the properties of solids? liquids? and gas?
Solid: Definite shape and volume (ie copper)

liquids: No definite shape but definite volume (ie mercury)

gas: no shape or volume (ie air)
What is the absolute zero?
-273 degrees C
What makes up a carbohydrate?
Carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen.

These also make up fats.
What are Amino Acids?
Proteins - carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen.
What are the four major oceans?
Pacific, Atlantic, Indian and Arctic.
What is pitchblende? hematite? Bauxite? and Chalcopyrite?
Pitchblende - Uranium

Hematitie - Iron

Bauxite - Aluminum

Chalcopyite - Copper
How do we find the area of an object?
L x W
How do we find the volume?
L x W x H
What is the order of the metric system highest to lowest?
Kilo x1000
hecto x100
deka x10
meter x 1
deci x .1
centi x .01
milli x .001

I remember this by:
(K)ooks (H)ave (D)u(k)es, (M)eters (D)e(c)ide (C)enti-(M)illions
How can you convert C > F?
C = 5/9 (F - 32).

Remember she got an F -.
How can you convert F > C?
F = 9/5 (C + 32)

Remember I got a C +.
How can we convert C > K
add 273.
In chemical reactions the elements entering are called _____.
What is the formula for speed?
S = distance
What is a lever? an inclined plane? A wheel and axle? A pulley?
Lever : see - saw

Inclined Plane: screw or wedge

Wheel and axle: doornob or steering wheel

Pulley: Elevator

A tough question I got wrong:
What has the mechanical advantage force 1: a fixed pulley and rope.
What is convection?
The movement of heat into liquids and gases.
What is radiation?
Electromagnetic waves

(remember sun)
What is Voltage?
Amount of work done.

(measured by voltmeter)
What is Ampere?
Amount of electrons

(measured by Amneter)
What is Ohm?

Volt = Amp x Ohm
What is conduction?
Heat transfer

good heat coductors = metals

bad = wood & plastics also known as insulators.