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92 Cards in this Set

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where can we find meteorties
arid old pieces of earth, no human competition
Antarctica, or desert
where do most metorites come from
astroid belt
carbonaceous chondrites
-4.6 billion years old
-basic building block of solar system
- not differentiated
ordinary chondrite
-most of what hits the earth
-cc that have been heated
-lack volatiles
- parent body big enough to have started heating
-only changed a little, somewhat primitive
basalt, impact breccia, pristine Highlands
-from astroids that were big enough to be geologically active
-from transition zone between iron core and rocky outside,
-very rare, pretty
-easy to find
- don't weather well
- cores of astroids
Widmanstatten patttern
-crystals of iron and nickel, that formed while cooling, cooling must be very very slow
-tells us meteorites are from core of astroids
-size of pattern tells how fast/slow it cooled
shape and size of astroids
most are potato shaped
-for every 1 astroid there are 10 1/3 of its size
-and astroid 500 km+ is spherical in shape
asteroids and geological activity?
- astroids are dead, no geological activity
how are astroids composed
rubble piles, which is why they don't spin as fast as they could
what is the astroid belt/ how is it formed
- a planet that never formed b/c of Jupiter
-know it wasn't formed from destruction of larger object because there are some very primitive astroids
kirkwood gaps
occur because of whole number resonances with Jupiter, hey are empty
- astroids are kicked in or out of astroid belt causing meteorites
-3:2 is a non harmful resonance
igneous astroids
belt closer to the sun
primitive astroids
belt farther from the sun
electromagnetic spectrum:
grey white and black
have straight lines across reflective spectra at different albedo
electromagnetic spectrum:
colored objects
have high albedo at the color they are
remote sensing
can tell us what a rock is made of by looking at the reflectance spectrum of a rock- different minerals absorb and reflect light differently
used to look at rocks similar in color and differentiate them
irregular satellites
-small(astroid size)
-formed by capture
-orbit: prograde and retrograde
high eccentricity
high inclination
far from planet
regular satellites
-large (earths moon size)
-formed by co accretion
-orbit: prograde
low eccentricity (pretty circular)
low inclination (around equator)
close to planet
synchronous rotation(same side toward planet like moon)
-composed of ice and rock
-very small (cm to mm)
-orbit: prograde, very close to planet, low eccentricity, very low inclination
roche limit equation
2.5(radius of planet)
roche limit
the border between where the gravity is repulsive and where it is attractive

If the two smaller masses are far away from the large mass, the attractive force is dominate. If the two masses are close to the larger mass the repulsive force will dominate.
roche limit rings and moons
So what does all of this have to do with rings? Well, the ring systems of the giant planets all lie within the Roche limits of the planets. The rings are remnants of material of the early solar system that never formed into satellites because they were within the Roche limit. When two object came together, they did not accrete into a larger body, but moved apart and stayed smaller objects. A bit of an oversimplification is: inside Roche limit - Rings, outside Roche limit - satellites.
in order to have tidal heating you need
1. A massive central planet (Tidal forces depend on mass)
2. A moon orbiting close to the massive planet (Tidal forces really depend on distance).
3. Another moon in resonance with the inner moon. (You have to force an eccentric orbit in order to keep the distance between the inner moon and the planet changing)
short period comets
100 yrs or less
where do short period comets originate
in kuiper belt
how are short period comets orbits
mostly prograde
orbit in same plane as planets
where do long period comets originate
oort cloud, very far away
how are long period comets orbits
random orbigs
compostition of comets
ice and rock
Ices: H2O, CO2, CO, NH3, CH4
ion tale
dust tale
dust tail
The dust tail consists of dust particles that have been pushed out of the coma by radiation pressure from the sun.
– The dust particles in the tail are individually in orbit about the sun.
ion tail
• The solar wind sweeps past the comet at about 500 km/s, causing the Ion tail to be swept in the anti-solar direction.
• magnetic force is very strong and produces ropes, knots and streamers that distinguish the ion tail from the dust tail.
