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30 Cards in this Set

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Which lists the jovian planets in order in increasing distance from the Sun?

a. Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Pluto

b. Saturn, Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune

c. Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune

C. Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune

why does Neptune appear blue and Jupiter red?

a. neptune is hotter which gives bluer thermal emission

b. methane in Neptune's atmosphere absorbs red light

c. Neptune's air molecules scatter blue light, much as Earth's atmosphere does

B. Methane in Neptune's atmosphere absorbs red light

Why is Jupiter denser than Saturn?

a. it has a larger proportion of rock and metal

b. it has a larger proportion of hydrogen

c. its higher mass and gravity compress its interior

C. it's higher mass and gravity compress its interior

some jovian planets give off more energy than they receive because of

a. fusion in their cores

b. tidal heating

c. ongoing contraction or differentiation

C. ongoing contraction or differentiation

the main ingredients of most satellites of the jovian planets are

a. rock and metal

b. hydrogen compound ices

c. hydrogen and helium

B. hydrogen compound ices

why is IO more volcanically active than our moon?

a. Io is much larger

b. Io has a higher concentration of radioactive elements

c. Io has a different internal heat source

C. Io has a different internal heat source

What is unusual about Triton?

a. it orbits its planet backward

b. it does not keep the same face towards it planet

c. it is the only moon with its own rings

A. it orbits it's planet backward

which moon shows evidence of rainfall and erosion by some liquid substance?

a. Europa

b. Titan

c. Ganymeade

B. Titan

Saturn's many moons affect its rings through

a. tidal forces

b. orbital resonances

c. magnetic field interactions

B. orbital resonances

Saturn's rings

a. have looked basically the same since they formed along with Saturn

b. were created long ago when tidal forces tore apart a large moon

c. are continually supplied with new particles by impacts with small moons

C. are continually supplied with new particles by impacts with small moons

Dark/ red bands =

High pressure/low altitude

Light bands =

low pressure/high altitude

Jupiter's 4 main moons

1. Io

2. Europa

3. Ganymeade

4. Callisto

Saturn's main moons




Uranus's main moon


Neptune's main moon



Most volcanically active in the solar system

Hot because of tidal heating

elliptical orbit because of orbital resonance


Covered with water ice

Warm interior melts water and smooths surface

Water Volcanism

Tidal heating


Largest moon in solar system

Icy surface, not smooth though


Less tidal heating


Heavily cratered

Icy surface

Very little tidal heating

Didn't differentiate

Magnetic field


Has atmosphere 90% nitrogen, rest is methane and ethane

Liquid methane and ethane caused erosion

Hydrocarbon geology

No tidal heating


Giant crater, looks like Death Star, called Darth Crater


Water volcanism

warm interior

Second place for life


It got hit, dispersed, then came back together.



Only large moon in retrograde orbit

Probably captured dwarf planet

One of coldest surface because of reflectivity

Use to have internal heat, but not now

Saturn's rings

Millions of icy particles orbiting planet

Within the rings are moons

Shepherd moons

hold a ring in place

Cassini division

largest gap, caused by Mimas (moon) pulling rings

Uranus' rings

Around the equator, but because of tilt, it is vertical

Saw rings because of stellar occultation (trying to observe atmosphere when passed in front of a star)

Neptune's rings

As Triton approaches Roche limit and gets closer to Neptune, it was be damaged and create a lot more rings. Enough to put Saturn to shame.