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10 Cards in this Set

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Audio Questions

-replay sound as many times as needed

-find subject of question

-focus on question format

-relate clinical experiences to the subject of question

Which two strategies should always be used?

-be aware of the cognitive skill(s) of the question

-read/listen to the question and answers carefully

Ordered Response Questions

-ABCs and Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs should always be considered

-hands are always washed before any contact first

-treatments/procedures are always explained to the client

-signed informed consent is always received before invasive procedures.

Graphic Item Option Questions

-find strategic words

-focus on question format

-relate clinical experiences to the subject of question

-examine each graphic option carefully

What are the six cognitive skills/processes?

1. Generate cues

2. Analyze cues

3. Prioritize hypothesis

4. Generate solutions

5. Take action

6. Evaluate outcome

Figure/Illustration Questions

-focus on the figure, what does it represent

-focus on question format

-find subject of question and strategic words

-figure out if the question is a positive or negative query

Fill in the Blank Questions

-use scrap paper

-be aware of possible conversion changes

-verify answer with a calculator

-read the question to see how the answer is formatted

NGN (Next Generation NCLEX) Questions

-avoid skimming over data

-focus on question format

-review client data presented for each question

-relate clinical experiences to the subject of question

Multiple Choice Questions

-determine the subject of question

-identify strategic words

-figure out if question is a positive or negative query

-if disorder is present, think about the pathology

Chart/Exhibit Questions

-avoid skimming over information

-determine relevant and irrelevant data

-identify relationship between subject of question and data provided

-focus on question format