meteor showers
when a comet hits the earth the particles cause a meteor shower
saturn rings
small, .6 albedo, very bright made of ice
-thickness only 100 m
-lots of gaps b/c of resonance with outside satelies
f ring
outside r-limit, there b/c it is being herded around by 2 little moons
Uranus and Neptune rings
similar to saturn's rings
Jupiter's rings
-aren't because of r-limit
- dark
-made of dust
-made of particles knocked off Jupiter's moons by astroids
denisty 1.86 Albedo .3
-no geological activity
- dominated by small craters
outer soar system craters
hit by comets, smaller, did not go through late heavy bombardment
can't crater count because we have nothing to calibrate it with
evidence of methane lakes,
maybe be and ice ocean below surface causing it to slip
density 3.53 A=.6
-tidal heating
-2:1 resonance with Europa
Io volcanoes
-similar to geysers
-small shield volcanoes, rich in sulfur
-when cooling lava flows like water, when hot it flows slower
-color orange yellow
Density 3.02, Albedo .64
-big things punch through surface
- inside Jupiter's snow line
-global ocean
1.6 density A= .99
-orbits Saturn
-don't know what is heating it, there is local geological activity,
-if tidal heated then mimus must be but mimus is dead
-orbits Neptune, retrograde, high inclination
-triton was captured, its moon took away excess energy
-thin secondary atmosphere which disapears
-active volcanism powered by solar heat
-used to be part of Kuiper belt
kuiper belt
unformed planet because it didnt have time accretion time =10^8(d/au)^3yrs
-hard to see because all objects are small and dark
-at lebrange points of Neptune, kicked around by Neptune
high eccentricity
small mass
small atmosphere (probably volatile elements slowly evaporating)
-dwarf planet
Oort cloud
defines edge of solar system
kicked around by Jupiter
red spot
-storm simalr to cyclone, high pressure system, because Jupiters atmosphere is so far above the ground they storm lasts longer because there is no ground for it to interact with
primary atmosphere color
colorless, and clear- hydrogen
secondary atmosphere on Jupiter
where the color comes from, sulfur
Jupiter's atmosphere
smooshed together from gravity
coriolis effect
uranus and neptune color
methane clouds because it is cooler
Jupiter's core
metallic hydrogen because of gravity, very magnetic
3 things to have magnetic field
-spin fast
- internal heat source
magnetic field and biology
good protects us from solar wind
-particles can get trapped in radiation belt
- particles that ride magnetic field in create aurora
magnetic field of uranus and neptune
made from ionic ocean, so i doesn't coincide with rotation axis's, and these oceans aren't at the core of the planet
how we know the activities of magnetic fields
the direction of grains in rocks
how solar formed
gas and dust collapse and stars are formed with giant disk of dust around them
material in solar system comes from
super nova, previously recycled stars
how long must planets be made in and why
10 million years because after that the sun gets violent and blows all gas and dust away
condensation temp
the temp they go from a gas to a solid, metals and rocks have higher temps
why is Jupiter so big
it was first planet to form outside snow line- the amount of material you have to build a planet decreases as you move away from the sun
how Jupiter was built
1st build terrestrial cores
mass and size of jupiter
gravity overcomes strength of materials in the core of jupiter so that it is the same size as saturn but much more massive after a certain point nuclear fusion starts, but jupiter isnt massive enough,
problems with our solar system formed by accretion
-U and N would take longer than age of solar system to form where they are
planetary migration
planetary interactions, cause planets to move
nice model
maybe U and N formed closer to the sun then interactions w/ J and S kicked them out, J and S have a 2:1 resonance
-explains late heavy bombardment, scattered oort cloud and left over Kuiper belt
-inner solar system planets would have to form in outer solars system and then move in to have water on them
future of earth
as sun gets bigger h20 evaborates and creates a green house effect, becomes venus like
-.5 blyr photo synthesis no longer works
1 blyr eather becomes venus line
circumstellar disk
the disk from which planets are formed
where stars are being formed
Radial Velocity
-only cares about light from central star
-measure shift in spectra of star, away or towards instead of measuring the stars actual movement
Doplar effect
the sift in color of the light of star
bigger variation the more massive the planet
Distance Planet is from central star
Kepler's 3rd law
planets fount by radial velocity
make up most the planets discovered
most have big planets closer to the sun biased because bigger variations with bigger size and lest time to observe the closer to the sun
means planetary migration is probably common
when planets cross in front of central star
transiting planets
you can take a spectra of planet itself and get the chemical make up
is there a signature of life in atmosphere
yes, oxygen, ozone is detectable by planetary spectra, signature of much more advanced state of biological activity
depends on general theroy of relativity-geometrical theory of gravity mass distrots space around it
as mass warps space light follows
-can detect earth sized objects
-once you see it you never see it again
-due to the gravity of a planet of a pasing star must pass in front of background star
lagrange points
-where gravity cancels to 0
trojan places where astroids congregate
parent body of meteor
Carbonaceous chondrite
shape,size, D, K, primitive?
3 made of rock
.4 not differentiated
Prim? yes
Ordinary Chondrite
shape,size, D, K, primitive?
a little bigger than CC
a little less prim than cc (partially dif)
A chondrites
shape,size, D, K, primitive?
no (diff)
Stony Iron
shape,size, D, K, primitive?
closer to SP
5 rock and Iron
shape,size, D, K, primitive?
SP from core
8 Iron
Kuiper Belt
shape,size, D, K, primitive?
2(ice and rock)
Yes prim